272 resultados para GaMnAs layer
Results of studies of hydrothermal sulfide-sulfate rocks occurring in the Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea are reported in the paper.
Abyssal mud waves (or fine-grained sediment waves) are often cited as evidence for deep current activity because subbottom profiles show that the wave form has migrated with time. The migration history of a fine-grained sediment wave on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge (ODP Site 1062) has been studied through the analysis of multiple ODP holes spaced across the wave. Additional information about wave migration patterns comes from 3.5-kHz records and watergun seismic profiles. These data suggest that wave migration has varied during the last not, vert, similar ~10 Myr, although the only sediments sampled are younger than 4.8 Ma. Seismic profiles suggest wave migration was initiated about 8-10 Ma, and wave migration was pronounced from about 5 Ma to about 1 Ma (with an episode of wave reorganization about 4.5 Ma). Analysis of ODP cores suggests that migration rates have been somewhat lower and more variable during the last 1 Myr. Intervals of no wave migration are observed for several time intervals and appear to characterize deglaciations, especially during the last 500 kyr. Comparisons between seismic profiles and the core record show that most of the seismic horizons correlate closely with time horizons, and thus that the seismic profiles give a reasonable representation of sediment wave migration. Models suggest that wave migration is more pronounced during periods of higher bottom current flow and less pronounced during periods of lower current flow. Thus the migration record is consistent with generally higher bottom flow speeds at this site prior to 1 Ma and lower bottom flow speeds after 1 Ma. The Mid-Pleistocene Transition from a dominant climatic periodicity of 40 kyr to a dominant climatic periodicity of 100 kyr starts at about this time, suggesting an overall reduction in bottom flow speed at this site coincident with changing climate patterns. These changes in flow speed could be related to changes in the depth of the Western Boundary Undercurrent as well as to changes in the speed of thermohaline circulation.
Geographic information systems allow the extraction and quantitative analysis of information from historical maps. The aims of this research were to examine the completeness of information represented on the 1881 Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) map, to quantitatively reconstruct the landscape of nineteenth century Palestine and to explore whether spatial patterns in land cover/land use can be partially explained statistically by physical and human factors. Using historical aerial photos, we concluded that most of the major past landscape features were indeed shown on the PEF map, with an average overall correspondence of 53%. Forests and Mediterranean maquis were more abundant at distances greater than 2 km from towns and villages. Specific land cover/land-use types were associated with certain soil types, topographic regions and rainfall thresholds. In conclusion, the 1881 PEF map can serve as a reliable reference for understanding the land cover/land-use patterns of nineteenth century Palestine.
Clay minerals were studied in samples from the Eocene red bed layer of DSDP Hole 336. It is shown that composition and distribution of clay minerals have zoning, which is usually typical for the terrestrial crust of chemical weathering of basic rocks.
Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) and Th is studied along the Transatlantic transect at 22°N. It is shown that both REE and Th contents relative to Al (the most lithogenic element) increase toward the pelagic region. The increasing trend becomes more complicated due to variations in content of biogenic calcium carbonate that acts as a diluting component in sediments. REE composition varies symmetrically relative to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) emphasizing weak hydrothermal influence on sediments of the ridge axis, although the well-known criteria for hydrothermal contribution, such as Al/(Al+Mn+Fe) and (Fe+Mn)/Ti, do not reach critical values. Variations in REE content and composition allowed to distinguish the following five sediment zones in the transect: (I) terrigenous sediments of the Nares abyssal plain; (II) pelagic sediments of the North American Basin; (III) carbonate ooze of the MAR axis; (IV) pelagic sediments of the Canary Basin; and (V) terrigenous clay and calcareous mud of the African continental slope and slope base. Ferromanganese nodules of the hydrogenous type with extremely high Ce (up to 1801 ppm) and Th (up to 138 ppm) contents occur in pelagic sediments. It is ascertained that P, REE, and Th contents depend on Fe content in Atlantic sediments. Therefore, one can suggest that only minor amount of phosphorus is bound with bone debris. Low concentration of bone debris phosphorus is a result of relatively high sedimentation rates in the Atlantic Ocean, as compared with those in pelagic regions of the Pacific Ocean.
Bacterioplankton in the photic layer of the Sodruzhestvo Sea area and adjoining waters consists in summer primarily of cocci, with fractions smaller than 2 ?m predominating. The average abundance and biomass of microorganisms are 427 thousand cells/ml and 438 mg C/m**2, with ranges of 150-1770 thousand cells/ml and 221-1146 mg C/m**2. The average daily production and bacterial destruction increase from 49 and 104 mg C/m**2 at the beginning of the growth period to 85 and 180 mg C/m**2 in the middle of the period and remain at this level till the end. Despite low rate of increase (daily P/B coefficient averages 0.12), because of its high abundance bacterioplankton in Antarctic waters plays a major role in destruction of organic matter, accounting for 60-85% of energy consumed by heterotrophs.