217 resultados para Günther, of Schwarzburg, 1304-1349.
Based upon high-resolution thermal-infrared Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite imagery in combination with ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis data, we derived long-term polynya parameters such as polynya area, thin-ice thickness distribution and ice-production rates from daily cloud-cover corrected thin-ice thickness composites. Our study is based on a thirteen year investigation period (2002-2014) for the austral winter (1 April to 30 September) in the Antarctic Southern Weddell Sea. The focus lies on coastal polynyas which are important hot spots for new-ice formation, bottom-water formation and heat/moisture release into the atmosphere. MODIS has the capability to resolve even very narrow coastal polynyas. Its major disadvantage is the sensor limitation due to cloud cover. We make use of a newly developed and adapted spatial feature reconstruction scheme to account for cloud-covered areas. We find the sea-ice areas in front of Ronne and Brunt Ice Shelf to be the most active with an annual average polynya area of 3018 ± 1298 and 3516 ± 1420 km2 as well as an accumulated volume ice production of 31 ± 13 and 31 ± 12 km**3, respectively. For the remaining four regions, estimates amount to 421 ± 294 km**2 and 4 ± 3 km**3 (Antarctic Peninsula), 1148 ± 432 km**2 and 12 ± 5 km**3 (Iceberg A23A), 901 ± 703 km**2 and 10 ± 8 km**3 (Filchner Ice Shelf) as well as 499 ± 277 km**2 and 5 ± 2 km**3 (Coats Land). Our findings are discussed in comparison to recent studies based on coupled sea-ice/ocean models and passive-microwave satellite imagery, each investigating different parts of the Southern Weddell Sea.
Die Niederrheinische Bucht, ein altes tektonisches Senkungsgebiet, dessen Ausdehnung durch die Orte Aachen, Bonn, Duüsseldorf und Duisburg bestimmt ist, bildete während des jüngeren Tertiärs eine Meeresbucht am Südrande des Nordseebeckens. Noch zu Beginn des Pleistocäns erstreckte sich die Nordsee bis in den Raum von Nijmegen, und im Pliocän verlief die Kuüste etwa auf der Linie Maastricht-Kleve. Im Mittelmiocän reichte die Nordsee bis in die nördliche Niederrheinische Bucht. Marines Oberoligocän mit reicher Fauna findet sich noch in der Gegend von Köln. In Verbindung mit den marinen Transgressionen kam es in den inneren Teilen der Niederrheinischen Bucht zu mehr oder weniger ausgedehnten Vermoorungen, die zur Bildung von Braunkohlenflözen führten, unter denen das miocäne Hauptbraunkohlenflöz nordwestlich von Köln eine Mächtigkeit von mehr als 90 m erreicht. Nach NW spaltet sich das Hauptflöz in drei Teilflöze auf, die von oben nach unten als Flöz Garzweiler, Flöz Frimmersdorf und Flöz Morken bezeichnet werden. Diese Flöze können, wie neue Untersuchungen ergaben, eindeutig mit dem marinen Mittelmiocän in Verbindung gebracht werden.
We present sea surface and upper thermocline temperature records (60-100 yr temporal resolution) spanning Marine Isotope Stage 3 (~24-62 kyr BP) from IMAGES Core MD01-2378 (121°47.27'E and 13°04.95'S; 1783 m water depth) located in the outflow area of the Indonesian Throughflow within the Timor Sea. Stable isotopes and Mg/Ca of the near surface dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) and the upper thermocline dwelling Pulleniatina obliquiloculata reveal rapid changes in the thermal structure of the upper ocean during Heinrich Events. Thermocline warming and increased delta18Oseawater (P. obliquiloculata record) during Heinrich Events 3, 4, and 5 reflect weakening of the relatively cool and fresh thermocline flow and reduced export of less saline water from the North Pacific and Indonesian Seas to the tropical Indian Ocean. Three main factors influenced Indonesian Throughflow variability during Marine Isotope Stage 3: (1) global slow-down in thermohaline circulation during Heinrich Events triggered by northern hemisphere cooling; (2) increased freshwater export from the Java Sea into the Indonesian Throughflow controlled by rising sea level from ~60 to 47 ka and (3) insolation related changes in Australasian monsoon with associated migration of hydrological fronts between Indian Ocean and Indonesian Throughflow derived water masses at ~46-40 ka.
Results of study of bottom sediments near Iceland and on the Jan Mayen Island are reported. It was found that in recent sediments chemical elements are mainly associated with pyro- and volcanoclastics. In some areas adjusted to deep-seated faults ancient iron-manganese crusts and sediments occur. They are rich in Ni, Co, V, Cu, Mo, Cd and other elements associated with endogenic matter.