609 resultados para Bloody Brook Monument (South Deerfield, Mass.)
Continuous coring in Saanich Inlet (Ocean Drilling Program, ODP Leg 169S), British Columbia, Canada, yielded a detailed record of Late Quaternary climate, oceanography, marine productivity, and terrestrial vegetation. Two sites (1033 and 1034) were drilled to maximum depths of 105 and 118 m, recovering sediments ranging in age from 13,300 to less than 300 14C yr. Earliest sediments consist of dense, largely massive, gray glaciomarine muds with dropstones and sand and silt laminae deposited during the waning stages of glaciation. Deposition of organic-rich olive gray sediments began in the fjord about 12,000 14C yr ago, under well-oxygenated conditions as reflected by the presence of bioturbation and a diverse infaunal bivalve community. At about 10,500 14C yr, a massive, gray unit, 40-50 cm thick, was emplaced in a very short span of time. The unit is marked by a sharp lower contact, a gradational upper contact and an abundance of reworked Tertiary microfossils. It has been interpreted as resulting from massive flood events caused by the collapse of glacial dams in the Fraser Valley of mainland British Columbia. Progressively greater anoxia in bottom waters of Saanich Inlet began about 7000 14C yr ago. This is reflected in the preservation of varved sediments consisting of diatomaceous spring-summer laminae and terrigenous winter laminae. Correlation of the sediments was based on: marked lithologic changes, the presence of massive intervals (reflecting localized sediment gravity flow events), the Mazama Ash, occasional thin gray laminae (indicative of abnormal flood events in nearby watersheds), varve counts between marker horizons, and 71 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates.
The active plate margin of South America is characterized by a frequent occurrence of large and devastating subduction earthquakes. Here we focus on marine sedimentary records off Southern Chile that are archiving the regional paleoseismic history over the Holocene and Late Pleistocene. The investigated records - Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1232 and SONNE core 50SL - are located at ~40°S and ~38°S, within the Perú-Chile trench, and are characterized by frequent interbedded strata of turbiditic and hemipelagic origin. On the basis of the sedimentological characteristics and the association with the active margin of Southern Chile, we assume that the turbidites are mainly seismically triggered, and may be considered as paleo-megaearthquake indicators. However, the long-term changes in turbidite recurrence times appear to be strongly influenced by climate and sea level changes as well. During sea level highstands in the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, recurrence times of turbiditic layers are substantially higher, primarily reflecting a climate-induced reduction of sediment availability and enhanced slope stability. In addition, segmented tectonic uplift changes and related drainage inversions likely influenced the postglacial decrease in turbidite frequencies. Glacial turbidite recurrence times (including MIS 2, MIS 3, cold substages of MIS 5, and MIS 6), on the other hand, are within the same order of magnitude as earthquake recurrence times derived from the historical record and other terrestrial paleoseismic archives of the region. Only during these cold stages sediment availability and slope instability were high enough to enable recording of the complete sequence of large earthquakes in Southern Chile. Our data thus suggest that earthquake recurrence times on the order of 100 to 200 years are a persistent feature at least during the last glacial period.
The relationship between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal stable-isotope values and oceanographic conditions and factors controlling isotopic variations are discussed on the basis of oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses of 192 modern surface and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the South China Sea (SCS). The harmonic variation of benthic delta18O in surface sediments with water depth and temperature implies that the temperature is the main factor influencing benthic delta18O variations. Planktonic delta18O fluctuates with sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS). The N-S temperature gradient results in planktonic delta18O decreasing from the northeast to the south. Cool, saline waters driven by the winter monsoon are interpreted to have been responsible for the high delta18O values in the northeast SCS. The East Asian monsoons not only bring nutrients into the South China Sea and maintain high nutrient concentration levels at the southwestern and northeastern ends, which cause depleted delta13C both in planktonic (surface) and benthic (bottom) samples but also reduce planktonic/benthic delta18O differences. The distribution of delta18O and delta13C in the surface and LGM samples are strikingly similar, indicating that the impact of SST and SSS has been maintained, and nutrient inputs, mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends, have been controlled by monsoons since the LGM. Comparisons of the modern and LGM delta18O indicate a difference of about 3.6 °C in bottom-water temperature and a large surface-to-bottom temperature gradient during the LGM as compared to today.
The stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of different benthic foraminiferal species of the latest Campanian and earliest Maastrichtian from Ocean Drilling Project Hole 690C (Weddell Sea, southern South Atlantic, ~1800 m paleowater depth) have been investigated. The total range of measured isotope values of all samples exceeds ~4 per mil for delta 13C and 1.1 per mil for delta 18O. Carbon isotope values of proposed deep infaunal species are generally similar or only slightly lower when compared to proposed epifaunal to shallow infaunal species. Interspecific differences vary between samples probably reflecting temporal changes in organic carbon fluxes to the sea floor. Constantly lower delta 13C values for Pullenia marssoni and Pullenia reussi suggest the deepest habitat for these species. The strong depletion of delta 13C values by up to 3 per mil within lenticulinids may be attributed to a deep infaunal microhabitat, strong vital effects, or different feeding strategy when compared to other species or modern lenticulinids. The mean delta 18O values reveal a strong separation of epifaunal to shallow infaunal and deep infaunal species. Epifaunal to shallow infaunal species are characterized by low delta 18O values, deep infaunal species by higher values. This result possibly reflects lower metabolic rates and longer life cycles of deep infaunal species or the operating of a pore water [CO3]2- effect on the benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes. Pyramidina szajnochae shows an enrichment of oxygen isotopes with test size comprising a total of 0.6 per mil between 250 and 1250 µm shell size. Although delta 13C lacks a corresponding trend these data likely represent the presence of changes in metabolic rates during ontogenesis. These results demonstrate the general applicability of multi-species stable isotope measurements of pristine Cretaceous benthic foraminifera to reconstruct past microhabitats and to evaluate biological and environmental effects on the stable isotope composition.
In order to reconstruct Late Quatemary variations of surface oceanography in the eastequatorial South Atlantic, time series of sea-surface temperatures (SST) and paleoproductivity were established from cores recovered in the Guinea and Angola Basins, and at the Walvis Ridge. These records, based on sedimentary alkenone and organic carbon concentrations, reveal that during the last 350,000 years surface circulation and productivity changes in the east-equatorial South Atlantic were highiy sensitive to climate forcing at 23- and 100-kyr periodicities. Covarying SST and paleoproductivity changes at the equator and at the Walvis Ridge appear to be driven by variations in zonal trade-wind intensity, which forces intensification or reduction of coastal and equatorial upwelling, as well as enhanced Benguela cold water advection from the South. Phase relationships of precessional variations in the paleoproductivity and SST records from the distinct sites were evaluated with respect to boreal summer insolation over Africa, movements of southem ocean thermal fronts, and changes in global ice volume. The 23-kyr phasing implies a sensitivity of eastem South Atlantic surface water advection and upwelling to West African monsoon intensity and to changes in the position ofthe subtropical high pressure cell over the South Atlantic, both phenomena which modulate zonal strength of southeasterly trades. SST and productivity changes north of 20°S lack significant variance at the 41-kyr periodicity; and at the Walvis Ridge and the equator lead changes in ice volume. This may indicate that obliquity-driven clirnate change, characteristic for northem high latitudes, e.g fluctuations in continental ice masses, did not substantially influence subtropical and tropical surface circulation in the South Atlantic. At the 23-kyr cycle SST and productivity changes in the eastern Angola Basin lag those in the equatorial Atlantic and at the Walvis Ridge by about 3500 years. This lag is explained by variations in cross-equatorial surface water transport and west-east countercurrent retum flow modifying precessional variations of SST and productivity in the eastem Angola Basin relative to those in the mid South Atlantic area under the central field of zonal trade winds. Sea level-related shifts of upwelling cells in phase with global clirnate change may be also recorded in SST and productivity variability along the continental margin off Southwest Africa. They may account for the delay of the paleoceanogreaphic signal from continental margin sites with respect to that from the pelagic sites at the equator and the Walvis Ridge.
High-resolution sediment records from the South China Sea reveal a winter monsoon dominated glacial regime and a summer monsoon dominated Holocene regime during the last glacial cycle. A fundamental change between regimes occurred during deglaciation through a series of millennial reoccurrences of century-scale changes in the East Asian monsoon (EAM) climate. These abrupt events centered at 17.0, 15.9, 15.5, 14.7, 13.5, 13.9, 13.3, 12.1, 11.5, and 10.7 14C ka correlate well with the millennial-scale events in the Santa Barbara Basin and the Arabian Sea, i.e. a relationship between EAM and El Niño/Southern Oscillation systems. The abrupt increases in summer monsoon imply enhanced heat transport from low-latitude sea area to the midlatitude/high-latitude land area. The phase relationship between events of EAM and ice sheet may reflect a faster EAM response and a slower ice sheet response to the insolation change. A far-reaching conclusion is that the EAM might have triggered the Northern Hemisphere deglaciation.