211 resultados para Al-Si-Cu(4) alloy
Within the framework of the EU-funded BENGAL programme, the effects of seasonality on biogenic silica early diagenesis have been studied at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP), an abyssal locality located in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Nine cruises were carried out between August 1996 and August 1998. Silicic acid (DSi) increased downward from 46.2 to 213 µM (mean of 27 profiles). Biogenic silica (BSi) decreased from ca. 2% near the sediment-water interface to <1% at depth. Benthic silicic acid fluxes as measured from benthic chambers were close to those estimated from non-linear DSi porewater gradients. Some 90% of the dissolution occurred within the top 5.5 cm of the sediment column, rather than at the sediment-water interface and the annual DSi efflux was close to 0.057 mol Si/m**2/yr. Biogenic silica accumulation was close to 0.008 mol Si/m**2/yr and the annual opal delivery reconstructed from sedimentary fluxes, assuming steady state, was 0.065 mol Si/m**2/yr. This is in good agreement with the mean annual opal flux determined from sediment trap samples, averaged over the last decade (0.062 mol Si/m**2/yr). Thus ca. 12% of the opal flux delivered to the seafloor get preserved in the sediments. A simple comparison between the sedimentation rate and the dissolution rate in the uppermost 5.5 cm of the sediment column suggests that there should be no accumulation of opal in PAP sediments. However, by combining the BENGAL high sampling frequency with our experimental results on BSi dissolution, we conclude that non-steady state processes associated with the seasonal deposition of fresh biogenic particles may well play a fundamental role in the preservation of BSi in these sediments. This comes about though the way seasonal variability affects the quality of the biogenic matter reaching the seafloor. Hence it influences the intrinsic dissolution properties of the opal at the seafloor and also the part played by non-local mixing events by ensuring the rapid transport of BSi particles deep into the sediment to where saturation is reached.
This paper describes the ways and means of assembling and quality controling the Irminger Sea and Iceland Sea time-series biogeochemical data which are included in the CARINA data set. The Irminger Sea and the Iceland Sea are hydrographically different regions where measurements of sea water carbon and nutrient chemistry were started in 1983. The sampling is seasonal, four times a year. The carbon chemistry is studied with measurements of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater, pCO2, and total dissolved inorganic carbon, TCO2. The carbon chemistry data are for surface waters only until 1991 when water column sampling was initiated. Other measured parameters are salinity, dissolved oxygen and the inorganic nutrients nitrate, phosphate and silicate. Because of the CARINA criteria for secondary quality control, depth >1500 m, the IRM-TS could not be included in the routine QC and the IS-TS only in a limited way. However, with the information provided here, the quality of the data can be assessed, e.g. on the basis of the results obtained with the use of reference materials.
Concentrations of dissolved (0.2 µm filtered) aluminium (Al) have been determined for the first time in the Eurasian part of the Arctic Ocean over the entire water column during expedition ARK XXII/2 aboard R.V. Polarstern (2007). An unprecedented number of 666 samples was analysed for 44 stations along 5 ocean transects. Dissolved Al in surface layer water (SLW) was very low, close to 1 nM, with lowest SLW concentrations towards the Canadian part of the Arctic Ocean and higher values adjacent to and in the shelf seas. The low SLW concentrations indicate no or little influence from aeolian dust input. Dissolved Al showed a nutrient-type increase with depth up to 28 nM, but large differences existed between the different deep Arctic basins. The differences in concentrations of Al between water masses and basins could largely be related to the different origins of the water masses. In the SLW and intermediate water layers, Atlantic and Pacific inflows were of importance. Deep shelf convection appeared to influence the Al distribution in the deep Eurasian Basin. The Al distribution of the deep Makarov Basin provides evidence for Eurasian Basin water inflow into the deep Makarov Basin. A strong correlation between Al and Silicon (Si) was observed in all basins. This correlation and the nutrient-like profile indicate a strong biological influence on the cycling and distribution of Al. The biological influence can be direct by the incorporation of Al in biogenic silica, indirect by preferential scavenging of Al onto biogenic siliceous particles, or by a combination of both processes. From the slope of the overall Al-Si relationship in the intermediate water layer (AIDW; ~ 200-2000 m depth), an Al/Si ratio of 2.2 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si was derived. This ratio is consistent with the range of previously reported Al/Si uptake ratio in biogenic opal frustules of diatoms. In the deepest waters (>2000 m depth) a steeper slope of the Al-Si relationship of 7.4 to 13 atoms Al per 1000 atoms Si likely results from entrainment of cold shelf water into the deep basins, carrying the signal of dissolution of terrigenous particles with a much higher Al:Si ratio of crustal abundance. Only a small enrichment with such crustal Al and Si component may readily account for the higher Al:Si slope in the deepest waters.
These data are from a field experiment conducted in a shallow alluvial aquifer along the Colorado River in Rifle, Colorado, USA. In this experiment, bicarbonate-promoted uranium desorption and acetate amendment were combined and compared to an acetate amendment-only experiment in the same experimental plot. Data include names and location data for boreholes, geochemical data for all the boreholes between June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2011, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) for individual microarray probes, microarray data provided as signal to noise ratio (SNR) by Genus.
The microbial oxidation of methane controls the emission of the greenhouse gas methane from the ocean floor. However, some seabed structures such as mud volcanoes have leaky microbial methane filters and can be important sources of methane. We investigated the disturbance and recovery of a methanotrophic mud volcano microbiome (Håkon Mosby mud volcano, 1250 m water depth), to assess time scales of community succession and function in the natural deep-sea environment. We analyzed 10 surface and 5 subsurface sediment samples across HMMV mud flows from most recently discharged subsurface muds towards old consolidated muds as well as one reference site (REF) located approximately 0.5 km outside of the HMMV. Surface samples were obtained in 2003, 2009 and 2010. The surface of the new mud flows at the geographical center was sampled in 2009 and 2010. Around 100 m south of the center, we sampled more consolidated aged muds in 2003 and 2010. Old mud flows were sampled around 300 m southeast and 100 m north of the geographical center in 2003, 2009 and 2010. Surface sediment samples (0-20 cm) were recovered either by TV-guided Multicorer or by push cores using the remotely operated vehicle Quest (Marum, University Bremen). Subsurface sediments of all zones (>2 m below sea floor) were obtained in 2003 by gravity corer. After recovery, sediments were immediately subsampled in a refrigerated container (0°C) and further processed for biogeochemical analyses or preserved at -20°C for later DNA analyses. Our study show that freshly erupted muds hosted heterotrophic deep subsurface communities, which were replaced by surface communities within a few years of exposure. Aerobic methanotrophy was established at the top surface layer within less than a year, followed by anaerobic methanotrophy, sulfate reduction and finally thiotrophy. Our data indicate that it takes decades in cold environments before efficient methanotrophic communities establish to control methane emission. The observed succession provides insights to the response time of complex deep-sea communities to seafloor disturbances.
Introduction: Chemical composition of water determines its physical properties and character of processes proceeding in it: freezing temperature, volume of evaporation, density, color, transparency, filtration capacity, etc. Presence of chemical elements in water solution confers waters special physical properties exerting significant influence on their circulation, creates necessary conditions for development and inhabitance of flora and fauna, and imparts to the ocean waters some chemical features that radically differ them from the land waters (Alekin & Liakhin, 1984). Hydrochemical information helps to determine elements of water circulation, convection depth, makes it easier to distinguish water masses and gives additional knowledge of climatic variability of ocean conditions. Hydrochemical information is a necessary part of biological research. Water chemical composition can be the governing characteristics determining possibility and limits of use of marine objects, both stationary and moving in sea water. Subject of investigation of hydrochemistry is study of dynamics of chemical composition, i.e. processes of its formation and hydrochemical conditions of water bodies (Alekin & Liakhin 1984). The hydrochemical processes in the Arctic Ocean are the least known. Some information on these processes can be obtained in odd publications. A generalizing study of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean based on expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975 has been carried out by Rusanov et al. (1979). The "Atlas of the World Ocean: the Arctic Ocean" contains a special section "Hydrochemistry" (Gorshkov, 1980). Typical vertical profiles, transects and maps for different depths - 0, 100, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 m are given in this section for the following parameters: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH and alkaline-chlorine coefficient. The maps were constructed using the data of expeditions conducted in the years 1948-1975. The illustrations reflect main features of distribution of the hydrochemical elements for multi-year period and represent a static image of hydrochemical conditions. Distribution of the hydrochemical elements on the ocean surface is given for two seasons - winter and summer, for the other depths are given mean annual fields. Aim of the present Atlas is description of hydrochemical conditions in the Arctic Ocean on the basis of a greater body of hydrochemical information for the years 1948-2000 and using the up-to-date methods of analysis and electronic forms of presentation of hydrochemical information. The most wide-spread characteristics determined in water samples were used as hydrochemical indices. They are: dissolved oxygen, phosphate, silicate, pH, total alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate. An important characteristics of water salt composition - "salinity" has been considered in the Oceanographic Atlas of the Arctic Ocean (1997, 1998). Presentation of the hydrochemical characteristics in this Hydrochemical Atlas is wider if compared with that of the former Atlas (Gorshkov, 1980). Maps of climatic distribution of the hydrochemical elements were constructed for all the standard depths, and seasonal variability of the hydrochemical parameters is given not only for the surface, but also for the underlying standard depths up to 400 m and including. Statistical characteristics of the hydrochemical elements are given for the first time. Detailed accuracy estimates of initial data and map construction are also given in the Atlas. Calculated values of mean-root deviations, maximum and minimum values of the parameters demonstrate limits of their variability for the analyzed period of observations. Therefore, not only investigations of chemical statics are summarized in the Atlas, but also some elements of chemical dynamics are demonstrated. Digital arrays of the hydrochemical elements obtained in nodes of a regular grid are the new form of characteristics presentation in the Atlas. It should be mentioned that the same grid and the same boxes were used in the Atlas, as those that had been used by creation of the US-Russian climatic Oceanographic Atlas. It allows to combine hydrochemical and oceanographic information of these Atlases. The first block of the digital arrays contains climatic characteristics calculated using direct observational data. These climatic characteristics were not calculated in the regions without observations, and the information arrays for these regions have gaps. The other block of climatic information in a gridded form was obtained with the help of objective analysis of observational data. Procedure of the objective analysis allowed us to obtain climatic estimates of the hydrochemical characteristics for the whole water area of the Arctic Ocean including the regions not covered by observations. Data of the objective analysis can be widely used, in particular, in hydrobiological investigations and in modeling of hydrochemical conditions of the Arctic Ocean. Array of initial measurements is a separate block. It includes all the available materials of hydrochemical observations in the form, as they were presented in different sources. While keeping in mind that this array contains some amount of perverted information, the authors of the Atlas assumed it necessary to store this information in its primary form. Methods of data quality control can be developed in future in the process of hydrochemical information accumulation. It can be supposed that attitude can vary in future to the data that were rejected according to the procedure accepted in the Atlas. The hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean is the first specialized and electronic generalization of hydrochemical observations in the Arctic Ocean and finishes the program of joint efforts of Russian and US specialists in preparation of a number of atlases for the Arctic. The published Oceanographic Atlas (1997, 1998), Atlas of Arctic Meteorology and Climate (2000), Ice Atlas of the Arctic Ocean prepared for publication and Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean represent a united series of fundamental generalizations of empirical knowledge of Arctic Ocean nature at climatic level. The Hydrochemical Atlas of the Arctic Ocean was elaborated in the result of joint efforts of the SRC of the RF AARI and IARC. Dr. Ye. Nikiforov was scientific supervisor of the Atlas, Dr. R. Colony was manager on behalf of the USA and Dr. L. Timokhov - on behalf of Russia.
The response of phytoplankton assemblages to hydrographical forcing across the southern Brazilian shelf was studied based on data collected during wintertime (June/2012), complemented with MODIS-Aqua satellite imagery. The in situ data set was comprised by water column structure properties (derived from CTD casts), dissolved inorganic nutrients (ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and silicate) and phytoplankton biomass [chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration] and composition. Phytoplankton assemblages were assessed by both microscopy and HPLC-CHEMTAX approaches. A canonical correspondence analysis associating physical, chemical and phytoplankton composition data at surface evinced a tight coupling between the phytoplankton community and hydrographic conditions, with remarkable environmental gradients across three different domains: the pelagic, outer shelf Tropical Water (TW); the mid shelf domain under influence of Subtropical Shelf Water (STSW); and the inner shelf domain mainly under influence of riverine outflow of the Plata River Plume Water (PPW). Results showed that intrusion of low salinity and nutrient-rich PPW stimulated the phytoplankton growth and diversity within the inner shelf region, with enhanced Chl a levels (>1.3 mg/m**3) and a great abundance of diatoms, ciliates, dinoflagellates, raphidophyceans and cryptophytes. Conversely, other diatoms (e.g. Rhizosolenia clevei), tiny species of prochlorophytes and cyanobacteria and a noticeable contribution of dinoflagellates and other flagellates associated with lower Chl a levels (<0.93 mg/m**3), characterized the TW domain, where low nutrient concentrations and deep upper mixed layer were found. The transitional mid shelf domain showed intermediate levels of both nutrients and Chl a (ranging 1.06-1.59 mg/m**3), and phytoplankton was mainly composed by dinoflagellates, such as Dinophysis spp., and gymnodinioids. Results have shown considerable phytoplankton diversity in winter at that section of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
In this study we present an initial dataset of Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios in tests of benthic foraminifera from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) determined with SIMS. These results are a contribution to a better understanding of the proxy potential of these elemental ratios for ambient redox conditions. Foraminiferal tests are often contaminated by diagenetic coatings, like Mn rich carbonate- or Fe and Mn rich (oxyhydr)oxide coatings. Thus, it is substantial to assure that the cleaning protocols are efficient or that spots chosen for microanalyses are free of contaminants. Prior to the determination of the element/Ca ratios, the distributions of several elements (Ca, Mn, Fe, Mg, Ba, Al, Si, P and S) in tests of the shallow infaunal species Uvigerina peregrina and Bolivina spissa were mapped with an electron microprobe (EMP). To visualize the effects of cleaning protocols uncleaned and cleaned specimens were compared. The cleaning protocol included an oxidative cleaning step. An Fe rich phase was found on the inner test surface of uncleaned U. peregrina specimens. This phase was also enriched in Al, Si, P and S. A similar Fe rich phase was found at the inner test surface of B. spissa. Specimens of both species treated with oxidative cleaning show the absence of this phase. Neither in B. spissa nor in U. peregrina were any hints found for diagenetic (oxyhydr)oxide or carbonate coatings. Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios of single specimens of B. spissa from different locations have been determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Bulk analyses using solution ICP-MS of several samples were compared to the SIMS data. The difference between SIMS analyses and ICP-MS bulk analyses from the same sampling sites was 14.0-134.8 µmol mol-1 for the Fe/Ca and 1.68(±0.41) µmol mol-1 for the Mn/Ca ratios. This is in the same order of magnitude as the variability inside single specimens determined with SIMS at these sampling sites (1sigma[Mn/Ca] = 0.35-2.07 µmol mol-1; 1sigma[Fe/Ca] = 93.9-188.4 µmol mol-1). The Mn/Ca ratios in the calcite were generally relatively low (2.21-9.93 µmol mol-1) but in the same magnitude and proportional to the surrounding pore waters (1.37-6.67 µmol mol-1). However, the Fe/Ca ratios in B. spissa show a negative correlation to the concentrations in the surrounding pore waters. Lowest foraminiferal Fe/Ca ratios (87.0-101.0 µmol mol-1) were found at 465 m water depth, a location with a strong sharp Fe peak in the pore water next to the sediment surface and respectively, high Fe concentrations in the surrounding pore waters. Previous studies found no living specimens of B. spissa at this location. All these facts hint that the analysed specimens already were dead before the Fe flux started and the sampling site just recently turned anoxic due to fluctuations of the lower boundary of the OMZ near the sampling site (465 m water depth). Summarized Mn/Ca and Fe/Ca ratios are potential proxies for redox conditions, if cleaning protocols are carefully applied. The data presented here may be rated as base for the still pending detailed calibration.
The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. Data sets in this collection provide methodological and environmental context to all samples collected during the Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013).
The Amon mud volcano (MV), located at 1250 m water depth on the Nile Deep Sea Fan, is known for its active emission of methane and non-methane hydrocarbons into the hydrosphere. Previous investigations showed a low efficiency of hydrocarbon-degrading anaerobic microbial communities inhabiting the Amon MV center in the presence of sulphate and hydrocarbons in the seeping subsurface fluids. By comparing spatial and temporal patterns of in situ biogeochemical fluxes, temperature gradients, pore water composition and microbial activities over three years, we investigated why the activity of anaerobic hydrocarbon degraders can be low despite high energy supplies. We found that the central dome of the Amon MV, as well as a lateral mud flow at its base, showed signs of recent exposure of hot subsurface muds lacking active hydrocarbon degrading communities. In these highly disturbed areas, anaerobic degradation of methane was less than 2% of the methane flux. Rather high oxygen consumption rates compared to low sulphide production suggest a faster development of more rapidly growing aerobic hydrocarbon degraders in highly disturbed areas. In contrast, the more stabilized muds surrounding the central gas and fluid conduits hosted active anaerobic hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities. Furthermore, within three years, cell numbers and hydrocarbon degrading activity increased at the gas-seeping sites. The low microbial activity in the hydrocarbon-vented areas of Amon mud volcano is thus a consequence of kinetic limitations by heat and mud expulsion, whereas most of the outer mud volcano area is limited by hydrocarbon transport.
We present sedimentary geochemical data and in situ benthic flux measurements of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN: NO3-, NO2-, NH4+) and oxygen (O2) from 7 sites with variable sand content along 18°N offshore Mauritania (NW Africa). Bottom water O2 concentrations at the shallowest station were hypoxic (42 µM) and increased to 125 µM at the deepest site (1113 m). Total oxygen uptake rates were highest on the shelf (-10.3 mmol O2 /m2 d) and decreased quasi-exponentially with water depth to -3.2 mmol O2 /m2 d. Average denitrification rates estimated from a flux balance decreased with water depth from 2.2 to 0.2 mmol N /m2 d. Overall, the sediments acted as net sink for DIN. Observed increases in delta 15NNO3 and delta 18ONO3 in the benthic chamber deployed on the shelf, characterized by muddy sand, were used to calculate apparent benthic nitrate fractionation factors of 8.0 pro mille (15epsilon app) and 14.1 pro mille (18epsilon app). Measurements of delta 15NNO2 further demonstrated that the sediments acted as a source of 15N depleted NO2-. These observations were analyzed using an isotope box model that considered denitrification and nitrification of NH4+ and NO2-. The principal findings were that (i) net benthic 14N/15N fractionation (epsilon DEN) was 12.9 ± 1.7pro mille, (ii) inverse fractionation during nitrite oxidation leads to an efflux of isotopically light NO2- (-22 ± 1.9 pro mille), and (iii) direct coupling between nitrification and denitrification in the sediment is negligible. Previously reported epsilon DEN for fine-grained sediments are much lower (4-8 pro mille). We speculate that high benthic nitrate fractionation is driven by a combination of enhanced porewater-seawater exchange in permeable sediments and the hypoxic, high productivity environment. Although not without uncertainties, the results presented could have important implications for understanding the current state of the marine N cycle.
Die Rekonstruktion des Einflusses von Strömungen und glazialmarinen Prozessen auf das Sedimentationsgeschehen am Kontinentalhang der Antarktischen Halbinsel im westlichen Weddellmeer basiert auf sedimentologischen und geophysikalischen Daten eines Kolbenlotkerns. Der Sedimentkern wurde während des Fahrtabschnitts ANT-XIV/3 mit dem FS "Polarstern" aus einer mächtigen Levee-Struktur eines Rinnen-Rückensystems gewonnen. Es wurden sedimentologische sowie sedimentphysikalische Untersuchungen an dem Kernmaterial durchgeführt. Die texturellen Änderungen im Kern und die Variationen der gemessenen Parameter ermöglichen eine lithofazielle Gliederung und stratigraphische Einstufung der Sedimentabfolge. Die untersuchten Sedimente umfassen den Zeitraum der vier letzten Klimazyklen bis heute und repräsentieren die Ablagerungsbedingungen von mehr als 340 000 Jahren. Vier Faziestypen wurden unterschieden, die sowohl glaziale als auch interglaziale Ablagerungsräume charakterisieren. (1) Die überwiegend groblaminierten Sedimentabfolgen wurden der Laminitfazies zugeordnet. Unter glazialen Umweltbedingungen kam es infolge schwacher Bodenströmungen zur Ablagerung feinkörniger, laminierter, strömungsbetonter Sedimente. (2) Strukturlose, sehr homogene Sedimentabfolgen des Kems beschreiben einen weiteren, den Kaltzeiten zugeordneten, Faziestyp, der durch geringe Variationen in den Sedimenteigenschaften charakterisiert ist. (3) Kernabschnitte, die weitgehend strukturlos sind bzw. leichte Bioturbationen und relativ viel eistransportiertes Material aufweisen, wurden als IRD-Fazies bezeichnet. Sie repräsentiert den Übergang vom Glazial zum Interglazial, in dem sich das Schelfeis und die Meereisbeckung zurückzogen. In den Sedimenten kam es infolge der gesteigerten Kalbungsrate zur Anreicherung der Eisfracht. (4) Die relativ biogenreichen, hellen Ablagerungen wurden der interglazialzeitlichen Karbonatfazies zugeteilt. Der signifikant erhöhte Anteil planktischer Foraminiferen weist auf eine gesteigerte Bioproduktivität im Oberflächenwasser hin, die aus verstärkten jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Meereisbedeckung resultiert. Die betrachteten Sedimentationsprozesse, wie biologische Produktivität, Umlagerungsprozesse durch Meeresströmungen, gravitativer Sedimenttransport und Eistransport, sind das Abbild komplexer Wechselwirkungen aus Meeresspiegelschwankungen, Änderungen ozeanographischer Bedingungen und der Vereisungsdynamik. Das Sedimentationsgeschehen im Untersuchungsgebiet wurde folglich durch die Variationen der vorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen bestimmt. Im Glazial kam es unter einer geschlossenen Meereisbedeckung zur Ablagerung feinkörniger, geschichteter Sedimente. Vorwiegend Turbiditströmungen kontrollierten das Sedimentationsgeschehen innerhalb des betrachteten Rinnen-Rückensystems. Unter dem Einfluß der Coriolis-Kraft und wahrscheinlich einer Konturströmung wurden die suspendierten, feinkörnigen Partikel aus dem zentralen Bereich der Rinne verdriftet und über dem nördlichen Uferwall abgelagert. Höherenergetische gravitative Prozesse beeinflußten das Sedimentationsgeschehen episodisch und sind durch gut sortierte Ablagerungen mit erhöhten Gehalten im Mittel- bis Grobsiltbereich dokumentiert. Höhere Sedimentationsraten in den Glazialen trugen verstärkt zur Bildung des Uferwalls bei. Die Ablagerungen der ebenfalls glazialzeitlichen homogenen Fazies belegen unterschiedliche Ablagerungsbedingungen und eine Verschiebung der dominierenden Prozesse. Während des Übergangs vom Glazial zum Interglazial nahm die Bodenwasserbildungsrate durch das Aufschwimmen des Schelfeises zu, wodurch die Strömungsintensität gesteigert wurde. Eine verstärkte Eisbergaktivität wird durch die Anreichung des IRD-Materials dokumentiert. Während interglazialer Zeiten ermöglichten offen-marine Bedingungen im Südsommer eine leicht erhöhte biologische Produktivität, so daß der Ablagerungsraum durch die Sedimentation biogener Komponenten verstärkt beeinflußt wurde.