506 resultados para Agulhas


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This monograph forms the fourth part of the tenth volume of the scientific results of the voyage of the German exploring ship Valdivia in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, made during the years 1898-1899. These volumes are published under the editorship of Prof. Chun, the zoologist of Leipzig, who was leader of the expedition ; and Prof. E. Philippi with the cooperation of Sir John Murray. The nature of the materials brought up at various points during the voyage is well illustrated by a series of plates, similar to those accompanying the Challenger volumes. Among the concretions from the Agulhas Bank were found phosphatic nodules containing 33 per cent, of calcium carbonate, 28 of calcium phosphate, 14.6 of calcium sulphate, and 4.8 of magnesium carbonate, with some ferric oxide, alumina, and silica. These nodules were dredged at a depth of 155 metres. Off the coast of Namibia, a large quantity of manganese nodules were also dredged. Their chemical analysis performed at the Mineralogical Institute of the University Jena show similar composition as the nodules recovered by the "Challenger" at station 253 in the Pacific Ocean.


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This study provides a theoretical assessment of the potential bias due to differential lateral transport on multi-proxy studies based on a range of marine microfossils. Microfossils preserved in marine sediments are at the centre of numerous proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The precision of proxies is based on the assumption that they accurately represent the overlying watercolumn properties and faunas. Here we assess the possibility of a syn-depositional bias in sediment assemblages caused by horizontal drift in the water column, due to differential settling velocities of sedimenting particles based on their shape, size and density, and due to differences in current velocities. Specifically we calculate the post-mortem lateral transport undergone by planktic foraminifera and a range of other biological proxy carriers (diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets transporting coccolithophores) in several regions with high current velocities. We find that lateral transport of different planktic foraminiferal species is minimal due to high settling velocities. No significant shape- or size-dependent sorting occurs before reaching the sediment, making planktic foraminiferal ideal proxy carriers. In contrast, diatoms, radiolaria and fecal pellets can be transported up to 500km in some areas. For example in the Agulhas current, transport can lead to differences of up to 2°C in temperature reconstructions between different proxies in response to settling velocities. Therefore, sediment samples are likely to contain different proportions of local and imported particles, decreasing the precision of proxies based on these groups and the accuracy of the temperature reconstruction.


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A number of parameters of biogeochemical interest were monitored along a north-southerly transect (S 43-S 63°) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean from the 8th to the 20th of December 1997. Changes in total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) and total alkalinity (AT) were mostly dependent on temperature and salinity until the ice edge was reached. After this point only a weak correlation was seen between these. Highest mean values of CT and AT were observed in the Winter Ice Edge (WIE) (2195 and 2319 µmol/kg, respectively). Lowest mean AT (2277 µmol/kg) was observed in the Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF), whereas lowest mean CT concentration (2068 µmol/kg) was associated with the Sub-Tropical Front (STF). The pH in situ varied between 8.060 and 8.156 where the highest values were observed in the southern part of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) and in the Summer Ice Edge (SIE) Region . These peaks were associated with areas of high chlorophyll a (chl a) and tribromomethane values. In the other areas the pH in situ was mainly dependent on hydrography. Bacterial abundance decreased more than one order of magnitude when going from north to south. The decrease appeared to be strongly related to water temperature and there were no elevated abundances at frontal zones. Microphytoplankton dominated in the SAF and APF, whereas the nano- and picoplankton dominated outside these regions. Volatile halogenated compounds were found to vary both with regions, and with daylight. For the iodinated compounds, the highest concentrations were found north of the STF. Brominated hydrocarbons had high concentrations in the STF, but elevated concentrations were also found in the APF and SIE regions. No obvious correlation could be found between the occurrence of individual halocarbons and chl a. On some occasions trichloroethene and tribromomethane related to the presence of nano- and microplankton, respectively.


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During Leg 177 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), well-preserved Middle Miocene to Pleistocene carbonate-rich sediment records were recovered on a north-south transect through the south-eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean at Site 1088 on the Agulhas Ridge and Site 1092 on Meteor Rise. Both sites were dominated by the deposition of calcareous nannofossil oozes through the Miocene, indicating low biological productivity in warm to temperate surface waters. A continuous increase in the proportions of foraminifera since the latest Miocene (6.5 Ma) points to enhanced nutrient supply, possibly related to the global 'biogenic bloom' event across the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Since the Late Pliocene, different styles of biological productivity developed between the sites. Enhanced deposition of biosiliceous constituents at the southern Site 1092, particularly in the Early Pleistocene, is consistent with the formation of the Circum-Antarctic Opal Belt since 2.5 Ma in a setting near the Polar Front, whereas carbonate deposition still prevailed at the northern Site 1088 situated near the Subtropical Front. Clay-mineral tracers of water-mass advection together with the pattern of sedimentation rates and hiatuses reflect distinct pulses in the development of regional ocean circulation between 14 and 12 Ma, around 8 Ma and since 2.8 Ma. These pulses can be related to Antarctic ice-sheet extension that mediates the production and flow of southern source water, and stepwise increases in North Atlantic Deep Water production that drives global conveyor circulation. At Site 1088, illite chemistry and silt/clay ratios of the terrigenous sediment fraction reflect the history of terrestrial climate in southern Africa, with humid conditions prior to the Early Late Miocene (9.7 Ma), followed by a dry episode until 7.7 Ma. The latest Miocene and Early Pliocene were characterized by a humid episode until modern aridity was established in the Late Pliocene between 4.0 and 2.8 Ma. These climate changes were related to the latitudinal migration of climate belts in response to tectonically caused reorganizations in atmospheric and ocean circulation.