989 resultados para Accumulation rate, benthic foraminifera by number


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The Arctic is responding more rapidly to global warming than most other areas on our planet. Northward flowing Atlantic Water is the major means of heat advection towards the Arctic and strongly affects the sea ice distribution. Records of its natural variability are critical for the understanding of feedback mechanisms and the future of the Arctic climate system, but continuous historical records reach back only ~150 years. Here, we present a multidecadal scale record of ocean temperature variations during the last 2000 years, derived from marine sediments off Western Svalbard (79°N). We find that early-21st-century temperatures of Atlantic Water entering the Arctic Ocean are unprecedented over the past 2000 years and are presumably linked to the Arctic Amplification of global warming.


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This study tests the hypothesis that the late Miocene to early Pliocene constriction and closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS), connecting the tropical Atlantic and East quatorial Pacific (EEP), caused a decrease in productivity in the Caribbean, due to decreased coastal upwelling and an end to the connection with high-productivity tropical Pacific waters. The present study compared paleoceanographic proxies for the interval between 8.3 and 2.5 Ma in 47 samples from south Caribbean ODP Site 999 with published data on EEP DSDP Site 503. Proxies for Site 999 include the relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species representing bottom current velocity and the flux of organic matter to the sea floor, the ratio of infaunal/epifaunal benthic foraminiferal species and benthic foraminifer accumulation rates (BFARs). In addition, we calculated % resistant planktic foraminifers species and used the previously published % sand fraction and benthic carbon isotope values from Site 999. During early shoaling of the Isthmus (8.3-7.9 Ma) the Caribbean was under mesotrophic conditions, with little ventilation of bottom waters and low current velocity. The pre-closure interval (7.6-4.2 Ma) saw enhanced seasonal input of phytodetritus with even more reduced ventilation, and enhanced dissolution between 6.8 and 4.8 Ma. During the post-closure interval (4.2-2.5 Ma) in the Caribbean, paleoproductivity decreased, current velocity was reduced, and ventilation improved, while the seasonality of phytodetrital input was reduced dramatically, coinciding with the establishment of the Atlantic-Pacific salinity contrast at 4.2 Ma. Our data support the hypothesis that late Miocene constriction of the CAS at 7.9 Ma and its closure at 4.2 Ma caused a gradual decrease in paleoproductivity in the Caribbean, consistent with decreased current velocity and seasonality of the phytodetrital input.


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Eocene through Pliocene benthic foraminifers were examined from seven sites located at middle and lower bathyal depths on the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea, from another site at lower bathyal depths in the Coral Sea, and from a site in the intermediate-depth, hemipelagic province of the Chatham Rise, east of southern New Zealand. Age-related, depth-related, and bioprovincial faunal variations are documented in this chapter. One new species, Rectuvigerina tasmana, is named. The paleoecologic indications of several key groups, including the miliolids, uvigerinids, nuttallitids, and cibicidids, are combined with sedimentologic and stable isotopic tracers to interpret paleoceanographic changes in the Tasman Sea. Because the total stratigraphic ranges of many bathyal benthic foraminifers are not yet known, most endpoints in the Tasman Sea are considered ecologically controlled events. The disappearances of Uvigerina rippensis and Cibicidoidesparki and the first appearances of U. pigmaea, Sphaeroidina bulloides, and Rotaliatina sulcigera at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary can be considered evolutionary events, as also can the first appearance of Cibicides wuellerstorfi in Zone NN5. Species which are restricted to the lower bathyal zone except during discrete pulses, most of which are related to the development of glacial conditions, include Melonis pompilioides, M. sphaeroides, Pullenia quinqueloba, Nuttallides umbonifera, and U. hispido-costata. Middle bathyal indigenes include U. spinulosa, U. gemmaeformis, Ehrenbergina marwicki, R. sulcigera, and all rectuvigerinids except Rectuvigerina spinea. Although the miliolids first occurred at lower bathyal depths, they were more common in the middle bathyal zone. Although the Neogene hispido-costate uvigerinids first developed at lower bathyal depths and at higher middle latitude sites, in the later Neogene this group migrated to shallower depths and became predominant also in the middle bathyal zone. Despite the relatively similar sedimentologic settings at the six middle bathyal Tasman sites, there was extensive intrageneric and intraspecific geographic variation. Mililiolids, strongly ornamented brizalinids, bolivinitids, Bulimina aculeata, Osangularia culter, and strongly porous morphotypes were more common at higher latitudes. Osangularia bengalensis, striate brizalinids such as Brizalina subaenariensis, Gaudryina solida, osangularids in general, and finely porous morphotypes were more common in the subtropics. There was strong covariance between faunas at lower middle latitude, lower bathyal Site 591, and higher middle latitude, middle bathyal Site 593. The following oceanographic history of the Tasman Sea is proposed; using the stable isotopic record as evidence for glacials and examining the ecologic correlations between (1) miliolids and carbonate saturation, (2) nuttallitids and undersaturated, cooled, or "new" water masses, (3) uvigerinids with high organic carbon in the sediment and high rates of sediment accumulation, and (4) cibicidids and terrestrial organic carbon. The glacial located near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary is characterized by the penetration of cooler, more corrosive waters at intermediate depths in high southern latitudes. This may have caused overturn, upwelling pulses, in other Tasman areas. The development of Neogenelike conditions began in the late Oligocene (Zone NP24/NP25) with the evolution of several common Neogene species. A large number of Paleogene benthics disappeared gradually through the course of the early Miocene, which was not well preserved at any Tasman site. Corrosive conditions shallowed into the middle bathyal zone in several pulses during the early Miocene. The development of glacial conditions in the middle Miocene was accompanied by major changes throughout the Tasman Sea. Sediment accumulation rates increased and high-productivity faunas and corrosive conditions developed at all but the lowest-latitude Site 588. This increase in productivity and accumulation rate is attributed to the eutrophication of Antarctic water masses feeding Tasman current systems, as well as to invigorated circulation in general. It overlaps with the beginning of the Pacific High-productivity Episode (10-5 Ma). During the latest Miocene glacial episode, corrosive conditions developed at lower bathyal depths, while cooler water and lower nutrient levels shallowed to middle bathyal depths. Lower input of terrestrial organic carbon may be related to the lower nutrient levels of this time and to the termination of the Pacific High-productivity Episode. The moderate glacial episode during the mid-Pliocene (Zone NN15/NN16, ~3.2 Ma) corresponds to a decline in sediment accumulation rates and a reorganization of faunas unlike that of all other times. New genera proliferate and indices for cool, noncorrosive conditions and high organic carbon expand throughout the middle bathyal zone coeval with the sedimentation rate decreases. By the latest Pliocene (about 2.5 Ma), however, during another glacial episode, faunal patterns typical of this and later glacials develop throughout the Tasman Sea. Benthic foraminiferal patterns suggest increased input of terrestrial organic matter to Tasman Sea sediments during this episode and during later glacials.


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We examine the quantitative composition of benthic foraminiferal assemblages of Rose Bengal-stained surface samples from 37 stations in the Laptev Sea, and combine this data set with an existing data set along a transect from Spitsbergen to the central Arctic Ocean. Foraminiferal test accumulation rates, diversity, faunal composition and statistically defined foraminiferal associations are analysed for living (Rose Bengal-stained) and dead foraminifers. We compare the results of several benthic foraminiferal diversity indices and statistically defined foraminiferal associations, including Fisher's alpha and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices, Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis. Diversity and faunal density (standing stock) of living benthic foraminifers are positively correlated to trophic resources. In contrast, the accumulation rate of dead foraminifers (BFAR) shows fluctuating values depending on test disintegration processes. Foraminiferal associations defined by Q-mode principal component analysis and correspondence analysis are comparable. The factor values of the correspondence analysis allow a quantitative correlation between the foraminiferal fauna and the local carbon flux, which may be used as a tool to estimate changes in primary productivity.


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Sixty surface sediment samples from the eastern South Atlantic Ocean including the Walvis Ridge, the Angola and Cape basins, and the Southwest African continental margin were analysed for their benthic foraminiferal content to unravel faunal distribution patterns and ecological preferences. Live (stained with Rose Bengal) and dead faunas were counted separately and then each grouped by Q-mode principal component analysis into seven principal faunal end-members. Then, multiple regression technique was used to correlate Recent assemblages with available environmental variables and to finally differentiate between four principal groups of environmental agents acting upon the generation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages: (1) seasonality of food supply and organic carbon flux rates, together with oxygen content in the pore and bottom waters; (2) lateral advection of deep-water masses; (3) bottom water carbonate corrosiveness; and (4) energetic state at the benthic boundary layer and grain size composition of the substrate. Food supply and corresponding dissolved oxygen contents in the pore and bottom waters turned out to be the most important factors which control the distribution pattern of the Recent benthic foraminifera. At the continental margin, in the zone of coastal upwelling and its mixing area, benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by stenobathic high-productivity faunas, characterized by elevated standing stocks, low diversities and a large number of endobenthic living species. At the continental shelf and upper continental slope the live assemblages are characterized by Rectuvigerina cylindrica, Uvigerina peregrina s.1., Uvigerina auberiana and Rhizammina spp. while the dead assemblages are characterized by Cassidulina laevigata, Bolivina dilatata, Bulimina costata and B. mexicana. At the lower continental slope strong influence of high organic matter fluxes on the species composition is restricted to the area off the Cunene river mouth, where the live assemblage is dominated by Uvigerina peregrina s.1., the corresponding dead assemblage by Melonis barleeanum and M. zaandamae. In the adjacent areas of the lower continental slope the biocoenosis is characterized by Reophax bilocularis, and Epistominella exigua which becomes dominant in the corresponding dead assemblage. At the Walvis Ridge and in the abyssal Angola and Cape basins, where organic matter fluxes are low and highly seasonal, benthic foraminiferal assemblages reflect both the oligotrophic situation and the deep and bottom water mass configuration. The top and flanks of the Walvis Ridge are inhabited by the Rhizammina, Psammosphaera and R. bilocularis live assemblages, the corresponding dead assemblages are dominated by G. subglobosa on the ridge top and E. exigua on the flanks. Within the highly diverse E. exigua dead assemblage several associated epibenthic species coincide with the core of NADW between about 1600 and 3700 m water depth. These species include Osangularia culter, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, Melonis pompilioides, Bolivinita pseudothalmanni and Bulimina alazanensis. The assemblages of the abyssal Cape and Angola basins are characterized by Nuttallides umbonifer and a high proportion of agglutinated species. These species are adapted to very low organic matter fluxes and a carbonate corrosive environment.


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The impact of an asteroid at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary triggered dramatic biotic, biogeochemical and sedimentological changes in the oceans that have been intensively studied. Paleo-biogeographical differences in the biotic response to the impact and its environmental consequences, however, have been less well documented. We present a high-resolution analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages at Southern Ocean ODP Site 690 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica). At this high latitude site, late Maastrichtian environmental variability was high, but benthic foraminiferal assemblages were not less diverse than at lower latitudes, in contrast to those of planktic calcifiers. Also in contrast to planktic calcifiers, benthic foraminifera did not suffer significant extinction at the K/Pg boundary, but show transient assemblage changes and decreased diversity. At Site 690, the extinction rate was even lower (~3%) than at other sites. The benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate varied little across the K/Pg boundary, indicating that food supply to the sea floor was affected to a lesser extent than at lower latitude sites. Compared to Maastrichtian assemblages, Danian assemblages have a lower diversity and greater relative abundance of heavily calcified taxa such as Stensioeina beccariiformis and Paralabamina lunata. This change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages could reflect post-extinction proliferation of different photosynthesizers (thus food for the benthos) than those dominant during the Late Cretaceous, therefore changes in the nature rather than in the amount of the organic matter supplied to the seafloor. However, severe extinction of pelagic calcifiers caused carbonate supersaturation in the oceans, thus might have given competitive advantage to species with large, heavily calcified tests. This indirect effect of the K/Pg impact thus may have influenced the deep-sea dwellers, documenting the complexity of the effects of major environmental disturbance.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminifera show important but transient assemblage changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, when many biota suffered severe extinction. We quantitatively analyzed benthic foraminiferal assemblages from lower bathyal-upper abyssal (1500-2000 m) northwest Pacific ODP Site 1210 (Shatsky Rise) and compared the results with published data on assemblages at lower bathyal (~ 1500 m) Pacific DSDP Site 465 (Hess Rise) to gain insight in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes at that time. At both sites, diversity and heterogeneity rapidly decreased across the K/Pg boundary, then recovered. Species assemblages at both sites show a similar pattern of turnover from the uppermost Maastrichtian into the lowermost Danian: 1) The relative abundance of buliminids (indicative of a generally high food supply) increases towards the uppermost Cretaceous, and peaks rapidly just above the K/Pg boundary, coeval with a peak in benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR), a proxy for food supply. 2) A peak in relative abundance of Stensioeina beccariiformis, a cosmopolitan form generally more common at the middle than at the lower bathyal sites, occurs just above the buliminid peak. 3) The relative abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a more oligotrophic form, decreases at the boundary, then increases above the peak in Stensioeina beccariiformis. The food supply to the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean thus apparently increased rather than decreased in the earliest Danian. The low benthic diversity during a time of high food supply indicates a stressed environment. This stress might have been caused by reorganization of the planktic ecosystem: primary producer niches vacated by the mass extinction of calcifying nannoplankton may have been rapidly (<10 kyr) filled by other, possibly opportunistic, primary producers, leading to delivery of another type of food, and/or irregular food delivery through a succession of opportunistic blooms. The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal data thus are in strong disagreement with the widely accepted hypothesis that the global deep-sea floor became severely food-depleted following the K/Pg extinction due to the mass extinction of primary producers ("Strangelove Ocean Model") or to the collapse of the biotic pump ("Living Ocean Model").