716 resultados para Bottom grab (Smith-McIntyre)
Distribution of iron and manganese speciations in ocean sediments of a section from the coast of Japan to the open Pacific Ocean is under consideration. Determinations of total iron, as well as of reactive iron contents and of total manganese, as well as of Mn4+ contents have been done. Significant increase of total Fe content in sediments from the coast to the pelagic zone occurs without noticeable increase in reactive Fe content. Presence of layers of volcanic and terrigenous coarse clastic material in clayey sediments results to sharp change in iron content. Manganese content increases from near coastal to pelagic sediments more than 10 times; oxidation degree of sediments also increases. There are three types of bottom sediments different by contents of iron and manganese forms: reduced, oxidized (red clay), and transitional. Content of total Fe is almost does not change with depth in sediments, content of reactive Fe increases in reduced sediments, and decreases in oxidized ones. Manganese content in red clay mass increases several times.
Results of petrographic, chemical and X-ray studies of zeolites in sediments in the Transpacific lithological profile from the coast of Japan to the coast of Mexico are reported. For ocean phillipsites constancy of Si/Al ratio (2.44-2.87) and unstable cation composition in quantitative predominance of potassium over sodium are characteristic. Two groups of ocean phillipsites are distinguished: of deep-water basins and of submarine rises. The first spread over broad areas of the pelagic zone, and are formed by diagenetic transformation of fine dispersed pyroclastic material in minimum sedimentation rates, the latter occur locally - in areas of basaltic volcanism manifestations.
A comprehensive study of 102 samples of grain size fractions 0.010-0.005; 0.005-0.001, and <0.001 mm showns that clay mineral compositions from bottom sediments of the Faroe-Iceland Threshold and Faroe-Shetland Trench are different. In the first case it is essentially smectite-chlorite, in the second - mainly hydromicaceous. The difference in composition of clay minerals is due to influence of different source areas of terrigenous material.
Contents of mercury and zinc in reduced sediments and interstitial waters of the Gdansk Bay in the Baltic Sea were investigated. It was found that sediments contain 0.7 ppm Hg, of which 0.008 ppm.(0.4% of total) is dissolved in interstitial water, and 91 ppm Zn, of which 0.15 ppm (0.45% of total) is dissolved in interstitial water. Differences in contents in different layers (0-5 and 25-30 cm) can be attributed to anthropogenic influence. Aderage concentration of mercury in the upper sediment layer is 27% higher and one of zinc is 40% higher than those found in the lower sediment layer. In addition, distribution of zinc in grain size fractions of the sediments was investigated, and some data on cadmium content were obtained.
The redox stratification of bottom sediments in Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea, is characterized by elevated concentrations of Mn (3-5%) and Fe (7.5%) in the uppermost layer, which is two orders of magnitude and one and a half times, respectively, higher than the average concentrations of these elements in the Earth's crust. The high concentrations of organic matter (Corg = 1-2%) in these sediments cannot maintain (because of its low reaction activity) the sulfate-reducing process (the concentration of sulfide Fe is no higher than 0.6%). The clearest manifestation of diagenesis is the extremely high Mn2+ concentration in the silt water (>500 µM), which causes its flux into the bottom water, oxidation in contact with oxygen, and the synthesis of MnO2 oxy-hydroxide enriching the surface layer of the sediments. Such migrations are much less typical of Fe. Upon oxygen exhaustion in the uppermost layer of the sediments, the synthesized oxyhydroxides (MnO2 and FeOOH) serve as oxidizers of organic matter during anaerobic diagenesis. The calculated diffusion-driven Mn flux from the sediments (280 µM/m**2 day) and corresponding amount of forming Mn oxyhydrate as compared to opposite oxygen flux to sediments (1-10 mM/m**2 day) indicates that >10% organic matter in the surface layer of the sediments can be oxidized with the participation of MnO2. The roles of other oxidizers of organic matter (FeOOH and SO4**2-) becomes discernible at deeper levels of the sediments. The detailed calculation of the balance of reducing processes testifies to the higher consumption of organic matter during the diagenesis of surface sediments than it follows from the direct determination of Corg. The most active diagenetic redox processes terminate at depths of 25-50 cm. Layers enriched in Mn at deeper levels are metastable relicts of its surface accumulation and are prone to gradual dissemination.
Contents of free lipids in the upper layers of slightly siliceous diatomaceous oozes from the South Atlantic and of calcareous foraminiferal oozes, of coral sediments and of red clays from the western tropical Pacific amount varies from 0.014 to 0.057% of dry sediment. Their content is inversely proportional to total content of organic matter. Relative content of low-polar compounds in total amount of lipids and content of hydrocarbons, fatty acids, and sterols in the composition of these compounds can serve as an index of degree of transformation of organic matter in sediment because these compounds are resistant to various degree to microbial and hydrolytic decomposition and, consequently, are selectively preserved under conditions of biodegradation of organic compounds during oxydation-reduction processes.