707 resultados para Ridge orientations


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Absolute ages of plutonic rocks from mid-ocean ridges provide important constraints on the scale, timing and rates of oceanic crustal accretion, yet few such rocks have been absolutely dated. We present 206Pb/238U SHRIMP zircon ages from two ODP Drill Holes and a surface sample from Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge. We report ten new sample ages from 26-1430 m in ODP Hole 735B, and one from 57 m in ODP Hole 1105A. Including a previously published age, eleven samples from Hole 735B yield 206Pb/238U zircon crystallization ages that are the same, within error, overlap with the estimated magnetic age and are inferred to date the main period of crustal growth, the average age of analyses is 11.99 ± 0.12 Ma. Any differences in the ages of magmatic series and/or tectonic blocks within Hole 735B are unresolvable and eight well-constrained ages vary from 11.86 ± 0.20 Ma to 12.13 ± 0.21 Ma, a range of 0.27 ± 0.29 Ma, consistent with the duration of crustal accretion observed at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. An age of 11.87 ± 0.23 Ma from Hole 1105A is within error of ages from Hole 735B and permits previous correlations made between zones of oxide-rich gabbros in each hole. Pb/U zircon ages > 0.5 Ma younger than the magnetic age are recorded in at least three samples from Atlantis Bank, one from Hole 735B and two collected along a fault scarp to the East. These young ages may date one or more off-axis events previously suggested from thermochronologic data and support the interpretation of a complex geological history following crustal accretion at Atlantis Bank. Together with results from the surface of Atlantis Bank, dating has shown that while the majority of Pb/U SHRIMP zircon ages record the short-lived (< 0.5 Ma) phase of crustal accretion on-axis, results from several samples precede and post-date this period by > 1 Ma suggesting a complex and prolonged magmatic/tectonic history for the crust at Atlantis Bank.


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New U-series isotope data for lavas from the East Scotia backarc spreading center span a large range in (230Th/232Th) and (238U/232Th). Most of the backarc lavas have (238U/230Th) < 1, similar to the composition of mid-oceanic-ridge basalts (MORB). Lavas from two segments have (238U/230Th) > 1 and are enriched in fluid-mobile elements, implying a recent addition of a U-rich slab-derived component. The data from one segment suggest an influence from an aqueous fluid from altered MORB, whereas samples from the other slab-influenced segment show addition of a sediment melt. The slab-influenced samples form a distinct trend in the equiline diagram between aqueous fluid and sediment melt that is suggested to be a mixing line rather than an isochron.


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Petrochemical variations in composition of basalts along the axial part of the Kolbeinsey mid-ocean ridge were studied. It was found that principal mass of these basalts has tholeiitic composition. Alkalinity of these basalts increases near zones of transform transverse faults; it increases likewise toward Iceland, and especially in the direction of Jan Mayen Island.


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During ODP Leg 168, 10 sites were drilled across the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR), to examine the conditions of fluid-rock interaction in three distinct hydrothermal regimes (referred to as the Hydrothermal Transition (HT), Buried Basement (BB) and Rough Basement (RB) transects), extending over a ~120 km linear transect perpendicular to the spreading ridge. This was carried out in an attempt to constrain the conditions and processes that control the location, style and magnitude of low temperature (<150°C) fluid-rock interaction within this setting. This paper presents new data on the petrology, mineral chemistry and whole rock strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions of basalts from the eastern flank of the JdFR, in order to investigate the extent, style and sequence of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration and to establish how the hydrothermal regime evolved with time. Throughout the flank, a progressive sequence of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration has been identified, marked by changes in the dominant secondary mineral assemblage, changing from: chlorite+chlorite/smectite; to iron oyxhydroxide+celadonite; to saponite+/-pyrite; culminating at present with Ca- to CaMg(+/-Fe,Mn)-carbonate. The changes in secondary mineralogy have been used to infer a series of systematic shifts in the conditions of alteration that occurred as the basement moved off-axis and was progressively buried by sediment. In general, hydrothermal alteration of the uppermost oceanic crust commenced under open, oxidative conditions, with interaction between unmodified to slightly modified seawater and basaltic crust, to a regime in which circulation of a strongly modified seawater-derived fluid was more restricted, and alteration occurred under non-oxidative conditions. Across the flank, petrological observations and microprobe analyses indicate that the observed ranges in secondary mineral composition are directly related to changes in the geochemical and textural characteristics of the basement, as well as to interaction between fluids and phases from the four stages of alteration. This is suggestive of an increase in fluid-rock increased with time. Whole rock 87Sr/86Sr and d18O analyses of basalts from across the eastern flank of the JdFR reinforce petrological observations, with 87Sr/86Sr and d18O values slightly elevated above accepted pristine MORB values for this region. These results are consistent with an increase in the amount of fluid-rock interaction with time. Across the flank, enrichment in the 87Sr/86Sr and d18O relative to MORB, is influenced by a number of factors, including: local and regional variations in the crustal lithology and structure; the age of the crust; the extent of bulk rock alteration; and theoretically, the relative abundance of different isotopically-enriched secondary mineral phases in the crust.


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The grain sizes of gas hydrate crystallites are largely unknown in natural samples. Single grains are hardly detectable with electron or optical microscopy. For the first time, we have used high-energy synchrotron diffraction to determine grain sizes of six natural gas hydrates retrieved from the Bush Hill region in the Gulf of Mexico and from ODP Leg 204 at the Hydrate Ridge offshore Oregon from varying depth between 1 and 101 metres below seafloor. High-energy synchrotron radiation provides high photon fluxes as well as high penetration depth and thus allows for investigation of bulk sediment samples. Gas hydrate grain sizes were measured at the Beam Line BW 5 at the HASYLAB/Hamburg. A 'moving area detector method', originally developed for material science applications, was used to obtain both spatial and orientation information about gas hydrate grains within the sample. The gas hydrate crystal sizes appeared to be (log-)normally distributed in the natural samples. All mean grain sizes lay in the range from 300 to 600 µm with a tendency for bigger grains to occur in greater depth. Laboratory-produced methane hydrate, aged for 3 weeks, showed half a log-normal curve with a mean grain size value of c. 40 µm. The grains appeared to be globular shaped.


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Original results of igneous rock studies are presented. The rocks were dredged during a marine expedition (cruise 37 of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent'ev in August-September, 2005) in the region of the submarine Vityaz Ridge and the Kuril Arc outer slope. Several age complexes (Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene) are recognizable on the Vityaz Ridge. These complexes are characterized by a number of common geochemical features since all of them represent formations of island arc calc-alkali series. At the same time, they also have individual features reflecting different geodynamic settings. The outer slope of the Kuril Arc demonstrates submarine volcanism. Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks dredged here are similar to volcanites of the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc frontal zone.


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The relative paleointensity (RPI) method assumes that the intensity of post depositional remanent magnetization (PDRM) depends exclusively on the magnetic field strength and the concentration of the magnetic carriers. Sedimentary remanence is regarded as an equilibrium state between aligning geomagnetic and randomizing interparticle forces. Just how strong these mechanical and electrostatic forces are, depends on many petrophysical factors related to mineralogy, particle size and shape of the matrix constituents. We therefore test the hypothesis that variations in sediment lithology modulate RPI records. For 90 selected Late Quaternary sediment samples from the subtropical and subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean a combined paleomagnetic and sedimentological dataset was established. Misleading alterations of the magnetic mineral fraction were detected by a routine Fe/kappa test (Funk, J., von Dobeneck, T., Reitz, A., 2004. Integrated rock magnetic and geochemical quantification of redoxomorphic iron mineral diagenesis in Late Quaternary sediments from the Equatorial Atlantic. In: Wefer, G., Mulitza, S., Ratmeyer, V. (Eds.), The South Atlantic in the Late Quaternary: reconstruction of material budgets and current systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Tokyo, pp. 239-262). Samples with any indication of suboxic magnetite dissolution were excluded from the dataset. The parameters under study include carbonate, opal and terrigenous content, grain size distribution and clay mineral composition. Their bi- and multivariate correlations with the RPI signal were statistically investigated using standard techniques and criteria. While several of the parameters did not yield significant results, clay grain size and chlorite correlate weakly and opal, illite and kaolinite correlate moderately to the NRM/ARM signal used here as a RPI measure. The most influential single sedimentological factor is the kaolinite/illite ratio with a Pearson's coefficient of 0.51 and 99.9% significance. A three-member regression model suggests that matrix effects can make up over 50% of the observed RPI dynamics.


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Rate of CO2 assimilation was determined above the Broken Spur and TAG active hydrothermal fields for three main ecosystems: (1) hydrothermal vents; (2) 300 m near-bottom layer of plume water; and (3) bottom sediments. In water samples from warm (40-45°C) vents assimilation rates were maximal and reached 2.82-3.76 µg C/l/day. In plume waters CO2 assimilation rates ranged from 0.38 to 0.65 µg C/l/day. In bottom sediments CO2 assimilation rates varied from 0.8 to 28.0 µg C/l/day, rising up to 56 mg C/kg/day near shrimp swarms. In the most active plume zone of the long-living TAG field bacterial production of organic matter (OM) from carbonic is up to 170 mg C/m**2/day); production of autotrophic process of bacterial chemosynthesis reaches about 90% (156 mg C/m**2/day). Thus, chemosynthetic production of OM in September-October is almost equal to that of photosynthetic production in the oceanic region. Bacterial production of OM above the Broken Spur hydrothermal field is one order lower and reaches only 20 mg C/m**2/day.


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X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of sediment cores from the Lomonosov Ridge and the Morris Jesup Rise reveals a distinct pattern of Ca intensity peaks through Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 to 7. Downcore of MIS 7, the Ca signal is more irregular and near the detection limit. Virtually all major peaks in Ca coincide with a high abundance of calcareous microfossils; this is particularly conspicuous in the cores from the central Arctic Ocean. However, the recorded Ca signal is generally caused by a combination of biogenic and detrital carbonate, and in areas influenced by input from the Canadian Arctic, detrital carbonates may effectively mask the foraminiferal carbonates. Despite this, there is a strong correlation between XRF-detected Ca content and foraminiferal abundance. We propose that in the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland a common palaeoceanographic mechanism is controlling Ca-rich ice-rafted debris (IRD) and foraminiferal abundance. Previous studies have shown that glacial periods are characterized by foraminfer-barren sediments. This implies that the Ca-rich IRD intervals with abundant foraminifera were most likely deposited during interglacial periods when glaciers left in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago were still active and delivered a large amount of icebergs. At the same time, conditions were favourable for planktic foraminifera, resulting in a strong covariance between these proxies. Therefore, we suggest that the XRF scanner's capability to efficiently map Ca concentrations in sediment cores makes it possible to systematically examine large numbers of cores from different regions to investigate the palaeoceanographic reasons for the calcareous microfossils' spatial and temporal variability.