694 resultados para Pacaya Volcano
A series of K-Ar dates from Mt Giluwe volcano is reported and its relevance to the Quaternary history of the volcano is discussed. The period between about 380 000 and 220 000 years BP seems to have been one of major volcanic activity. During the volcanic activity there were periods of ice cover probably of short duration. The oldest evidence of glacial action predates a lava flow dated at between 340 000 and 380 000 years. At about 290 000 years an ice cap of a thickness of at least 100 m covered the summit area and one or a series of subglacial eruption(s) led to the formation of palagonitic breccia. This event was probably associated with a complete melting of the ice since it was followed almost immediately by the eruption of a thick sequence of normal lava flows which range in age from about 289 000 years to about 220 000 years. Subsequent volcanic activity was less significant and no dates are available on this.
The role of sediment diagenesis in the marine cycles of Li and B is poorly understood. Because Li and B are easily mobilized during burial and are consumed in authigenic clay mineral formation, their abundance in marine pore waters varies considerably. Exchange with the overlying ocean through diffusive fluxes should thus be common. Nevertheless, only a minor Li sink associated with the low-temperature alteration of volcanic ash has been observed. We describe a low-temperature diagenetic environment in the Black Sea dominated by the alteration of detrital plagioclase feldspars. Fluids expelled from the Odessa mud volcano in the Sorokin Trough originate from shallow (~100-400 m deep) sediments which are poor in volcanic materials but rich in anorthite. These fluids are depleted in Na+, K+, Li+, B, and 18O and enriched in Ca2+ and Sr2+, indicating that anorthite is dissolving and authigenic clays are forming. Using a simple chemical model, we calculate the pH and the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) in fluids associated with this alteration process. Our results show that the pH of these fluids is up to 1.5 pH units lower than in most deep marine sediments and that PCO2 levels are up to several hundred times higher than in the atmosphere. These conditions are similar to those which favor the weathering of silicate minerals in subaerial soil environments. We propose that in Black Sea sediments enhanced organic matter preservation favors CO2 production through methanogenesis and results in a low pore water pH, compared to most deep sea sediments. As a result, silicate mineral weathering, which is a sluggish process in most marine diagenetic environments, proceeds rapidly in Black Sea sediments. There is a potential for organic matter-rich continental shelf environments to host this type of diagenesis. Should such environments be widespread, this new Li and B sink could help balance the marine Li and Li isotope budgets but would imply an apparent imbalance in the B cycle.
Pore waters were collected from nine sites during Leg 125 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The first four sites (778-781) were drilled in the Mariana forearc on and near Conical Seamount, an active serpentine "mud volcano" located about 80 km behind the trench axis and 120 km in front of the active island arc. The last five sites (782-786) were drilled in the Izu-Bonin forearc between the trench and the outer arc high. Pore waters from the five sites from both areas that penetrated serpentine silts (Sites 778,779,780,783, and 784) are discussed in detail by Mottl (this volume). Here we report analyses of the pore waters from all nine sites for Li, Rb, Sr, Ba, Mn, B, and the sulfur isotopic ratio of dissolved sulfate. Sampling methods and results of analyses for major and minor species determined aboard ship were presented by Fryer, Pearce, Stokking, et al. (1990, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.125.1990).
Conventional K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar total fusion, and 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating data on hawaiite and tholeiitic basalt samples from Ojin (Site 430), alkalic basalt samples from Nintoku (Site 432), and alkalic and tholeiitic basalt samples from Suiko (Site 433) seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain give the following best ages for these volcanoes: Ojin = 55.2 ± 0.7 m.y., Nintoku = 56.2 ± 0.6 m.y., and Suiko = 64.7 ± 1.1 m.y. These new data bring to 27 the number of dated volcanoes in the Hawaiian-Emperor volcanic chain. The new dates prove that the age progression from Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii (0 m.y.) through the Hawaiian-Emperor bend (- 43 m.y.) to Koko Seamount (48.1 m.y.) in the southernmost Emperor Seamounts continues more than halfway up the Emperor chain to Suiko Seamount. The age versus distance data for the Hawaiian-Emperor chain are consistent with the kinematic hot-spot hypothesis, which predicts that the volcanoes are progressively older west and north away from the active volcanoes of Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The data are consistent with an average volcanic propagation velocity of either 8 cm/year from Suiko to Kilauea or of 6 cm/year from Suiko to Midway followed by a velocity of 9 cm/year from Midway to Kilauea, but it appears that the change in direction that formed the Hawaiian- Emperor bend probably was not accompanied by a major change in velocity.