694 resultados para Pacaya Volcano


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Analysis numbers 344-370, SAMF 12.5-12.7; 442-369, SAMF 12.7-12.9; 422-77, SAMF 12.9-13.1; 95-156, SAMF 13.1-13.3; 272-82, SAMF 13.3-13.5; 285-33, SAMF 13.5-13.7. Analyses are listed in depth order within each SAMF division.


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It has been established (with use of analytical electron microscopy) that Fe-Mn crusts from two seamounts of the Sea of Japan consist predominantly of an association of birnessite minerals including Ca-birnessite and clinobirnessite. The latter is represented by twins, which form regular integrowths with 14 Å Ca-birnessite. Ore material from the third seamount (Tarasov submarine volcano) consists only of fibrous todorokite, which forms spherulitic nodules, blocks, and laminar formations. Its chemical composition is close to that of todorokite from the Galapagos rift zone.


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We present here a new geological map of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands). Like on adjacent Barton Peninsula, the morphology on Potter Peninsula is predominantly characterized by a glacial landscape with abrasion platforms offshore, in parts steep cliffs along the coast, and a rather smooth, hilly countryside in the interior. Potter Peninsula forms part of the downthrown Warszawa Block. The volcanic sequence cropping out here belongs to the King George Island Supergroup, with an observed local minimum thickness of approx. 90 m (Kraus 2005). The most prominent morphological feature is Three Brothers Hill (196 m), a well known andesitic plug showing conspicuous columnar jointing. It marks the final stage of activity of a Paleogene volcano, whose eruption products (lava flows and pyroclastic rocks), together with hypabyssal intrusions related to the volcanism, make up most of the lithology observed on Potter Peninsula (Kraus 2005). The Three Brothers Hill volcanic complex is eroded down to its deepest levels. Thus, the stratigraphically deepest units from the initial phase of volcanic activity are cropping out in some parts (Kraus & del Valle, in Wienke et al. 2008). The lithology on Potter Peninsula comprises lava flows (~50%), pyroclastic rocks (ash-fallout, pyroclastic flow deposits, volcanic breccia and agglomerates, ~30%) and hypabyssal intrusions (dykes, sills and small subvolcanic intrusive bodies, ~20%). 40Ar/39Ar datings carried out on magmatic dykes from Potter Peninsula indicate a short, but intense intrusive event during the Lutetian (Kraus et al. 2007).


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Mixed terrigenous-pelagic sediments from the Oligocene-lower Miocene interval of Hole 1139A accumulated on the flank of an eroded alkalic volcano, Skiff Bank. In this study, I explore relationships among sediment fluxes, especially of organic carbon and the clay mineral by-products of silicate weathering, and lithologic, tectonic, climatic, and biologic forcing factors. Benthic foraminifers indicate that Skiff Bank had subsided to lower bathyal depths (1000-2000 m) by the Oligocene. Two prominent maxima in noncarbonate concentration at 28 and 22 Ma correspond to peaks in the terrigenous flux; also, high noncarbonate concentrations are associated with larger grain sizes (silt) and higher opal concentrations. These and higher-frequency variations of noncarbonate concentration were probably controlled by glacioeustatic/climatic changes, with higher noncarbonate concentrations caused by increased erosion during glacial lowstands. Around 27 Ma, benthic foraminiferal d18O values decreased 0.7 per mil as the noncarbonate concentration decreased after the 28-Ma maximum. A paucity of clay-sized sediment and clay minerals suggests that physical erosion, by waves and/or ice, predominated under weathering-limited conditions. Low organic carbon concentrations (~0.13 wt%) also suggest a harsh environment and/or poor preservation in coarse (>2 µm) sediments that were extensively bioturbated below the oxygen minimum zone.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134 (Vanuatu), geological high sensitivity magnetic tools (GHMT) developed by CEA-LETI and TOTAL were used at two drill sites. GHMT combine two sensors, a proton magnetometer for total magnetic field measurements with an operational accuracy of 0.1 nanoteslas (nT), and a highly sensitive induction tool to measure the magnetic susceptibility with an operational accuracy of a few 10**-6 SI units. Hole 829A was drilled through an accretionary prism and the downhole measurements of susceptibility correlate well with other well-log physical properties. Sharp susceptibility contrasts between chalk and volcanic silt sediment provide complementary data that help define the lithostratigraphic units. At Hole 831B magnetic susceptibility and total field measurements were performed through a 700-m reef carbonate sequence of a guyot deposited on top of an andesitic volcano. The downhole magnetic susceptibility is very low and the amplitude of peak-to-peak anomalies is less than a few 10**-5 SI units. Based on the repeatability of the measurements, the accuracy of the magnetic logging measurements was demonstrated to be excellent. Total magnetic field data at Hole 831B reveal low magnetic anomalies of 0.5 to 5 nT and the measurement of a complete repeat section indicates an accuracy of 0.1 to 0.2 nT. Due to the inclination of the earth's magnetic field in this area (~-40°) and the very low magnetic susceptibility of the carbonate, the contribution of the induced magnetization to the total field measured in the hole is negligible. Unfortunately, because the core recovery was extremely poor (<5%) no detailed comparison between the core measurements and the downhole magnetic data could be made. Most samples have a diamagnetic susceptibility and very low intensity of remanent magnetization (< 10**-4 A/m), but a few samples have a stable remanent magnetization up to 0.005 A/m. These variations of the intensity of the remanent magnetization suggest a very heterogeneous distribution of the magnetization in the carbonate sequence that could explain the magnetic field anomalies measured in these weakly magnetized rocks.