663 resultados para TRACE validointi
This study involves samples of Santonian to Eocene age (Cores 516F-125 to 516F-38) taken from the Rio Grande Rise in the South Atlantic Ocean. These samples are from DSDP Site 516 occupied during Leg 72 of the Glomar Challenger (details given in site chapter, Site 516, this volume). Only Santonian to Paleocene cores have been well sampled, and analyses of the Eocene samples are preliminary results. Results of the trace element analyses (Mg, Sr, Mn, Ni, Fe, Na, K) of the carbonate fraction and CaCO3 percentage for each sample can be found in Renard and others (1983). Whole geochemical data are treated by the statistical method of correspondence analysis. Oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios measured on samples close to the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary are not used in this study.
Talus deposits recovered from Site 536 show evidence of aragonite dissolution, secondary porosity development, and calcite cementation. Although freshwater diagenesis could account for the petrographic features of the altered talus deposits, it does not uniquely account for isotopic or trace-element characteristics. Also, the hydrologic setting required for freshwater alteration is not easily demonstrated for the Campeche Bank. A mixing-zone model does not account for the available trace-element data, but does require somewhat less drastic assumptions about the size of the freshwater lens. Although a seawater (bottom-water) alteration model requires no hydrologic difficulties, unusual circumstances are required to account for the geochemical characteristics of the talus deposits using this model.
A distinct Pliocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel (i-282), recovered from three Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 160 Sites, has been investigated for its organic and inorganic composition. This sapropel is characterized by high organic carbon (Corg) and trace element contents, and the presence of isorenieratene derivatives. The latter suggests that the base of the photic zone was sulphidic during formation of the sapropel. Combined with evidence of bottom water anoxia (preservation of laminae, high redox-sensitive trace element contents, and the abundance and isotopic composition of pyrite) this leads to the tentative conclusion that almost the entire water column may have been anoxic. This anoxia resulted from high productivity and not from stagnation, because an approximation of the trace element budget during sapropel formation shows that water exchange with the western Mediterranean is needed. Entire water column anoxia has been suggested earlier for several black shales. With regard to the depositional environment and the Corg content, however, only the Cenomanian=Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) black shales appear to be comparable to this sapropel. The proposed trace element removal mechanism of scavenging and (co-)precipitation in an anoxic water column, is thought to be similar for both types of deposits. The ultimate trace element source for the sapropel, however, is seawater, whereas it is hydrothermal and fluvial input for CTBE black shales (because they have a larger temporal and spatial distribution). Nonetheless, the Corg-rich eastern Mediterranean Pliocene sapropel discussed here may be considered to be a younger analogue of CTBE black shales.
The basalts recovered from the Costa Rica Rift by drilling at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 501, 504, and 505 during Legs 68, 69 and 70 of the Glomar Challenger are the most depleted in the most-hygromagmaphile elements (Th, Ta, Nb, and La) of all MORB recovered to date by the Glomar Challenger. The invariant ratios Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf, and Y/Tb show "chondritic values" (expected for Nb/Ta because of the very low concentrations in these elements). Four samples from a single unit are exceptions: they present a flat to slightly enriched, extended Coryell-Masuda plot, and at the same time their La/Ta ratio is 9 (normalized ratio = 1) instead of 19 (normalized ratio = 2), the value for all other samples. Only one of these two values of the La/Ta ratio had been found so far within a single hole, and moreover within large areas of the oceanic crust (several holes or dredges). The present result shows that local heterogeneity of the upper mantle with respect to the La/Ta ratio may exist.