683 resultados para Gulf of Alaska
Fluctuations in the abundance of selected foraminiferal indicator species and diversity allowed the reconstruction of changes in deepwater oxygenation and monsoon-driven organic matter fluxes in the deep western Arabian Sea during the last 190 kyr. Times of maximum surface production coincide with periods of intensified SW monsoon as shown by the abundance of Globigerina bulloides and enhanced carbonate corrosion. Benthic ecosystem variability in the deep Arabian Sea is not exclusively driven by variations in monsoonal upwelling and related organic matter supply to the seafloor but also by changes in deepwater ventilation. Deepening of the base of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) below 1800 m water depth is strongly coherent on the precessional band but lags proxies of SW monsoon strength by 4 to 6 kyr. The "out-of-phase" relationship between OMZ deepening and maximum SW monsoon strength is explained by temporal changes in the advection of oxygen-rich deepwater masses of North Atlantic and Antarctic origin. This process affected the remineralization and burial efficiency of organic matter in the deep Arabian Sea, resulting in the observed phase lag between maximum monsoon strength and organic carbon preservation.
Sediments from the Gulf of California contain sufficient amounts of thermally reactive organic matter to be considered fair-to-good potential petroleum source rocks. While sediments deposited within the present oxygen-minimum zone have the greatest amounts of organic matter, those deposited below the oxygen-minimum contain sufficient organic matter to be considered potential source rocks. The organic matter in the sediment is almost exclusively marine, Type II kerogen. Different techniques of determining kerogen composition produce generally compatible answers, although pyrolysis gives somewhat misleading results. Elemental analysis of the kerogen and vitrinite reflectance measurements indicate that the organic matter is not buried to sufficiently great depth for significant petroleum generation, despite the high temperature gradients.
Studies of interstitial waters obtained from DSDP Leg 64 drill sites in the Gulf of California have revealed information both on early diagenetic processes in the sediments resulting from the breakdown of organic matter and on hydrothermal interactions between sediments and hot doleritic sill intrusions into the sediments. In all the sites drilled sulfate reduction occurred as a result of rapid sediment accumulation rates and of relatively high organic carbon contents; in most sites methane production occurred after sulfate depletion. Associated with this methane production are high values of alkalinity and high concentrations of dissolved ammonia, which causes ion exchange processes with the solid phases leading to intermediate maxima in Mg++, K+, Rb+, and Sr++(?). Though this phenomenon is common in Leg 64 drill sites, these concentration reversals had been noticed previously only in Site 262 (Timor Trough) and Site 440 (Japan Trench). Penetrating, hot dolerite sills have led to substantial hydrothermal alteration in sediments at sites drilled in the Guaymas Basin. Site 477 is an active hydrothermal system in which the pore-water chemistry typically shows depletions in sulfate and magnesium and large increases in lithium, potassium, rubidium, calcium, strontium, and chloride. Strontium isotope data also indicate large contributions of volcanic matter and basalt to the pore-water strontium concentrations. At Sites 478 and 481 dolerite sill intrusions have cooled to ambient temperatures but interstitial water concentrations of Li+, Rb+, Sr++ , and Cl- show the gradual decay of a hydrothermal signal that must have been similar to the interstitial water chemistry at Site 477 at the time of sill intrusion. Studies of oxygen isotopes of the interstitial waters at Site 481 indicate positive values of d18O (SMOW) as a result of high-temperature alteration reactions occurring in the sills and the surrounding sediments. A minimum in dissolved chloride at about 100-125 meters sub-bottom at Sites 478, 481, and particularly Site 479 records a possible paleosalinity signal, associated with an event that substantially lowered salinities in the inner parts of the Gulf of California during Quaternary time.
Analyses of sediments from Leg 64 sites reveal a diverse and in one case unique geochemistry. Sites are characterized by high heat flow along an active, divergent plate boundary, or rapid accumulation of diatom muds, or both. The geochemical trends of Sites 474-476 at the tip of Baja California reflect changes4n the percentages of sedimentary components - particularly biogenous matter and mineralogy - that support interpretations of sedimentary environments inferred to be present since the commencement of subsidence along this young, passive continental margin. The sediments below dolerite sills in Holes 477, 477A, 478, and 481 show major mineralogic and chemical deviations from "average" hemipelagic sediments. The sills appear to have two functions: (1) they allow hydrothermal circulation and metamorphism in a partially closed system by trapping heat and fluids emanating from below, and (2) they expel heated interstitial fluids at the moment of intrusion and mobilize elements, most likely leading to the formation of metalliferous deposits along the surface traces of normal faults in the basin. The hydrothermal system as a whole appears to be localized and ephemeral, as is indicated by the lack of similar geochemical trends and high heat flow at Sites 478 and 481. Site 479 illustrates sedimentation in an oxygen-minimum zone with anoxic sediments and concomitant geochemical trends, especially for MnO. With few exceptions, geochemical trends are remarkably constant with depth, suggesting that Site 479 can serve as an "internal" standard or average sediment against which the magnitude of hydrothermal alteration at the basinal Sites 477, 478, and 481 can be measured.
During DSDP Leg 65, a series of holes was drilled into the oceanic basement across the mouth of the Gulf of California to study the composition of the crust and the nature of its construction at a young spreading center. In Holes 483 and 483B, two of the deepest basement holes drilled on this leg, the basement is characterized by an upper sequence of interlayered massive basalts and sediments underlain by a lower sequence of interlayered pillow and massive basalts. Electron microprobe analyses were performed on pyroxene, plagioclase, olivine, spinel, and glass from 14 representative samples of 10 of the 16 major lithologic units. These analyses along with petrographic results can be used to interpret the detailed crystallization history of the basalts. We believe from the results of this study that the basalts were formed by at least a three-stage cooling process, followed by eruption and formation of quench phases. Our data do not support magma mixing.
Organic geochemical and organic petrographic methods were used to study three Lower to middle Cretaceous sediment samples from Hole 535 in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico for organic matter contents and origin and level of maturation. All three samples contain mixed kerogen Type II/III organic matter with a maturity corresponding to about 0.4% vitrinite reflectance. The marine component increases with stratigraphic age, and microbial reworking of the organic matter is significant in each age. The lower two samples of Hauterivian to Valanginian age appear to be impregnated (or contaminated) with soluble polar organic compounds, but there is only a weak indication for the presence of more mature, nonindigenous hydrocarbons.
At Site 535, the four lithologic units of Cretaceous age are controlled by two types of sedimentologic facies: (1) the massive light-colored limestones or marly limestones in which the total organic carbon (TOC) content is low and the organic matter more or less oxidized and (2) laminated dark facies in which the TOC content is higher and associated with a well-preserved organic matter of Type II origin. Very little typical Type III organic matter occurs in the whole series from late Berriasian to Aptian and Cenomanian. Fluctuations from oxidizing to reducing environments of deposition are proposed to account for the variations in properties of the Type II organic matter between the different facies. Dark laminated layers are good but immature potential source rocks: petroleum potential is often higher than 2 kg HC/t of rock.