653 resultados para Eclectic Compositions


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Multiple layers of sapropels occur widely in the sedimentary record of the Mediterranean Sea and record repetitions of paleoclimatic conditions that favored increased production and preservation of marine organic matter. A combination of hydrogen and carbon isotope analyses of Pleistocene sapropels from the Tyrrhenian Sea reveals new aspects of the factors leading to their deposition. Organic matter dD values that are significantly more negative in sapropels than in adjacent marls indicate a combination of dilution of surface waters by meteoric waters and increased burial of lipid-rich organic matter during periods of sapropel deposition. Organic d13C values in sapropels that are less negative than those in marls suggest periods of markedly elevated marine biological production. The opposite but concordant excursions of these two isotopic parameters imply that the sapropel layers formed from increased export of marine organic matter from the photic zone to the sea floor during periods of greater fluvial delivery of continental nutrients to the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, the isotopic evidence indicates that periods of wetter climate were widespread in southern Europe at the same times as in northern Africa.


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Strontium isotopic compositions of acetic acid (HOAc) leachate fractions of eight manganese oxide deposits from the modern seafloor, and of twenty-one buried manganese nodules from Cretaceous to Recent sediments in DSDP/ODP cores were measured. ratios of HOAc leachates in all modern seafloor manganese oxides of various origins are identical with present seawater. The ratios of the HOAc leachates of buried nodules from DSDP/ODP cores are significantly lower than those of nodules from the modern seafloor and are mostly identical with coeval seawater values estimated from the age of associated sediments. It is suggested that the buried nodules in DSDP/ODP cores are not artifacts transported from the present seafloor during the drilling process, but are in situ fossil deposits from the past deep-sea floor during Cretaceous to Quaternary periods. The formation of deep-sea fossil nodules prior to the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) indicates that the circulation of oxygenated deep seawaters have activately deposited manganese oxides since the Eocene Epoch, or earlier.


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Mineralogical (microprobe) and geochemical (X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analyses) data are given for 18 samples of volcanic rocks from the Guatemala Trench area (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67). Typical fresh oceanic tholeiites occur in the trench itself (Hole 500) and in its immediate vicinity on the Cocos Plate (Site 495). Several samples (often reworked) of "spilitic" oceanic tholeiites are also described from the Trench: their mineralogy (greenschist facies association - actinolite + plagioclase + chlorite) and geochemistry (alteration, sometimes linked to manganese and zinc mineralization) are shown to result from high-temperature (300°-475°C) hydrothermal sea water-basalt interactions. The samples studied are depleted in light rare-earth elements (LREE), with the exception of the slightly LREE-enriched basalts from Hole 500. The occurrence of such different oceanic tholeiites in the same area is problematic. Volcanic rocks from the Guatemala continental slope (Hole 494A) are described as greenschist facies metabasites (actinolite + epidote + chlorite + plagioclase + calcite + quartz), mineralogically different from the spilites exposed on the Costa Rica coastal range (Nicoya Peninsula). Their primary magmatic affinity is uncertain: clinopyroxene and plagioclase compositions, together with titanium and other hygromagmaphile element contents, support an "active margin" affinity. The LREE-depleted patterns encountered in the present case, however, are not frequently found in orogenic samples but are typical of many oceanic tholeiites.