801 resultados para Western Indian Ocean
The present-day clay mineral distribution in the southeastern Levantine Sea and its borderlands reveals a complex pattern of different sources and distribution paths. Smectite dominates the suspended load of the Nile River and of rivers in the Near East. Illite sources are dust-bearing winds from the Sahara and southwestern Europe. Kaolinite is prevalent in rivers of the Sinai, in Egyptian wadis, and in Saharan dust. A high-resolution sediment core from the southeastern Levantine Sea spanning the last 27 ka shows that all these sources contributed during the late Quaternary and that the Nile River played a very important role in the supply of clay. Nile influence was reduced during the glacial period but was higher during the African Humid Period. In contrast to the sharp beginning and end of the African Humid Period recorded in West African records (15 and 5.5 ka), our data show a more transitional pattern and slightly lower Nile River discharge rates not starting until 4 ka. The similarity of the smectite concentrations with fluctuations in sea-surface temperatures of the tropical western Indian Ocean indicates a close relationship between the Indian Ocean climate system and the discharge of the Nile River.
The Indian Ocean is an important component of the global thermohaline circulation system, as its western boundary currents feed the Agulhas Current, an integral part of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, Indian Ocean intermediate to deep-water variability on glacial-interglacial timescales is still a matter of debate. Here we provide stable carbon and oxygen isotopes and sediment elemental compositions of a sediment core from the edge of the Somali Basin. We demonstrate that throughout the past 600 kyr the intermediate western Indian Ocean was primarily bathed by Southern Ocean sourced Upper Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW). This Southern Ocean sourced water mass enters the Somali Basin via the Amirante Passage or the Mozambique Channel and represents a downstream equivalent of South Atlantic UCDW. We cannot clearly account for the shortterm passage of Red Sea Water (RSW) at 1500 m water depth along the African continental margin, as previously suggested, on glacial-interglacial timescales.
The importance of intermediate water masses in climate change and ocean circulation has been emphasized recently. In particular, Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters (SOIW), such as Antarctic Intermediate Water and Subantarctic Mode Water, are thought to have acted as active interhemispheric transmitter of climate anomalies. Here we reconstruct changes in SOIW signature and spatial and temporal evolution based on a 40 kyr time series of oxygen and carbon isotopes as well as planktic Mg/Ca based thermometry from Site GeoB12615-4 in the western Indian Ocean. Our data suggest that SOIW transmitted Antarctic temperature trends to the equatorial Indian Ocean via the "oceanic tunnel" mechanism. Moreover, our results reveal that deglacial SOIW carried a signature of aged Southern Ocean deep water. We find no evidence of increased formation of intermediate waters during the deglaciation.