610 resultados para Age, calibrated


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Short-term changes in sea surface conditions controlling the thermohaline circulation in the northern North Atlantic are expected to be especially efficient in perturbing global climate stability. Here we assess past variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the northeast Atlantic and Norwegian Sea during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and, in particular, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Five high-resolution SST records were established on a meridional transect (53°N-72°N) to trace centennial-scale oscillations in SST and sea-ice cover. We used three independent computational techniques (SIMMAX modern analogue technique, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Revised Analog Method (RAM)) to reconstruct SST from planktonic foraminifer census counts. SIMMAX and ANN reproduced short-term SST oscillations of similar magnitude and absolute levels, while RAM, owing to a restrictive analog selection, appears less suitable for reconstructing "cold end" SST. The SIMMAX and ANN SST reconstructions support the existence of a weak paleo-Norwegian Current during Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) interstadials number 4, 3, 2, and 1. During the LGM, two warm incursions of 7°C water to occurred in the northern North Atlantic but ended north of the Iceland Faroe Ridge. A rough numerical estimate shows that the near-surface poleward heat transfer from 53° across the Iceland-Faroe Ridge up to to 72° N dropped to less than 60% of the modern value during DO interstadials and to almost zero during DO stadials. Summer sea ice was generally confined to the area north of 70°N and only rarely expanded southward along the margins of continental ice sheets. Internal LGM variability of North Atlantic (>40°N) SST in the GLAMAP 2000 compilation (Sarnthein et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2002PA000771; Pflaumann et al., 2003, doi:10.1029/2002PA000774) indicates maximum instability in the glacial subpolar gyre and at the Iberian Margin, while in the Nordic Seas, SST was continuously low.


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To establish a chronology of the Holocene transgression in Arctic Siberia, a total of 14 sediment cores from the Laptev Sea continental slope and shelf were studied covering the water depth range between 983 and 21 m. The age models of the cores were derived from 119 radiocarbon datings, which were all analyzed on marine biogenic calcite (mainly bivalve shells). The oldest shell sample was found at the slope and dates back to about 15.3 cal. ka, indicating that the time interval investigated starts prior to the onset of the meltwater pulse 1A (~14.2 cal. ka) when global sea-level rose dramatically. The inundation history was reconstructed mainly on the basis of major changes in average sedimentation rates (ASR), but also other sedimentological parameters were incorporated. A diachronous reduction in ASR from the outer to the inner shelf region is recognized, which was related to the southward migration of the coastline as the primary sediment source. We estimate that the flooding of the 50-, 43-, and 31-m isobaths was completed by approximately 11.1, 9.8, and 8.9 cal. ka, and that Holocene sea-level highstand was approached near 5 cal. ka. Between these time intervals, sea level in the Laptev Sea rose by 5.4, 13.3, and 7.9 mm/year, respectively.


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Although climate records from several locations around the world show nearly synchronous and abrupt changes, the nature of the inferred teleconnection is still poorly understood. On the basis of preserved laminations and molybdenum enrichments in open margin sediments we demonstrate that the oxygen content of northeast Pacific waters at 800 m depth during the Bölling-Alleröd warm period (15-13 kyr) was greatly reduced. Existing oxygen isotopic records of benthic and planktonic foraminifera suggest that this was probably due to suppressed ventilation at higher latitudes of the North Pacific. Comparison with ventilation records for the North Atlantic indicates an antiphased pattern of convection relative to the North Pacific over the past 22 kyr, perhaps due to variations in water vapor transport across Central America.


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We have compiled results obtained from four high sedimentation rate hemipelagic sequences from the Celtic sector of the NW European margin (NE Atlantic) to investigate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic evolution of the area over the last few climatic cycles. We focus on periods characteristic of deglacial transitions. We adopt a multiproxy sedimentological, geochemical, and micropaleontological approach, applying a sampling resolution down to ten microns for specific intervals. The investigation demonstrates the relationships between the Bay of Biscay hydrography and the glacial/deglacial history of both the proximal British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and the western European continent. We identify recurrent phases of laminae deposition concurrent with major BIIS deglacial episodes in all the studied cores. Evidence for abrupt freshwater discharges into the open ocean highlights the influence of such events at a regional scale. We discuss their impact at a global scale considering the present and past key location of the Bay of Biscay versus the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).


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In order to test the sensitivity of marine primary productivity in the midlatitude open ocean North Atlantic to changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), we investigated two spliced sediment cores from a site south of the Azores Islands at the northern rim of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. For this purpose we analyzed coccolithophore assemblages, diatom abundances, alkenones and conducted X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning. During times of reduced AMOC, especially during Heinrich event 1 (H1) and the Younger Dryas, we observe a strong increase in productivity as evidenced by high coccolith accumulation rates, high alkenone concentrations/accumulation rates, high Ba/Ti-ratios, high abundances of diatoms and low abundances ofF. profunda. The increased productivity is partly caused by a more southern position of the Azores Front (AzF), and hence by a less northward extension of the subtropical gyre, as deduced from high abundances of the temperate coccolithophore species G. muellerae and low abundances of subtropical species (Oolithotus spp., Umbellosphaera spp., Umbilicosphaeraspp.). However, to explain the full range of the observed productivity increase, other factors like increased westerly winds and advection of nutrient-rich surface waters have also to be considered. Because this pattern can also be observed in other sediment cores from the midlatitude North Atlantic, we propose that during times of reduced AMOC there has been a band of strongly increased productivity across the North Atlantic at the northern rim of the contracted subtropical gyre, which partly counteracts the decreased organic carbon pump in the high northern latitudes.