605 resultados para stratigraphy


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The book is devoted to stratigraphy of Cretaceous deposits from high latitudes of the southern hemisphere (subantarctic part of the ocean), as well as to geological and climatic Cretaceous history of the area. Correlation with Cretaceous sediments from warm water regions is carried out. Description and photos of characteristic species of planktonic and benthic foraminifera and calcispherulides are given.


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Basalts collected during drilling and diving programs on Serocki Volcano mostly fall within a limited compositional range, and are moderately evolved, normal MORBs with distinctive high MgO contents (averaging 7.60 wt%) and high A1203 concentrations (averaging 16.14 wt% in whole rock samples). However, samples recovered from within the central crater have lower Ti02 and FeO*/MgO, and higher MgO and Al2O3 concentrations, and are most similar to glasses recovered at Site 649 about 45 km to the north. Comparison of the observed geochemical variations with low-pressure experimental work and other samples from the region suggests that the Serocki Volcano and Site 649 data are compatible with crystal-liquid fractionation involving both olivine and early-stage clinopyroxene, as well as plagioclase, and that the sources may be similar even though Sites 648 and 649 are located in different, but adjacent, spreading cells. Consideration of the stratigraphy and morphology of Serocki Volcano suggests that this feature is more properly described as a megatumulus or lava delta, associated with a steeper, conical peak to the southwest. The evolution of Serocki Volcano involved early construction of a marginal rampart of pillows, followed by doming of this feature and the formation of a perched lava pond. Draining of this pond resulted in collapse and the formation of the central crater.


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We explore the applicability of paired Mg/Ca and 18O/16O measurements on benthic foraminifera from Southern Ocean site 747 to paleoceanographic reconstructions on pre-Pleistocene timescales. We focus on the late Oligocene through Pleistocene (27-0 Ma) history of paleotemperatures and the evolution of the d18O values of seawater (d18Osw) at a temporal resolution of ~100-200 kyr. Absolute paleotemperature estimates depend on assumptions of how Mg/Ca ratios of seawater have changed over the past 27 Myr, but relative changes that occur on geologically brief timescales are robust. Results indicate that at the Oligocene to Miocene boundary (23.8 Ma), temperatures lag the increase in global ice-volume deduced from benthic foraminiferal d18O values, but the smaller-scale Miocene glaciations are accompanied by ocean cooling of -1°C. During the mid-Miocene phase of Antarctic ice sheet growth (~15-13 Ma), water temperatures cool by ~3°C. Unlike the benthic foraminiferal d18O values, which remain relatively constant thereafter, temperatures vary (by 3°C) and reach maxima at ~12 and ~8.5 Ma. The onset of significant Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the late Pliocene is synchronous with an ~4°C cooling at site 747. A comparison of our d18Osw curve to the Haq et al. (1987, doi:10.1126/science.235.4793.1156 ) sea level curve yields excellent agreement between sequence boundaries and times of increasing seawater 18O/16O ratios. At ~12-11 Ma in particular, when benthic foraminiferal d18O values do not support a further increase in ice volume, the d18Osw curve comes to a maximum that corresponds to a major mid-Miocene sea level regression. The agreement between the character of our Mg/Ca-based d18Osw curve and sequence stratigraphy demonstrates that benthic foramaniferal Mg/Ca ratios can be used to trace the d18Osw on pre-Pleistocene timescales despite a number of uncertainties related to poorly constrained temperature calibrations and paleoseawater Mg/Ca ratios. The Mg/Ca record also highlights that deep ocean temperatures can vary independently and unexpectedly from ice volume changes, which can lead to misinterpretations of the d18O record.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 was designed to study Neogene sedimentation history in the western Indian Ocean Basin as well as the Cenozoic evolution of the Reunion hotspot. We describe the paleomagnetic analysis of the sediments recovered on this leg, focusing on the sites that provided the most readily interpretable data: Sites 706, 709, 710, and 711. Sediments from Site 706 show no reversals but appear to give a reliable reversed polarity primary direction, judged on the basis of the demagnetization behavior of individual samples as well as from the results of a fold test formulated by comparing the two holes drilled at this site. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy in sediments from Site 709 can be deduced in two limited sections of Pliocene-Pleistocene and Oligocene-Miocene age. Sediments recovered at Site 710 (and, to a lesser extent, Site 711) render a relatively continuous magnetic polarity stratigraphy that spans most of the Neogene and adds significantly to the body of data available to address problems in Miocene geochronology. In addition to these magnetostratigraphic results, the paleomagnetism of these sediments can be used to determine paleolatitude. Using the most reliable inclination measurements from Sites 706, 710, and 711, we compared paleomagnetic estimates of paleolatitude with estimates derived from a hotspot-based absolute plate motion model. Our data, which covers the interval since 33 Ma, shows that paleolatitudes calculated with the geocentric axial dipole assumption are in general accord with the hotspot predictions. However, a correction for the long-term nondipole field brings the paleomagnetic results into even better agreement with plate motions that are based on the fixity of African hotspots.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 on Shatsky Rise (North Pacific Ocean) recovered a series of cores at three holes that contain calcareous nannofossil ooze of latest Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) through early Eocene age. Several important records have been generated using samples from these cores, but the stratigraphy has remained outdated and confusing. Here we revise the stratigraphy at Site 577. This includes refining several age datums, realigning cores in the depth domain, and placing all stratigraphic markers on a current time scale. The work provides a template for appropriately bringing latest Cretaceous and Paleogene data sets at old drill sites into current paleoceanographic literature for this time interval. While the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) lies within core gaps at Holes 577* and 577A, the sedimentary record at the site holds other important events and remains crucially relevant to understanding changes in oceanographic conditions from the latest Cretaceous through early Paleogene.