632 resultados para sediment retention in reservoirs
Volumes of Holocene (10 000 years) terrigenous sediments and annnal sediment supply in the Laptev Sea were evaluated from average thickness of the Holocene veneer. Volumes of deposits supplied from various sediment sourees and by different proeesses (abrasion of hinterland and island shores, river discharge, eolian input, drifting ice) were diseriminating of deposition in the eoastal zone, at river/sea barrier, and in the shelf basin itself. Accumulation by drifting iee and the role of local sea bottom erosion were also considered. Total amount of sediments transported from the Laptev Sea shelf to Amundsen and Nansen Basins of the Aretie Ocean was compared with other Russian Aretie seas.
Limited availability of P in soils to crops may be due to deficiency and/or severe P retention. Earlier studies that drew on large soil profile databases have indicated that it is not (yet) feasible to present meaningful values for "plant-available" soil P, obtained according to comparable analytical methods, that may be linked to soil geographical databases derived from 1:5 million scale FAO Digital Soil Map of the World, such as the 5 x 5 arc-minute version of the ISRIC-WISE database. Therefore, an alternative solution for studying possible crop responses to fertilizer-P applied to soils, at a broad scale, was sought. The approach described in this report considers the inherent capacity of soils to retain phosphorus (P retention), in various forms. Main controlling factors of P retention processes, at the broad scale under consideration, are considered to be pH, soil mineralogy, and clay content. First, derived values for these properties were used to rate the inferred capacity for P retention of the component soil units of each map unit (or grid cell) using four classes (i.e., Low, Moderate, High, and Very High). Subsequently, the overall soil phosphorus retention potential was assessed for each mapping unit, taking into account the P-ratings and relative proportion of each component soil unit. Each P retention class has been assigned to a likely fertilizer P recovery fraction, derived from the literature, thereby permitting spatially more detailed, integrated model-based studies of environmental sustainability and agricultural production at the global and continental level (< 1:5 million). Nonetheless, uncertainties remain high; the present analysis provides an approximation of world soil phosphorus retention potential.
During the ARCTIC '91-Expedition with RV 'Polarstern', several Multicorer and Kastenlot-cores were recovered along a profile crossing the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean. The investigated cores consist mainly of clayey-silty sediments, and some units with a higher sand content. In this thesis, detailed sedimentological and organic-geochemical investigations were performed. In part, the near surface sediments were AMS-14C dated making it possible to Interpret the results of the organic-geochemical investigations in terms of climatic changes (isotopic stage 2 to the Holocene). The more or less absence of foraminifers within the long cores prevented the development of an oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Only the results of core PS2174-5 from the Amundsen-Basin could be discussed in terms of the climatic change that could be dated back to oxygen isotope stage 7. Detailed organic-geochemical investigations in the central Arctic Ocean are rare. Therefore, several different organic-geochemical methods were used to obtain a wide range of data for the Interpretation of the organic matter. The high organic carbon content of the surface sediments is derived from a high input of terrigenous organic matter. The terrigenous organic material is most likely entrained within the sea-ice On the Siberian shelves and released during ice-drift over the Arctic Ocean. Other factors such as iceberg-transport and turbidites are also responsible for the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Due to the more or less closed sea-ice Cover, the Arctic Ocean is known as a low productivity system. A model shows, that only 2 % of the organic matter in central Arctic Ocean sediments is of a marine origin. The influence of the West-Spitsbergen current increases the marine organic matter content to 16 %. Short chain n-alkanes (C17 and C19) can be used as a marker of marine productivity in the Arctic Ocean. Higher contents of short chain n-alkanes exist in surface sediments of the Lomonosov-Ridge and the Makarov-Basin, indicating a higher marine productivity caused by a reduced sea-ice Cover. The Beaufort-Gyre and Transpolar-Drift drift Patterns could be responsible for the lower sea-ice distribution in this region. The sediments of Stage 2 and Stage 3 in this region are also dominated by a higher content of short chain-nalkanes indicating a comparable ice-drift Pattern during that time. The content and composition of organic carbon in the sediments of core PS2174-5 reflect glaciallinterglacial changes. Interglacial stages 7 and 5e show a low organic carbon content (C 0,5 %) and, as indicated by high hydrogen-indices, low CIN-ratios, higher content of n-alkanes (C17 and C19) and a higher opal content, a higher marine productivity. In the Holocene, a high content of foraminifers, coccoliths, ostracodes, and sponge spicules indicate higher surface-water productivity. Nevertheless, the low hydrogenindices reveal a high content of terrigenous organic matter. Therefore, the Holocene seems to be different from interglacials 7 and 5e. During the glacial periods (stages 6, upper 5, and 4), TOC-values are significantly higher (0.7 to 1.3 %). In addition, low hydrogen-indices, high CIN-ratios, low short chain n-alkanes and opal contents provide evidence for a higher input of terrigenous organic matter and reduced marine productivity. The high lignin content in core sections with high TOC-contents, substantiates the high input of terrigenous organic matter. Changes in the content and composition of the organic carbon is believed to vary with the fluctuations in sea-level and sea-ice coverage.
We measured the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, V, Mo, U, Cd and Re) in sediments from ODP Leg 169S Hole 1033B in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, to determine changes in redox conditions associated with the onset of laminated sediments at ~12.5 kyr. The most striking result is a large peak in authigenic Re along with detrital levels of Mo at the glacial terrigenous clay-diatomaceous sediment transition. In contrast, the underlying glacial terrigenous clay, which extends throughout the bottom section of the core, is chemically similar to detrital concentrations, either Cowichan River particulates or average shale values. These data suggest a period of oxic bottom waters but reducing pore-waters. This could be due to the dramatic transformation of Saanich Inlet during the late deglaciation from an open bay to an inlet, which restricted circulation and slowed bottom water oxygen renewal. A peak and gradual increase in authigenic Mn in younger sediments subsequent to the Re peak suggests that increasingly oxic conditions followed the authigenic enrichment in Re. These conditions could be connected to the Younger Dryas cooling period, which was coincident with an increase in well oxygenated upwelled waters on the west coast of North America that form the bottom waters of Saanich Inlet. Metal concentrations in a gray clay bed (~11 kyr) are similar to their concentrations in the glacial terrigenous clay, implying that they have a common source. Authigenic enrichments of Re with little authigenic Mo and Cd suggest that before the deposition of this bed, bottom waters were oxic and pore-water oxygen was consumed in the top centimeter or less. Laminations above the clay layer suggest anoxic conditions, which are also indicated by higher authigenic Mo and Cd and slightly lower Re/Mo ratios in these sediments. The basin remained mostly anoxic after the gray clay was emplaced, as seen by continuous authigenic enrichment of the redox-sensitive trace metals. These results are consistent with increased stratification of the water column, brought about by an influx of fresh water to the basin by a large flood.
In this paper, we summarize data on terrigenous sediment supply in the Kara Sea and its accumulation and spatial and temporal variability during Holocene times. Sedimentological, organic-geochemical, and micropaleontological proxies determined in surface sediments allow to characterize the modern (riverine) terrigenous sediment input. AMS-14C dated sediment cores from the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent inner Kara Sea were investigated to determine the terrigenous sediment fluxes and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. The variability of sediment fluxes during Holocene times is related to the post-glacial sea-level rise and changes in river discharge and coastal erosion input. Whereas during the late/middle Holocene most of the terrigenous sediments were deposited in the estuaries and the areas directly off the estuaries, huge amounts of sediments accumulated on the Kara Sea shelf farther north during the early Holocene before about 9 cal kyr BP. The maximum accumulation at that time is related to the lowered sea level, increased coastal erosion, and increased river discharge. Based on sediment thickness charts, echograph profiles and sediment core data, we estimate an average Holocene (0-11 cal kyr BP) annual accumulation of 194,106 t/yr of total sediment for the whole Kara Sea. Based on late Holocene (modern) sediment accumulation in the estuaries, probably 12,106 t/yr of riverine suspended matter (i.e. about 30% of the input) may escape the marginal filter on a geological time scale and is transported onto the open Kara Sea shelf. The high-resolution magnetic susceptibility record of a Yenisei core suggests a short-term variability in Siberian climate and river discharge on a frequency of 300-700 yr. This variability may reflect natural cyclic climate variations to be seen in context with the interannual and interdecadal environmental changes recorded in the High Northern Latitudes over the last decades, such as the NAO/AO pattern. A major decrease in MS values starting near 2.5 cal kyr BP, being more pronounced during the last about 2 cal kyr BP, correlates with a cooling trend over Greenland as indicated in the GISP-2 Ice Core, extended sea-ice cover in the North Atlantic, and advances of glaciers in western Norway. Our still preliminary interpretation of the MS variability has to be proven by further MS records from additional cores as well as other high-resolution multi-proxy Arctic climate records.
Planktic stable isotopes by Mix for this paper and Pisias and Mix (1997)