592 resultados para Age-determinations


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Preliminary studies of hydrothermally altered massive basalts formed at the fast-spreading Mendoza Rise and recovered from DSDP Holes 597B and 597C indicate the presence of three secondary mineral assemblages which formed in the following order: (1) trioctahedral chlorite and talc, (2) goethite and smectite, and (3) calcite and celadonite. The sequential precipitation of these mineral assemblages denotes high water:rock ratios and time-varying conditions of temperature (early >200°C to late <30°C) and state of oxidation (early nonoxidative to late oxidative). A decrease in the relative proportion of oxidative mineral assemblages with depth to 70 m in Site 597 basement indicates a zone of oxidative alteration that became shallower with time as the deeper, more constricted fracture systems were filled by secondary mineralization. In this report we present the first results of the K-Ar dating of celadonite formation age; celadonite formation reflects end-stage hydrothermal alteration in Site 597 basement. Three celadonite dates obtained from Site 597 samples include 13.1 ± 0.3 m.y. from 17 m basement depth (Hole 597B), 19.9 ± 0.4 m.y. from 18 m basement depth (Hole 597C), and 19.3 ± 1.6 m.y. from 60 m basement depth (Hole 597C). The age of host rock crystallization (28.6 m.y.) and the K-Ar dates of celadonite formation establish that hydrothermal alteration in the upper 70 m of Site 597 basement continued for at least 10 m.y. and possibly as long as 16 m.y. after basalt crystallization at the ridge crest. Assuming a half-spreading rate of 55 km/m.y., we calculate that hydrothermal circulation was active in shallow basement at a distance of at least 550 km off ridge crest and possibly as far as 1000 km off ridge crest.


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On the continental margin of the southeastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, several channel-ridge systems can be traced on the eastern side of the Crary Fan. Swath mapping of the bathymetry reveals three southwest-northeast trending ridges up to 300 m high with channels on their southeastern side. The structures occur on a terrace of the continental slope in water depths of 2000 - 3300 m. We carried out sedimentological studies on cores from three sites. Two of the studied cores are from ridges, one is from the northwestern part of the terrace. The stratigraphy of the recovered sediments is based on accelerator mass spectrometer 14C determinations, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes analyses and paleomagnetic measurements. The sediments represent a period from the last glacial maximum (LGM) to recent time. They are composed predominantly of terrigenous components. We distinguish four different sedimentary facies and assign them to processes controlling sedimentation. Microlaminated muds and cross-stratified coarse-silty sediments originated from contour currents. Bioturbated sediments reflect the increasing influence of hemipelagic sedimentation. Structureless sediments with high contents of ice-rafted debris characterize slumps. The inferred contour currents shaping the continental slope during the LGM were canalized within the channels and supplied microlaminated mud to the western sedimentary ridges due to deflection to the left induced by the Coriolis force. The lamination of the sediments is attributed to seasonal variations of current velocities. The thermohaline bottom currents were directed to the northeast and hence opposite to the Weddell Gyre. Cross-stratified coarse-silty contourites on the ridges are intercalated with the muds and indicate spillover of faster thermohaline flows. Average sedimentation rates on the terrace of the continental slope were unusually high (250 cm/ka) during the LGM, indicating active growth phases of the Crary Fan during glacial intervals. A substantial environmental change at 19.5 - 20 ka is documented in the sediments by a gradual change from lamination to bioturbation. During the recent interglacial, bioturbated sediments were deposited in all parts of the terrace. Because of a reduction of the contour current velocities (4-7 cm/s), the water masses of the Weddell Gyre, supplying fine-grained sediments from northeast, gain a greater influence on sedimentation on the continental slope. Higher percentages of microfossils indicate enhanced biogenic productivity. Increased iceberg activity is documented by greater amounts of ice-rafted debris. The interglacial sedimentation rates decrease to a few cm/ka and indicate that the Crary Fan became relatively sediment-starved during interglacial intervals.


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A reconstruction of northwest African summer monsoon strength during the cold marine isotopic stage (MIS) 6 indicates a link to the seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). High-resolution studies of eolian dust supply and sea surface temperature recorded in marine core MD03-2705, on the Mauritanian margin, provide a better understanding about the penultimate glacial history of northwestern African aridity/humidity and upwelling coastal activity. Today, site MD03-2705 experiences increased upwelling and dust flux during the winter months, when the ITCZ is in a southerly position. Analyses of foraminifera isotopic composition suggest that during MIS 6.5 (180-168 ka) the average position of the ITCZ migrated north, marked by an increase in the strength of the summer monsoon, which decreased eolian dust transport and the coastal upwelling activity. The northward migration is in phase with a specific orbital combination of a low precessional index with a high obliquity signal. High-resolution analysis of stable isotopes (d18O and d13C) and microscale resolution geochemical (Ti/Al and quartz grain counts) determinations reveal that the transition between monsoonal humid (MIS 6.5) and dry (MIS 6.4) conditions has occurred in less than 1.3 ka. Such rapid changes suggest a nonlinear link between the African monsoonal rainfall system and environmental changes over the continent. This study provides new insights about the influence of vegetation and oceanic temperature feedbacks on the onset of African summer monsoon and demonstrates that, during the penultimate glacial period, changes in tropical dynamics had regional and global impacts.


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Hole 504B in the eastern equatorial Pacific has been the focus of five scientific drilling expeditions since it was first drilled in 1979. During these five legs, a series of temperature logs has been obtained over a time span of almost 8 yr, documenting the geothermal and hydrologic state of the oceanic crust in this region. Immediately following reentry at the onset of ODP Leg 111 operations, a high-resolution temperature probe was lowered into the borehole and a precise record of temperature vs. depth in Hole 504B was recorded down to 1300 mbsf. As was observed during previous legs, the temperature gradient in the upper 400 m was reduced, indicating that downhole flow of cool ocean waters through the casing continued, though at a diminished rate. As subhydrostatic pressures in the upper basement have gradually diminished, the volume of flow has decayed from an estimated 6000-7000 L/hr in late 1979 to about 80 L/hr during Leg 111. At depths below 480 mbsf, a predominantly conductive heat transfer environment enabled the temperature gradient log to be analyzed with respect to lithology on both fine and broad scales. Anomalies in the gradient log in the cased section through the sedimentary column were found to correspond to biostratigraphic age markers and/or sharp changes in sediment composition and texture. Broad variations in temperature gradient within the basement correlated with large-scale porosity trends. Conductive heatflow estimates depict a systematic reduction with depth, ranging from approximately 196 mW/m**2 in the sediments to 120 ± 17 mW/m**2 at 1300 mbsf. Possible causes for this observation were examined from several perspectives, but none was suitably convincing. A fluid instability analysis indicated the likely existence of convection cells within the borehole and substantiated the hypothesis of mixing within the borehole postulated from isotopic and chemical studies of borehole waters. However, such mixing of borehole fluids does not provide an adequate explanation for the heatflow variations, and the disparity between surficial and deep values of heat flow remains unresolved.


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Sedimentation rates and bottom sediment ages were determined by 14C method in the Kara Sea and the Yenisei River marginal filter. Age of carbon supplied by the Yenisei River is estimated to be 6.9 ka. As supplied carbon mixes with young biogenic carbon under influence of plankton and benthos young carbon flux (planktogenic) sharply diminishes. This has been inferred from studies of organic matter in sedimentary traps deployed along sections from the Yenisei River mouth to 76°N. The major part (70-80%) of organic carbon in bottom sediments of the Kara and Laptev Seas is ancient (Holocene). Planktogenic part comprises only 20-30%. In the Central Arctic Basin percentage of planktogenic organic matter in bottom sediments is still lower, the major part being associated with supply of ancient terrigenous organic material of low nutritional value for organisms. Determinations of sedimentation rates and recent matter fluxes from sedimentary traps served as a basis for locating a sedimentary depocenter in the Yenisei River both for present time and for geological past. Regularities of variations of sediment matter fluxes in the marginal filter were studied.