144 resultados para students arrive August 3


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The SES_GR2_Mesozooplankton dataset is based on samples taken during August-September 2008 in Ionian Sea, Libyan Sea, Southern Aegean Sea and Northern Aegean Sea. Sampling volume was estimated by the net mouth surface and the towing distance for WP-2. The sample was split on board in two halves by using the beaker approach. The first sub-sample was immediately fixed and preserved in a seawater formalin solution containing about 4% buffered formaldehyde to allow the determination of species composition abundance. Pipette for the subsamples used in the taxonomic analysis of zooplankton under binocular microscope.


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Anthropogenic impact on biomass of coastal plankton communities caused by submerged disposal of urban sewage waters (dumping) was studied. Observations were carried out in August-September of 2002-2004 in the Mamala Bay (Oahu Island, Hawaii Islands) using satellite and straight sea measurements. An analysis of variability of integral indicators of the water column determined on the basis of on-board measurements allowed us to divide them into two groups: elements most sensitive to pollution (heterotrophic bacteria (H-Bact), phototrophic cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. (SYN), and chlorophyll a (CHLa)) and elements that manifested episodic positive dependence on inflow of polluted waters (heterotrophic unicellular eukaryotes, small unicellular algae, phototrophic green bacteria Prochlorococcus spp., as well as total biomass of microplankton). It was shown that submerged waste water disposal in the region of the diffuser of the dumping device led to insignificant (aver. 1.2-1.4 times) local increase in integral biomass of H-Bact, SYN, and in concentration of CHLa. Similar but sharper (aver. 1.5-2.1 times) increase in these parameters was found in water layers with maximal biomasses. Possible pathways of disposed waters (under the pycnocline, at its upper boundary, and in the entire mixed layer) were analyzed on the basis of studying vertical displacement of biomasses of H-Bact, SYN, and prochlorophytes. Possibility of using optical anomalies distinguished from satellite data as markers of anthropogenic eutrophication caused by dumping was confirmed. Application of such markers depends on water transparency and on shapes of curves of vertical distribution of autotrophic organisms.


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In August-September 1991 during the SPASIBA expedition (Scientific Program on the Arctic and Siberian Aquatorium) aboard R/V Yakov Smirnitzky in the Laptev Sea ten samples of aerosols were collected by nylon nets. A combined approach including various analytical techniques, such as single-particle analysis, instrumental neutron activation analysis, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, was used to study composition of the samples. Mass concentration of coarse-grained (>0.001 mm) insoluble fraction of aerosols ranged from 80 to 460 ng/m**3. In all the samples remains of land vegetation were found to be the dominant component. Organic carbon content of the aerosols ranged from 23 to 49%. Inorganic part of the samples was represented mainly by alumosilicates and quartz. Anthropogenic ''fly ash'' particles were observed in all the samples. Temporal variations of element concentrations resulted from differences in air masses entering the studied area.


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Iron and manganese in bottom sediments studied along the sublatitudinal transect from Kandalaksha to Arkhangelsk are characterized by various contents and speciations depending on sedimentation environment, grain size of sediments, and diagenetic processes. The latter include redistribution of reactive forms leading to enrichment in Fe and Mn of surface sediments, formation of films, incrustations, and ferromanganese nodules. Variations in total Fe content (2-8%) are accompanied by changes in concentration of its reactive forms (acid extraction) and concentration of dissolved Fe in interstitial waters (1-14 µM). Variations in Mn content in bottom sediments (0.03-3.7%) and interstitial waters (up to 500 µM) correspond to high diagenetic mobility of this element. Changes in oxidation degree of chemical elements result in redox stratification of sediment strata with maximum concentrations of Fe, Mn, and sulfides. Organic matter of bottom sediments with considerable terrestrial constituent is oxidized by bottom water oxygen mainly at the sediment surface or in anaerobic conditions within the sediment strata. The role of inorganic components in organic matter oxidation changes from surface layer bottom sediments (where manganese oxyhydroxide dominates among oxidants) to deeper layers (where sulfate of interstitial water serves as the main oxidant). Differences in river runoff and hydrodynamics are responsible for geochemical asymmetry of the transect. The deep Kandalaksha Bay serves as a sediment trap for manganese (Mn content in sediments varies within 0.5-0.7%), whereas the sedimentary environment in the Dvina Bay promotes its removal from bottom sediments (Mn 0.05%).


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Knots arrive on Ellesmere Island in late May or early June. At Hazen Camp small flocks were present on 3 June 1966, but the main influx occurred 5 June when many flocks were seen ranging in size from 6 to 60 individuals. The sexes appeared to arrive together, but the manner of pair-formation was not determined. By 7 June pairs were distributed over the tundra with large feeding flocks forming at snowfree wet marshy areas. Most nests were on Dryas-hummocked slopes and tundra, either dry or moist, with some on clay plains and summits in a mixed Dryas and Salix vegetation. A census area of 240 ha supported at least 3 breeding pairs, and possibly 5; the total number of pairs breeding in the Hazen Camp study area was estimated to be about 25 (1.09 pairs/km**2). Egg-laying (4 nests) extended from 15 to 28 June, with 3 of the 4 sets completed between 20 and 23 June. Both sexes incubated, one of the pair more regularly than the other. The song-flight display of the male was performed most frequently during egglaying and incubation. The incubation period of the last egg in one clutch was established as being between 21.5 and 22.4 days. Four nests hatched between 12 and 20 July, and the hatching period of the entire clutch was less than 24 hours. Four of 7 nests (57 %) survived and egg survival (53 %) was low. Families left the nesting area so on after hatching, concentrating at ponds where food was readily available for the young. Both adults attended the young during the pre-fledging period, but the females apparently departed before the young had hedged. Males left once the young could fly and the adult fall migration was complete by early August. Most 01 the young departed belore mid-August. Fall migration is complete by late August or early September. The breeding season appears to be timed to peak load supply for the young. Adult Chironomidae emergence was highest between 3 and 17 July, the period during which most successful nests hatched. The increasing scarcity of adult insects for the young after mid-July was offset by family movements over the tundra and the early departure of half the adult population. Food also seemed to influence the distribution of breeding pairs aver the tundra, restricting them to the general vicinity of marshes, streams, and ponds where food is most available when the young hatch. Territoriality in the Knot appears to be closely associated with the protection of the nest against predators and has at least a local effect in regulating the number of breeding pairs. Plant material was important in the diet of adult Knots throughout the summer and the primary food from the time of arrival until mid-June. After mid-June the percentage of animal matter increased as dipterous insects became available (especially adult Chironomidae), but plant materials continued to constitute a large part of the diet, usually more than 50 %. The food of the young before fledging consisted principally of adult chironomids.


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Wollongong, Australia is an urban site at the intersection of anthropogenic, biomass burning, biogenic and marine sources of atmospheric trace gases. The location offers a valuable opportunity to study drivers of atmospheric composition in the Southern Hemisphere. Here, a record of surface carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) was measured with an in situ Fourier transform infrared trace gas analyser between April 2011 and August 2014. Clean air was found to arrive at Wollongong in approximately 10% of air masses. Biomass burning influence was evident in the average annual cycle of clean air CO during austral spring. A significant negative short-term trend was found in clean air CO (-1.5 nmol/mol/a), driven by a reduction in northern Australian biomass burning. Significant short-term positive trends in clean air CH4 (5.4 nmol/mol/a) and CO2 (1.9 ?mol/mol/a) were consistent with the long-term global average trends. Polluted Wollongong air was investigated using wind-direction/wind-speed clustering, which revealed major influence from local urban and industrial sources from the south. High values of CH4, with anthropogenic DCH4/DCO2 enhancement ratio signatures, originated from the northwest, in the direction of local coal mining. A pollution climatology was developed for the region using back trajectory analysis and DO3/DCO enhancement ratios. Ozone production environments in austral spring and summer were associated with anticyclonic meteorology on the east coast of Australia, while ozone depletion environments in autumn and winter were associated with continental transport, or fast moving trajectories from southern latitudes. This implies the need to consider meteorological conditions when developing policies for controlling air quality.