103 resultados para sandstone reservoir


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We here present a compilation of planktic and benthic 14C reservoir ages for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and early deglacial from 11 key sites of global ocean circulation in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Ocean. The ages were obtained by 14C plateau tuning, a robust technique to derive both an absolute chronology for marine sediment records and a high-resolution record of changing reservoir/ventilation ages (Delta14C values) for surface and deep waters by comparing the suite of planktic 14C plateaus of a sediment record with that of the atmospheric 14C record (Sarnthein et al., 2007, doi:10.1029/173GM13). Results published thus far used as atmospheric 14C reference U/Th-dated corals, the Cariaco planktic record, and speleothems (Fairbanks et al., 2005, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.04.007; Hughen et al., 2006, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.03.014; Beck et al., 2001, doi:10.1023/A:1008175728826). We have now used the varve-counted atmospheric 14C record of Lake Suigetsu terrestrial macrofossils (Ramsey et al., 2012, doi:10.1126/science.1226660) to recalibrate the boundary ages and reservoir ages of the seven published records directly to an atmospheric 14C record. In addition, the results for four new cores and further planktic results for four published records are given. Main conclusions from the new compilation are: (1) The Suigetsu atmospheric 14C record on its varve counted time scale reflects all 14C plateaus, their internal structures and relative length previously identified, but implies a rise in the average 14C plateau age by 200-700 14C yr during LGM and early deglacial times. (2) Based on different 14C ages of coeval atmospheric and planktic 14C plateaus, marine surface water Delta14C may have temporarily dropped to an equivalent of ~0 yr in low-latitude lagoon waters, but reached >2500 14C yr both in stratified subpolar waters and in upwelled waters such as in the South China Sea. These values differ significantly from a widely assumed constant global planktic Delta14C value of 400 yr. (3) Suites of deglacial planktic Delta14C values are closely reproducible in 14C records measured at neighboring core sites. (4) Apparent deep-water 14C ventilation ages (equivalents of benthic Delta14C), deduced from the sum of planktic Delta14C and coeval benthic-planktic 14C differences, vary from 500 up to >5000 yr in LGM and deglacial ocean basins.


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Massive sandstone and siltstone beds with many shallow-water megafossils overlie acidic volcanic conglomerates at DSDP Site 439. Smear-slides, thin sections from coarse fractions, and heavy minerals of the sandstone and siltstone beds were analyzed. The sandstones and siltstones are very rich in lithic fragments and are classified as lithic arenite and (or) lithic wacke. Hornblende and clinopyroxene are abundant, and zircon is present in most of the examined samples. The proportions of sandstone, chert, and volcanic rock in the coarse fraction are variable, but fragments of clastic rocks and cherts are predominant. Plagioclase crystals of volcanic-rock origin, such as highly zoned plagioclase and very fine, euhedral, lath-shaped plagioclase, are frequently observed. Metamorphic-rock fragments and metamorphic minerals are also observed. Thus, the provenance of the sandstone and siltstone beds appears to have been a slightly mature island arc, the Oyashio ancient landmass, consisting of clastic sediments and metamorphic and volcanic rocks.


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Conglomerates and sandstones in lithologic unit V at DSDP Site 445 comprise lithic clasts, detrital minerals, bioclasts, and authigenic minerals. The lithic clasts are dominantly plagioclase-phyric basalt and microdolerite, followed by plagioclase-clinopyroxene-phyric basalt, aphyric basalt, chert, and limestone. A small amount of hornblende schist occurs. Detrital minerals are dominantly plagioclase, augite, titaniferous augite, olivine, green to pale-brown hornblende, and dark-brown hornblende, with subordinate chromian spinel, epidote, ilmenite, and magnetite, and minor amounts of diopside, enstatite, actinolite, and aegirine-augite. Bioclasts are Nummulites boninensis, Asterocyclina sp. cf. A. penuria, and some other larger foraminifers. Correlation of cored and dredged samples indicates that the Daito Ridge is mainly composed of igneous, metamorphic, ultramafic, and sedimentary rocks. The igneous rocks are mafic (probably tholeiitic) and alkalic. The metamorphic rocks are hornblende schist, tremolite schist, and diopside-chlorite schist. The ultramafic rocks are alpinetype peridotites. Mineralogical data suggest that there were two metamorphic events in the Daito Ridge. The older one was intermediate- to high-pressure metamorphism. The younger one was contact metamorphism caused by a Paleocene volcanic event, possibly related to the beginning of spreading of the west Philippine Basin. The ultramafic rocks suffered from the same contact metamorphism. During the Eocene, exposed volcanic and metamorphic rocks on the uplifted Daito Ridge may have supplied pebble clasts to the surrounding coast and shallow sea bottom. The steep slope offshore may have caused frequent slumping and transportation of the pebble clasts and shallow-water benthic organisms into deeper water, forming the conglomerates and sandstones treated here.