125 resultados para regional climate scenarios


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Ein romantischer Abend zu zweit, ein kleines Restaurant; da kann eigentlich nichts mehr schief gehen. Oder?


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Die Menschen in Nordfriesland wissen, dass die Küste - und damit ihre Heimat - kein stabiler Zustand ist, sondern sich ständig verändert. In der Vergangenheit haben mehrfach Sturmfluten das Gesicht der Küste katastrophal verändert. Umso emotionaler ist die Beziehung der Nordfriesen zu ihrer Heimat. Doch auf der Insel Pellworm ist man sich sicher: "Wenn alles weiter seinen jetzigen Gang geht, wird es die Insel in 200 Jahren nicht mehr geben."


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Corals are acclimatized to populate dynamic habitats that neighbour coral reefs. Habitats such as seagrass beds exhibit broad diel changes in temperature and pH that routinely expose corals to conditions predicted for reefs over the next 50-100 years. However, whether such acclimatization effectively enhances physiological tolerance to, and hence provides refuge against, future climate scenarios remains unknown. Also, whether corals living in low-variance habitats can tolerate present-day high-variance conditions remains untested. We experimentally examined how pH and temperature predicted for the year 2100 affects the growth and physiology of two dominant Caribbean corals (Acropora palmata and Porites astreoides) native to habitats with intrinsically low (outer-reef terrace, LV) and/or high (neighbouring seagrass, HV) environmental variance. Under present-day temperature and pH, growth and metabolic rates (calcification, respiration and photosynthesis) were unchanged for HV versus LV populations. Superimposing future climate scenarios onto the HV and LV conditions did not result in any enhanced tolerance to colonies native to HV. Calcification rates were always lower for elevated temperature and/or reduced pH. Together, these results suggest that seagrass habitats may not serve as refugia against climate change if the magnitude of future temperature and pH changes is equivalent to neighbouring reef habitats.


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We show here that increased variability of temperature and pH synergistically negatively affects the energetics of intertidal zone crabs. Under future climate scenarios, coastal ecosystems are projected to have increased extremes of low tide-associated thermal stress and ocean acidification-associated low pH, the individual or interactive effects of which have yet to be determined. To characterize energetic consequences of exposure to increased variability of pH and temperature, we exposed porcelain crabs, Petrolisthes cinctipes, to conditions that simulated current and future intertidal zone thermal and pH environments. During the daily low tide, specimens were exposed to no, moderate or extreme heating, and during the daily high tide experienced no, moderate or extreme acidification. Respiration rate and cardiac thermal limits were assessed following 2.5 weeks of acclimation. Thermal variation had a larger overall effect than pH variation, though there was an interactive effect between the two environmental drivers. Under the most extreme temperature and pH combination, respiration rate decreased while heat tolerance increased, indicating a smaller overall aerobic energy budget (i.e. a reduced O2 consumption rate) of which a larger portion is devoted to basal maintenance (i.e. greater thermal tolerance indicating induction of the cellular stress response). These results suggest the potential for negative long-term ecological consequences for intertidal ectotherms exposed to increased extremes in pH and temperature due to reduced energy for behavior and reproduction.


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Ocean circulation may have undergone reductions and reinvigorations in the past closely tied to regional climate changes. Measurements of 231Pa/230Th ratios in a sediment core from the Bermuda Rise have been interpreted as evidence that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) was weakened or completely eliminated during a period of catastrophic iceberg discharges (Heinrich-Event 1, H1). Here we present new data from the Bermuda Rise that show further 231Pa/230Th peaks during Heinrich-2 (H2) and Heinrich-3 (H3). Additionally, a tight correlation between diatom abundances (biogenic silica) and 231Pa/230Th is discovered in this core. Our results redirect the interpretation of 231Pa/230Th from the Bermuda Rise as a proxy for ocean circulation towards a proxy that reacts highly sensitive to changes of particle composition and water mass properties.


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Ein Stück Schlamm. Grau, leblos, kalt. Feine Linien ziehen sich hindurch und ein Faden verläuft in einer Zickzack-Linie über die Oberfläche. Es ist eine Sedimentprobe aus dem Pazifischen Ozean, die Stück für Stück ihre Geheimnisse preisgibt. Dr. Lars Max analysiert Sedimentkerne am Alfred-Wegener-Institut und erzählt von der Geschichte unserer Erde und unseres Klimas. Was können wir aus der "grauen" Vergangenheit lernen?