103 resultados para precipitation concentration degree and period


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The high-resolution marine isotope climate record indicates pronounced global cooling during the Langhian (16-13.8 Ma), beginning with the warm middle Miocene climatic optimum and ending with significant Antarctic ice sheet expansion and the transition to "icehouse" conditions. Terrestrial paleoclimate data from this interval is sparse and sometimes conflicting. In particular, there are gaps in the terrestrial record in the Pacific Northwest during the late Langhian and early Serravallian between about 14.5 and 12.5 Ma. New terrestrial paleoclimate data from this time and region could reconcile these conflicting records. Paleosols are particularly useful for reconstructing paleoenvironment because the rate and style of pedogenesis is primarily a function of surface environmental conditions; however, complete and well-preserved paleosols are uncommon. Most soils form in erosive environments that are not preserved, or in environments such as floodplains that accumulate in small increments; the resulting cumulic soils are usually thin, weakly developed, and subject to diagenetic overprinting from subsequent soils. The paleosol at Cricket Flat in northeastern Oregon is an unusually complete and well-preserved paleosol from a middle Miocene volcanic sequence in the Powder River Volcanic Field. An olivine basalt flow buried the paleosol at approximately 13.8 ± 0.6 Ma, based on three 40Ar/39Ar dates on the basalt. We described the Cricket Flat paleosol and used its physical and chemical profile and micromorphology to assess pedogenesis. The Cricket Flat paleosol is an Ultisol-like paleosol, chemically consistent with a high degree of weathering. Temperature and rainfall proxies suggest that Cricket Flat received 1120 ± 180 mm precipitation y-1 and experienced a mean annual temperature of 14.5 ± 2.1 °C during the formation of the paleosol, significantly warmer and wetter than today. This suggests slower cooling after the middle Miocene climatic optimum than is seen in the existing paleosol record.


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Saucer-shaped iron-manganese crusts occur adjacent to gravel shoal areas in Oneida lake in central New York. The crusts usually have a crude concentric banding owing to an alternation of orange, iron-rich layers and black, iron-poor layers. Materials from both types of layers are x-ray amorphous. The Oneida lake crusts, like most other freshwater manganese nodules, contain about the same Mn concentration as marine manganese nodules, but are usually higher in Fe and lower in trace metals than their marine equivalents. Although Fe and Mn may be precipitating directly from the lake water, it is more likely that the oxidate crusts are the result of precipitation of Fe and Mn when reduced sediment pore water comes in contact with well oxygenated bottom waters. Organisms, particularly bacteria, may play a role in the formation of the crusts, but to date no evidence of this has been found.


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During the fourth Antarctic voyage ANT-IV of the research icebreaker POLARSTERN standard meteorological measurements have been performed. The measurements include 3-hourly synoptic observations as well as daily upper air soundings. The measurements started on September 6 1985 at Bremerhaven and were terminated at April 28 1986 in Punta Arenas. The 3-hourly synoptic observations are performed following the instructions of the FM 13 ships code defined by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The datasets include automatic measurements such as mean ship's speed, wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, water temperature as well as visual observations such as total cloud amount, present weather, clouds, height and period of swell waves, ice classification. The visual observation are not performed during night time. For the upper air soundings VAISALA RS80 radiosondes, carried by helium-filled balloons (TOTEX 350 - 1500) were used. Data reception and evaluation were carried out by a MicroCora System (VAISALA). The upper air soundings include profile measurements of pressure, temperature, relative humidity and wind vector. Usually the soundings started at the heliport (10 m above sea level) and terminated between 15 and 37 km. The height of the measurements was calculated by applying the barometric formula. The wind vector was determined with the aid of the OMEGA navigation system.


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Ocean acidification and warming are expected to threaten the persistence of tropical coral reef ecosystems. As coral reefs face multiple stressors, the distribution and abundance of corals will depend on the successful dispersal and settlement of coral larvae under changing environmental conditions. To explore this scenario, we used metabolic rate, at holobiont and molecular levels, as an index for assessing the physiological plasticity of Pocillopora damicornis larvae from this site to conditions of ocean acidity and warming. Larvae were incubated for 6 hours in seawater containing combinations of CO2 concentration (450 and 950 µatm) and temperature (28 and 30°C). Rates of larval oxygen consumption were higher at elevated temperatures. In contrast, high CO2 levels elicited depressed metabolic rates, especially for larvae released later in the spawning period. Rates of citrate synthase, a rate-limiting enzyme in aerobic metabolism, suggested a biochemical limit for increasing oxidative capacity in coral larvae in a warming, acidifying ocean. Biological responses were also compared between larvae released from adult colonies on the same day (cohorts). The metabolic physiology of Pocillopora damicornis larvae varied significantly by day of release. Additionally, we used environmental data collected on a reef in Moorea, French Polynesia to provide information about what adult corals and larvae may currently experience in the field. An autonomous pH sensor provided a continuous time series of pH on the natal fringing reef. In February/March, 2011, pH values averaged 8.075±0.023. Our results suggest that without adaptation or acclimatization, only a portion of naïve Pocillopora damicornis larvae may have suitable metabolic phenotypes for maintaining function and fitness in an end-of-the century ocean.


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We provide a compilation of downward fluxes (total mass, POC, PON, BSiO2, CaCO3, PIC and lithogenic/terrigenous fluxes) from over 6000 sediment trap measurements distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, from 30 degree North to 49 degree South, and covering the period 1982-2011. Data from the Mediterranean Sea are also included. Data were compiled from different sources: data repositories (BCO-DMO, PANGAEA), time series sites (BATS, CARIACO), published scientific papers and/or personal communications from PI's. All sources are specifed in the data set. Data from the World Ocean Atlas 2009 were extracted to provide each flux observation with contextual environmental data, such as temperature, salinity, oxygen (concentration, AOU and percentage saturation), nitrate, phosphate and silicate.


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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was isolated with XAD-2 and 4 resins from different water masses of the Greenland Sea and Fram Strait. The contribution of XAD-extractable dissolved organic carbon (DOC), operationally defined as 'recalcitrant' or humic substances, to total DOC was in the range of 45 ± 9% in surface waters and 60 ± 6% in deep waters. The carbohydrate concentration and composition were determined using the l-tryptophan/sulfuric acid method (for the bulk carbohydrate concentration, TCHO) and high performance anion-exchange chromatography after sulfuric acid hydrolysis (for the distribution of total hydrolysable neutral sugars, THNS). Carbohydrates contributed up to 6.8% to both total and recalcitrant DOC. TCHO contribution to total DOC decreased with depth from on average 4.1 ± 1.2% in surface waters to 2.2 ± 1.0% in deep waters, whereas the THNS contribution was similar in both layers, accounting for 2.5 ± 1.6% (surface) and 2.4 ± 0.2% (at depth). TCHO contribution to XAD-extractable DOC also decreased with depth from 4.5 ± 1.7% to 2.1 ± 1.0%, whereas THNS contribution was almost constant, with yields of 0.5 ± 0.3% for surface samples and 0.6 ± 0.1% at depth. The molecular size distribution of the recalcitrant DOM showed for all fractions a clear trend towards small molecules in the deep sea. More than half of the XAD-extractable carbohydrates of surface samples and more than 70% of deep sea samples were found in the nonpolar fraction from XAD, which was eluted with methanol. Glucose was the dominant carbohydrate in the surface water samples, whereas in the deep sea the composition was more uniform. In the XAD extracts, the compositions were less variable than in the original samples. The neutral sugar composition, in particular glucose and the deoxysugars, is indicative of the diagenetic state of the extracted DOM. The molar ratio (fucose + rhamnose)/(arabinose + xylose) was lowest for deep sea extractable DOM, indicating a high contribution of material modified by microorganisms. The THNS composition and distribution reveal that "recalcitrant" carbohydrates are heteropolysaccharides, carbohydrate units incorporated into a framework of a highly nonpolar structure with a lack of functional groups.


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Evidence of rapid climatic oscillations like those observed in the Greenland ice cores and sediments from high latitudes of the northern Atlantic have been recognized in the pulses of terrigenous material to continental margin sediments off Cameroon. Fe/Ca ratios used as a parameter to quantify the relative proportions of terrigenous fluxes versus marine carbonate monitor the variability of the west African monsoon. They reveal the history of abrupt changes in precipitation over western and central Africa during the past 52 kyr. These rapid changes are particularly pronounced during the last glacial period and occur at timescales of a few thousand years. Stable oxygen isotope (delta18O) records of Globigerinoides ruber (pink) show high negative values reflecting periods of high monsoon precipitation. The Fe/Ca pattern is very similar to the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles from the Greenland ice cores. The good correspondence between the warm interstadials of the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles from the GISP2 ice core records and the high pulses of Fe/Ca sedimentation in our core suggest a strong teleconnection between the low-latitude African climate and the high-latitude northern hemisphere climate oscillations during the last glacial. This climatic link is probably vested in the west African monsoonal fluctuation that alters tropical sea surface temperatures, thermohaline circulations and in turn net export of heat from the south to the north Atlantic, coupled with the variability of the low-latitude southeast trade winds.


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Laboratory culture experiments were conducted to determine effects of seawater carbonate ion concentration ([CO32-]), and thereby calcite saturation state, on Mg and Sr incorporation into calcite of two species of shallow-water benthic foraminifera: Ammonia tepida and Heterostegina depressa. Impact on Mg and Sr incorporation by increased seawater [CO32-] and thereby higher calcite saturation state, is absent in either species. Comparison to results from a similar culturing experiment, in which calcite saturation state was varied as a function of [Ca2+], reveals that saturation state affects incorporation of Mg and Sr through calcium- rather than carbonate availability. The similarity in response by both species is surprising since the average Mg/Ca ratio is ~ 70 times higher in H. depressa than in A. tepida. Furthermore, these results suggest that the ions involved in biomineralization (i.e. Ca2+ and DIC) are processed by separate cellular transport mechanisms. The similar response of Mg and Sr incorporation in this study suggests that only differences in the Ca2+ transport mechanism affect divalent cation partitioning.


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During summer 2008, as part of the Circumpolar Flaw Lead system study, we measured phytoplankton photosynthetic parameters to understand regional patterns in primary productivity, including the degree and timescale of photoacclimation and how variability in environmental conditions influences this response. Photosynthesis-irradiance measurements were taken at 15 sites primarily from the depth of the subsurface chlorophyll a (Chl a) maximum (SCM) within the Beaufort Sea flaw lead polynya. The physiological response of phytoplankton to a range of light levels was used to assess maximum rates of carbon (C) fixation (P*m), photosynthetic efficiency (alpha*), photoacclimation (Ek), and photoinhibition (beta*). SCM samples taken along a transect from under ice into open water exhibited a >3-fold increase in alpha* and P*m, showing these parameters can vary substantially over relatively small spatial scales, primarily in response to changes in the ambient light field. Algae were able to maintain relatively high rates of C fixation despite low light at the SCM, particularly in the large (>5 µm) size fraction at open water sites. This may substantially impact biogenic C drawdown if species composition shifts in response to future climate change. Our results suggest that phytoplankton in this region are well acclimated to existing environmental conditions, including sea ice cover, low light, and nutrient pulses. Furthermore, this photoacclimatory response can be rapid and keep pace with a developing SCM, as phytoplankton maintain photosynthetic rates and efficiencies in a narrow ''shade-acclimated'' range.


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Continuous condensation particle (CP) observations were conducted from 1984 through 2009 at Neumayer Station under stringent contamination control. During this period, the CP concentration (median 258 1/cm**3) showed no significant long term trend but exhibited a pronounced seasonality characterized by a stepwise increase starting in September and reaching its annual maximum of around 10**3/cm**3 in March. Minimum values below 10**2/cm**3 were observed during June/July. Dedicated time series analyses in the time and frequency domain revealed no significant correlations between inter-annual CP concentration variations and atmospheric circulation indices like Southern Annular Mode (SAM) or Southern Ocean Index (SOI). The impact of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption and strong El Niño events did not affect CP concentrations. From thermodenuder experiments we deduced that the portion of volatile (at 125 °C) and semi-volatile (at 250 °C) particles which could be both associated with biogenic sulfur aerosol, was maximum during austral summer, while during winter non-volatile sea salt particles dominated. During September through April we could frequently observe enhanced concentrations of ultrafine particles within the nucleation mode (between 3 nm and 7 nm particle diameter), preferentially in the afternoon.


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The contributions of total organic carbon and nitrogen to elemental cycling in the surface layer of the Sargasso Sea are evaluated using a 5-yr time-series data set (1994-1998). Surface-layer total organic carbon (TOC) and total organic nitrogen (TON) concentrations ranged from 60 to 70 µM C and 4 to 5.5 µM N seasonally, resulting in a mean C : N molar ratio of 14.4±2.2. The highest surface concentrations varied little during individual summer periods, indicating that net TOC production ceased during the highly oligotrophic summer season. Winter overturn and mixing of the water column were both the cause of concentration reductions and the trigger for net TOC production each year following nutrient entrainment and subsequent new production. The net production of TOC varied with the maximum in the winter mixed-layer depth (MLD), with greater mixing supporting the greatest net production of TOC. In winter 1995, the TOC stock increased by 1.4 mol C/m**2 in response to maximum mixing depths of 260 m. In subsequent years experiencing shallower maxima in MLD (<220 m), TOC stocks increased <0.7 mol C/m**2. Overturn of the water column served to export TOC to depth (>100 m), with the amount exported dependent on the depth of mixing (total export ranged from 0.4 to 1.4 mol C/m**2/yr). The exported TOC was comprised both of material resident in the surface layer during late summer (resident TOC) and material newly produced during the spring bloom period (fresh TOC). Export of resident TOC ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 mol C/m**2/yr, covarying with the maximum winter MLD. Export of fresh TOC varied from nil to 0.8 mol C/m**2/yr. Fresh TOC was exported only after a threshold maximum winter MLD of ~200 m was reached. In years with shallower mixing, fresh TOC export and net TOC production in the surface layer were greatly reduced. The decay rates of the exported TOC also covaried with maximum MLD. The year with deepest mixing resulted in the highest export and the highest decay rate (0.003 1/d) while shallow and low export resulted in low decay rates (0.0002 1/d), likely a consequence of the quality of material exported. The exported TOC supported oxygen utilization at dC : dO2 molar ratios ranging from 0.17 when TOC export was low to 0.47 when it was high. We estimate that exported TOC drove 15-41% of the annual oxygen utilization rates in the 100-400 m depth range. Finally, there was a lack of variability in the surface-layer TON signal during summer. The lack of a summer signal for net TON production suggests a small role for N2 fixation at the site. We hypothesize that if N2 fixation is responsible for elevated N : P ratios in the main thermocline of the Sargasso Sea, then the process must take place south of Bermuda and the signal transported north with the Gulf Stream system.


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Chert, Porcellanite, and other silicified rocks formed in response to high heat flow in the lower 50 meters of 275 meters of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504, Costa Rica Rift. Chert and Porcellanite partly or completely replaced upper Miocene chalk and limestone. Silicified rock occurs as nodules, laminae, stringers, and casts of burrows, and consists of quartz and opal-CT in varying amounts, associated with secondary calcite. The secondary silica was derived from dissolution of opal-A (biogenic silica), mostly diatom frustules and radiolarian tests. Temperature data obtained at the site indicate that transformation of opal-A to opal-CT began at about 50°C, and transformation from opal-CT to quartz at about 55°C. Quartz is most abundant close to basement basalts. These silica transformations occurred over the past 1 m.y., and took place so rapidly that there was incomplete ordering of opal-CT before transformation to quartz; opal-CT formed initially with an uncommonly wide d spacing. Quartz shows poor crystallinity. Chemical data show that the extensively silicified rocks consist of over 96% SiO2; in these rocks, minor and trace elements decreased greatly, except for boron, which increased. Low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents in all studied rocks preclude the presence of significant volcanic or terrigenous detritus. Mn content increases with depth, perhaps reflecting contributions from basalts or hydrothermal solutions. Comparisons with cherts from oceanic plateaus in the central Pacific point to a more purely biogenic host sediment for the Costa Rica Rift cherts, more rapid precipitation of quartz, and formation nearer a spreading center. Despite being closer to continental sources of ash and terrigenous detritus, Costa Rica Rift cherts have lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Mn concentrations.


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Variations of 137Cs concentration in the southeastern Baltic Sea were investigated over the period 1997-2000, i.e. in 11-14 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident. Rate of "self-cleaning" proved to be very slow. Some results obtained in 1999 were almost the same as those measured after the accident, in 1986. Calculated results showed that "Chernobyl" caesium-137 would be "cleaned" in the Baltic Sea by 2020-2022. In 2000 average concentration had to be about 50-60 Bq/m**3. Sometimes mentioned concentrations were observed. In some cases higher concentrations averaging from 67 to 80 Bq/m**3 were registered in the southeastern Baltic Sea in 1999; and in some samples 137Cs concentrations were very high. They varied from 110 to 212 Bq/m**3. No steady correlation was observed between 137Cs concentration, salinity and temperature in surface water of the area. Distribution of radionuclide concentration sometimes depends on direction of water mass transport. Abnormally high concentrations of 137Cs in the southeastern Baltic Sea may result from additional radioactive waste discharge.


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Alteration in a submarine remnant volcanic arc should leave an important record of (1) the mineralogy of sea water-volcanic arc rock interaction; (2) the chemistry of solid reaction products; (3) the isotopic characteristics of such reactions (Muehlenbachs and Clayton, 1972; Spooner, Beckinsale, et al , 1977; Spooner, Chapman, et al., 1977); (4) the metallogenesis within such a sequence (Mitchell and Bell, 1973); and (5) the geothermal gradient during the alteration. The volcaniclastic breccias, tuffs, and igneous units of Sites 448 (993 m) and 451 (930.5 m) on the Palau-Kyushu and West Mariana ridges, respectively, are particularly suited for such studies because the thick sequences have remained submarine throughout their history, seemingly unaffected by magmatic or hydrothermal events after cessation of volcanic activity. Also, shipboard observations indicated a change in alteration products with depth. At both sites the igneous units and volcaniclastic rocks were altered to brownish clays and zeolites near the top of the volcanic sequence; to bright blue green clays and zeolites at moderate depths; and to very dark, nearly opaque, forest green clays and zeolites at still greater depths. Native copper occurs both as disseminated pockets in the volcaniclastic breccias and vesicular basalts and as veins in the breccias; native copper is restricted to stratigraphic levels characterized by the absence of sulfides or oxides of copper and iron. Although some native copper is found in vesicles of basalts and may be orthomagmatic, most of it is clearly secondary. Near dikes and sills, higher sulfur fugacity conditions caused the precipitation of iron and copper sulfides with an absence of native copper (Garrels and Christ, 1965). The occurrence of native copper may be an initial stage of Cu metallogenesis that forms porphyry coppers in island arcs (Mitchell and Bell, 1973). This study will address primarily the possibility that hydrothermal sea water interaction with volcanic arc rocks has created the mineralogical and isotopic zonation in Leg 59 cores. Hydrothermal activity can be expected in a rapidly growing island arc and is probably the result of a high geothermal gradient prevalent during arc magmatic activity. The chemical character of the alteration is further discussed by Hajash (1981).