217 resultados para mass determination
We use sediment cores from the South Tasman Rise (STR) to reconstruct deep- water circulation in the southwest Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. Sediment cores MD972106 (45° 09' S, 146° 17' E, 3310 m water depth) and GC34 (45° 06' S, 147° 45' E, 4002 m water depth) preserve records covering the last 160 kyr, with chronology controlled by calibrated accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates and benthic foraminiferal d18O tied to SPECMAP. The STR benthic foraminiferal d13C records provide new d13C values for Southern Ocean deep water spanning the last 160 kyr at sites unlikely to be affected by variations in productivity. The records establish that glacial benthic foraminifera (Cibicidoides spp.) d13C values are lower relative to interglacial values and are comparable to previous glacial benthic d13C records in the Indian and Pacific sectors of the Southern Ocean. Comparisons of the benthic foraminiferal d13C time series at the STR are made with the equatorial Pacific (V19-30 and Site 846) and the equatorial Atlantic (GeoB1115). The similarity of benthic d13C records at the STR to the equatorial Pacific suggest the Southern Ocean deep-water mass closely tracked those of the deep Pacific, and the presence of a d13C gradient between the STR and the equatorial Atlantic suggests there was continual production of northern source deep water over the past 160 kyr.
Results of the direct, glaciological determination of the mass budget of Hintereisferner and Kesselwandferner in the Ötztal Alps are summarized for the years 1977/78-1980/81. Tabulations of budget quantities, accumulation and ablation areas are supplemented by graphs of altitudinal and areal distribution of mass balance and by examples of the seasonal course of ablation.
Stable isotopic values on planktonic foraminifera in a suite of cores from basins across the SE Baffin Shelf are used to extract a record of meltwater events during Termination I deglaciation. Resolution and Hatton basins lie on the SE Baffin Shelf at water depths > 500 m, seaward of major conduits for ice drainage from the eastern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS). Accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates are used to constrain our chronology of events in ten cores. In Resolution Basin, three cores have 14C AMS dates on foraminifera of > 20 ka at their bases; whereas Hatton Basin cores terminate in sediments < 13 kyr. Sedimentation rates varied between 0.1 to 4.5 m/ka. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios were obtained on 146 samples of the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg) sinistral, from seven of the ten cores. No evidence was found to indicate that test morphology or size affected delta18O. Between 7 and 13.5 ka the surface water on the shelf was on average 1 per mil lower than the open ocean signal. Significant temporal variations were found in both delta18O and delta13C. Evidence for significant low delta18O events occurred between 13 and 8 ka. The delta13C record from the planktonic foraminifera suggests a threefold division of events between 13 and 7 ka, with positive values between 10.8 and 13.0 ka, negative values between 9 and 10.8 ka, and positive values from 7 to 9 ka. The delta18O data suggest the presence of meltwater on the shelf some 3,000 years prior to the first late glacial dates on terrestrial deglaciation (at circa 10.4 ka). "Hudson Strait must be the real key to the importance of the calving process during deglaciation, because it is potentially the largest marine outlet for the Laurentide Ice Sheet and because it leads into the very center of the ice sheet.....the rates of calving through Hudson Strait during the period of initial ?18O rise unfortunately are unknown." W. F. Ruddiman (1987, p. 151)
A quick new method is described for the quantification of absolute nannofossil proportions in deep-sea sediments. This method (SMS) is the combination of Spiking a sample with Microbeads and Spraying it on a cover slide. It is suitable for scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses and for light microscope (LM) analyses. Repeated preparation and counting of the same sample (30 times) revealed a standard deviation of 10.5%. The application of tracer microbeads with different diameters and densities revealed no statistically significant differences between counts. The SMS-method yielded coccolith numbers that are statistically not significantly different from values obtained from the filtration-method. However, coccolith counts obtained by the random settling method are three times higher than the values obtained by the SMS- and the filtration-method.
Results of the direct, glaciological determination of the mass budget of Hintereisferner and Kesselwandferner in the Ötztal Alps are summarized for the years 1075/76-1977/78. Tabulations of budget quantities, accumulation and ablation areas are supplemented by graphs of altitudinal, and areal distribution of mass balance and by examples of the seasonal course of ablation.
High-resolution percent Corg and delta18Oforam records obtained from Panama Basin core Atlantis II 54-25PC and additional data from nearby core P7 show that enhanced burial of organic carbon has characterized every major glacial period for the last 500 kyr in that area. Both Corg concentration and mass accumulation rate profiles exhibit a sawtooth pattern with maxima occurring typically in the later stages of glacial periods. Comparison with dust records suggests that the carbon accumulation rate profile reflects both the upwelling history and a variable rate of iron input during the late Quaternary. The sawtooth character may derive from increased wind velocities and rates of upwelling during glacials which are indirectly related to ice volume (Sarnthein et al., 1988). The rapid decline in export production at the end of glacials in the equatorial Pacific may be attributed to the retreat of ice sheets (thus reduced wind velocities and upwelling) coupled with a coincident decline in atmospheric dust load and/or delivery rate. The Corg accumulation rate profiles do not correlate well with atmospheric CO2 records. For example, atmospheric CO2 was already at a minimum 40 kyr ago when production in the Panama Basin began increasing dramatically, commensurate with an increase in global dust levels. Using the relationship between the degree of photosynthetic fractionation and the concentration of free CO2 in the surface ocean postulated by Popp et al. (1989), delta13Corg measurements made on core P7 show that Panama Basin surface waters have been supplying CO2 to the atmosphere continually for at least the last 50 kyr. There is no evidence for a flux of CO2 into the surface ocean in this area at any time during this period despite the higher production. If the Panama Basin cores are representative of the eastern and central equatorial Pacific, then these observations weaken the influence on CO2 drawdown postulated for increased glacial productivity at low latitudes.
The thermal diffusion enrichment apparatus in use in Amsterdam before 1967, has been rebuilt in the Groningen Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory. It has been shown to operate reliably and reproducibly. A reasonable agreement exists between the theoretical calculations and the experimental results. The 14C enrichment of a CO sample is deduced from the simultaneous mass 30 enrichment, which is measured with a mass spectrometer. The relation between both enrichments follows from a series of calibration measurements. The over-all accuracy in the enrichment is a few percent, equivalent to a few hundred years in age. The main problem in dating very old samples is their possible contamination with recent carbon. Generally, careful sample selection and rigorous pretreatment reduce sample contamination to an acceptable value. Also, it has been established that laboratory contamination, due to a memory effect in the combustion system and to impurities in the oxygen and nitrogen gas used for combustion, can be eliminated. A detailed analysis shows that the counter background in our set-up is almost exclusively caused by cosmic ray muons. The measurement of 28 early glacial samples, mostly from North-west Europe, has yielded a consistent set of ages. These indicate the existence of three early glacial interstadials; using the Weichselian definitions: Amersfoort starting at 68 200 ± 1100, Brørup at 64 400 ± 800 and Odderade at 60 500 ± 600 years BP. This 14C chronology shows good agreement with the Camp Century chronology and the dated palaeo sea levels. The discrepancy in the age of the early part of the Last Glacial on the 14C time scale and on that adopted for the deep-sea d18 record, must probably be attributed to the use of a generalized d18 curve and a wrong interpretation of this curve in terms of three Barbados terraces.