150 resultados para interglacials
Continuous sea salt and mineral dust aerosol records have been studied on the two EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) deep ice cores. The joint use of these records from opposite sides of the East Antarctic plateau allows for an estimate of changes in dust transport and emission intensity as well as for the identification of regional differences in the sea salt aerosol source. The mineral dust flux records at both sites show a strong coherency over the last 150 kyr related to dust emission changes in the glacial Patagonian dust source with three times higher dust fluxes in the Atlantic compared to the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean (SO). Using a simple conceptual transport model this indicates that transport can explain only 40% of the atmospheric dust concentration changes in Antarctica, while factor 5-10 changes occurred. Accordingly, the main cause for the strong glacial dust flux changes in Antarctica must lie in environmental changes in Patagonia. Dust emissions, hence environmental conditions in Patagonia, were very similar during the last two glacials and interglacials, respectively, despite 2-4 °C warmer temperatures recorded in Antarctica during the penultimate interglacial than today. 2-3 times higher sea salt fluxes found in both ice cores in the glacial compared to the Holocene are difficult to reconcile with a largely unchanged transport intensity and the distant open ocean source. The substantial glacial enhancements in sea salt aerosol fluxes can be readily explained assuming sea ice formation as the main sea salt aerosol source with a significantly larger expansion of (summer) sea ice in the Weddell Sea than in the Indian Ocean sector. During the penultimate interglacial, our sea salt records point to a 50% reduction of winter sea ice coverage compared to the Holocene both in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean sector of the SO. However, from 20 to 80 ka before present sea salt fluxes show only very subdued millennial changes despite pronounced temperature fluctuations, likely due to the large distance of the sea ice salt source to our drill sites.
Upwelling along the western coast of Africa south of the equator may be partitioned into three major areas, each having its own dynamics and history: (1) the eastern equatorial region, comprising the Congo Fan and the area of Mid-Angola; (2) the Namibia upwelling system, extending from the Walvis Ridge to Lüderitz; and (3) the Cape Province region, where upwelling is subdued. The highest nutrient contents in thermocline waters are in the northern region, the lowest in the southern one. Wind effects are at a maximum near the southern end of the Namibia upwelling system, and maximum productivity occurs near Walvis Bay, where the product between upwelling rate and nutrient content of upwelled waters is at a maximum. In the Congo/Angola region, opal tends to follow organic carbon quite closely in the Quaternary record. However, organic carbon has a strong precessional component, while opal does not. Despite relatively low opal content, sediments off Angola show the same patterns as those off the Congo; thus, they are part of the same regime. The spectrum shows nonlinear interference patterns between high- and low-latitude forcing, presumably tied to thermocline fertility and wind. On Walvis Ridge, as in the Congo-Angola region, the organic matter record behaves normally; that is, supply is high during glacial periods. In contrast, interglacial periods are favorable for opal deposition. The pattern suggests reduction in silicate content of the thermocline during glacial periods. The reversed phase (opal abundant during interglacials) persists during the entire Pleistocene and can be demonstrated deep into the Pliocene, not just on Walvis Ridge but all the way to the Oranje River and off the Cape Province. From comparison with other regions, it appears that silicate is diminished in the global thermocline, on average, whenever winds become strong enough to substantially shorten the residence time of silicate in upper waters (Walvis Hypothesis, solving the Walvis Paradox of reversed phase in opal deposition). The central discovery during Leg 175 was the documentation of a late Pliocene opal maximum for the entire Namibia upwelling system (early Matuyama Diatom Maximum [MDM]). The maximum is centered on the period between the end of the Gauss Chron and the beginning of the Olduvai Chron. A rather sharp increase in both organic matter deposition and opal deposition occurs near 3 Ma in the middle of the Gauss Chron, in association with a series of major cooling steps. As concerns organic matter, high production persists at least to 1 Ma, when there are large changes in variability, heralding subsequent pulsed production periods. From 3 to 2 Ma, organic matter and opal deposition run more or less parallel, but after 2 Ma opal goes out of phase with organic matter. Apparently, this is the point when silicate becomes limiting to opal production. Thus, the MDM conundrum is solved by linking planetary cooling to increased mixing and upwelling (ramping up to the MDM) and a general removal of silicate from the upper ocean through excess precipitation over global supply (ramping down from the MDM). The hypothesis concerning the origin of the Namibia opal acme or MDM is fundamentally the same as the Walvis Hypothesis, stating that glacial conditions result in removal of silicate from the thermocline (and quite likely from the ocean as a whole, given enough time). The Namibia opal acme, and other opal maxima in the latest Neogene in other regions of the ocean, marks the interval when a cooling ocean selectively removes the abundant silicate inherited from a warm ocean. When the excess silicate is removed, the process ceases. According to the data gathered during Leg 175, major upwelling started in the late part of the late Miocene. Presumably, this process contributed to the drawing down of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to prepare the way for Northern Hemisphere glaciation.
The organic carbon isotopic record of the sapropels(S1 and S3-S10) and intercalated marl oozes has been determined in a 12-m piston core from the eastern Mediterranean. The d13C_organic values are systematically lighter (mean=-21.0±0.82 per mil) in all sapropels and heavier (mean=-18.8±1.07 per mil) in the marl oozes. These differences are not due to variable marine and terrestrial organic matter mixtures because all values are heavier than modern plankton in the Mediterranean, there is no relationship between the C_organic/N ratios and the isotopic values, and published information on the abundance and distribution of organic biomarkers shows that terrestrial material constitutes a minor fraction of the total organic matter. Temperature effects on isotope fractionation are also discounted because the change in d13C_organic values between glacial and interglacial horizons is in the opposite sense. Diagenesis, which can produce relatively small changes in the carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter under certain circumstances, is unlikely to have caused the observed differences because this mechanism would cause an enrichmet in 12C, implying that all values were even heavier originally, and there is no secular trend in the d13C_organic record. The observed differences in d13C_organic between the two lithologies are probably produced by changes in the isotopic composition and the concentration of dissolved CO2. First, freshwater flooding during the formation of the sapropels caused the isotopic composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the surface waters of the Mediterranean to become lighter because of the 13C deficiency in fresh waters. Hence photosynthesis would have produced isotopically lighter organic material. Second, changes in atmospheric pCO2 between glacial and interglacial periods, as shown by the Vostok ice core, caused marked changes in the concentration of free dissolved CO2 in the mixed layer; lower values during glacial maxima caused a smaller fractionation of the carbon isotopes by phytoplankton, whereas levels were less limiting during the interglacials. Concentrations of dissolved CO2 could also have been much higher during the deposition of the sapropels because of the supply of regenerated CO2 to the mixed layer by upwelling, and this could have further lightened the d13C_organic values in the sapropels themselves. Carbon isotope records may provide an alternative method for estimating atmospheric pCO2 levels over longer time periods than can be obtained from ice cores.
During the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene, 63 species of elongate, bathyal-upper abyssal benthic foraminifera (Extinction Group = Stilostomellidae, Pleurostomellidae, some Nodosariidae) declined in abundance and finally disappeared in the northern Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722, 758), as part of the global extinction of at least 88 related species at this time. The detailed record of withdrawal of these species differs by depth and geography in the Indian Ocean. In northwest Indian Ocean Site 722 (2045 m), the Extinction Group of 54 species comprised 2-15% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna in the earliest Pleistocene, but declined dramatically during the onset of the mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) at 1.2-1.1 Ma, with all but three species disappearing by the end of the MPT (~0.6 Ma). In northeast Indian Ocean Site 758 (2925 m), the Extinction Group of 44 species comprised 1-5% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna at ~3.3-2.6 Ma, but declined in abundance and diversity in three steps, at ~2.5, 1.7, and 1.2 Ma, with all but one species disappearing by the end of the MPT. At both sites there are strong positive correlations between the accumulation rate of the Extinction Group and proxies indicating low-oxygen conditions with a high organic carbon input. In both sites, there was a pulsed decline in Extinction Group abundance and species richness, especially in glacial periods, with some partial recoveries in interglacials. We infer that the glacial declines at the deeper Site 758 were a result of increased production of colder, well-ventilated Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), particularly in the late Pliocene and during the MPT. The Extinction Group at shallower water depths (Site 722) were not impacted by the deeper water mass changes until the onset of the MPT, when cold, well-ventilated Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) production increased and may have spread into the Indian Ocean. Increased chemical ventilation at various water depths since late Pliocene, particularly in glacial periods, possibly in association with decreased or more fluctuating organic carbon flux, might be responsible for the pulsed global decline and extinction of this rather specialised group of benthic foraminifera.
On "Meteor" cruise 30 (1973) 22 piston-cores were collected off Sierra Leone from water-depths between about 5000 m (Sierra Leone Basin) and 500 m (upper continental slope) with the objective to study the sediment composition and age as well as processes of sedimentation on the continental slope in a tropical humid region. Granulometric analysis and determinations of the carbonate contents of the sediment samples were carried out, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the components of the grain size fractions > 63 µm and of the planktonic and benthonic foraminifera > 160 µm. Presently, the cold Canary Current influences the composition of the planktonic foraminifera within the northwestern area of investigation (profile A), whereas the planktonic fauna of the eastern area (profile C) seems to be truly tropical. In all Quaternary sediments from the continental slope off Sierra Leone, species of Globorotalia are less abundant than in truly pelagic sediments. For that reason, the zonation of the Pleistocene sediments based on the presence or absence of Globorotalia cultrata does not always agree with the climatic changes reflected in the sediments. Concerning past climates better results can be obtained by using the changes in percentage abundances of Globigerina sp. sp. and Globigerinoides sp. sp. as indicators for cool and warm temperatures. The Tertiary sediments contain a pelagic foraminiferal assemblage. In the Holocene sediments the benthonic foraminifera do not only serve as good paleodepth indicators, but their communities are also restricted to defined water masses, which change their positions in accordance with climatic changes. Thus, Cassidulina carinata in the area of investigation is an excellent indicator for sediments deposited during times, which were cooler than today; this is true for all cores from the continental slope off Sierra Leone independent of water-depth although this species presently abounds at water-depths around 600 m. The cores from the continental rise and from the Sierra Leone Basin (M30-261, M30-146, M30-147) were deposited below the calcium carbonate compensation depth. Only small sections of the cores consist of the original carbonate-free sediments, whereas the main part of the sediment column is redeposited material, rich in foraminifera, which normally live on the upper continental slope, or even on the shelf. From these cores only M30-261 can be subdivided into biostratigraphic zones ranging from zone V to zone Y. In all cores from the middle and upper continental slope of the eastern area of investigation (profile C; KL 230, 209-204) and in cores KL 183 and KL 184 from the northwestern area (profile A) we observed an undisturbed succession of sediments from the biostratigraphic zones X (partly), Y and Z. All cores from the central area (M30-181, M30-182, M30-262 to 264) and M30-187 from the upper slope of profile A show variable hiatuses in the sedimentary record. Locally, high velocity bottom currents were probably responsible for erosion, nondeposition or minimal sedimentation rates. These currents might have been initiated partly by the somewhat exposed position of this part of the continental slope, where the shelf edge bends from a northwest towards an eastern direction, and partly by very young tectonic movements. Fracture zones with vertically displaced fault blocs are frequent at Sierra Leone continental margin. According to seismic measurements by McMaster et al. (1975) the sites of the central area are located on an uplifted fault bloc explaining the reduced sediment rates or erosion. Unlike the central area, the eastern area (profile C) is situated on a downfaulted bloc with high sediment rates. The sediments from the cores of profile B as well as the turbiditic deep-sea sediments were deposited under a higher flow regime; therefore they are coarser than the extremely fine-grained sediments of the cores from profile C. Since the sand fraction (> 63 µm) is mainly composed of foraminifera, besides pteropods and light-colored fecal pellets, the carbonate content increases with the increasing percentage of the coarse grain fraction. Higher concentrations of quartz were only observed in core sections with considerable carbonate dissolution (mainly in the X-Zone), and, in general, in all sediments from the eastern area with higher terrigenous input including larger concentration of mica. Especially during times transitional between glacials and interglacials (or interstadials) the bottom currents were intensified. The percentages of coarse fraction and carbonate increase with increasing current velocities. Calcium carbonate dissolution becomes important in water depths > 3500 m. During cooler times the lysokline is depressed. Light-colored fecal pellets were redeposited from Late Neogene sediments (M30-187, M30-181). In the area of investigation they occur in the Holocene and mainly the Pleistocene sediments of the cores from the northwestern and central area because only here Tertiary sediments have been eroded at the uppermost continental slope. In the central area there are at least two periods of non-sedimentation and/or erosion which can be confined as being (1) not older than middle Pliocene and not younger than zone V and (2) younger than zone W. The local character of the erosion is documented by the fact that a complete Late Quaternary section is present in the cores of the northwestern and eastern area, each within less than 100 km from incomplete cores from the central area.
A high-resolution pollen record (sampling interval averages 820 years) has been obtained from ODP Site 1144 (water depth 2037 m), northern South China Sea. The 504-m sequence (in composition length) covers the last 1.03 million years according to micropaleontological and isotopic stratigraphy. The pollen assemblages are characterized by high proportions of Pinus and herb pollen, and by their frequent alternations. Based on these alternations, 29 pollen zones have been recognized that are closely correlated to the Marine Oxygen Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-29. Pinus- dominant pollen zones correspond to interglacial periods with lighter delta18O values, while herb-marked ones relate to the heavier delta18O stages assigned to glacials. Judging from the pollen data, the exposed northern continental shelf of the South China Sea during the glacials was covered by grassland, and the extensive northern shelf has formed only since MIS 6 (ca. 150 ka), probably as a result of tectonic subsidence. Tree pollen influx values are indicative of winter monsoon which began to intensify 600 ka ago. The summer monsoon variations can be approximated by the fern percentage within the total pollen and spore abundance, and the result shows high values in general occurring at interglacials, with the maxima at MIS 15, 5e and 1. The relatively high fern percentage with smaller amplitude in variations before 600 ka might suggest more stable humid conditions before the intensification of winter monsoon.
In order to quantify changes in export production and carbonate dissolution over the past 1 Myr in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean we analyzed Ba, P, Al Ti, and Ca in 1106 samples from five piston cores gathered from 5°S to 4°N at 140°W. We focused on Ba/Ti, Al/Ti, and P/Ti ratios as export proxies and employed areally integrated time slice as well as time series strategies. Carbonate maxima from 0-560 kyr are characterized by 15-30% greater export than carbonate minima. The increases in export fall on glacial delta18O transitions rather than glacial maxima. From 560-800 kyr, overlapping with the mid-Pleistocene transition, there is a very large increase in total export yet no glacial-interglacial variability. The highest latitudes (5°S and 4°N) record minimal absolute export change from glacials to interglacials and yet record the most extreme minima in percent CaCO3, indicating that carbonate records there are dominated by dissolution, whereas near the equator they are more influenced by changes in export.
Upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments recovered at Site 798 in the Japan Sea (Oki Ridge) exhibit rhythmic variation in weight percent biogenic opal at intervals of ~5 m and periods equivalent to the 41-k.y. obliquity cycle. Variance at 17 and 100 k.y. is observed prior to 1.3 Ma. These cycles are also clearly defined by log data and correspond to clusters of decimeter-scale dark-colored sediment units alternating with clusters of light-colored units. Opal content varies between 3% and 22% between 0 and 1.3 Ma and from 3% to 43% between 1.3 and 2.6 Ma. Long-term opal accumulation rates average 1.8 g/cm**2/k.y. in the late Pliocene/early Pleistocene and decrease by about 60% at ~1.3 Ma. Rough calculations suggest that opal accumulation rates increased and terrigenous flux decreased during the Holocene relative to the last glacial period. Our age control is not yet sufficient to allow a similar analysis of the 41-k.y. cyclicity in opal content throughout the Pleistocene. Stable isotope results from planktonic foraminifers confirm previous suggestions of a strong surface-water freshening event during isotope stage 2; however, this episode appears to be unique during the Pleistocene. Benthic foraminifers are depleted in 18O during parts of glacial stages 2 and 6 relative to adjacent interglacials, suggesting unusual warming and/or freshening of deep waters. Collectively, the stable isotope and %opal data are consistent with continuing isolation of the Japan Sea during the Quaternary with important transitions occurring at 1.3, 0.7 to 1.0, and 0.2 to 0.3 Ma. Complex relationships among the stable isotope results, %opal data, and sediment characteristics such as color and organic and inorganic carbon content preclude development of a simple model to explain cyclical sedimentation. Opal maxima occur within both light and dark intervals and the processes that control surface-water productivity are at times decoupled from the factors that regulate deep-water dysaerobia. We suggest that water column overturn is controlled largely by regional atmospheric circulation that must also have an as yet poorly understood effect on surface-water fertility.
The terrigenous fraction of sediments from a deep-sea sediment core recovered from the northwestern Western Australian continental slope offshore North West Cape, SE Indian Ocean, reveals a history of Western Australian climate throughout the last 550 ka. End-member modelling of a data set of grain-size distributions (n = 438) of the terrigenous sediment fraction allows to interpret the record in terms of aeolian and fluvial sediment deposition, both related to palaeo-environmental conditions in the North West Cape area. The data set can be best described by two aeolian end members and one fluvial one. Changes in the ratio of the two aeolian end members over the fluvial one are interpreted as aridity variations in northwestern Western Australia. These grain-size data are compared with bulk geochemical data obtained by XRF scans of the core. Log-ratios of the elements Zr/Fe and Ti/Ca, which indicate a terrigenous origin, corroborate the grain-size data. We postulate that the mid- to late Quaternary near North West Cape climate was relatively arid during the glacial and relatively humid during the interglacial stages, owing to meridional shifts in the atmospheric circulation system. Opposite to published palaeo-environmental records from the same latitude (20°S) offshore Chile and offshore Namibia, the Australian aridity record does not show the typical southern hemisphere climate variability of humid glacials and dry interglacials, which we interpret to be the result of the relatively large land mass of the Australian continent, which emphasises a strong monsoonal climatic system.
The end of the last interglacial period, ~118 kyr ago, was characterized by substantial ocean circulation and climate perturbations resulting from instabilities of polar ice sheets. These perturbations are crucial for a better understanding of future climate change. The seasonal temperature changes of the tropical ocean, however, which play an important role in seasonal climate extremes such as hurricanes, floods and droughts at the present day, are not well known for this period that led into the last glacial. Here we present a monthly resolved snapshot of reconstructed sea surface temperature in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean for 117.7±0.8 kyr ago, using coral Sr/Ca and d18O records. We find that temperature seasonality was similar to today, which is consistent with the orbital insolation forcing. Our coral and climate model results suggest that temperature seasonality of the tropical surface ocean is controlled mainly by orbital insolation changes during interglacials.
We investigate changes in the delivery and oceanic transport of Amazon sediments related to terrestrial climate variations over the last 250 ka. We present high-resolution geochemical records from four marine sediment cores located between 5 and 12° N along the northern South American margin. The Amazon River is the sole source of terrigenous material for sites at 5 and 9° N, while the core at 12° N receives a mixture of Amazon and Orinoco detrital particles. Using an endmember unmixing model, we estimated the relative proportions of Amazon Andean material ("%-Andes", at 5 and 9° N) and of Amazon material ("%-Amazon", at 12° N) within the terrigenous fraction. The %-Andes and %-Amazon records exhibit significant precessional variations over the last 250 ka that are more pronounced during interglacials in comparison to glacial periods. High %-Andes values observed during periods of high austral summer insolation reflect the increased delivery of suspended sediments by Andean tributaries and enhanced Amazonian precipitation, in agreement with western Amazonian speleothem records. Increased Amazonian rainfall reflects the intensification of the South American monsoon in response to enhanced land-ocean thermal gradient and moisture convergence. However, low %-Amazon values obtained at 12° N during the same periods seem to contradict the increased delivery of Amazon sediments. We propose that reorganizations in surface ocean currents modulate the northwestward transport of Amazon material. In agreement with published records, the seasonal North Brazil Current retroflection is intensified (or prolonged in duration) during cold substages of the last 250 ka (which correspond to intervals of high DJF or low JJA insolation) and deflects eastward the Amazon sediment and freshwater plume.
We used piston cores recovered in the western Bering Sea to reconstruct millennial-scale changes in marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply over the past ~180 kyr. Based on a geochemical multi-proxy approach, our results indicate closely interacting processes controlling marine productivity and terrigenous matter supply comparable to the situation in the Okhotsk Sea. Overall, terrigenous inputs were high, whereas export production was low. Minor increases in marine productivity occurred during intervals of Marine Isotope Stage 5 and interstadials, but pronounced maxima were recorded during interglacials and Termination I. The terrigenous material is suggested to be derived from continental sources on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and to be subsequently transported via sea ice, which is likely to drive changes in surface productivity, terrigenous inputs, and upper-ocean stratification. From our results we propose glacial, deglacial, and interglacial scenarios for environmental change in the Bering Sea. These changes seem to be primarily controlled by insolation and sea-level forcing which affect the strength of atmospheric pressure systems and sea-ice growth. The opening history of the Bering Strait is considered to have had an additional impact. High-resolution core logging data (color b*, XRF scans) strongly correspond to the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate variability registered in the NGRIP ice core and support an atmospheric coupling mechanism of Northern Hemisphere climates.
A transfer function relating diatom assemblages in surface sediments and primary production in the photic zone was used to calculate variations in primary production in hole ODP Leg 112, Site 681A over the last 400 kyr. Primary production off central Peru was enhanced during peak glaciations and it decreased during peak interglacials, but low and high production periods also occurred in both glacials and interglacials. The close resemblance of the primary production curve off Peru to the atmospheric CO2 Vostok record suggests a relationship between the Peruvian neritic biological pump and atmospheric pCO2.
Detailed sedimentological investigations were performed on sediments from DSDP-Site 594 (Chatham Rise, east of New Zealand) in order to reconstruct the evolution of paleoclimate and paleoceanographic conditions in the Southwest Pacific during the last 6 million years. The results can be summarized as follows: (1) High accumulation rates of biogenic opal and carbonate and the dominance of smectites in the clay fraction suggest increased oceanic productivity and an equable dominantly humid climate during the late Miocene. (2) During Pliocene times, decreasing contents of smectites and increasing feldspar/quartz ratios point to an aridification in the source area of the terrigenous sediments, culmunating near 2.5 Ma. At that time, accumulation rates of terrigenous components distinctly increased probably caused by increased sediment supply due to intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulation, lowered sea level, and decreased vegetation cover. (3) A hiatus (1.45 to 0.73 Ma) suggests intensified intermediate-water circulation. (4) Major glacial/interglacial cycles characterize the upper 0.73 Ma. During glacial times, oceanic productivity and terrigenous sediment supply was distinctly increased because of intensified atmospheric and oceanic circulations and lowered sea level, whereas during interglacials productivity and terrigenous sediment supply were reduced. (5) An increased content of amphibols in the sediments of Site 594 indicates increased volcanic activities during the last 4.25 Ma.
Paleotemperature curves were drawn from oxygen-isotope ratios in CaCO3 of planktonic foraminiferal tests and by the micropaleontological method using quantitative relationships of their species. Two series of curves yield similar results. These data confirm that isotope composition of oxygen reflects primarily temperature, and not isotope composition in ocean water. Temperature of the upper layer of ocean water increased from north to south both during the last two glaciations and in the interglacials. All three sediment cores collected from different latitudes show approximately the same amplitudes of fluctuation of mean annual temperature during times of their accumulation, as determined independently by different methods; these amplitudes are estimated as 5-7°C.