110 resultados para graben
Values of physical properties measured in the upper sections of sediment cores recovered at Sites 504 and 505 exhibit a remarkable similarity. Below a depth of 145 m Site 504 sediments appear to have undergone changes which are reflected in physical property values. This alteration may have been due to high temperatures in the sediment. In most of Site 505, and in Site 504 above 145 m, seismic velocity averages 1.51 km/s, wet bulk density 1.32 g/cm**3, porosity 80%, and thermal conductivity 0.80% W/m °K. Below 145 m at Site 504 and 210 m at Site 505, mean density increases to 1.40 g/cm**3, porosity decreases to 67%, seismic velocity increases to 1.53 km/s, and thermal conductivity increases to values in excess of 1.0 W/m °K. A good correlation between independent measurements of water content and thermal resistivity supports the existence of small but regular variation in the measured parameters on the scale of 10 m and less.
Geophysical surveys of the Mariana forearc, in an area equidistant from the Mariana Trench and the active Mariana Island Arc, revealed a 40-m-deep graben about 13 km northwest of Conical Seamount, a serpentine mud volcano. The graben and its bounding horst blocks are part of a fault zone that strikes northwest-southeast beneath Conical Seamount. One horst block was drilled during Leg 125 of the Ocean Drilling Program (Site 781). Three lithologic units were recovered at Site 781: an upper sedimentary unit, a middle basalt unit, and a lower sedimentary unit. The upper unit, between 0 and 72 mbsf, consists of upper Pliocene to Holocene diatomaceous and radiolarian-bearing silty clay that grades down into vitric silty clay and vitric clayey silt. The middle unit is a Pleistocene vesicular, porphyritic basalt, the top of which corresponds to a high-amplitude reflection on the reflection profiles. The lower unit is a middle to upper (and possibly some lower) Pliocene vitric silty clay and vitric clayey silt similar to the lower part of the upper unit. The thickness of the basalt unit can only be estimated to be between 13 and 25 m because of poor core recovery (28% to 55%). The absence of internal flow structures and the presence of an upper glassy chilled zone and a lower, fine-grained margin suggest that the basalt unit is either a single lava flow or a near-surface sill. The basalt consists of plagioclase phenocrysts with subordinate augite and olivine phenocrysts and of plagioclase-augite-olivine glomerocrysts in a groundmass of plagioclase, augite, olivine, and glass. The basalt is an island arc tholeiite enriched in large-ion-lithophile elements relative to high-field-strength elements, similar to the submarine lavas of the southern arc seamounts. In contrast, volcanic rocks from the active volcanoes on Pagan and Agrigan islands, 100 km to the west of the drill site, are calc-alkaline. The basalt layer, the youngest in-situ igneous layer reported from the Izu-Bonin and Mariana forearcs, is enigmatic because of its location more than 100 km from the active volcanic arc. The sediment layers above and below the basalt unit are late Pliocene in age (about 2.5 Ma) and normally magnetized. The basalt has schlierenlike structures, reverse magnetization, and a K-Ar age of 1.68±0.37 Ma. Thus, the basalt layer is probably a sill fed by magma intruded along a fault zone bounding the horst and graben in the forearc. The geochemistry of the basalt is consistent with a magma source similar to that of the active island arc and from a mantle source above the subducting Pacific plate.
Chemical compositions and 1-atm. phase relations were determined for basalts drilled from Holes 501, 504A, 504B, 505, and 505B on Legs 68, 69, and 70 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Chemical, experimental, and petrographic data indicate that these basalts are moderately evolved (Mg' values from 0.60 to 0.70), with olivine plus Plagioclase and often clinopyroxene on the liquidus. Chemical stratigraphy was used to infer that sequential influxes of magma into a differentiating magma chamber or separate flows from different magma chambers or both had occurred. Two major types of basalt were found to be inter layered: Group M, a rarely occurring type with major element chemistry and magmaphile element abundances within the range of the majority of ocean-floor basalts (TiO2 = 1.3%, Na2O 2.5%, Zr = 103 ppm, Nb = 2.5 ppm, and Y = 31 ppm); and Group D, a highly unusual series of basalt compositions that exhibit much lower magmaphile element abundances (TiO2 = 0.75-1.2%, Na2O = 1.7-2.3%, Zr = 34-60 ppm, Nb = 0.5-1.2 ppm, and Y = 16-27 ppm). The liquidus temperatures of the Group D basalts are high (1230- 1260°C) compared with those of other ocean-floor basalts of similar Mg' values. They have high CaO/Na2O ratios (5-8) and are calculated to be in equilibrium with unusually calcic Plagioclase (An78-84). The two basalt groups cannot be related by fractionation processes. However, constant Zr/Nb ratios (>40) for the two groups suggest a single mantle source, with differences in magmaphile element abundances and other element ratios (e.g., Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, Ce/Yb) arising through sequential melting of the same source. Magmas similar to Group D, if mixed with more typical mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) magmas in shallow magma chambers, could provide a source for the highly calcic Plagioclase phenocrysts that appear in more common (i.e., less depleted) phyric ocean-floor basalts.
Basalts from some holes of the Deep Sea Drilling Project contain secondary K-feldspar which forms pseudomorphs after calcic (>76% An) Plagioclase cores, whereas Plagioclase of rims and microlites (68-74% An) remains unaltered. In basalts of Hole 504B two such grains with relics of Plagioclase in the central parts of phenocysts were recovered. The composition of the Plagioclase rims and of non-replaced phenocrysts is An79-81; the composition of relics is An83. The An and Ab contents of the K-feldspar is higher than in K-feldspar from altered basalt in Hole 418A in the Atlantic Ocean near the Bermuda Rise. Replacement of plagioclases by K-feldspar evidently is caused by oxygen-rich nearbottom sea water penetrating into basalts. The temperature interval of K-feldspathization is probably in the range 30 to 80°C, more-calcic Plagioclase being replaced by K-feldspar at higher temperatures.
Conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar analyses on whole-rock samples are reported for basaltic samples retrieved on the Central and Southern Kerguelen plateaus during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Sites 747, 749, and 750 recovered basalts from the plateau basement, whereas Site 748 drilled a lava flow interbedded with sediments of probable Albian age. The freshest core basalts from the basement yielded dates falling in the 110-100 m.y. interval. Sample 120-749C-15R-3 (26-31 cm) gave conventional K-Ar, total fusion, and plateau 40Ar/39Ar ages that are closely concordant: 111.5 ± 3.2 m.y., 109.9 ± 1.2 m.y., and 109.6 ± 0.7 m.y., respectively. Sample 120-750B-15R-5 (54-60 cm), when taking into account the analytical uncertainties, yields conventional K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages that can be considered similar: 101.2 ± 7.5 and 118.2 ± 5 m.y., respectively. Inspection of the 39Ar/40Ar vs. 36Ar/40Ar diagram does not reveal the occurrence of an initial argon component of radiogenic composition in the two samples. Accordingly, our results suggest that the formation of the basement of the Central Kerguelen Plateau was closed at 110 m.y.. Furthermore, these results are in agreement with a K-Ar age of 114 ± 1 m.y. mentioned in the literature for a basalt dredged in the 77°E Graben. The still scant amount of data indicates that the outpourings of the Central Kerguelen Plateau correspond rather well with widespread continental magmatism in Gondwanaland that is believed to mark the incipient opening of the eastern Indian Ocean. This implies a huge head for the mantle plume at the source of these liquids. Nevertheless, on land and at sea the exact duration of magmatism remains unknown. Therefore, a catastrophic pattern similar to that currently invoked for the Deccan Traps at the end of the Cretaceous, though possible, is not yet required by present geochronologic data.
Sixteen piston cores and twelve gravity cores were successfully recovered from northern and southern crests of the eastern Alpha Ridge andfrom the Alpha Ridge graben. All but one core contain late Cenozoic muds with variable amounts of sand- to pebble-sized clastic material that probably reflects transport by ice during the past 4-5 Ma. Sixteen Cenozoic-Holocene lithostratigraphic units have been delimited on the basis of sediment texture, structure, colour, detrital carbonate and authigenicferromanganese content. The composition of the upper 13 units in the CESAR cores is similar to the Fletcher's Ice Island cores; hence most units can be broadly correlated over most of the Central Arctic Ocean. Three new lithostratigraphic units (A1-A3) occur at the base of CESAR cores from the northern Alpha Ridge crest. Paleomagnetic and palynological data indicate a Late Miocene-Early Pliocene age for unit A3, which confirms previous reports of a slow sedimentation rate during the Cenozoic. CESAR core 6 was obtained from an erosional surface on top of a fault block at the north edge of the Alpha Ridge graben. This core contains ca. 2m of laminated diatom ooze of Campanian-Maastrichtian age and two ?Paleogene volcanic ash units below a brown mud unit which probably corresponds to units A2 and A3. The biosiliceous ooze contains no foraminifera or silicoflagellates and only few dinoflagellates. There is little difference in biogenic or clastic sediment content between light and dark laminae and the rhythmites do not appear to be annual varves produced in an upwelling environment. The microstructure and fluctuating mineral composition of the laminae most closely resemble those of lami- nated chert beds in the Triassic forearc basins of Japan.
The Snake Pit hydrothermal field is located on the top of a neovolcanic rise on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at sea depths between 3460 and 3510 m. It was surveyed during several oceanological expeditions including DSDP Legs. Additional scientific materials were obtained in 2002 and 2003 during expedition onboard R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with two Mir deep-sea manned submersibles. Three eastern hydrothermal mounds (Moose, Beehive, and Fir Tree) are located on the upper part of the eastern slope of the rise over a common fractured pedestal composed of fragments of massive sulfides. The western group of hydrothermal deposits is encountered on the western slope of the axial graben. Within this mature hydrothermal field, which was formed over the past 4000 years, we studied morphology of the hydrothermal mounds, chemistry and mineralogy of hydrothermal deposits, chemistry of sulfide minerals, and isotope composition of sulfur in them.
The Proterozoic country rock at Ahlmannryggen consists of flat lying basaltic lo andesitic lava flows and sedimentary rocks intruded by dioritic sills (Borgmassivet Intrusives). The suites display a typical platform cover. K-Ar age determinations gave maximum ages of about 1200 Ma on the magmatic rocks. All these suites were intruded bv Proterozoic dikes dated also at about 1200 Ma. Localiy the Proterozoic rocks have a slaty cleavage grading into mylonitic texture which strike parallel to the Jutul Penck graben. Such tectonic structures were dated at 525 Ma using syntectonic white micas. Evidence of the break-up of Gondwana during the Early Jurassic/Triassic is given by dikes at Ahlmannryggen and lava flows, dikes and sills at Vestfjella. At Ahlmannryggen the initial rift phase is documented by the development of the Jutul Penck graben and the intrusion of the 200-250 Ma continental-tholeiitic dikes striking parallel to the graben axis. The lava flows, dikes and sills at Vestfjella represent a later stage of the Gondwana break-up at about 180 Ma that probably reflects the initial stage of the opening of the Weddell Sea.
The four holes (including a re-entry hole) drilled at Site 433 allow determination of the sedimentary sequence of Suiko Seamount in the Emperor chain. The holes are in a small graben basin situated within a lateral lagoon on the seamount. The sedimentary deposits range from the Paleocene to the upper Pliocene and are not uniform and continuous. A major hiatus exists at the top of the lower Eocene reef sediment, below the lower and upper Miocene pelagic sediments. The depositional history and succession of environments are shown by mineralogical and geochemical changes in the sediments.