191 resultados para glacial advance


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A series of minor moraine ridges are observed on the till surface in the proglacial area of Yala Glacier, Nepal Himalaya. The till surface, which is often fluted, consists ofsix different till sheets. It lies present glacial margin and the bulky terminal moraine ridges. These till sheets correspond to six re-advance stages during the general retreat which followed Little Ice Age ad- vance which formed the bulky terminal moraine ridges. Field observations and till fabric analysis suggest that the minor moraine ridges of Yala Glacier seem to be formed annually, by ice push. On the assumption that their annual character was maintained for a long time, and that the time span needed for each re-advance was proportional to the height of terminal moraine of each till sheet, the dating of Little fee Age moraines was attempted. The results indicate that Little Ice Age advances occurred in 1815 and in 1843, roughly simultanously with those in Europe.


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The island of Isla de los Estados is situated at 54.5°S, 64°W, east of Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, and is located in a sensitive geographic position in relation to the zonal circulation between Antarctica and South America. Its terrestrial records of the last deglaciation, recording atmospheric conditions but within an oceanic setting, can help to clarify changes of regional circulation patterns, both atmospheric and marine. Here, we present geochemical analyses from 16-10 ka cal BP of a peat core from Lago Galvarne Bog at the northern coast of the island, and a lake sediment core from Laguna Cascada 3 km further south. The data comprise TC, TN, loss on ignition analyses and continuous XRF scanning on both cores as well as age-depth modeling based on AMS-14C dating. Deglaciation and onset of peat formation in the coastal areas began before 16 ka cal BP followed by a rapid glacial retreat and the start of lacustrine sedimentation further inland. Data suggest initially windy conditions with permafrost succeeded by gradually warmer and wetter conditions until ca 14.5 ka cal BP. The warming trend slows down until ca 13.5 ka cal BP, followed by arid conditions culminating around 12.8 ka cal BP. Our data suggest fairly warm conditions and the establishment of denser peat and forest vegetation ca 10.6 ka cal BP, contemporaneous with the onset of the Antarctic thermal optimum. This indicates large-scale shifts in the placement of zonal flow and the Westerlies at the beginning of the Holocene.


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Sedimentary accumulation of biogenic components (organic carbon, opal, and biogenic barium) on the northwestern Mexican margin declined during every glacial interval of the past 140 kyr, indicating decreases in upwelling-induced productivity during cold periods. The glacial-interglacial contrasts in upwelling on this margin are attributed to reversals in land-ocean thermal contrast, the waxing and waning of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and consequent responses of the western hemisphere wind fields. This scenario is consistent with three independent lines of evidence: terrestrial paleoclimatic data, general circulation model results, and our marine records. This pattern of glacial-interglacial variability in upwelling off NW Mexico is opposite to that observed in other low-latitude and midlatitude upwelling areas, such as the eastern equatorial Pacific. These results add to a growing pool of observations that the response of oceanic upwelling to glacial climatic forcing has been regionally variable.


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Bulk sediment chemistry from three Chilean continental margin Ocean Drilling Program sites constrains regional continental erosion over the past 30,000 years. Sediments from thirteen rivers that drain the (mostly igneous) Andes and the (mostly metamorphic) Coast Range, along with existing rock chemistry datasets, define terrestrial provenance for the continental margin sediments. Andean river sediments have high Mg/Al relative to Coast-Range river sediments. Near 36°S, marine sediments have high-Mg/Al (i.e. more Andean) sources during the last glacial period, and lower-Mg/Al (less Andean) sources during the Holocene. Near 41°S a Ti-rich source, likely from coast-range igneous intrusions, is prevalent during Holocene time, whereas high-Mg/Al Andean sources are more prevalent during the last glacial period. We infer that there is a dominant ice-sheet control of sediment sources. At 36°S, Andean-sourced sediment decreased as Andean mountain glaciers retreated after ~17.6 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and southward retreat of the Patagonian Forest and, by inference, westerly winds. At 41°S Andean sediment dominance peaks and then rapidly declines at ~19 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and the earliest deglacial sea-level rise. We hypothesize that this decreased flux of Andean material in the south is related to rapid retreat of the marine-based portion of the Patagonian Ice Sheet in response to global sea-level rise, as the resulting flooding of the southern portion of the Central Valley created a sink for Andean sediments in this region. Reversal of the decreasing deglacial Mg/Al trend at 41°S from 14.5 to 13.0 ka is consistent with a brief re-advance of the Patagonian ice sheet coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal.


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Organic matter in Miocene glacial sediments in Hole 739C on the Antarctic Shelf represents erosional recycled continental material. Various indications of maturity in bulk organic matter, kerogens, and extracts imply that an exposed section of mature organic carbon-rich material was present during the Miocene. Based on biomarker, n-alkane, and kerogen analysis, a massive diamictite of early Eocene/Oligocene age at Hole 739C contains immature organic matter. Visual and pyrolysis analyses of the kerogens suggest a predominance of terrestrial organic matter in all samples from Hole 739C. A reversal of thermal maturities, i.e., more-mature overlying less-mature sections, may be related to redeposition generated from glacial erosion. Siliciclastic fluviatile sediments of Lower Cretaceous age from Hole 741A were analyzed. The organic matter from this hole contains immature aliphatic and aromatic biomarkers as well as a suite of odd carbon number-dominated nalkanes. Visual examination and pyrolysis analysis of the kerogen suggests that predominantly immature terrestrial organic matter is present at Hole 741A. The similarities between Hole 739C Unit V and Hole 741A suggest that the source of the organic matter in the glacial sediments in Unit V at Hole 739C could be Cretaceous in age and similar to sediments sampled at Hole 741A in Prydz Bay.


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From 1950 through 1900 studies on the glacial geology of northern Greenland have been made in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. As a result of these studies four distinct phases of the latest glaciation have been recognized. The last glaciation extended over most of the land and removed traces of previous anes. Retreat of the ice mass began some time previous to 6000 years ago. This was followed by a rtse in sea level which deposited clay-silt succeeded by karne gravels around stagnant ice lobes in the large valleys. Marine terraces, up to 129 meters above present sea level, developed as readjustment occurred in the land free of ice. About 3700 years ago an advance of glaciers down major fjords took place followed by retreat to approximately the present position of the ice. Till in Peary Land, north of Frederick E. Hyde Fjord, contains only locally derived matertals indicating that the central Greenland ice cap did not cover the area.


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We present Holocene and last glacial maximum (LGM) oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on Planulina wuellerstorfi in six southeast Pacific cores. Sedimentation rates are low in this part of the ocean, and measurements were made on individual foraminiferal shells in order to identify the Holocene and glacial individuals on the basis of their extreme d18O. The new d13C data were combined with previous P. wuellerstorfi data for interpretation of global thermohaline circulation. Data from the Southern Ocean were examined closely for regional coherency and a few anomalous d13C values suspected of having productivity overprint were removed. The resulting global d13C distributions and gradients indicate that the deep water circulation was similar during the Holocene and LGM. This interpretation brings d13C data to a better agreement with Cd/Ca data and marks a sharp contrast with a widely held view based on d13C measurements that the glacial Southern Ocean was the terminus of the thermohaline circulation. The proposed presence of glacial North Atlantic Deep Water does not necessarily contradict the postulated presence of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water.


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Macrobenthic associations were investigated at 29 sampling stations with a semi-quantitative Agassiz trawl, ranging from the South Patagonian Icefield to the Straits of Magellan in the South Chilean fjord system. A total of 1,895 individuals belonging to 131 species were collected. 19 species belong to colonial organisms, mainly Bryozoa (17 species) and Octocorallia (2 species). The phylum Echinodermata was the most diverse in species number (47 species), with asteroids (25 species) and ophiuroids (13 species) being the best represented within this taxon. Polychaeta was the second dominant group in terms of species richness (46 species). Multidimensional scaling ordination (MDS) separated two station groups, one related to fjords and channels off the South Patagonian Icefield and the second one to stations surrounding the Straits of Magellan. 45 species account for 90% of the dissimilarity between these two groups. These differences can mainly be explained by the influence of local environmental conditions determined by processes closely related to the pres- ence/absence of glaciers. Abiotic parameters such as water depth, type of sediment and chemical features of the superficial sediment were not correlated with the numbers of individuals caught by the Agassiz trawl in each group of sampling stations.