139 resultados para eccentricity


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A stable-isotope stratigraphy at Site 846 (tropical Pacific, 3°06'S, 90°49'W, 3307 m water depth), based on the benthic foraminifers Cibicides wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina peregrina, yields a high-resolution record of deep-sea delta18O and delta13C over the past 1.8 Ma, with an average sampling interval of 3 k.y. Variance in the delta18O and delta13C records is concentrated in the well-known orbital periods of 100, 41, and 23 k.y. In the 100-k.y. band, both isotopic signals grow from relatively low amplitudes prior to 1.2 Ma, to high amplitudes in the late Quaternary since 0.7 Ma. The amplitude of delta18O and especially of delta13C decreases in the 41-k.y. band as it grows in the 100-k.y. band, consistent with a transfer of energy into an orbitally-paced internal oscillation. A weak 30-k.y. rhythm, present in both delta18O and delta13C, may reflect nonlinear interaction between the 41-k.y. and 100-k.y. bands in the evolving climate system. In the 23-k.y. and 19-k.y. bands associated with orbital precession, delta18O and delta13C are not coherent with each other on long time scales, and do not evolve like the 100-k.y. and 41-k.y. bands. This suggests that the source of the growing 100-k.y. oscillation is not a nonlinear response to precession, in contrast to predictions of some climate models. Sedimentation rates at this site also vary with a strong 100-k.y. cycle. Unlike the isotope records, the amplitude of 100-k.y. variations in sedimentation rate is relatively constant over the past 1.8 Ma, ranging from about 15 to 70 m/m.y. Prior to 0.9 Ma, sedimentation rates co-vary with orbital eccentricity, rather than with global climate as reflected by delta18O or delta13C. A source of this 100-k.y. cycle of sedimentation rate in the absence of similar ice volume fluctuations may be precessional heating of equatorial land masses, which in an energy balance climate model drives variations of monsoonal climates with a 100-k.y. rhythm. For the interval younger than 0.9 Ma, high sedimentation rates in the 100-k.y. band are consistently associated with glacial stages. This change of pattern suggests that when the amplitude of glacial cycles become large enough, their global effects overpower a local monsoon-driven variation in sedimentation rate at Site 846.


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Narrow-spaced oxygen and carbon stable isotope records of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) were obtained at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 184 Site 1144 to establish a first record of high-resolution Pleistocene monsoon variability on orbital to centennial timescales in the northern South China Sea. The new records extend from the Holocene back to marine isotope Stage (MIS) 34 (1.1 Ma). Sedimentation rates average 0.56 m/k.y. for the upper Matuyama and Brunhes Chrons and increase to 1.8 m/k.y. over the last 100 k.y. Stable isotope records thus reach an average time resolution of 270-500 yr for the last 375 k.y. and 570 yr further back to 700 ka. On the other hand, major stratigraphic gaps were identified for peak warm Stages 5.5, 7.5 (down to 8.4), 11.3, and 15.5. These gaps probably resulted from short-lasting events of contour current erosion induced by short-term enhanced incursions of Upper Pacific Deep Water near the end of glacial terminations. A further major hiatus extends from MIS 34 to MIS 73(?). The long-term variations in monsoon climate were largely dominated by the 100-k.y. eccentricity cycle. Planktonic delta13C values culminated near 30, 480, and 1035 ka and reflect an overlying 450-k.y. eccentricity cycle of minimum nutrient concentrations in the surface ocean. Superimposed on the orbital variations, millennial-scale cycles were prominent throughout the last 700 k.y., mainly controlled by short-term changes in monsoon-driven precipitation and freshwater input from mainland China. During the last 110 k.y. these short-lasting oscillations closely match the record of 1500-yr Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles in the Greenland ice core record.


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The Norian Steinmergel-Keuper (SMK) represents a low-latitude cyclically-bedded playa system of the Mid-German Basin. We investigated a drilling site (core Morsleben) and sections from marginal positions. Dolomite/red mudstone beds form rhythmic alternations that were associated with varying monsoon activity. Hence, low K/Al ratios of dolomite beds suggest increased chemical weathering of the crystalline hinterland and therefore increased monsoonal rainfall. High K/Al ratios in red mudstone beds reflect increased physical weathering of the hinterlands during dryer periods. Dolomite layers reflect the lake stage (maximum monsoon) while red mudstones indicate the dry phase (minimum monsoon) of the playa cycle. We distinguished five major types of cyclic facies alternations, representing specific facies zones in the playa system. We have implemented spectrophotometry as a tool for high-resolution cyclostratigraphy. The dense sampling increment (up to 1 cm) allows for the recognition of all orbital frequencies. Sediment colour profiles reveal striking hierarchical cycles from semi-precession (SP, 99 kyr) over precession (P, 19.8 kyr) and obliquity (O, 36 kyr) to eccentricity (E1-2 109 kyr; E3, 413 kyr). A significant about 2 Myr-signal is attributed to the longer-term eccentricity E4. One monsoonal (precession) cycle includes two carbonate precipitation events. We propose that stratified mudstone and red mudstone are associated with maximum and minimum monsoon during the transition of the solstices in perihelion and aphelion, respectively. The two carbonate precipitation events were most likely created when equinoxes were in perihelion and aphelion, respectively. A sedimentary semi-precession response cycle is a novel finding for the Norian strata. The obliquity signal is attributed to incoming atmospheric moisture from the northeast of the SMK basin. The E4 cycle controls lake-level changes over long times. Apparently, E4 is responsible whether or not a threshold value is crossed. Bundles of 109 kyr and 413 kyr in red mudstones suggest a dry system with reduced monsoonal activity. In contrast, humid periods reveal thick layers of dolomite beds, indicating that during those intervals the monsoonal activity was strong enough to prevent the playa system from drying out completely.


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Here we report 420 kyr long records of sediment geochemical and color variations from the southwestern Iberian Margin. We synchronized the Iberian Margin sediment record to Antarctic ice cores and speleothem records on millennial time scales and investigated the phase responses relative to orbital forcing of multiple proxy records available from these cores. Iberian Margin sediments contain strong precession power. Sediment "redness" (a* and 570-560 nm) and the ratio of long-chain alcohols to n-alkanes (C26OH/(C26OH + C29)) are highly coherent and in-phase with precession. Redder layers and more oxidizing conditions (low alcohol ratio) occur near precession minima (summer insolation maxima). We suggest these proxies respond rapidly to low-latitude insolation forcing by wind-driven processes (e.g., dust transport, upwelling, precipitation). Most Iberian Margin sediment parameters lag obliquity maxima by 7-8 ka, indicating a consistent linear response to insolation forcing at obliquity frequencies driven mainly by high-latitude processes. Although the lengths of the time series are short (420 ka) for detecting 100 kyr eccentricity cycles, the phase relationships support those obtained by Shackleton []. Antarctic temperature and the Iberian Margin alcohol ratios (C26OH/(C26OH + C29)) lead eccentricity maxima by 6 kyr, with lower ratios (increased oxygenation) occurring at eccentricity maxima. CO2, CH4, and Iberian SST are nearly in phase with eccentricity, and minimum ice volume (as inferred from Pacific d18Oseawater) lags eccentricity maxima by 10 kyr. The phase relationships derived in this study continue to support a potential role of the Earth's carbon cycle in contributing to the 100 kyr cycle.


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Die Paläozeanographie versucht die Klimageschichte des Quartärs zu rekonstruieren und die Zusammenhänge zwischen Klimaänderungen und ozeanischer Zirkulation besser zu verstehen. Ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel stellen die planktischen Foraminiferen dar. Die Analyse planktischer Foraminiferengemeinschaften hat gezeigt, daß die Verbreitung dieser Protozoa durch die Umweltbedingungen in den Oberflächenwasserströmen bestimmt wird (BoLTOVSKOY, 1969; CIFELLI& BENIER, 1976; OTIENS, 1991). Durch ihre Ablagerung und Erhaltung am Meeresboden speichern sie diese Informationen und bilden einen Indikator für Wassermassen und Oberflächenwassertemperaturschichtung. Zeitliche und räumliche Veränderungen der Faunenvergesellschaftungen und der Verhältnisse stabiler Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotope einzelner Foraminiferenarten haben damit einen maßgeblichen Beitrag zur Kenntnis der spätquartären Temperatur- und Zirkulationsänderungen der Oberflächenströme geliefert (SHACKLETON & OPDYKE, 1973; BE et al., 1976; RUDDIMAN & McooYRE, 1976; VINCENT & BERGER, 1981; CLIMAP, 1981; RA VELO et al., 1990). Mit Hilfe der planktischen Foraminiferen soll diese Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Ozeanographie des Südatlantiks liefern. Die Oberflächenströme des Südatlantiks sind das Bindeglied im Wärmeaustausch zwischen niederen und hohen Breiten. Durch den Südäquatorialstrom (SEC) werden warme Wassermassen, die sich aufgrund der hohen Sonneneinstrahlung im tropischen Atlantik gebildet haben, in den Nordatlantik transportiert. Die Wärme wird im Nordatlantik unter Bildung des Nordatlantischen-Tiefenwassers (NADW) an die Atmosphäre abgegeben. Durch dieses Ereignis wird maßgeblich das nordeuropäische Klima beeinflußt (BROECKER & DENTON, 1989). Die Intensität des SEC wird durch den saisonal variierenden SE-, NE-Passat gesteuert, der hauptsächlich durch die Präzession der geneigten Erdachse bzw. durch die Insolation auf der Nordhalbkugel kontrolliert wird (Mc OOYRE et aI., 1989; MOLFINO & Mc INTYRE, 1990). Der SEC fließt entlang des Äquators von Ost nach West und kalte, nährstotfreiche, tiefere Wassermassen (Südatlantisches-Zentralwasser (SACW)) steigen vor allem im Osten auf und erzeugen das hochproduktive äquatoriale Auftriebsgebiet. Im Osten ist der Temperaturgradient in der Wassersäule steiler, und die Thermoklinentiefe nimmt von Ost nach West zu. Die Lage der Thermokline ist damit ein wesentlicher Faktor, der den Wärmehaushalt im Atlantik mitbestimmt. So wird z. B. im äquatorialen Auftriebsgebiet und im Auftriebsgebiet des küstennahen Benguela-Stroms, wo die Thermoklinentiefe durch aufsteigende kalte Wassermassen gering ist, eine Wärmezunahme von 100 W/qm im Wärmehaushalt erreicht (PETERSON & STRAMMA, 1991). Zur spätquartären Rekonstruktion des Wärmeflusses und der Oberflächenzirkulation im Südostatlantik ist es daher wichtig, auch die zeitlichen und räumlichen Veränderungen tieferer Wasserschichten (bis 300 m) zu erfassen.


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To investigate late Quaternary paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic change in the sedimentary record, preserved on the Australian Continental Margin during the late Quaternary, core material was collected from Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 133, Site 819. An expanded sequence of late Quaternary, rhythmically bedded, predominantly hemipelagic sediments were recovered from Hole 819A. The foraminiferal d18O record preserved at Hole 819A suggests that the late Quaternary section is incomplete. Both benthic and planktonic d18O stratigraphies can be traced tentatively downcore to stage 6 at about 32.5 mbsf, where a major hiatus occurs. At this level, a slump detachment surface has been identified (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1991). This slump has removed marine oxygen isotope stages 7 to 13. Below 32.5 mbsf, continuous correlation can be achieved in the planktonic d18O curve, with existing deep-sea foraminiferal oxygen isotope stratigraphies from stage 14 through stage 28. The major hiatus at 32.5 mbsf marks the position of a significant change in the character of the sedimentation at Site 819. Sediments below 32.5 mbsf, relative to those above 32.5 mbsf, are characterized by less variation in mean particle size; lower percentages of carbonate content in the coarse fraction (>63 µm); a stronger relationship between the percentage of fine fraction and magnetic mineral concentration, and lower foraminiferal abundances. Above the hiatus, large fluctuations in mean particle size occurred, which have been interpreted to be the result of high foraminiferal abundances. Early highstands show high terrigenous influx in the fine fraction above the hiatus. This is the opposite of the general idea of high terrigenous influx during lowstands of sea level on siliciclastic dominated continental margins. We are far from understanding the origin of this material and further investigation will be required (see also Glenn et al., this volume). All our records, except the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope record, indicate that the major hiatus marks the position of a significant change in the environment at Site 819. The planktonic foraminiferal d18O record suggests that environmental change occurred prior to the formation of the hiatus (i.e., near the Brunhes/Matuyama [B/M] boundary). The interval between the B/M boundary and the hiatus represents a transitional period between two different patterns of ocean circulation. Throughout most of the lower part of the sequence, Site 819 was at a shallow-water depth and local oceanographic conditions were dominated by sluggish Subtropical Central Water (SCW) flow. However, near the B/M boundary, ocean circulation patterns intensified, reflecting a worldwide change in paleoenvironment. Enhanced ocean circulation patterns were possibly aided by tectonic subsidence. During this period Site 819 became progressively more under the influence of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), than SCW. In the upper part of the sequence at Hole 819 A, we see a continuation of the pattern of oceanographic reorganization suggested during stages 21 through 14. Intensification of the subsurface oceanographic circulation was also accompanied by the progressive wedging southward of surface waters associated with the East Australian Current (EAC). The change in the nature of the records in the lower and upper parts of the sequence at Site 819 are thought to reflect perturbations by the orbital eccentricity cycle.


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We studied the biological response to orbital forcing in marine Upper Albian sediments recovered from the 245 m-long Kirchrode I borehole in the Lower Saxony basin in northwestern Germany. Results from quantitative analysis of planktonic and benthic foraminifera, of calcareous nannofossils, and radiolaria were used for this study. Spectral analysis in the depth domain indicates for the high sedimentation rate part of the Upper Albian dominant periods with wavelengths of 10±13 m, 5±6 m, and 2±3 m, which we interpret to represent the biological response to orbital forcing in the Milankovitch frequency bands eccentricity, obliquity, and precession, respectively. In addition, a low amplitude 40±50 m cycle was found, which would represent the long-term eccentricity variation of roughly 400 ka. Microfossil cyclicity does not change significantly within the whole core indicating sedimentation rates of 11±12 cm/ka on an average, with variations between 3.5 and 13 ka. Microfossils show greater variability in their abundance changes than the physical and chemical parameters and also greater power in the higher-frequency bands (obliquity and precession). While most of the planktonic foraminifer species studied are dominated by variations in the obliquity, most benthic foraminifer species show an additional strong influence of precession. These differences in the cyclicity of the abundance changes are interpreted as reflecting a stronger influence of low latitude water in the deep waters of the Late Albian Lower Saxony basin than in the shallow waters. This basin was part of a wide, 'Boreal' epicontinental sea, which was connected to the Tethys to the south via the Polish strait and via the Paris basin, and which was connected with the North Atlantic and Arctic to the north. In analogy to results from analysis of data from the Late Neogene, strong effects of precession interpreted as being more characteristic for changes/influences triggered in the low latitudes and those of obliquity to be more characteristic for influences from the high latitudes. The presence of a relatively strong eccentricity cycle, not only in the compound parameters, but also in the abundance changes of single species during the Late Albian means that there must have been a non-linear response to orbital forcing and internal feedbacks.


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To explore cause and consequences of past climate change, very accurate age models such as those provided by the astronomical timescale (ATS) are needed. Beyond 40 million years the accuracy of the ATS critically depends on the correctness of orbital models and radioisotopic dating techniques. Discrepancies in the age dating of sedimentary successions and the lack of suitable records spanning the middle Eocene have prevented development of a continuous astronomically calibrated geological timescale for the entire Cenozoic Era. We now solve this problem by constructing an independent astrochronological stratigraphy based on Earth's stable 405 kyr eccentricity cycle between 41 and 48 million years ago (Ma) with new data from deep-sea sedimentary sequences in the South Atlantic Ocean. This new link completes the Paleogene astronomical timescale and confirms the intercalibration of radioisotopic and astronomical dating methods back through the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 55.930 Ma) and the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (66.022 Ma). Coupling of the Paleogene 405 kyr cyclostratigraphic frameworks across the middle Eocene further paves the way for extending the ATS into the Mesozoic.


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Astronomical tuning of sedimentary records to precise orbital solutions has led to unprecedented resolution in the geological time scale. However, the construction of a consistent astronomical time scale for the Paleocene is controversial due to uncertainties in the recognition of the exact number of 405-kyr eccentricity cycles and accurate correlation between key records. Here, we present a new Danian integrated stratigraphic framework using the land-based Zumaia and Sopelana hemipelagic sections from the Basque Basin and deep-sea records drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 198 (Shatsky Rise, North Pacific) and 208 (Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic) that solves previous discrepancies. The new coherent stratigraphy utilises composite images from ODP cores, a new whole-rock d13C isotope record at Zumaia and new magnetostratigraphic data from Sopelana. We consistently observe 11 405-kyr eccentricity cycles in all studied Danian successions. We achieve a robust correlation of bioevents and stable isotope events between all studied sections at the ~100-kyr short-eccentricity level, a prerequisite for paleoclimatic interpretations. Comparison with and subsequent tuning of the records to the latest orbital solution La2011 provides astronomically calibrated ages of 66.022 ± 0.040 Ma and 61.607 ± 0.040 Ma for the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) and Danian-Selandian 105 (D-S) boundaries respectively. Low sedimentation rates appear common in all records in the mid-Danian interval, including conspicuous condensed intervals in the oceanic records that in the past have hampered the proper identification of cycles. The comprehensive interbasinal approach applied here reveals pitfalls in time scale construction, filtering techniques in particular, and indicates that some caution and scrutiny has to be applied when building orbital chronologies. Finally, the Zumaia section, already hosting the Selandian Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), could serve as the global Danian unit stratotype in the future.


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Sedimentary cycles are observed in the nearly complete Lower Cretaceous to Eocene pelagic carbonates at Site 762 on the Exmouth Plateau off northwest Australia. The high-frequency cycles of variable clay and foraminifers in nannofossil chalk appear as color cycles repeating on a scale of centimeters to meters in thickness. Measured cycle thickness indicate that the dominant cycles appear to be related to the precession and obliquity periods. To evaluate the high-frequency variance observed on the gamma-ray curve, spectral analysis of the log was performed on two intervals: 260 to 365 mbsf in the Cenozoic, and 555 to 685 mbsf in the Mesozoic. Average Cenozoic sedimentation rates of 10.5 m/m.y. are high enough to show that variance is present in the full suite of eccentricity bands (413-123-95 k.y.). Spectral analysis of the Mesozoic section failed to produce dominant peaks that could be correlated to predicted orbital periods. The bioturbation observed in the cores in this interval may be responsible for diluting the signal and producing high-frequency noise, which is manifested in the spectra as low, broad amplitude peaks. Orbital forcing may be affecting sedimentation on the Exmouth Plateau by influencing cycles of increased carbonate production or dissolution. Alternatively, clay abundance cycles may be related to eolian deposition during cycles of increased aridity in western Australia. Four low-frequency events were also identified at Site 762 from the core and log data. The duration of these events is approximately 13 m.y., and the conformable boundaries of these sedimentary cycles correlate with observed nondepositional surfaces in other wells in western Australia. The causal mechanism for the onset of these events may be eustatic, but alternatively may be regional tectonism with associated circulation pattern changes.