100 resultados para WINTER MONSOON


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A multiproxy record has been acquired from a piston core (SO139-74KL) taken offshore southern Sumatra, an area which is situated in the southwestern sector of the tropical Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. The high-resolution data sets (X-ray fluorescence, total organic carbon, and C37 alkenones) were used to track changes in paleoproductivity, freshwater budget, and sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical climate system at orbital time scales over the past 300 ka. Our paleoclimatic data show that enhanced marine paleoproductivity was directly related to strengthening of coastal upwelling during periods of increased boreal summer insolation and associated SE monsoon strength with a precessional cyclicity. Changes in freshwater supply were primarily forced by precession-controlled changes in boreal NW winter monsoon rainfall enclosing an additional sea level component. SST variations of 2°-5°C occurred at eccentricity and precessional cyclicity. We suggest that the sea surface temperature variability off southern Sumatra is predominantly related to three major causes: (1) variations in upwelling intensity; (2) an elevated freshwater input into the southern Makassar Strait leading to reduced supply of warmer surface waters from the western Pacific and increased subsurface water transport via the Indonesian Throughflow into the Indian Ocean; and (3) long-term changes in the intensity or frequency of low-latitude climate phenomena, such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation.


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This dataset contains the collection of available published paired Uk'37 and Tex86 records spanning multi-millennial to multi-million year time scales, as well as a collection of Mg/Ca-derived temperatures measured in parallel on surface and subsurface dwelling foraminifera, both used in the analyses of Ho and Laepple, Nature Geoscience 2016. As the signal-to-noise ratios of proxy-derived Holocene temperatures are relatively low, we selected records that contain at least the last deglaciation (oldest sample >18kyr BP).


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Multivariate analysis was performed on percentages of 46 species of unstained deep-sea benthic foraminifera from 131 core-top to near-core-top samples (322-5013 m) from across the Indian Ocean. Faunal data are combined with GEOSECS geochemical data to investigate any relationship between benthic foraminifera (assemblages and species) and deep-sea properties. In general, benthic foraminifera show a good correlation to surface productivity, organic carbon flux to the sea floor, deep-sea oxygenation and, to a lesser extent, to bottom temperature, without correlation with the water depths. The foraminiferal census data combined with geochemical data has enabled the division of the Indian Ocean into two faunal provinces. Province A occupies the northwestern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea region) where surface primary production has a major maximum during the summer monsoon season and a secondary maximum during winter monsoon season that leads to high organic flux to the seafloor, making the deep-sea one of the most oxygen-deficient regions in the world ocean, with a pronounced oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). This province is dominated by benthic foraminifera characteristic of low oxygen and high organic food flux including Uvigerina peregrina, Robulus nicobarensis, Bolivinita pseudopunctata, Bolivinita sp., Bulimina aculeata, Bulimina alazanensis, Ehrenbergina carinata and Cassidulina carinata. Province B covers southern, southeastern and eastern parts of the Indian Ocean and is dominated by Nuttallides umbonifera, Epistominella exigua, Globocassidulina subglobosa, Uvigerina proboscidea, Cibicides wuellerstorfi, Cassidulina laevigata, Pullenia bulloides, Pullenia osloensis, Pyrgo murrhina, Oridorsalis umbonatus, Gyroidinoides (= Gyroidina) soldanii and Gyroidinoides cf. gemma suggesting well-oxygenated, cold deep water with low (oligotrophic) and pulsed food supply.


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We present 30 new planktonic foraminiferal census data of surface sediment samples from the South China Sea, recovered between 630 and 2883 m water depth. These new data, together with the 131 earlier published data sets from the western Pacific, are used for calibrating the SIMMAX-28 transfer function to estimate past sea-surface temperatures. This regional SIMMAX method offers a slightly better understanding of the marginal sea conditions of the South China Sea than the linear transfer function FP-12E, which is based only on open-ocean data. However, both methods are biased toward the tropical temperature regime because of the very limited data from temperate to subpolar regions. The SIMMAX formula was applied to sediment core 17940 from the northeastern South China Sea, with sedimentation rates of 20-80 cm/ka. Results revealed nearly unchanged summer temperatures around 28°C for the last 30 ky, while winter temperatures varied between 19.5°C in the last glacial maximum and 26°C during the Holocene. During Termination 1A, the winter estimates show a Younger Dryas cooling by 3°C subsequent to a temperature optimum of 24°C during the Bölling=Alleröd. Estimates of winter temperature differences between 0 and 100 m water depth document the seasonal variations in the thickness of the mixed layer and provide a new proxy for estimating past changes in the strength of the winter monsoon.


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The Chinese Loess Plateau red clay sequences display a continuous alternation of sedimentary cycles that represent recurrent climatic fluctuations from 2.58 Ma to the Miocene. Deciphering such a record can provide us with vital information on global and Asian climatic variations. Lack of fossils and failure of absolute dating methods made magnetostratigraphy a leading method to build age models for the red clay sequences. Here we test the magnetostratigraphic age model against cyclostratigraphy. For this purpose we investigate the climate cyclicity recorded in magnetic susceptibility and sedimentary grain size in a red clay section previously dated 11Myr old with magnetostratigraphy alone. Magnetostratigraphy dating based on only visual correlation could potentially lead to erroneous age model. In this study the correlation is executed through the iteration procedure until it is supported by cyclostratigraphy; i.e., Milankovitch cycles are resolved in the best possible manner. Our new age model provides an age of 5.2Ma for the Shilou profile. Based on the new age model, wavelet analysis reveals the well-preserved 400 kyr and possible 100 kyr eccentricity cycles on the eastern Chinese Loess Plateau. Further, paleomonsoon evolution during 2.58-5.2Ma is reconstructed and divided into three intervals (2.58-3.6Ma, 3.6-4.5Ma, and 4.5-5.2Ma). The upper part, the youngest stage, is characterized by a relatively intensified summer monsoon, the middle stage reflects an intensification of the winter monsoon and aridification in Asia, and the earliest stage indicates that summer and winter monsoon cycles may have rapidly altered. The use of cyclostratigraphy along withmagnetostratigraphy gives us an effectivemethod of dating red clay sequences, and our results imply that many presently published age models for the red clay deposits should be perhaps re-evaluated.


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The Indian monsoon system, as recorded by ocean-floor biota (benthic foraminifera) at Ocean Drilling Program Site 758 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean, has varied dramatically over the past 5.5 m.y., long after the onset of the monsoons at 10-8 Ma. Benthic foraminifera that thrive with high productivity year-round were common before the formation of Northern Hemisphere continental ice sheets ca. 3.1-2.5 Ma, indicating that the summer (southwest) monsoon had high intensity and long seasonal duration. Ca. 2.8 Ma benthic faunas became dominated by taxa that flourish with a seasonally strongly fluctuating food supply, indicating that the northeast (winter) monsoon, during which primary productivity is relatively low, increased in duration and strength to form a system similar to that of today. The change occurred coeval with the initiation of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation, documenting a close link between the development of the Indian monsoon and Northern Hemisphere glaciation.


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Variability in the oceanic environment of the Arabian Sea region is strongly influenced by the seasonal monsoon cycle of alternating wind directions. Prominent and well studied is the summer monsoon, but much less is known about late Holocene changes in winter monsoon strength with winds from the northeast that drive convective mixing and high surface ocean productivity in the northeastern Arabian Sea. To establish a high-resolution record of winter monsoon variability for the late Holocene, we analyzed alkenone-derived sea surface temperature (SST) variations and proxies of primary productivity (organic carbon and d15N) in a well-laminated sediment core from the Pakistan continental margin. Weak winter monsoon intensities off Pakistan are indicated from 400 B.C. to 250 A.D. by reduced productivity and relatively high SST. At about 250 A.D., the intensity of the winter monsoon increased off Pakistan as indicated by a trend to lower SST. We infer that monsoon conditions were relatively unstable from ~500 to 1300 A.D., because primary production and SST were highly variable. Declining SST and elevated biological production from 1400 to 1900 A.D. suggest invigorated convective winter mixing by strengthening winter monsoon circulation, most likely a regional expression of colder climate conditions during the Little Ice Age on the Northern Hemisphere. The comparison of winter monsoon intensity with records of summer monsoon intensity suggests that an inverse relationship between summer and winter monsoon strength exists in the Asian monsoon system during the late Holocene, effected by shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone.


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High-resolution studies of a planktonic foraminifer core record from the South China Sea (SCS) (31KL: 18°45.4'N, 115°52.4'E, water depth 3360 m) reveal changes driven by ice-volume forcings in the climate of the East Asian monsoon in the western Pacific marginal sea during the late Quaternary. The analyses of planktonic foraminifer faunal abundance data from the core indicate significant variations in the relative abundances of the dominant taxa over the past 100,000 years since the isotope stage 5. The transfer function estimates of faunal sea surface temperatures (SST) correlate well with a long-term (104-105 years) trend of global glaciation. About 65,000 years ago, there was an observable change in the mode of SST variability as many low-latitude records have shown. These findings suggest that the SCS surface circulation and the East Asian winter monsoon systems are mainly driven by variations in global glaciation levels. The association of surface ocean cooling in the SCS with global climatic events suggests that fluctuations in the strength of the East Asian winter monsoon may be linked to shifts in the latitudinal position of the westerly winds and the Siberian high-pressure system.


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The Australian-Indonesian monsoon is an important component of the climate system in the tropical Indo-Pacific region. However, its past variability, relation with northern and southern high-latitude climate and connection to the other Asian monsoon systems are poorly understood. Here we present high-resolution records of monsoon-controlled austral winter upwelling during the past 22,000 years, based on planktic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes and faunal composition in a sedimentary archive collected offshore southern Java. We show that glacial-interglacial variations in the Australian-Indonesian winter monsoon were in phase with the Indian summer monsoon system, consistent with their modern linkage through cross-equatorial surface winds. Likewise, millennial-scale variability of upwelling shares similar sign and timing with upwelling variability in the Arabian Sea. On the basis of element composition and grain-size distribution as precipitation-sensitive proxies in the same archive, we infer that (austral) summer monsoon rainfall was highest during the Bølling-Allerød period and the past 2,500 years. Our results indicate drier conditions during Heinrich Stadial 1 due to a southward shift of summer rainfall and a relatively weak Hadley cell south of the Equator. We suggest that the Australian-Indonesian summer and winter monsoon variability were closely linked to summer insolation and abrupt climate changes in the northern hemisphere.


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Benthic and selected planktic foraminifera and stable isotope records were determined in a piston core from the Gulf of Aden, NW Arabian Sea that spans the last 530 ka. The benthic foraminifera were grouped into four principal assemblages using Q-mode Principal Component Analyses. Comparison of each of these assemblages with the fauna of the nearby regions enabled us to identify their specific environmental requirements as a function of variability in food supply and strength of the oxygen minimum zone and by that to use them as indicators of surface water productivity. The benthic foraminiferal productivity indicators coupled with the record of Globigerina bulloides, a planktic foraminifer known to be sensitive to productivity changes in the region, all indicate higher productivity during glacial intervals and productivity similar to present or even reduced during interglacial stages. This trend is opposite to the productivity pattern related to the SW summer monsoon of the Arabian Sea and indicates the role of the NE winter monsoon on the productivity of the Gulf of Aden. A period of exceptionally enhanced productivity is recognized in the Gulf of Aden region between ~60 and 13 kyr indicating the intensification of the NE winter monsoon to its maximal activity. Contemporaneous indication of increased productivity in other parts of the Arabian Sea, unexplained so far by the SW summer monsoon variability, might be related to the intensification of the NE winter monsoon. Another prominent event of high productivity, second in its extent to the last glacial productivity event is recognized between 430 and 460 kyr. These two events seem to correspond to periods of similar orbital positioning of rather low precession (and eccentricity) amplitude for a relatively long period. Glacial boundary conditions seem to control to a large extent the NE winter monsoon variability as also indicated by the dominance of the 100 ka cycle in the investigated time series. Secondary in their importance are the 23 and 41 ka cycles which seem also to contribute to the NE monsoonal variability. Following the identification of productivity events related to the NE winter monsoon in the Gulf of Aden, it is possible now to extend this observation to other parts of the Arabian Sea and consider the contribution of this monsoonal system to the productivity fluctuations preserved in the sedimentary records.


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In order to assess how insolation-driven climate change superimposed on sea level rise and millennial events influenced the Red Sea during the Holocene, we present new paleoceanographic records from two sediment cores to develop a comprehensive reconstruction of Holocene circulation dynamics in the basin. We show that the recovery of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna after the Younger Dryas was completed earlier in the northern than in the central Red Sea, implying significant changes in the hydrological balance of the northern Red Sea region during the deglaciation. In the early part of the Holocene, the environment of the Red Sea closely followed the development of the Indian summer monsoon and was dominated by a circulation mode similar to the current summer circulation, with low productivity throughout the central and northern Red Sea. The climatic signal during the late Holocene is dominated by a faunal transient event centered around 2.4 ka BP. Its timing corresponds to that of North Atlantic Bond event 2 and to a widespread regionally recorded dry period. This faunal transient is characterized by a more productive foraminiferal fauna and can be explained by an intensification of the winter circulation mode and high evaporation. The modern distribution pattern of planktonic foraminifera, reflecting the prevailing circulation system, was established after 1.7 ka BP.


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The climate of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, the interglacial roughly 400,000 years ago, is investigated for four time slices, 416, 410, 400, and 394 ka. The overall picture is that MIS 11 was a relatively warm interglacial in comparison to preindustrial, with Northern Hemisphere (NH) summer temperatures early in MIS 11 (416-410 ka) warmer than preindustrial, though winters were cooler. Later in MIS 11, especially around 400 ka, conditions were cooler in the NH summer, mainly in the high latitudes. Climate changes simulated by the models were mainly driven by insolation changes, with the exception of two local feedbacks that amplify climate changes. Here, the NH high latitudes, where reductions in sea ice cover lead to a winter warming early in MIS 11, as well as the tropics, where monsoon changes lead to stronger climate variations than one would expect on the basis of latitudinal mean insolation change alone, are especially prominent. The results support a northward expansion of trees at the expense of grasses in the high northern latitudes early during MIS 11, especially in northern Asia and North America.