60 resultados para Transducer


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Acoustic and pelagic trawl data were collected during various pelagic surveys carried out by IFREMER in May between 2000 and 2012 (except 2001), on the eastern continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay (Pelgas series). The acoustic data were collected with a Simrad EK60 echosounder operating at 38 kHz (beam angle at -3 dB: 7°, pulse length set to 1.024 ms). The echosounder transducer was mounted on the vessel keel, at 6 m below the sea surface. The sampling design were parallel transects spaced 12 nm apart which were orientated perpendicular to the coast line from 20 m to about 200 m bottom depth. The nominal sailing speed was 10 knots and 3 knots on average during fishing operations. The scrutinising (species identification) of acoustic data was done by first characterising acoustic schools by type and then linking these types with the species composition of specific trawl hauls. The data set contains nautical area backscattering values, biomass and abundance estimates for blue whiting for one nautical mile long transect lines. Further information on the survey design, scrutinising and biomass estimation can be found in Doray et al. 2012.


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One of the objectives of drilling at Site 1179 was to search for microbes or biochemical evidence of microbial activity as part of the ongoing exploration of the depth and extent of the deep biosphere. The existence of living microbes has not been confirmed, but the chemistry of pore waters from the site, such as sulfate and ammonium profiles, is consistent with sulfate reduction and nitrification by anaerobic bacteria. However, chemical profiles are affected by the movement of molecules and ions through porous sediments by diffusion and advection. Permeability is thus an important consideration in the interpretation of pore water chemistry profiles. Moreover, diatomaceous sediments have some unique and, as yet, poorly understood physical properties. The purpose of this research is to measure hydraulic conductivity (permeability) in a suite of sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1179 by the transient-pulse method. The sample set consists of four diatom ooze samples from Unit I, one radiolarian ooze sample from Unit II, and one pelagic clay sample from Unit III. The permeability of the clay is 1.92 µd, whereas the permeabilities of the overlying radiolarian and diatom oozes range from 289 to 1604 µd. Among these samples, permeability increases with porosity and grain size, in keeping with the results of previous studies.


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This data set was obtained during the R. V. POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXVIII/3. Current velocities were measured nearly continuously when outside territorial waters along the ship's track with a vessel-mounted TRD Instruments' 153.6-kHz Ocean Surveyor ADCP. The transducers were located 11 m below the water line and were protected against ice floes by an acoustically transparent plastic window. The current measurements were made using a pulse of 2s and vertical bin length of 4 m. The ship's velocity was calculated from position fixes obtained by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Heading, roll and pitch data from the ship's gyro platforms and the navigation data were used to convert the ADCP velocities into earth coordinates. Accuracy of the ADCP velocities mainly depends on the quality of the position fixes and the ship's heading data. Further errors stem from a misalignment of the transducer with the ship's centerline. The ADCP data were processed using the Ocean Surveyor Sputum Interpreter (OSSI) software developed by GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel. The averaging interval was set to 120 seconds. The reference layer was set to bins 5 to 16 avoiding near surface effects and biases near bin 1. Sampling interval setting: 2s; Number of bins: 80; Bin length: 4m; Pulse length: 4m; Blank beyond transmit length: 4m. Data processing setting: Top reference bin: 5; Bottom reference bin: 16; Average: 120s; Misalignment amplitude: 1.0276 +/- 0.1611, phase: 0.8100 +/- 0.7190. The precision for single ping and 4m cell size reported by TRDI is 0.30m/s. Resulting from the single ping precision and the number of pings (most of the time 36) during 120seconds the velocity accuracy is nearly 0.05m/s. (Velocity accuracy = single ping precision divided by square root of the number of pings).


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In this contribution, we experimentally test the effects of azimuth and tilt angle on the acoustic reflectivity of a liquid- anisotropic solid interface. For this study, we are using a large source transducer, and acquired data for samples with different tilt angles. We use Phenolic CE material, which is known to have orthorhombic symmetry. Our results show that changes of the tilt angle produce important variations on the reflectivity that are larger as the tilt increases. The most remarkable feature is the change of the critical angle with the azimuth, which shows a larger spread for larger tilts. The spectral components of the acquired waveforms also show characteristic features linked to the location of the critical angle, we particularly observed a drop in the peak frequency. These observations suggest that care must be taken about the interpretation and inversion of observed incidence and azimuth dependent seismic reflectivities and critical angles in obtaining information on a formation's anisotropy. Zip archive contains four segy files: - LAB_TI00, is not tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI30, is 30degrees tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI45, is 45 degrees tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI90, is 90 degrees tilted sample in contact with water.