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The Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) intervals at DSDP Sites 105 and 603B from the northern part of the proto-North Atlantic show high amplitude, short-term cyclic variations in total organic carbon (TOC) content. The more pronounced changes in TOC are also reflected by changes in lithology from green claystones (TOC<1%) to black claystones (TOC>1%). Although their depositional history was different, the individual TOC cycles at Sites 105 and 603B can be correlated using stable carbon isotope stratigraphy. Sedimentation rates obtained from the isotope stratigraphy and spectral analyses indicate that these cycles were predominately precession controlled. The coinciding variations in HI, OI, delta13Corg and the abundance of marine relative to terrestrial biomarkers, as well as the low abundance of lignin pyrolysis products generated from the kerogen of the black claystones, indicate that these cyclic variations reflect changes in the contribution of marine organic matter (OM). The cooccurrence of lamination, enrichment of redox-sensitive trace metals and presence of molecular fossils of pigments from green sulfur bacteria indicate that the northern proto-North Atlantic Ocean water column was periodically euxinic from the bottom to at least the base of the photic zone (<150 m) during the deposition of the black claystones. In contrast, the green claystones are bioturbated, are enriched in Mn, do not show enrichments in redox-sensitive trace metals and show biomarker distributions indicative of long oxygen exposure times, indicating more oxic water conditions. At the same time, there is evidence (e.g., abundance of biogenic silica and significant 13C-enrichment for OC of phytoplanktic origin) for enhanced primary productivity during the deposition of the black claystones. We propose that increased primary productivity periodically overwhelmed the oxic OM remineralisation potential of the bottom waters resulting in the deposition of OM-rich black claystones. Because the amount of oxygen used for OM remineralisation exceeded the amount supplied by diffusion and deep-water circulation, the northern proto-North Atlantic became euxinic during these periods. Both Sites 105 and 603B show trends of continually increasing TOC contents and HI values of the black claystones up section, which most likely resulted from both enhanced preservation due to increased anoxia and increased production of marine OM during oceanic anoxic event 2 (OAE2).


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A multiproxy analysis of Hole 911A (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 151) drilled on the Yermak Plateau (eastern Arctic Ocean) is used to investigate the behaviour of the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet (SBIS) during late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (~3.0-1.7 Ma) climate changes. Contemporary with the 'Mid-Pliocene (~3 Ma) global warmth' (MPGW), a warmer period lasting ~300 kyr with seasonally ice-free conditions in the marginal eastern Arctic Ocean is assumed to be an important regional moisture source, and possibly one decisive trigger for intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation in the Svalbard/Barents Sea area at ~2.7 Ma. An abrupt pulse of ice-rafted debris (IRD) to the Yermak Plateau at ~2.7 Ma reflects distinct melting of sediment-laden icebergs derived from the SBIS and may indicate the protruding advance of the ice sheet onto the outer shelf. Spectral analysis of the total organic carbon (TOC) record being predominantly of terrigenous/fossil-reworked origin indicates SBIS and possibly Scandinavian Ice Sheet response to incoming solar radiation at obliquity and precession periodicities. The strong variance in frequencies near the 41 kyr obliquity cycle between 2.7 and 1.7 Ma indicates, for the first time in the Arctic Ocean, a close relationship of SBIS growth and decay patterns to the Earth's orbital obliquity amplitudes, which dominated global ice volume variations during late Pliocene/early Pleistocene climate changes.


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Ocean acidification (OA) threatens the existence of coral reefs by slowing the rate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) production of framework-building corals thus reducing the amount of CaCO3 the reef can produce to counteract natural dissolution. Some evidence exists to suggest that elevated levels of dissolved inorganic nutrients can reduce the impact of OA on coral calcification. Here, we investigated the potential for enhanced energetic status of juvenile corals, achieved via heterotrophic feeding, to modulate the negative impact of OA on calcification. Larvae of the common Atlantic golf ball coral, Favia fragum, were collected and reared for 3 weeks under ambient (421 µatm) or significantly elevated (1,311 µatm) CO2 conditions. The metamorphosed, zooxanthellate spat were either fed brine shrimp (i.e., received nutrition from photosynthesis plus heterotrophy) or not fed (i.e., primarily autotrophic). Regardless of CO2 condition, the skeletons of fed corals exhibited accelerated development of septal cycles and were larger than those of unfed corals. At each CO2 level, fed corals accreted more CaCO3 than unfed corals, and fed corals reared under 1,311 µatm CO2 accreted as much CaCO3 as unfed corals reared under ambient CO2. However, feeding did not alter the sensitivity of calcification to increased CO2; Delta calcification/Delta Omega was comparable for fed and unfed corals. Our results suggest that calcification rates of nutritionally replete juvenile corals will decline as OA intensifies over the course of this century. Critically, however, such corals could maintain higher rates of skeletal growth and CaCO3 production under OA than those in nutritionally limited environments.


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Hydroxylated glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (hydroxy-GDGTs) were detected in marine sediments of diverse depositional regimes and ages. Mass spectrometric evidence, complemented by information gleaned from two-dimensional (2D) 1H-13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy on minute quantities of target analyte isolated from marine sediment, allowed us to identify one major compound as a monohydroxy-GDGT with acyclic biphytanyl moieties (OH-GDGT-0). NMR spectroscopic and mass spectrometric data indicate the presence of a tertiary hydroxyl group suggesting the compounds are the tetraether analogues of the widespread hydroxylated archaeol derivatives that have received great attention in geochemical studies of the last two decades. Three other related compounds were assigned as acyclic dihydroxy-GDGT (2OH-GDGT-0) and monohydroxy-GDGT with one (OH-GDGT-1) and two cyclopentane rings (OH-GDGT-2). Based on the identification of hydroxy-GDGT core lipids, a group of previously reported unknown intact polar lipids (IPLs), including the ubiquitously distributed H341-GDGT (Lipp J. S. and Hinrichs K. -U. (2009) Structural diversity and fate of intact polar lipids in marine sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 6816-6833), and its analogues were tentatively identified as glycosidic hydroxy-GDGTs. In addition to marine sediments, we also detected hydroxy-GDGTs in a culture of Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus. Given the previous finding of the putative polar precursor H341-GDGT in the planktonic marine crenarchaeon Nitrosopumilus maritimus, these compounds are synthesized by representatives of both cren- and euryarchaeota. The ubiquitous distribution and apparent substantial abundance of hydroxy-GDGT core lipids in marine sediments (up to 8% of total isoprenoid core GDGTs) point to their potential as proxies.


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Understanding how seafood will be influenced by coming environmental changes such as ocean acidification is a research priority. One major gap in knowledge relates to the fact that many experiments are not considering relevant end points related directly to production (e.g., size, survival) and product quality (e.g., sensory quality) that can have important repercussions for consumers and the seafood market. The aim of this experiment was to compare the survival and sensory quality of the adult northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) exposed for 3 wk to a temperature at the extreme of its thermal tolerance (11°C) and 2 pH treatments: pH 8.0 (the current average pH at the sampling site) and pH 7.5 (which is out of the current natural variability and relevant to near-future ocean acidification). Results show that decreased pH increased mortality significantly, by 63%. Sensory quality was assessed through semiqualitative scoring by a panel of 30 local connoisseurs. They were asked to rate 4 shrimp (2 from each pH treatment) for 3 parameters: appearance, texture and taste. Decreased pH reduced the score significantly for appearance and taste, but not texture. As a consequence, shrimp maintained in pH8.0 had a 3.4 times increased probability to be scored as the best shrimp on the plate, whereas shrimp from the pH 7.5 treatment had a 2.6 times more chance to be scored as the least desirable shrimp on the plate. These results help to prove the concept that ocean acidification can modulate sensory quality of the northern shrimp P. borealis. More research is now needed to evaluate impacts on other seafood species, socioeconomic consequences, and potential options.


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Limited information on the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) geometry during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3; 60-25 ka) restricts our understanding of its behaviour during periods of climate and sea level change. Ice sheet models forced by global parameters suggest an expanded EAIS compared to the Holocene during MIS 3, but field evidence from East Antarctic coastal areas contradicts such modelling, and suggests that the ice sheet margins were no more advanced than at present. Here we present a new lake sediment record, and cosmogenic exposure results from bedrock, which confirm that Rauer Group (eastern Prydz Bay) was ice-free for much of MIS 3. We also refine the likely duration of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciation in the region. Lacustrine and marine sediments from Rauer Group indicate the penultimate period of ice retreat predates 50 ka. The lacustrine record indicates a change from warmer/wetter conditions to cooler/drier conditions after ca. 35 ka. Substantive ice sheet re-advance, however, may not have occurred until much closer to 20 ka. Contemporary coastal areas were still connected to the sea during MIS 3, restricting the possible extent of grounded ice in Prydz Bay on the continental shelf. In contrast, relative sea levels (RSL) deduced from field evidence indicate an extra ice load averaging several hundred metres thicker ice across the Bay between 45 and 32 ka. Thus, ice must either have been thicker immediately inland (with a steeper ice profile), or there were additional ice domes on the shallow banks of the outer continental shelf. Further work is required to reconcile the differences between empirical evidence of past ice sheet histories, and the history predicted by ice sheet models from far-field temperature and sea level records.