52 resultados para Teologia de Sião


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Twenty-four manganese nodules from the surface of the sea floor and fifteen buried nodules were studied. With three exceptions, the nodules were collected from the area covered by Valdivia Cruise VA 04 some 1200 nautical miles southeast of Hawaii. Age determinations were made using the ionium method. In order to get a true reproduction of the activity distribution in the nodules, they were cut in half and placed for one month on nuclear emulsion plates to determine the alpha-activity of the ionium and its daughter products. Special methods of counting the alpha-tracks resolution to depth intervals of 0.125 mm. For the first time it was possible to resolve zones of rapid growth (impulse growth) with growth rates, s > 50 mm/106 yr and interruptions in growth. With few exceptions the average rate of growth of all nodules was surprisingly uniform at 4-9 mm/10 yr. No growth could be recognized radioactively in the buried nodules. One exceptional nodule has had recent impulse growth and, in the material formed, the ionium is not yet in equilibrium with its daughter products. Individual layers in one nodule from the Indian Ocean could be dated and an average time interval of t = 2600±400 yr was necessary to form one layer. The alternation between iron and manganese-rich parts of the nodules was made visible by colour differences resulting from special treatment of cut surfaces with HCl vapour. The zones of slow growth of one nodule are relatively enriched in iron. Earlier attempts to find paleomagnetic reversals in manganese nodules have been continued. Despite considerable improvement in areal resolution, reversals were not detected in the nodules studied. Comparisons of the surface structure, microstructure in section and the radiometric dating show that there are erosion surfaces and growth surfaces on the outer surfaces of the manganese nodules. The formation of cracks in the nodules was studied in particular. The model of age-dependent nodule shrinkage and cracking surprisingly indicates that the nodules break after exceeding a certain age and/or size. Consequently, the breaking apart of manganese nodules is a continuous process not of catastrophic or discontinuous origin. The microstructure of the nodules exhibits differences in the mechanism of accretion and accretion rate of material, shortly referred to as accretion form. Thus non-directional growth inside the nodules as well as a directional growth may be observed. Those nodules with large accretion forms have grown faster than smaller ones. Consequently, parallel layers indicate slow growth. The upper surfaces of the nodules, protruding into the bottom water appear to be more prone to growth disturbances than the lower surfaces, immersed in the sediment. Features of some nodules show, that as they develop, they neither turned nor rolled. Yet unknown is the mechanism that keeps the nodules at the surface during continuous sedimentation. All in all, the nodules remain the objects of their own distinctive problems. The hope of using them as a kind of history book still seems to be very remote.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the Southern Borderland (SOB) Expedition in February-March 1960 by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography from the R/V Spencer F. Baird. A total of 34 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the HILO Expedition in March-April 1962 by Scripps Institution of Oceanography from, the R/V Stranger. A total of 21 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps for sampling and study.


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The cores and dredges described are taken during the MUKLUK expedition of the R/V Spencer Baird in July-August 1957 by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. A total of 31 cores and dredges were recovered and are available at Scripps Institute of Oceanography for sampling and study.


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In an earlier paper by two of the authors the conclusion was reached that the 33 recognized species of oxides of Mn could be separated into 3 groups: 1) those which appeared to be persistently supergene in origin, 2) those which appeared to be persistently hypogene, and 3) those which were supergene in some localities and hypogene in other localities. When that paper was written, there were available about 250 X-ray diffraction analyses of mineral specimens, also 35 complete and about 150 partial chemical analyses. The conclusions of that paper were based upon the interpretation of the geologic conditions under which these specimens occurred. Late in the preparation of that paper, it seemed worthwhile to make numerous semiquantitative analyses of specimens, largely from 9 western [U.S.A] states, selected carefully from 5 groups of geologic environments, in the hope that the frequency and percentages of some elements might be distinctive of the several geologic groups. For this purpose, 95 specimens were selected from the 5 groups, as follows: 19 specimens interpreted as supergene oxides by the geologists who collected them, 35 specimens of hypogene vein oxides, 22 specimens of Mn-bearing hot spring aprons, 9 specimens of stratified oxides, and 10 specimens of deep-sea nodules. The spectrographic analyses here recorded indicate that a group of elements - W, Ba, Sr, Be, As, Sb, Tl, and Ge - are present more commonly, and largely in higher percentages, in the hypogene oxide than in the supergene oxides and thus serve to indicate different sources of the Mn. Also, the frequency and percentages of some of these elements indicate a genetic relation of the manganese oxides in hypogene veins, hot spring aprons, and stratified deposits. The analyses indicate a declining percentage of some elements from depth to the surface in these 3 related groups and increasing percentages of some other elements. It is concluded that some of the elements in deep-sea nodules indicate that sources other than rocks decomposed on the continents, probably vulcanism on the floors of the seas, have contributed to their formation.


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Cruise Mn-74-02 of the R/V MOANA WAVE was the second part of the field work of the NSF/IDOE Inter-University Ferromanganese Research Program in 1974, and we gratefully acknowledge the support of the office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration and the Office of Oceanographic Facilities and Support. This program was designed to investigate the origin, growth, and distribution of copper/nickel-rich manganese nodules in the Pacific Ocean. The field effort was designed to satisfy sample requirements of the fifteen principal investigators, while increasing general knowledge of the copper/nickel-rich nodule deposits of the equatorial Pacific. This report is the second of a series of cruise reports designed to assist sample requests for documented nodules, sediment, and water samples so that laboratory results can be realistically compared and related to the environment of nodule growth. Nodule samples and bathymetric and navigational data are archived at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii. Bulk chemical analyses of nodules and reduction of survey data were carried out at Hawaii. Sediment cores were stored at the University of Hawaii and at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The SIO analytical facility provided stratigraphic data on sediment chemistry.