164 resultados para Temperature increase


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A stable oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is established for a Late Weichselian/Holocene glaciomarine/marine seguence in Andfjorden and Malangsdjupet on the continental shelf off Troms, Northern Norway. The stratigraphy demonstrates that the global signals, Termination I B and possibly also I A (upper parts), are present and radiocarbon date to 10.3-9.7 kyr B.P. and >14-13.5 kyr B.P., respectively. A temperature increase of 5°-6°C and possibly a small salinity increase occurred during Term. I. A near-glacial environment between 13 and 14 kyr B.P. was characterized by poorly ventilated bottom waters followed by a meltwater pulse at circa 13 kyr B.P. During the beginning intrusion of Atlantic Water between 13 and 10 kyr B.P., the bottom water was characterized by somewhat fluctuating temperatures and salinities. Temperatures close to those of the present were established around 9.7 kyr B.P. and seem to have been rather stable since.


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North Atlantic sediment records (MD95-2042), Greenland (Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP)) and Antarctica (Byrd and Vostok) ice core climate records have been synchronized over marine isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3) (64 to 24 kyr B.P.) (Shackleton et al., 2000). The resulting common timescale suggested that MD95-2042 d18Obenthic fluctuations were synchronous with temperature changes in Antarctica (dDice or d18Oice records). In order to assess the persistency of this result we have used here the recent Greenland NorthGRIP ice core covering the last glacial inception. We transfer the Antarctic Vostok GT4 timescale to NorthGRIP d18Oice and MD95-2042 d18Oplanktonic records and precisely quantify all the relative timing uncertainties. During the rapid warming of Dansgaard-Oeschger 24, MD95-2042 d18Obenthic decrease is in phase with d18Oplanktonic decrease and therefore with NorthGRIP temperature increase, but it takes place 1700 ± 1100 years after the Antarctic warming. Thus the present study reveals that the results obtained previously for MIS 3 cannot be generalized and demonstrates the need to improve common chronologies for marine and polar archives.


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The calcareous nannofossils of the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval of Sites 1258 and 1260 (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 207) have been studied in order to understand the depositional environment during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in the equatorial Atlantic. Nannofossil assemblages show a significant change in relative abundances during the positive d13Corg excursion interval. The strong increase of the high productivity indicator Zeugrhabdotus erectus and the simultaneous decrease of the oligotrophic taxa Watznaueria barnesiae and Watznaueria fossacincta are indicative of enhanced fertility. The decrease of Eprolithus floralis may be attributed to the surface-water temperature increase during OAE2, which is, however, not very significant (~2-3 °C), as suggested by published TEX86 data. It seems more likely that the decrease of E. floralis during OAE2 was evoked by the breakdown of water-column stratification, indicating it as a deep-dwelling species, which prefers stratified waters with a deep nutricline. Prediscosphaera spp. and Retecapsa ficula, which show a significant increase in relative abundances during OAE2, seem to prefer eutrophic environments, while Amphizygus brooksii and Zeugrhabdotus noeliae lower surface-water fertility. Gartnerago segmentatum, Broinsonia spp., Watznaueria biporta, and Seribiscutum gaultensis decrease in abundances during OAE2. It is not clear if they preferred an oligotrophic environment, cooler surface-waters, or if they were inhabitants of the lower photic zone. Published geochemical data suggest that enhanced fertility and higher temperatures during OAE2 may have been caused by submarine volcanic activity through the release of biolimiting micronutrients into the ocean and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The breakdown of water-column stratification may have increased further nutrient availability.