390 resultados para South of Córdoba


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A down-core 231Pa/230Th record has been measured from the southwestern Indian Ocean to reconstruct the history of deep water flow into this basin over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 ratio throughout the record is nearly constant at approximately 0.055, significantly lower than the production ratio of 0.093, indicating that the proxy is sensitive to changes in circulation and/or sediment flux at this site. The consistent value suggests that there has been no change in the inflow of Antarctic Bottom Water to the Indian Ocean during the last 140 ka, in contrast to the changes in deep circulation thought to occur in other ocean basins. The stability of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 value in the record contrasts with an existing sortable silt (SS) record from the same core. The observed equation image variability is attributed to a local geostrophic effect amplifying small changes in circulation. A record of authigenic U from the same core suggests that there was reduced oxygen in bottom waters at the core locality during glacial periods. The consistency of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 record implies that this could not have arisen by local changes in productivity, thus suggesting a far-field control: either globally reduced bottom water oxygenation or increased productivity south of the Opal Belt during glacials.


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During "Meteor" Cruise 6/1966 in the northwest Atlantic a systematic survey of the bottom topography of the southeast Greenland continental margin was undertaken. Eighty-seven profiles transverse to the shelf edge at distances of 3-4 nautical miles and two longitudinal profiles parallel to the coast were carried out with the ELAC Narrow Beam Echo-Sounder giving a reliable record of even steep slopes. On the basis of the echo soundings the topography and morphology of the continental shelf and slope are evaluated. A detailed bathymetric chart and a serial profile chart were designed as working material for the morphological research. These maps along with the original echograms are morphometrically evaluated. The analysis of the sea bottom features is the basis of a subsequent morphogenetical interpretation, verified and extended by means of interpretation of magnetic data and sediment analysis (grain size, roundness, lithology). The results of the research are expressed in a geomorphological map. The primary findings can be summarized as follows: 1) The southeast Greenland shelf by its bottom topography can be clearly designated as a glacially formed area. The glacial features of the shelf can be classified into two zones nearly parallel to the coast: glacial erosion forms on the inner shelf and glacial accumulation forms on the outer shelf. The inner shelf is characterized by the rugged and hummocky topography of ice scoured plains with clear west/east slope asymmetry. On the outer shelf three types of glacial accumulation forms can be recognized: ice margin deposits with clearly expressed terminal moraines, glacial till plains and glaciomarine outwash fans. Both zones of the shelf can be subdivided into two levels of relief. The ice scoured plains, with average depths of 240 meters (m), are dissected to a maximum depth of 1060 m (Gyldenloves Trough) by trough valleys, which are the prolongations of the Greenland fjords. The banks of the outer shelf, with an average depth of 180 m, surround glacial basins with a maximum depth of 670 meters. 2) The sediments of the continental shelf can be classified as glacial due to their grain size distribution and the degree of roundness of the gravel particles. The ice margin deposits on the outer shelf can be recognized by their high percentage of gravels. On the inner shelf a rock surface is suggested, intermittently covered by glacial deposits. In the shelf troughs fine-grained sediments occur mixed with gravels. 3) Topography and sediments show that the southeast Greenland shelf was covered by an ice sheet resting on the sea floor during the Pleistocene ice-age. The large end moraines along the shelf edge probably indicate the maximum extent of the Wurm shelf ice resting on the sea floor. The breakthroughs of the end moraines in front of the glacial basins suggest that the shelf ice has floated further seaward over the increasing depths. 4) Petrographically the shelf sediments consist of gneisses, granites and basalts. While gneisses and granites occire on the nearby coast, basalt is not known to exist here. Either this material has been drifted by icebergs from the basalt province to the north or exists on the southeast Greenland shelf itself. The last interpretation is supported bythe high portion of basalt contained in the sediment samples taken and the strong magnetic anomalies probably caused by basaltic intrusions. 5) A magnetic profile allows the recognition of two magnetically differing areas which approximately coincide with the glacial erosion and accumulation zones. The inner shelf shows a strong and variable magnetic field because the glacially eroded basement forms the sea floor. The outer shelf is characterized by a weak and homogenous magnetic field, as the magnetized basement lies at greater depthy, buried by a thick cover of glacial sediments. The strong magnetic anomalies of the inner shelf are probably caused by dike swarms, similar to those observed further to the north in the Kangerdlugssuaq Fjord region. This interpretation is supported by the high basalt content of the sediment samples and the rough topography of the ice scoured plains which correlates in general with the magnetic fluctuations. The dike structures of the basement have been differentially eroded by the shelf ice. 6) The continental slope, extending from the shelf break at 313 m to a depth of 1270 m with an average slope of 11°, is characterized by delta-shaped projections in front of the shelf basins, by marginal plateaus, ridges and hills, by canyons and slumping features. The projections could be identified as glaciomarine sediment fans. This conclusion is supported by the strong decrease of magnetic field intensity. The deep sea hills and ridges with their greater magnetic intensities have to be regarded as basement outcrops projecting through the glaciomarine sediment cover. The upper continental rise, sloping seaward at about 2°, is composed of wide sediment fans and slump material. A marginal depression on the continental rise running parallel to the shelf edge has been identified. In this depression bottom currents capable of erosion have been recorded. South of Cape Farvel the depression extends to the accumulation zone of the "Eirik" sedimentary ridge. 7) By means of a study of the recent marine processes, postglacial modification of the ice-formed relief can be postulated. The retention effect of the fjord troughs and the high velocity of the East Greenland stream prevents the glacial features from being buried by sediments. Bottom currents capable of active erosion have only been found in the marginal depression on the continental rise. In addition, at the time of the lowest glacio-eustatic sea level, the shelf bottom was not situated in the zone of wave erosion. Only on the continental slope and rise bottom currents, sediment slumps and turbidity currents have led to significant recent modifications. Considering these results, the geomorphological development of the southeast Greenland continental terrace can be suggested as follows: 1. initial formation of a "peneplain", 2. fluvial incision, 3. submergence, and finally 4. glacial modification.


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Lake George, New York, is the site of a new discovery of iron-manganese nodules. These nodules occur at a water depth between 21 and 36 m along a stretch of lake extending for about 5 mi north and south of the Narrows, a constricted island-dotted area which separates the north and south Lake George basins. Nodules occur on or within the uppermost 5 cm of a varved glacial clay. Some areas are solidly floored with a carpet of nodules in areas where active currents keep the nodules exposed. The nodules form around nuclei which consist of clay and less commonly of spore capsules, detrital particles, or bark. By their shape we recognize three types of nodules: spherical, discoidal, and lumps. On X-ray examination all nodules show small goethite peaks; in one nodule the manganese mineral birnessite was identified. Manganese and part of the iron appears to be in X-ray amorphous ferromanganese compounds. The Lake George nodules are enriched in iron with respect to marine nodules but are lower in manganese. They have a higher trace element concentration than nodules from other known freshwater lake occurrences, but a lower concentration than marine nodules.


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The reduction in sea ice along the SE Greenland coast during the last century has severely impacted ice-rafting to this area. In order to reconstruct ice-rafting and oceanographic conditions in the area of Denmark Strait during the last ~150 years, we conducted a multiproxy study on three short (20 cm) sediment cores from outer Kangerdlugssuaq Trough (~300 m water depth). The proxy-based data obtained have been compared with historical and instrumental data to gain a better understanding of the ice sheet-ocean interactions in the area. A robust chronology has been developed based on 210Pb and 137Cs measurements on core PO175GKC#9 (~66.2°N, 32°W) and expanded to the two adjacent cores based on correlations between calcite weight percent records. Our proxy records include sea-ice and phytoplankton biomarkers, and a variety of mineralogical determinations based on the <2 mm sediment fraction, including identification with quantitative x-ray diffraction, ice-rafted debris counts on the 63-150 µm sand fraction, and source identifications based on the composition of Fe oxides in the 45-250 µm fraction. A multivariate statistical analysis indicated significant correlations between our proxy records and historical data, especially with the mean annual temperature data from Stykkishólmur (Iceland) and the storis index (historical observations of sea-ice export via the East Greenland Current). In particular, the biological proxies (calcite weight percent, IP25, and total organic carbon %) showed significant linkage with the storis index. Our records show two distinct intervals in the recent history of the SE Greenland coast. The first of these (ad 1850-1910) shows predominantly perennial sea-ice conditions in the area, while the second (ad 1910-1990) shows more seasonally open water conditions.


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A middle Eocene to lower Oligocene sedimentary sequence was drilled at Site 841 in the Tonga forearc region during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135. A 56-m-thick sequence of volcanic sandstone, spanning from Cores 135-841B-4IR to -47R (549.1 to 605 mbsf), unconformably overlies rhyolitic volcanic basement. The middle Eocene planktonic foraminifer assemblages (P Zone?), which occur in association with larger benthic foraminifers, include spinose species of Acarinina, Morozovella, and Truncorotaloides, but their abundance is low. Late Eocene and early Oligocene faunas are abundant and show the highest diversity of the Paleogene sequence drilled at this site. They have been assigned to Zones P15-16 and P18, respectively. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary was not recognized because of a hiatus in which Zone P17 (37.2-36.6 Ma) was missing. Another hiatus is recorded in the interval between the middle and late Eocene, spanning at least 1.8 Ma. Paleogene assemblages of Site 841 contain equal numbers of warm- and cool-water species, an attribute of the warm middle-latitude Paleogene fauna of the Atlantic Ocean. In particular, common to high abundances of cool-water taxa, such as Globorotaloides, Catapsydrax, Tenuitella, and small globigerinids, may be related to the opening of a shallow seaway south of Tasmania permitting the influx of cool Indian Ocean waters into the South Pacific before the late Eocene (approximately 37 Ma).


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Distribution, size, mineral, and chemical compositions of ferromanganese micronodules (FMMNs) and chemical composition of host sediments were examined in a series of red clay samples with ages from Eocene to the present at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, Site 1216, south of the Molokai Fracture Zone in the Central Pacific Basin. The number of FMMNs changed drastically throughout the 40-m-long red clay intervals. FMMNs are abundant in the upper 9 m of core, decrease between 9 and 25 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with depth, and are very rare from 30 to 40 mbsf. Chemical composition of FMMNs showed high Mn/Fe ratios and Ni and Cu contents and a distinct positive Ce anomaly because of the existence of buserite. This suggests that FMMNs in the red clay from 25 mbsf to the top of the cored interval were deposited continuously in an oxic diagenetic bottom environment. The red clay below 30 mbsf with higher Mn contents contains few FMMNs but abundant tiny Mn particles within brown silicates coated by Fe (oxy-hydro)oxides. This indicates that the mode of manganese deposition changed between 25 and 30 mbsf.


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Insoluble residues of Late Cretaceous to Quaternary deep-sea samples from slope, trench, and oceanic plate sites south of Guatemala were examined, specifically for the distribution of clay minerals in the <2-µm fraction and of silt grains in the 20-63-µm fraction. Widespread "oceanic" particles (biogenic opal, rhyolitic glass) and their diagenetic products (smectite, clinoptilolite, heulandite) were distinguished from terrigenous material - illite, kaolinite, chlorite, plagioclase, quartz, and heavy minerals. The main results of this investigation are: (1) At Site 494 on the slope immediately adjacent to the trench, terrigenous supplies testify to a slope position of the whole sequence back to the Late Cretaceous. (2) At Site 495 on the Pacific Cocos Plate, "oceanic" and terrigenous sedimentation are clearly separated. Whereas the pelagic sedimentation prevailed in the early Miocene, terrigenous minerals appeared in the middle Miocene in the clay fraction, and in the early Pliocene in the coarse silt fraction. These terrigenous supplies are interpreted as having been transported by suspension clouds crossing the slope and even the trench. The alternative, however, an eolian transport, cannot be excluded.


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The paper focuses on studies of snow-pit samples and shallow firn cores taken during the 1995-96 and 1996-97 field seasons at Amundsenisen, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The dating of the firn is based on the artificial tritium distribution in the snow cover and on several reference horizons identified by electrical measurements. The early 1964 through 1965 horizon is marked by the deposition of sulfate released to the atmosphere during the eruption of the Agung volcano in March 1963; this horizon was detected by dielectric profiling and electrical conductivity measurements; the proof by chemical analysis has still to be seen. At the ten investigated sites on Amundsenisen the 1964-65 horizon was identified 4.1-5.7 m below the surface. The accumulation rates on Amundsenisen are 41-91 kg/m**2/a. The cores are up to 100 years old. A relationship between isotope content and the mean air temperature on a regional scale can be based on measurements of firn temperature at 10 m depth at the drilling sites. Between Neumayer station at the coast and Heimefrontfjella, the temperature gradient of the deuterium content is 9.6 per mil/K. South of Heimefrontfjella, on the Amundsenisen plateau, it is only 5.5 per mil/K. Time series of yearly accumulation rates show no significant trend. For the isotope records a significant trend to higher values with gradients of 0.1-0.2 d2H per mil/a can be seen in five of the ten time series.


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Preliminary results of the biostratigraphic analysis of calcareous nannofossils recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 128, Sites 798 and 799, provide clues to the Quaternary oceanography of the Japan Sea. The distribution of calcareous nannofossils from the Quaternary sediments at Site 798 (903 m water depth) may record the position of an Oceanographic frontal boundary between warm water derived from a branch of the Kuroshio Current as it entered the Japan Sea through the Tsushima Straits to the south, and colder water introduced into the western portion of the Japan Sea derived from the winter chilling of northern Japan Sea surface waters. This Oceanographic front probably oscillated north-south over Site 798 in response to glacial/interglacial cycles, or perhaps to some other climatic event or combination of events unique to the Japan Sea. During the last 1.5 m.y., six major intervals are recognized when the Oceanographic front may have been north of Site 798 separated by five major intervals when the frontal boundary may have been south of the site. These migrations were centered around approximately 0.125, 0.29, 0.56, 0.62, 0.85, 0.91, 0.98, 1.0, 1.11, and 1.5 Ma, which correspond to the boundaries separating nannofossil-rich sediments from barren or nearly barren, low-carbonate intervals. Nannofossil-rich intervals may represent times when the frontal boundary was north of Site 798, and the site was above the CCD. Barren or nearly barren intervals represent times when the frontal boundary may have been south of Site 798 and the CCD was probably higher. The distribution of calcareous nannofossils at Site 799 (2073 m water depth) appears to be controlled more by the depth of the CCD than by any climatic effects. The FOD (first occurrence datum) of Emiliania huxleyi, the LOD (last occurrence datum) of Psuedoemiliania lacunosa, Helicosphaera sellii, Calcidiscus macintyrei (10 ?m), and the FOD and LOD of Reticulofenestra asanoi are recognized from Site 798 cores. The LOD of P. lacunosa is observed in sediments from Site 799. Only in the sediments younger than 1.5 Ma are the nannofossils from Sites 798 and 799 preserved well enough and sufficiently numerous for age dating and paleoceanographic conjecture. In-situ dissolution in older sediments at both sites precludes any dating or paleoenvironmental interpretations.


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A suit of sediment cores close to and south of the Strait of Gibraltar (12°-36°N, 500-2800 m water depth) were analyzed for stable isotopes in epibenthic foraminifers Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Planulina ariminensis. During peak glacial times, the data exhibit higher delta13C values of up to 1.6 per mil at intermediate depths near the Strait of Gibraltar (36°N). The values decrease to the south as evidenced by our data, but also to the north as revealed by data of intermediate depth cores north of 38°N (in Duplessy et al. (1987)). Thus, the distribution pattern of delta13C provides crucial evidence for an increased influence of nutrient depleted Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) on the glacial northeast Atlantic hydrography. During oxygen isotope Terminations I and II, the meridional carbon isotope gradient indicates a significantly decreased but still active MOW. As deduced from the delta18O fluctuations, the temperatures of the MOW in the Atlantic were lower during glacial times by as much as 5°C. During glacial times and during Termination I the maximum delta13C values of the MOW correlate with minimum values of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and vice versa. This inverse response to climatic change of the carbon isotope signals of both water masses indicates, that the supply of saline MOW to the north Atlantic may be less important for the formation of NADW than previously assumed.


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With a 6-channel integrating nephelometer spectral scattering properties of the atmospheric aerosol have been measured during the third part of the Atlantic Expedition 1969. A meridional cross section of light scattering integrals in the wavelength range 0.475 µm to 0.924 µm was recorded reaching from 10° S to 60° N along 30° W. With a new algorithm the time series of hourly scattering spectra was inverted yielding a first meridional cross section of the median radius of the number size distribution in situ. Three air mass regimes could be distinguished in the course of the experiment, the first one being the extremely clean air of the SE-trade south of the ITC. An abrupt increase in light scattering marked the hemispheric change when the ship entered the NE-trade which was heavily loaded with Sahara dust. North of the trade region the ship sailed through maritime North Atlantic air masses with highly variable light scattering and a slow decrease in median radius with latitude.