63 resultados para Series eraly years


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Ongoing zooplankton research at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory has established a time series of zooplankton species since 1988 at L4, a coastal station off Plymouth. Samples were collected by vertical net hauls (WP2 net, mesh 200 µm; UNESCO 1968) from the sea floor (approximately 50 m) to the surface and stored in 4% formalin. Much of the zooplankton analysis has been to the level of "major taxonomic groups" only, and a number of different analysts have participated over the years. The level of expertise has generally been consistent, but the user should be aware that levels of taxonomic discrimination may vary during the course of the dataset. The dominant calanoid copepods are generally well discriminated to species throughout. Calanus has not been routinely examined for species determination, the assumption being that the local population is entirely composed of Calanus helgolandicus. In certain years there has been a particular interest in Temora stylifera, Centropages cherchiae and other species reflected in the dataset. The lack of records in other previous years does not necessarily reflect species absence. We view it as essential for all users of L4 plankton data to establish and maintain contact with the nominated current data originators as well as fully consulting the metadata. While not impinging on free data access, this ensures that this large, species-rich but slightly complex species database is being used in the correct way, and any potential issues with the data are clarified. Furthermore, a proper dialogue with these local experts on the time series will enable where appropriate the most recent sampling timepoints to be used. The data can be downloaded from BODC or from doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.778092 as files for each year by searching for "L4 zooplankton". The most comprehensive dataset is the version downloadable directly from this page. The entire set of zooplankton samples is stored at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in buffered formalin, and may be available for further taxonomic analysis on request.


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This data set contains four time series of particulate and dissolved soil nitrogen measurements from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. 1. Total nitrogen from solid phase: Stratified soil sampling was performed every two years since before sowing in April 2002 and was repeated in April 2004, 2006 and 2008 to a depth of 30 cm segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving six depth subsamples per core. In 2002 five samples per plot were taken and analyzed independently. Averaged values per depth layer are reported. In later years, three samples per plot were taken, pooled in the field, and measured as a combined sample. Sampling locations were less than 30 cm apart from sampling locations in other years. All soil samples were passed through a sieve with a mesh size of 2 mm in 2002. In later years samples were further sieved to 1 mm. No additional mineral particles were removed by this procedure. Total nitrogen concentration was analyzed on ball-milled subsamples (time 4 min, frequency 30 s-1) by an elemental analyzer at 1150°C (Elementaranalysator vario Max CN; Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH, Hanau, Germany). 2. Total nitrogen from solid phase (high intensity sampling): In block 2 of the Jena Experiment, soil samples were taken to a depth of 1m (segmented to a depth resolution of 5 cm giving 20 depth subsamples per core) with three replicates per block ever 5 years starting before sowing in April 2002. Samples were processed as for the more frequent sampling but were always analyzed independently and never pooled. 3. Mineral nitrogen from KCl extractions: Five soil cores (diameter 0.01 m) were taken at a depth of 0 to 0.15 m (and between 2002 and 2004 also at a depth of 0.15 to 0.3 m) of the mineral soil from each of the experimental plots at various times over the years. In addition also plots of the management experiment, that altered mowing frequency and fertilized subplots (see further details below) were sampled in some later years. Samples of the soil cores per plot (subplots in case of the management experiment) were pooled during each sampling campaign. NO3-N and NH4-N concentrations were determined by extraction of soil samples with 1 M KCl solution and were measured in the soil extract with a Continuous Flow Analyzer (CFA, 2003-2005: Skalar, Breda, Netherlands; 2006-2007: AutoAnalyzer, Seal, Burgess Hill, United Kingdom). 4. Dissolved nitrogen in soil solution: Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+) and total dissolved nitrogen concentrations with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA, Skalar, Breda, The Netherlands). Nitrate was analyzed photometrically after reduction to NO2- and reaction with sulfanilamide and naphthylethylenediamine-dihydrochloride to an azo-dye. Our NO3- concentrations contained an unknown contribution of NO2- that is expected to be small. Simultaneously to the NO3- analysis, NH4+ was determined photometrically as 5-aminosalicylate after a modified Berthelot reaction. The detection limits of NO3- and NH4+ were 0.02 and 0.03 mg N L-1, respectively. Total dissolved N in soil solution was analyzed by oxidation with K2S2O8 followed by reduction to NO2- as described above for NO3-. Dissolved organic N (DON) concentrations in soil solution were calculated as the difference between TDN and the sum of mineral N (NO3- + NH4+).


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In November 2001, two separate Campbell loggers ("Meteologger" and "Hydrologger", both type CR23X) were installed at the Vernagtbach site in the Oetztal Alps, Austria (Latitude: 46.85; Longitude: 10.82; Elevation: 2640 m). On these loggers, 10-minutes centred averages for the meteorological data and 5-minutes centred averages for the hydrological data are recorded. The meteorological parameters comprise air temperature, humidity of the air, air pressure, four radiation components, wind direction and speed, precipitation and snow height. For air temperature, two records are published, recorded with a ventilated and an unventilated Pt-100 in a Stevenson screen; for precipitation, three time series are available: (I) the cumulative record of a weighing gauge for the whole year, (II) single events derived from (I), and (III) single events from a tipping bucket; (II) and (III) are only provided for the period 1, May to 31, October of each year. Wind records are also given with a time step of one hour, as only these records include several statistics of speed and direction. Hydrological parameters are recorded on the "Hydrologger", they comprise water stage, discharge, water temperature and electrolytic conductivity of the water. An identifying number gives the kind of instrument used in the water stage time series. Daily photographs of the glacier are provided and analysed with respect to precipitation type.


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For many years the Torino Cosmogeophysics group has been studying sediment cores drilled from the Gallipoli Terrace in the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) and deposited in the last millennia. The gravity core GT90-3, in which the 18O series was measured, was drilled from the Gallipoli Terrace in the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) at 39°45'53''N, 17°53'33''E. It was extracted at a depth of 178 m and its length is 3.57 m. Thanks to its geographical location, the Gallipoli Terrace is a favourable site for climatic studies based on marine sediments, because of its closeness to the volcanically active Campanian area, a region that is unique in the world for its detailed historical documentation of volcanic eruptions. Tephra layers corresponding to historical eruptions were identified along the cores, thus allowing for accurate dating and determination of the sedimentation rate. The measurements performed in different cores from the same area showed that the sedimentation rate is uniform across the whole Gallipoli Terrace. We measured the oxygen isotope composition d18O of planktonic foraminifera. These measurements provided a high-resolution 2,200-year-long record. We sampled the core using a spacing of 2.5 mm corresponding to 3.87 years. Each sample of sediment (5 g) was soaked in 5% calgon solution overnight, then treated in 10% H2O2 to remove any residual organic material. Subsequently it was washed with a distilled-water jet through a sieve with a 150 µm mesh. The fraction > 150 µm was kept and oven-dried at 5°C. The planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber were picked out of the samples under a microscope. For each sample, 20-30 specimens were selected from the fraction comprised between 150 µm and 300 µm. The use of a relatively large number of specimens for each sample reduces the isotopic variability of individual organisms, giving a more representative d18O value. The stable isotope measurements were performed using a VG-PRISM mass spectrometer fitted with an automated ISO-CARB preparation device. Analytical precision based on internal standards was better than 0.1 per mil. Calibration of the mass spectrometer to VPDB scale was done using NBS19 and NBS18 carbonate standards. The strategic location of the drilling area makes this record a unique tool for climate and oceanographic studies of the Central Mediterranean.


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The quality of water level time series data strongly varies with periods of high and low quality sensor data. In this paper we are presenting the processing steps which were used to generate high quality water level data from water pressure measured at the Time Series Station (TSS) Spiekeroog. The TSS is positioned in a tidal inlet between the islands of Spiekeroog and Langeoog in the East Frisian Wadden Sea (southern North Sea). The processing steps will cover sensor drift, outlier identification, interpolation of data gaps and quality control. A central step is the removal of outliers. For this process an absolute threshold of 0.25m/10min was selected which still keeps the water level increase and decrease during extreme events as shown during the quality control process. A second important feature of data processing is the interpolation of gappy data which is accomplished with a high certainty of generating trustworthy data. Applying these methods a 10 years dataset (December 2002-December 2012) of water level information at the TSS was processed resulting in a seven year time series (2005-2011).


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The upper branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation predominantly enters the Atlantic Ocean through the southeast, where the subtropical gyre is exposed to the influence of the Agulhas leakage (AL). To understand how the transfer of Indian Ocean waters via the AL affected the upper water column of this region, we have generated new proxy records of planktic foraminifera from a core on the central Walvis Ridge, on the eastern flank of the South Atlantic Gyre (SAG). We analyzed the isotopic composition of subsurface dweller Globigerinoides ruber sensu lato, and thermocline Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral, spanning the last five Pleistocene glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles. The former displays a response to obliquity, suggesting connection with high latitude forcing, and a warming tendency during each glacial termination, in response to the interhemispheric seesaw. The d18O difference between the two species, interpreted as a proxy for upper ocean stratification, reveals a remarkably regular sawtooth pattern, bound to G-IG cyclicity. It rises from interglacials until glacial terminations, with fast subsequent decrease, appearing to promptly respond to deglacial peaks of AL. Stratification, however, bears a different structure during the last cycle, being minimal at Last Glacial Maximum, and peaking at Termination I. We suggest this to be the result of the intensified glacial wind field over the SAG and/or of the invasion of the South Atlantic thermocline by Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Waters. The d13C time series of the two species have similar G-IG pattern, whereas their difference is higher during interglacials. We propose that this may be the result of the alternation of intermediate water masses in different circulation modes, and of a regionally more efficient biological pump at times of high pCO2.


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In 1990, a benthic component to the DYFAMED (dynamics of fluxes in the Mediterranean) program, the DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, was established to investigate the possible coupling of benthic to pelagic processes at a permanent station in >2700 m water depth, 52 km off Nice, France. Surface sediment was first sampled at different periods of the year to assess the importance of the biological compartment (particularly metazoan meiofauna) and its relation to seasonally varying particulate matter input to the sea floor (estimated by measuring surface sediment particle size and porosity, as well as chloroplastic pigments, organic carbon, nitrogen and calcium carbonate contents). Beginning in 1993, surface sediment was sampled at an average interval of 1.4 months for over five consecutive years using multicorers. Biogeochemical techniques such as deployments of a free-vehicle benthic respirometer and a near-bottom sediment trap, along with analyses of sediment vertical profiles for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and dissolved metals in the porewater, were developed in conjunction with more extensive biological analyses to characterize the recycling of organic matter, and ultimately increase our understanding of the oceanic carbon cycle. This article provides the scientific background and motivation for the development of the on-going DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, the general characteristics of the benthic site, as well as a detailed description of the sampling design applied from late 1990-2000.


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In the western North Atlantic, warm and saline water is brought by the North Atlantic Current (NAC) from the subtropics into the subpolar gyre. Four inverted echo sounders with high precision pressure sensors (PIES) were moored between 47°40' N and 52°30' N to study the main pathways of the NAC from the western into the eastern basin. The array configuration that forms three segments (northern, central, and southern) allows partitioning of the NAC and some assessment of NAC flow paths through the different Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture zones. We exploit the correlation between the NAC transport measured between 2006 and 2010 and the geostrophic velocity from altimeter data to extend the time series of NAC transports to the period from 1992 to 2013. The mean NAC transport over the entire 21 years is 27 ± 5 Sv, consisting of 60% warm water of subtropical origin and 40% subpolar water. We did not find a significant trend in the total transport time series, but individual segments had opposing trends, leading to a more focused NAC in the central subsection and decreasing transports in the southern and northern segments. The spectral analysis exhibits several significant peaks. The two most prominent are around 120 days, identified as the time scale of meanders and eddies, and at 4-9 years, most likely related to the NAO. Transport composites for the years of highest and lowest NAO indices showed a significantly higher transport (+2.9 Sv) during strong NAO years, mainly in the southern segment.


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A process of global importance in carbon cycling is the remineralization of algae biomass by heterotrophic bacteria, most notably during massive marine algae blooms. Such blooms can trigger secondary blooms of planktonic bacteria that consist of swift successions of distinct bacterial clades, most prominently members of the Flavobacteriia, Gammaproteobacteria and the alphaproteobacterial Roseobacter clade. This study explores such successions during spring phytoplankton blooms in the southern North Sea (German Bight) for four consecutive years. The surface water samples were taken at Helgoland Island about 40 km offshore in the southeastern North Sea in the German Bight at the station 'Kabeltonne' (54° 11.3' N, 7° 54.0' E) between the main island and the minor island, Düne (German for 'dune') using small research vessels (http://www.awi.de/en/expedition/ships/more-ships.html). Water depths at this site fluctuate from 6 to 10 m over the tidal cycle. Samples were processed as described previously (Teeling et al., 2012; doi:10.7554/eLife.11888.001) in the laboratory of the Biological Station Helgoland within less than two hours after sampling. Assessment of absolute cell numbers and bacterioplankton community composition was carried out as described previously (Thiele et al., 2011; doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53199-5.00056-7). To obtain total cell numbers, DNA of formaldehyde fixed cells filtered on 0.2 mm pore sized filters was stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Fluorescently labeled cells were subsequently counted on filter sections using an epifluores-cence microscope. Likewise, bacterioplankton community composition was assessed by catalyzedreporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) of formaldehyde fixed cells on 0.2 mm pore sized filters.


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Annual precipitation for the last 2,500 years was reconstructed for northeastern Qinghai from living and archaeological juniper trees. A dominant feature of the precipitation of this area is a high degree of variability in mean rainfall at annual, decadal, and centennial scales, with many wet and dry periods that are corroborated by other paleoclimatic indicators. Reconstructed values of annual precipitation vary mostly from 100 to 300 mm and thus are no different from the modern instrumental record in Dulan. However, relatively dry years with below-average precipitation occurred more frequently in the past than in the present. Periods of relatively dry years occurred during 74-25 BC, AD 51-375, 426-500, 526-575, 626-700, 1100-1225, 1251-1325, 1451-1525, 1651-1750 and 1801-1825. Periods with a relatively wet climate occurred during AD 376-425, 576-625, 951-1050, 1351-1375, 1551-1600 and the present. This variability is probably related to latitudinal positions of winter frontal storms. Another key feature of precipitation in this area is an apparently direct relationship between interannual variability in rainfall with temperature, whereby increased warming in the future might lead to increased flooding and droughts. Such increased climatic variability might then impact human societies of the area, much as the climate has done for the past 2,500 years.


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Since 2000 long-term measurements of vertical particle flux have been performed with moored sediment traps at the long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN in the eastern Fram Strait (79°N/4°E). The study area, which is seasonally covered with ice, is located in the confluence zone of the northward flowing warm saline Atlantic water with cold, low salinity water masses of Arctic origin. Current projections suggest that this area is particularly vulnerable to global warming. Total matter fluxes and components thereof (carbonate, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, biogenic silica, biomarkers) revealed a bimodal seasonal pattern showing elevated sedimentation rates during May/June and August/September. Annual total matter flux (dry weight, DW) at ~ 300 m depth varied between 13 and 32 g/m**2/a during 2000 and 2005. Of this total flux 6-13 % was due to CaCO3, 4-21 % to refractory particulate organic carbon (POC), and 3-8 % to biogenic particulate silica (bPSi). The annual flux of all biogenic components together was almost constant during the period studied (8.5-8.8 g/m**2/a), although this varied from 27 to 67 % of the total annual flux. The fraction was lowest in a year characterized by the longest duration of ice coverage (91 and 70 days for the calendar year and summer season, May-September, respectively). Biomarker analyses revealed that organic matter originating from marine sources was present in excess of terrigenious material in the sedimented matter throughout most of the study period. Fluxes of recognizable phyto- and protozooplankton cells amounted up to 60x106 m**2/d. Diatoms and coccolithophorids were the most abundant organisms. Diatoms, mainly pennate species, dominated during the first years of the investigation. A shift in the composition occurred during the last year when numbers of diatoms declined considerably, leading to a dominance of coccolithoporids. This was also reflected in a decrease in the sedimentation of bPSi. The sedimentation of biogenic matter, however, did not differ from the amount observed during the previous years. Among the larger organisms, pteropods at times contributed significantly to both the total matter and CaCO3, fluxes.