339 resultados para Sòfocles, 496-406 aC
A method of determination of low concentrations of zinc, cadmium, lead, and copper dissolved in seawater and interstitial water with use of inversion voltammetry with AC solution conditions is described. The optimum conditions for measurements with accumulation on a mercury-film electrode with a silver substrate are presented. Detection limit is 0.2 ?g/l for zinc and 0.05 ?g/l for cadmium, lead, and copper. Large number of determinations can be carried out during expeditions at natural pH of seawater containing these four metals.
Mineralogical identification, glass chemistry, and instrumental neutron activation analyses of Quaternary volcanic ash layers from Leg 67 Holes 496, 497, and 499 are used to correlate the drill holes and on-land sources. We have identified two units at Hole 496 that correspond to the 23,000-yr.-old Pinos Altos ash (Samples 496-3-4, 55-57 cm and 496-3-5, 74-76 cm); the 84,000-yr.-old Los Chocoyos ash corresponds with Sample 496-5-4, 134-146 cm, but this latter correlation is less certain.