211 resultados para Ohler, Kent
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 was designed to study Neogene sedimentation history in the western Indian Ocean Basin as well as the Cenozoic evolution of the Reunion hotspot. We describe the paleomagnetic analysis of the sediments recovered on this leg, focusing on the sites that provided the most readily interpretable data: Sites 706, 709, 710, and 711. Sediments from Site 706 show no reversals but appear to give a reliable reversed polarity primary direction, judged on the basis of the demagnetization behavior of individual samples as well as from the results of a fold test formulated by comparing the two holes drilled at this site. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy in sediments from Site 709 can be deduced in two limited sections of Pliocene-Pleistocene and Oligocene-Miocene age. Sediments recovered at Site 710 (and, to a lesser extent, Site 711) render a relatively continuous magnetic polarity stratigraphy that spans most of the Neogene and adds significantly to the body of data available to address problems in Miocene geochronology. In addition to these magnetostratigraphic results, the paleomagnetism of these sediments can be used to determine paleolatitude. Using the most reliable inclination measurements from Sites 706, 710, and 711, we compared paleomagnetic estimates of paleolatitude with estimates derived from a hotspot-based absolute plate motion model. Our data, which covers the interval since 33 Ma, shows that paleolatitudes calculated with the geocentric axial dipole assumption are in general accord with the hotspot predictions. However, a correction for the long-term nondipole field brings the paleomagnetic results into even better agreement with plate motions that are based on the fixity of African hotspots.
Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 577 on Shatsky Rise (North Pacific Ocean) recovered a series of cores at three holes that contain calcareous nannofossil ooze of latest Cretaceous (late Maastrichtian) through early Eocene age. Several important records have been generated using samples from these cores, but the stratigraphy has remained outdated and confusing. Here we revise the stratigraphy at Site 577. This includes refining several age datums, realigning cores in the depth domain, and placing all stratigraphic markers on a current time scale. The work provides a template for appropriately bringing latest Cretaceous and Paleogene data sets at old drill sites into current paleoceanographic literature for this time interval. While the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) lies within core gaps at Holes 577* and 577A, the sedimentary record at the site holds other important events and remains crucially relevant to understanding changes in oceanographic conditions from the latest Cretaceous through early Paleogene.
A 13-million-year continuous record of Oligocene climate from the equatorial Pacific reveals a pronounced "heartbeat" in the global carbon cycle and periodicity of glaciations. This heartbeat consists of 405,000-, 127,000-, and 96,000-year eccentricity cycles and 1.2-million-year obliquity cycles in periodically recurring glacial and carbon cycle events. That climate system response to intricate orbital variations suggests a fundamental interaction of the carbon cycle, solar forcing, and glacial events. Box modeling shows that the interaction of the carbon cycle and solar forcing modulates deep ocean acidity as well as the production and burial of global biomass. The pronounced 405,000-year eccentricity cycle is amplified by the long residence time of carbon in the oceans.
Pliocene and Miocene magnetostratigraphy from ODP Site 1218 (Equatorial Pacific) has been obtained by measurements made on u-channel samples, augmented by about 50 discrete samples. U-channel samples were measured at 1 cm intervals and stepwise demagnetized in alternating fields up to a maximum peak field of 80 mT. The component magnetization directions were determined by principal component analysis for demagnetization steps in the 20-60 mT peak field range. A relatively small number of discrete samples were subject to both thermal and alternating field (AF) demagnetization and gave results compatible with u-channel measurements. Magnetostratigraphy from u-channel samples are compared with shipboard data that were based on blanket demagnetization at peak AF fields of 20 mT. U-channel measurements add more detail to the magnetostratigraphic record and allow identification of thin polarity zones especially in the upper part of the section were the sedimentation rates are very low (~2 m/Myr). The component magnetization directions determined from u-channel measurements also gave more reliable and precise estimates of inclination (paleolatitude). The magnetostratigraphy from Site 1218 can be unambiguously correlated with the reference geomagnetic polarity time scale and gives a means of dating the sedimentary sequence. Both Miocene-Pliocene and Oligocene-Miocene stage boundaries were easily identified from the magnetostratigraphic record. Although calculation of paleomagnetic poles is hindered by the low precision of the cores' azimuthal orientation, the data from both u-channel and discrete samples allow determination of the paleolatitude of the Site through time with good precision. Paleomagnetic data indicate that the paleolatitude of Site 1218 has increased form nearly equatorial latitude in the Oligocene to its present-day latitude close to 9°N. Within the precision of the paleomagnetic data, this is in agreement with current predictions of plate motion models based on fixed hotspots.
Upper Miocene foraminiferal nannofossil ooze and chalk from DSDP Hole 552A in the northeast Atlantic Ocean have been closely sampled for biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and stable-isotopic studies. Sampling at 10-cm intervals resulted in an uppermost Miocene isotope stratigraphy with a 1000- to 3000-yr. resolution. Covariance in benthic (Planulina wuellerstorfi) and planktonic (Globigerina bulloides) foraminiferal d18O records is taken as evidence for variability in continental ice volume. Our best estimate is that glacial maxima occurred at -5.0 and ~ 5.5 Ma and lasted no more than 20,000 yrs. These events probably lowered sea level by 60 m below the latest Miocene average. There is little oxygen-isotope evidence, however, for a prolonged glaciation during the last 2 m.y. of the late Miocene. High- and low-frequency variability in the d13C record of foraminifers is useful for correlation among North Atlantic DSDP Sites 408, 410, 522, 610, and 611, and for correlation with sites in other oceans. Similar d13C changes are seen in P. wuellerstorfi and G. bulloides, but the amplitude of the signal is always greater in G. bulloides. Variability in d13C common to both species probably reflects variability in the d13C of total CO2 in seawater. Major long-term features in the d13C record include a latest Miocene maximum (P. wuellerstorfi = 1.5 per mil ) in paleomagnetic Chron 7, an abrupt decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, and a slight increase at -5.5 Ma. The decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, which has been paleomagnetically dated only twice before, occurs in the upper reversed part of Chronozone 6 at Holes 552A and 611C, in excellent agreement with earlier studies. Cycles in d13C with a period of ~ 10 4 yrs. are interpreted as changes in seawater chemistry, which may have resulted from orbitally induced variability in continental biomass. Samples of P. wuellerstorfi younger than 6 Ma from throughout the North Atlantic have d13C near lo, on average ~ l per mil greater than samples of the same age in the Pacific Ocean. Thus, there is no evidence for cessation of North Atlantic Deep Water production resulting from the Messinian "salinity crisis." Biostratigraphic results indicate continuous sedimentation during the late Miocene after about -6.5 Ma at Hole 552A. Nannofossil biostratigraphy is complicated by the scarcity of low-latitude marker species, but middle and late Miocene Zones NN7 through NN11 are recognized. A hiatus is present at -6.5 Ma, on the basis of simultaneous first occurrences of Amaurolithusprimus, Amaurolithus delicatus, Amaurolithus amplificus, and Scyphosphaera globulata. The frequency and duration of older hiatuses increase downsection in Hole 552A, as suggested by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Paleomagnetic results at Hole 552A indicate a systematic pattern of inclination changes. Chronozone 6 was readily identified because of its characteristic nannoflora (sequential occurrences of species assigned to the genus Amaurolithus) and the d13C decrease in foraminifers, but its lower reversed interval is condensed. Only the lower normal interval of Chronozone 5 was recognized at Hole 552A; the upper normal interval and the lowest Gilbert sediment are not recognized, owing to low intensity of magnetization and to coring disturbance. Interpreting magnetic reversals below Chronozone 6 was difficult because of hiatuses, but a lower normally magnetized interval is probably Chronozone 7. Correlation between DSDP Hole 552A and other North Atlantic sites is demonstrated using coiling direction changes in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina. At most sites this genus changed its coiling preference from dominantly right to dominantly left during the late Miocene. At Hole 552A this event probably occurred about 7 m.y. ago. At the same time, P. wuellerstorfi had maximum d13C values. A similar d13C maximum and coiling change occurred together in Chron 7 at Hole 611C, and at Hole 610E. In sediment younger than -5.5 Ma, the coiling of small Neogloboquadrina species is random, but the larger species N. atlantica retains preferential left coiling.
In the New Jersey Coastal Plain, a silty to clayey sedimentary unit (the Marlboro Formation) represents deposition during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). This interval is remarkably different from the glauconitic sands and silts of the underlying Paleocene Vincentown and overlying Eocene Manasquan Formation. We integrate new and published stable isotope, biostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic and ecostratigraphic records, constructing a detailed time frame for the PETM along a depth gradient at core sites Clayton, Wilson Lake, Ancora and Bass River (updip to downdip). The onset of the PETM, marked by the base of the carbon isotope excursion (CIE), is within the gradual transition from glauconitic silty sands to silty clay, and represented fully at the updip sites (Wilson Lake and Clayton). The CIE "core" interval is expanded at the updip sites, but truncated. The CIE "core" is complete at the Bass River and Ancora sites, where the early part of the recovery is present (most complete at Ancora). The extent to which the PETM is expressed in the sediments is highly variable between sites, with a significant unconformity at the base of the overlying lower Eocene sediments. Our regional correlation framework provides an improved age model, allowing better understanding of the progression of environmental changes during the PETM. High-resolution benthic foraminiferal data document the change from a sediment-starved shelf setting to a tropical, river-dominated mud-belt system during the PETM, probably due to intensification of the hydrologic cycle. The excellent preservation of foraminifera during the PETM and the lack of severe benthic extinction suggest there was no extreme ocean acidification in shelf settings.
Widespread silicic pyroclastic eruptions of the Oligocene Afro-Arabian flood volcanic province (ignimbrites and airfall tuffs) produced up to 20% of the total flood volcanic stratigraphy (>6*10**4 km**3). Volumes of individual ignimbrites and tuffs exposed on land range from ~150 to >2000 km**3 and eight major units (15-100 m thick) were erupted in <2 Myr, placing these amongst the largest-magnitude silicic pyroclastic eruptions on Earth. They are compositionally distinctive time-stratigraphic markers which were deposited as co-ignimbrite ashfall deposits on a near-global scale around the time of the Oi2 cooling anomaly at ~30 Ma. Two ignimbrites from the lower part of the flood volcanic succession in Yemen have been correlated to: (a) the conjugate rifted margin of Ethiopia (>500 km distant); and (b) to two deep sea ash layers sampled by ODP Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean ~2700 km to the southeast. This correlation is based on whole rock analyses of silicic units for isotope ratios (Pb, Nd) and rare earth element compositions, in conjunction with novel in situ Pb isotope laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy analysis of groundmass and glass shards. Compositional diversity preserved on the scale of individual ash shards in these deep sea tephra layers record chemical heterogeneity present in the silicic magma chambers that is not evident in the welded on-land deposits. Ages of the ash layers can be established by correlation to precisely dated on-land ignimbrites, and current evidence suggests that while these eruptions may have exacerbated already changing climatic conditions, they both marginally post-date the Oi2 global cooling anomaly.
Firm stratigraphic correlations are needed to evaluate the global significance of unconformity bounded units (sequences). We correlate the well-developed uppermost Campanian and Maestrichtian sequences of the New Jersey Coastal Plain to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) by integrating Sr-isotopic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. To do this, we developed a Maestrichtian (ca. 73-65 Ma) Sr-isotopic reference section at Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 525A in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Maestrichtian strata can then be dated by measuring their 87Sr/86Sr composition, calibrating to the GPTS of S. C. Cande and D. V. Kent (1993, personal commun.), and using the equation Age (Ma) = 37326.894-52639.89 (87Sr/86Sr). Sr-stratigraphic resolution for the Maestrichtian is estimated as +-1.2 to +-2 m.y. At least two unconformity-bounded units comprise the uppermost Campanian to Maestrichtian strata in New Jersey. The lower one, the Marshalltown sequence, is assigned to calcareous nannofossil Zones CC20/21 (~NC19) and CC22b (~NC20). It ranges in age from ~74.1 to 69.9 Ma based on Sr-isotope age estimates. The overlying Navesink sequence is assigned to calcareous nannoplankton Zones CC25-26 (~NC21-23); it ranges in age from 69.3 to 65 Ma based on Sr-isotope age estimates. The upper part of this sequence, the Tinton Formation, has no calcareous planktonic control; Sr-isotopes provide an age estimate of 66 +- 1.2 Ma (latest Maestrichtian). Sequence boundaries at the base and the top of the Marshalltown sequence match boundaries elsewhere in the Atlantic Coastal Plain (Owens and Gohn, 1985) and the inferred global sea-level record of Haq et al. (1987); they support eustatic changes as the mechanism controlling depositional history of this sequence. However, the latest Maestrichtian record in New Jersey does not agree with Haq et al. (1987); we attribute this to correlation and time-scale differences near the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary. High sedimentation rates in the latest Maestrichtian of New Jersey (Shrewsbury Member of the Red Bank Formation and the Tinton Formation) suggest tectonic uplift and/or rapid progradation during deposition of the highstand systems tract.
Major ice sheets were permanently established on Antarctica approximately 34 million years ago, close to the Eocene/ Oligocene boundary, at the same time as a permanent deepening of the calcite compensation depth in the world's oceans. Until recently, it was thought that Northern Hemisphere glaciation began much later, between 11 and 5million years ago. This view has been challenged, however, by records of ice rafting at high northern latitudes during the Eocene epoch and by estimates of global ice volume that exceed the storage capacity of Antarctica at the same time as a temporary deepening of the calcite compensation depth 41.6 million years ago. Here we test the hypothesis that large ice sheets were present in both hemispheres 41.6 million years ago using marine sediment records of oxygen and carbon isotope values and of calcium carbonate content from the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. These records allow, at most, an ice budget that can easily be accommodated on Antarctica, indicating that large ice sheets were not present in the Northern Hemisphere. The records also reveal a brief interval shortly before the temporary deepening of the calcite compensation depth during which the calcite compensation depth shoaled, ocean temperatures increased and carbon isotope values decreased in the equatorial Atlantic. The nature of these changes around 41.6 million years ago implies common links, in terms of carbon cycling, with events at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and with the 'hyperthermals' of the Early Eocene climate optimum. Our findings help to resolve the apparent discrepancy between the geological records of Northern Hemisphere glaciation and model results that indicate that the threshold for continental glaciation was crossed earlier in the Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere.
A composite strontium isotopic seawater curve was constructed for the Miocene between 24 and 6 Ma by combining 87Sr/86Sr measurements of planktonic foraminifera from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites 289 and 588. Site 289, with its virtually continuous sedimentary record and high sedimentation rates (26 m/m.y.), was used for constructing the Oligocene to mid-Miocene part of the record, which included the calibration of 63 biostratigraphic datums to the Sr seawater curve using the timescale of Cande and Kent (1992 doi:10.1029/92JB01202). Across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, a brief plateau occurred in the Sr seawater curve (87Sr/86Sr values averaged 0.70824) which is coincident with a carbon isotopic maximum (CM-O/M) from 24.3 to 22.6 Ma. During the early Miocene, the strontium isotopic curve was marked by a steep rise in 87Sr/86Sr that included a break in slope near 19 Ma. The rate of growth was about 60 ppm/m.y. between 22.5 and 19.0 Ma and increased to over 80 ppm/m.y. between 19.0 and 16 Ma. Beginning at ~16 Ma (between carbon isotopic maxima CM3 and CM4 of Woodruff and Savin (1991 doi:10.1029/91PA02561)), the rate of 87Sr/86Sr growth slowed and 87Sr/86Sr values were near constant from 15 to 13 Ma. After 13 Ma, growth in 87Sr/86Sr resumed and continued until ~9 Ma, when the rate of 87Sr/86Sr growth decreased to zero once again. The entire Miocene seawater curve can be described by a high-order function, and the first derivative (d87Sr/86Sr/dt) of this function reveals two periods of increased slope. The greatest rate of 87Sr/86Sr change occurred during the early Miocene between ~20 and 16 Ma, and a smaller, but distinct, period of increased slope also occurred during the late Miocene between ~12 and 9 Ma. These periods of steepened slope coincide with major phases of uplift and denudation of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau region, supporting previous interpretations that the primary control on seawater 87Sr/86Sr during the Miocene was related to the collision of India and Asia. The rapid increase in 87Sr/86Sr values during the early Miocene from 20 to 16 Ma imply high rates of chemical weathering and dissolved riverine fluxes to the oceans. In the absence of another source of CO2, these high rates of chemical weathering should have quickly resulted in a drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and climatic cooling through a reversed greenhouse effect. The paleoclimatic record, however, indicates a warming trend during the early Miocene, culminating in a climatic optimum between 17 and 14.5 Ma. We suggest that the high rates of chemical erosion and warm temperatures during the climatic optimum were caused by an increase in the contribution of volcanic CO2 from the eruption of the Columbia River Flood Basalts (CRFB) between 17 and 15 Ma. The decrease in the rate of CRFB eruptions at 15 Ma and the removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide by increased organic carbon burial in Monterey deposits eventually led to cooling and increased glaciation between ~14.5 and 13 Ma. The CRFB hypothesis helps to explain the significant time lag between the onset of increased rates of organic carbon burial in the Monterey at 17.5 Ma (as marked by increased delta13C values) and the climatic cooling and glaciation during the middle Miocene (as marked by the increase in delta18O values), which did not begin until ~14.5 Ma.