53 resultados para Middle–Late Permian


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In Cruise 13 of R/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov in the Pechora Sea, six heat flow varied from 50 to 75 mW/m**2. Deep heat flow in the Pechora Sea was calculated equal to 45 mW/m**2, which is confirmed by results of geological and geophysical studies and corresponds to Middle Baikal age of the basement. A model of structure of the lithosphere in the Pechora Sea is suggested. Total thickness of the lithosphere in the basin (190 km) determined from geothermal data agrees well with that in transition zones from the continent to the ocean. According to estimates of deep heat flow in the region obtained, thickness of the mantle (160 km), of the basaltic (15 km), and of the granitic (15 km) layers of the lithosphere were also evaluated. Temperature values at boundaries of the sedimentary layers were calculated over a geological and geophysical profile crossing the Pechora Sea basin. Temperatures obtained agree with the temperature interval of hydrocarbon generation and correspond to Permian-Triassic sedimentary sequences, which are the most productive ones in the Pechora Sea region from the point of view of oil and gas potential.


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The geological overview map was compiled from 15 geological maps (1 : 25,000) and is based on Jacobs et al. 1996. The topographic basemaps were adapted from unpublished 1:250,000 provisional topographic maps, Institut f. Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt, 1983. Part of the contour lines are from Radarsat (Liu et al. 2001).


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A facies-genetic and stratigraphic subdivision of the Quaternary sequence in the Shapkina River valley has been accomplished. The riverbank shows outcrops of three glacial complexes with different mineralogical-petrographic compositions and structural characteristics, which can be correlated and stratificated. Datings of intermoraine horizons (alluvial, marine, lacustrine, and lacustrine-boggy sediments) have been based on palynological and paleomicrotheriological data. The Middle Neopleistocene section can be divided into two till horizons corresponding to two autonomous glaciations (Pechora and Vychegda). They are separated by a member of subaqueous Rodionov sediments. The Pechora till formed in the course of glacier motions from the northeast. Glacial horizons are mainly composed of the Vychegda till transported from the Northwest terrigenous provenance. Lithology of the Upper Neopleistocene Polyarnyi till testifies to its formation in the upper course of the river from material transported from the Northeast terrigenous-mineralogical provenance in the upper course of the river and from the Fennoscandian glaciation center in the lower course of the river. The paper presents the first lithological investigation and substantiation of genesis of various facies of Neopleistocene intermoraine marine sediments (sediments of the beach and fore-beach zones and shallow-water shelf).


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Graywackes and shales of the Bol'shoi Lyakhov Island originally attributed to Mesozoic were subsequently considered based on microfossils as Late Proterozoic in age. At present, these sediments in the greater part of the island are dated back to Permian based on palynological assemblages. In the examined area of the island, this siliciclastic complex is intensely deformed and tectonically juxtaposed with blocks of oceanic and island-arc rocks exhumed along the South Anyui suture. The complex is largely composed of turbidites with members displaying hummocky cross-stratification. Studied mineral and geochemical charac¬teristics of the rocks defined three provenances of clastic material: volcanic island arc, sedimentary cover and/or basement of an ancient platform, and exotic blocks of oceanic and island-arc rocks such as serpentinites and amphibolites. All rock associations represent elements of an orogenic structure that originated by collision of the New Siberian continental block with the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc. Flyschoid sediments accumu¬lated in a foredeep in front of the latter structure in the course of collision. Late Jurassic volcanics belonging to the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc determine the lower age limit of syncollision siliciclastic rocks. Presence of Late Jurassic zircons in sandstones of the flyschoid sequence in the Bol'shoi Lyakhov Island is confirmed by fission-track dating. The upper age limit is determined by Aptian-Albian postcollision granites and diorites intruding the siliciclastic complex. Consequently, the flyschoid sequence is within stratigraphic range from the terminal Late Jurassic to Neocomian. It appears that Permian age of sediments suggested earlier is based on redeposited organic remains. The same Late Jurassic-Neocomian age and lithology are characteristic of fossiliferous siliciclastic sequences of the Stolbovoi and Malyi Lyakhov islands, the New Siberian Archipelago, and of graywackes in the South Anyui area in the Chukchi Peninsula. All these sediments accumulated in a spacious foredeep that formed in the course the late Cimmerian orogeny along the southern margin of the Arctic conti¬nental block.


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A lenticle of organic matter in a piece of dolomite rock embedded in Triassic sandy mudstone of Core 547B-35 (DSDP Leg 79) was identified as inertinite-rich coal by organic petrography and analytical pyrolysis. About 95% of the organic matter recognized under the microscope consists of pyrofusinite, degradofusinite, and inertodetrinite. Gaseous hydrocarbons evolved during pyrolysis are rich in methane and are characteristic of inertinitic material. The organic matter is suggested to be a piece of redeposited Permian Gondwana coal.


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Organic geochemical studies on samples from Holes 487, 488, and 490 in the southern Mexico Middle America Trench provided an opportunity to characterize the organic fraction of the sedimentary section in an active trench environment and to project the petroleum-producing potential of the extracted lipid fractions. The samples were geologically young and of shallow burial history. Samples from Hole 487, located on the oceanic plate, range in age from late Miocene to middlelate Pleistocene. Samples from Hole 488, representing undifferentiated Quaternary sediment, were collected on the landward side of the lower trench slope. Miocene(?) to Quaternary sediments from Hole 490 were obtained from the upper slope immediately seaward of the inferred location of the continental crust.