679 resultados para MMS
226Ra is used to document the growth histories of six manganese nodules from Oneida Lake, New York. Detailed sectioning and analysis reveal that there are discontinuous gradients in 226Ra content in these samples. These gradients result from periods of rapid growth (>1 mm/100 years) separated by periods of no growth of erosion. Although the 226Ra 'age' of the nodules approximates the age of Oneida Lake, the nodules are not sediment-covered because they occur only in areas of the lake where fine-grained sediments are not accumulating.
The differential solubility of ferromanganese oxides can lead to stratigraphic separation of iron and manganese. Results of chemical analysis of a sequence of ferromanganese nodules overlying iron-rich crusts in northern Green Bay show that selec¬tive ion transport is important in concentrating manganese and associated trace elements near the oxygenated water-sediment interface. Manganese carbonate, which cements ferromanganese nodules, occurs in dark-gray silty sands that are located adjacent to the organic-rich muds of southern Green Bay. These muds contain an average of approximately 3.5 ppm (6x10-5M) interstitial Mn with 2.8 meq/l carbonate alkalinity. Thermodynamic calculation shows that interstitial water approaches equilibrium with MnCO3 in the upper 10 cm of sediment. This carbonate has a composition (Mn73Ca22Fe5)CO3 and has been identified as rhodochrosite.
Hydrothermal deposits of a wide variety of types are being found with increasing frequency on or near actively spreading mid-ocean ridges. However, they also have a potential to occur in other submarine volcanic settings, including island arcs. To follow up indications of mineralization associated with submarine hydrothermal activity in the south-west Pacific island arc, a joint New Zealand Oceanographic Institute/Imperial College research cruise was mounted in May 1981 aboard the RV Tangaroa. During this cruise, over 130 sampling stations were occupied, at one of which were dredged manganese deposits with strong hydrothermal affinities. This is the first report of such deposits from an island arc setting.
During the 33th voyage of the R/V "Vityaz" in the Indian Ocean iron-manganese nodules were collected at several stations. Both nodules and associated sediments were analysed by spectral analysis over 30 chemical elements. Radioactivity measurements were also performed on these samples.
A large deposit of ferromanganese oxide coated sands and scattered manganese nodules occurs in the northern portion of Lake Ontario. The Mn and Fe contents of the concretions are similar to those in concretions from other environments, while their Ni, Cu, and Co contents are lower than in deep-sea nodules, but higher than in most previously described lacustrine concretions. Pb and Zn are high in the coatings and exceed the concentrations found in many previously analyzed Mn deposits. Within the deposit, Mn, Ni, Co, and Zn contents are correlated, and they vary inversely with Fe. Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Pb are present in the interstitial waters of the sediments underlying the deposit in higher concentrations than in the overlying lake waters, thus providing a potential source of metals for concretion formation.The origin and compositional variations in the deposit possibly can be explained in terms of the fractionation and precipitation of Fe and Mn as a result of redox variations in the lake sediments. Eh increases from south to north across the deposit in such a way that iron may be selectively oxidized and precipitated in the south and manganese, in the north. The upward diffusion of Mn, Fe, and associated elements from the underlying sediments probably provides the principal source of the metals in the south of the deposit, while metal-enriched bottom waters are probably the principal source in the north.
Thanks to the courtesy of the British Museum of Natural History the author obtained from their Challenger collections two small nodules, and through a similar courtesy of the Mineralogical Department of the Riksmuseum in Stockholm one half of a much larger nodule, also from the Challenger Expedition. Results from his initial measurements of the radium contents of these samples convinced the author that the radium in the nodules is accumulated from the surrounding sediment. In the present paper the author conducted a much more thorough investigation on nodules obtained during the U.S. Albatross cruises of Dr. Agassiz. Detailed measurements of radium were conducted on individual layers and spots inside each nodule.
In 1970 a large deposit of ferromanganese nodules was discovered on the floor of the Indian Ocean southwest of Cape Leeuwin by the research vessel USNS Eltanin. This discovery, which was based largely on bottom photographs from about 20 stations, was discussed by Frakes (1975) and Kennett and Watkins (1975, 1976). The photographs suggest that the deposit spreads, nearly continuously, over 900 000km^2, and cores showed that the nodules are essentially confined to the sediment surface. Kennett and Watkins (op. cit.) pointed to the abundance of ripple and scour marks and current-formed lineations on the present surface, and of extensive disconformities in the cores, as evidence of strong present and past bottom currents in the region. They suggested that the current action had resulted in very low sedimentation rates, which had allowed the nodule field, named by them (1976) the 'Southeast Indian Ocean Manganese Pavement', to develop. In early 1976 the authors used the research vessel HMAS Diamantina for a 10-day cruise in the region to sample the nodules in order to study their chemistry and mineralogy. During the cruise 9 stations were occupied, 8 of them successfully (Figure 1), and about 2000 nodules were recovered from the sea bed. The apparatus used was a light box dredge on the ships hydrowire, which had a breaking strain of about one tonne. Although an attempt was made to reoccupy Eltanin photographic stations, it should be noted that positioning was by celestial navigation, so errors of up to 10 km are possible.
Hydrothermal Mn-oxide crusts have been removed from the Tonga-Kermadec Ridge, the first such hydrothermal deposits to be reported in the S.W. Pacific island arc. In several respects the deposits are similar to hydrothermal Mn-crusts from oceanic spreading centre settings. They are limited in areal extent, comprise well-crystalline birnessite and generally display extreme fractionation of Mn from Fe. They are strongly depleted in many elements compared to hydrogenous Mn deposits but are comparatively enriched in Li, Zn, Mo and Cd. The Group IA and Group IIA metals show strong intercorrelations and the behaviour of Mg in the purest samples may indicate the extent to which normal seawater has influenced the composition of the deposits. Certain aspects of the deposits are not typical of hydrothermal Mn deposits. In particular at least some of the crusts have developed on a sediment or unconsolidated talus substrate. Some crusts, or specific layers within some crusts, display a chemical composition which suggests a significant input from normal seawater.
During the 1971 WALDA expedition of the R/V Jean Charcot in the Equatorial and South Atlantic, manganese nodules were recovered at Station 24 - DS 17 at the base of the continental platform off the coast of Angola. They were analysed at the Laboratoire de Géochimie des Eaux, Université Paris VII Denis Diderot.
A preliminary report on the manganese nodule field southwest of Western Australia published in this Journal recently (Frakes, Exon and Granath, 1977) quoted chemical analyses which were carried out on air-dried material. Significantly higher metal values have been recorded in some later analyses done on nodules dried at 105°C. Tests have shown that the ground, air-dried material retains considerable moisture, which accounts for the higher metal values of the later analyses. The average water content (after drying at 105°C) has been determined at 16 percent. The relevant chemical data now available on this material are summarised in the accompanying table: in this table metal values (by atomic absorption spectrophotometry) have been recalculated assuming a moisture content of 16 percent.