253 resultados para Leach, Rick


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The carbonate-free metalliferous fraction of thirty-nine sediment samples from four DSDP Leg 92 sites has been analyzed for 12 elements, and a subset of 16 samples analyzed for Pb isotopic composition. The main geochemical features of this component are as follows: i) very high concentrations of Fe and Mn, typically 25-39% and 5-14%, respectively; ii) Al and Ca contents generally less than 2% and 5%, respectively; iii) high Cu (1000-2000 ppm), and Zn and Ni (500-1000 ppm) values; and iv) Co and Pb concentrations of 100-250 ppm. In terms of element partitioning within the metalliferous fraction, amorphous to poorly crystallized oxide-oxyhydroxides removed by the second leach carry virtually all of the Mn, and about 90% of the Ca, Sr and Ni. The well-crystallized goethite-rich material removed by the third leach carries the majority of Fe, Cu, and Pb. These relations hold for sediments as young as ~1-2 Ma, indicating early partitioning of hydrothermal Fe and Mn into separate phases. Calculated mass accumulation rates (MAR) for Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in the bulk sediment show the same overall trends at three of the sites, with greatest MAR values near the basement, and a general decrease in MAR values towards the tops of the holes (for sediments deposited above the lysocline). These relations strongly support the concept of a declining hydrothermal contribution of these elements away from a ridge axis. Nevertheless, MAR values for these metals up to ~200 km from the ridge axis are orders of magnitude higher than on abyssal seafloor plains where there is no hydrothermal influence. Mn/Fe ratios throughout the sediment column at two sites indicate that the composition of the hydrothermal precipitates changed during transport through seawater, becoming significantly depleted in Mn beyond ~200-300 km from the axis, but maintaining roughly the same proportion of Fe. Most of the Pb isotope data for the Leg 92 metalliferous sediments form approximately linear arrays in the conventional isotopic plots, extending from the middle of the field for mid-ocean ridge basalts toward the field for Mn nodules. The array of data lying between these two end-members is most readily interpreted in terms of simple linear mixing of Pb derived from basaltic and seawater end-member sources. The least radiogenic sediments reflect the average Pb isotope composition of discharging hydrothermal solutions and ocean-ridge basalt at the EPR over the ~4-8 Ma B.P. interval. Pb in sediments deposited up to 250 km from the axis can be almost entirely of basaltic-hydrothermal origin. Lateral transport of some basaltic Pb by ocean currents appears to extend to distances of at least 1000 km west of the East Pacific Rise.


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Total dissolvable iron (TDFe), particulate iron (PFe) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 measurements were performed along a N-S transect in the upper 250 m in the Southern Ocean (62°00E/66°42S - 49°00S, ANTARES II cruise, February 1994). TDFe was organically extracted (APDC/DDDC-chloroform) and analysed by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS), PFe was analysed by GFAAS following a strong mixed-acid leach, and H2O2 was analysed on board by fluorometry. The respective detection limits are equal to 0.13 nmol/kg, 0.02 nmol/kg, and 3.0 nmol/kg. TDFe concentrations vary from 0.4 to 6.2 nmol/kg and profiles are not completely depleted in the surface. PFe concentrations vary from 0.02 to 0.2 nmol/kg. Iron/carbon (Fe/C) uptake ratios for phytoplankton were calculated either from seawater or particle measurements. They are variable along the transect but are consistent when they could be compared. All the observed ratios are within the range of values proposed for the Fe/C uptake ratios by phytoplankton. Using our uptake ratio calculated in the Permanent Open Ocean Zone (4 x 10**?6 mol/mol), we estimate that the primary production which can be supported by the iron input flux into the surface waters is two times higher than the measured primary production in the same area. In the surface waters, H2O2 concentrations vary from 5.0 to 19.7 nmol/kg. Such low concentrations are due to strong vertical mixing, low dissolved organic matter concentrations and the latitude of the site.


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The benthic fauna was investigated during the expedition ANT-XXIV/2 (2007/08) in relation to oceanographic features, biogeochemical properties and sediment characteristics, as well as the benthic, pelagic and air-breathing fauna. The results document that Maud Rise (MR) differs distinctly from surrounding deep-sea basins investigated during previous Southern Ocean expeditions (ANDEEP 2002, 2005). Considering all taxa, the overall similarity between MR and adjacent stations was low (~20% Bray-Curtis-Similarity), and analyses of single taxa show obvious differences in species composition, abundances and densities. The composition and diversity of bivalves of MR are characterised by extremely high abundances of three species, especially the small sized Vesicomya spp. Exceptionally high gastropod abundance at MR is due to the single species Onoba subantarctica wilkesiana, a small brooder that may prey upon abundant benthic foraminiferas. The abundance and diversity of isopods also show that one family, Haplomunnidae, occurs with a surprisingly high number of individuals at MR while this family was not found at any of the 40 bathyal and abyssal ANDEEP stations. Similarly, polychaetes, especially the tube-dwelling, suspension-feeder fraction, are represented by species not found at the comparison stations. Sponges comprise almost exclusively small specimens in relatively high numbers, especially a few species of Polymastiidae. Water-column sampling from the surface to the seafloor, including observations of top predators, indicate the existence of a prospering pelagic food web. Local concentrations of top predators and zooplankton are associated with a rich ice-edge bloom located over the northern slope of MR. There the sea ice melts, which is probably accelerated by the advection of warm water at intermediate depth. Over the southern slope, high concentrations of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) occur under dense sea ice and attract Antarctic Minke Whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and several seabird species. These findings suggest that biological prosperity over MR is related to both oceanographic and sea-ice processes. Downward transport of the organic matter produced in the pelagic realm may be more constant than elsewhere due to low lateral drift over MR.