157 resultados para Last dictatorship


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The island of Isla de los Estados is situated at 54.5°S, 64°W, east of Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, and is located in a sensitive geographic position in relation to the zonal circulation between Antarctica and South America. Its terrestrial records of the last deglaciation, recording atmospheric conditions but within an oceanic setting, can help to clarify changes of regional circulation patterns, both atmospheric and marine. Here, we present geochemical analyses from 16-10 ka cal BP of a peat core from Lago Galvarne Bog at the northern coast of the island, and a lake sediment core from Laguna Cascada 3 km further south. The data comprise TC, TN, loss on ignition analyses and continuous XRF scanning on both cores as well as age-depth modeling based on AMS-14C dating. Deglaciation and onset of peat formation in the coastal areas began before 16 ka cal BP followed by a rapid glacial retreat and the start of lacustrine sedimentation further inland. Data suggest initially windy conditions with permafrost succeeded by gradually warmer and wetter conditions until ca 14.5 ka cal BP. The warming trend slows down until ca 13.5 ka cal BP, followed by arid conditions culminating around 12.8 ka cal BP. Our data suggest fairly warm conditions and the establishment of denser peat and forest vegetation ca 10.6 ka cal BP, contemporaneous with the onset of the Antarctic thermal optimum. This indicates large-scale shifts in the placement of zonal flow and the Westerlies at the beginning of the Holocene.


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In this paper we describe the stratigraphy and sediments deposited in Lake Samra that occupied the Dead Sea basin between ~135 and 75 ka. This information is combined with U/Th dating of primary aragonites in order to estimate a relative lake-level curve that serves as a regional paleohydrological monitor. The lake stood at an elevation of ~340 m below mean sea level (MSL) during most of the last interglacial. This level is relatively higher than the average Holocene Dead Sea (~400±30 m below MSL). At ~120 and ~85 ka, Lake Samra rose to ~320 m below MSL while it dropped to levels lower than ?380 m below MSL at ~135 and ~75 ka, reflecting arid conditions in the drainage area. Lowstands are correlated with warm intervals in the Northern Hemisphere, while minor lake rises are probably related to cold episodes during MIS 5b and MIS 5d. Similar climate relationships are documented for the last glacial highstand Lake Lisan and the lowstand Holocene Dead Sea. Yet, the dominance of detrital calcites and precipitation of travertines in the Dead Sea basin during the last interglacial interval suggest intense pluvial conditions and possible contribution of southern sources of wetness to the region.


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A composite North Atlantic record from DSDP Site 609 and IODP Site U1308 spans the past 300,000 years and shows that variability within the penultimate glaciation differed substantially from that of the surrounding two glaciations. Hematite stained grains exhibit similar repetitive down-core variations within the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 8 and 4-2 intervals, but little cyclic variability within the MIS 6 section. There is also no petrologic evidence, in terms of detrital carbonate-rich (Heinrich) layers, for surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet through the Hudson Strait during MIS 6. Rather, very high background concentration of ice-rafted debris (IRD) indicates near continuous glacial meltwater input that likely increased thermohaline disruption sensitivity to relatively weak forcing events, such as expanded sea ice over deepwater formation sites. Altered (sub)tropical precipitation patterns and Antarctic warming during high orbital precession and low 65° N summer insolation appears related to high abundance of Icelandic glass shards and southward sea ice expansion. Differing European and North American ice sheet configurations, perhaps aided by larger variations in eccentricity leading to cooler summers, may have contributed to the relative stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the Hudson Strait region during MIS 6.


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We present Holocene and last glacial maximum (LGM) oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on Planulina wuellerstorfi in six southeast Pacific cores. Sedimentation rates are low in this part of the ocean, and measurements were made on individual foraminiferal shells in order to identify the Holocene and glacial individuals on the basis of their extreme d18O. The new d13C data were combined with previous P. wuellerstorfi data for interpretation of global thermohaline circulation. Data from the Southern Ocean were examined closely for regional coherency and a few anomalous d13C values suspected of having productivity overprint were removed. The resulting global d13C distributions and gradients indicate that the deep water circulation was similar during the Holocene and LGM. This interpretation brings d13C data to a better agreement with Cd/Ca data and marks a sharp contrast with a widely held view based on d13C measurements that the glacial Southern Ocean was the terminus of the thermohaline circulation. The proposed presence of glacial North Atlantic Deep Water does not necessarily contradict the postulated presence of Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water.


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Faunal analyses of planktonic foraminifera and upper-water temperature reconstructions with the modern analog technique are studied and compared to themagnetic susceptibility and gamma ray logs of ODP Core 999A (western Caribbean) for the past 560 kyr in order to explore changes in paleoceanographic conditions in the western Caribbean Sea. Long-term trends in the percentage abundance of planktonic foraminifera inODP Core 999Asuggest two hydrographic scenarios: before and after 480 ka.High percentage abundances of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Globorotalia inflata, low abundances of Globorotalia menardii and Globorotalia truncatulinoides, low diversity, and sea-surface temperatures (SST) under 24 °C are typical characteristics occurring from 480 to 560 ka. These characteristics suggest a "shallow" well-oxygenated upper thermocline and the influx of nutrients by either seasonal upwelling plumes and/or eddy-mediated entrainment. The second scenario occurred after 480 ka, and it is characterized by high and fluctuating percentage abundances of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, G. truncatulinoides, G. menardii, Globigerinita glutinata, Globigerinella siphonifera, and Globigerinoides ruber; a declining trend in diversity; and large SSTs. These characteristics suggest a steady change from conditions characterized by a "shallow" thermocline and chlorophyll maximum to conditions characterized by a "deep" thermocline (mainly during glacial stages) and by more oligotrophic conditions. The influence of the subtropical North Atlantic on the upper thermocline was apparently larger during glacial stages, thus favoring a deepening of the thermocline, an increase in sea-surface salinity, and a dramatic reduction of nutrients in the Guajira upwelling system. During interglacial stages, the influx of nutrients from the Magdalena River is stronger, thus resulting in a deep chlorophyll maximumand a fresher upper ocean. The eddy entrainment of nutrients is the probable mechanism responsible of transport from the Guajira upwelling and Magdalena River plumes into ODP 999A site.


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The complex deglacial to Holocene oceanographic development in the Gulf of Guayaquil (Eastern Equatorial Pacific) is reconstructed for sea surface and subsurface ocean levels from (isotope) geochemical proxies based on marine sediment cores. At sea surface, southern sourced Cold Coastal Water and tropical Equatorial Surface Water/Tropical Surface Water are intimately related. In particular since ~10 ka, independent sea surface temperature proxies capturing different seasons emphasize the growing seasonal contrast in the Gulf of Guayaquil, which is in contrast to ocean areas further offshore. Cold Coastal Water became rapidly present in the Gulf of Guayaquil during the austral winter season in line with the strengthening of the Southeast Trades, while coastal upwelling off Peru gradually intensified and expanded northward in response to a seasonally changing atmospheric circulation pattern affecting the core locations intensively since 4 ka BP. Equatorial Surface Water, instead, was displaced and Tropical Surface Water moved northward together with the Equatorial Front. At subsurface, the presence of Equatorial Under Current-sourced Equatorial Subsurface Water was continuously growing, prominently since ~10-8 ka B.P. During Heinrich Stadial 1 and large parts of the Bølling/Allerød, and similarly during short Holocene time intervals at ~5.1-4 ka B.P. and ~1.5-0.5 ka B.P., the admixture of Equatorial Subsurface Water was reduced in response to both short-term weakening of Equatorial Under Current strength from the northwest and emplacement by tropical Equatorial Surface Water, considerably warming the uppermost ocean layers.


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The North Atlantic Ocean underwent an abrupt temperature increase of 9 °C at high latitudes within a couple of decades during the transition from Heinrich event 1 (H1) to the Bølling warm event, but the mechanism responsible for this warming remains uncertain. Here we address this issue, presenting high-resolution last deglaciation planktic and benthic foraminiferal records of temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (d18OSW) for the subtropical South Atlantic. We identify a warming of ~6.5 °C and an increase in d18Osw of 1.2 per mil at the permanent thermocline during the transition, and a simultaneous warming of ~3.5 °C with no significant change in d18Osw at intermediate depths. Most of the warming can be explained by tilting the South Atlantic east-west isopycnals from a flattened toward a steepened position associated with a collapsed (H1) and strong (Bølling) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). However, this zonal seesaw explains an increase of just 0.3 per mil in permanent thermocline d18Osw. Considering that d18Osw at the South Atlantic permanent thermocline is strongly influenced by the inflow of salty Indian Ocean upper waters, we suggest that a strengthening in the Agulhas leakage took place at the transition from H1 to the Bølling, and was responsible for the change in d18Osw recorded in our site. Our records high-light the important role played by Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange as the trigger for the resumption of the AMOC and the Bølling warm event. of the AMOC and the Bølling warm event.


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Palaeoecological investigations in the larch forest-tundra ecotone in northern Siberia have the potential to reveal Holocene environmental variations, which likely have consequences for global climate change because of the strong high-latitude feedback mechanisms. A sediment core, collected from a small lake (radius ~100 m), was used to reconstruct the development of the lake and its catchment as well as vegetation and summer temperatures over the last 7100 calibrated years. A multi-proxy approach was taken including pollen and sedimentological analyses. Our data indicate a gradual replacement of open larch forests by tundra with scattered single trees as found today in the vicinity of the lake. An overall trend of cooling summer temperature from a ~2 °C warmer-than-present mid-Holocene summer temperatures until the establishment of modern conditions around 3000 years ago is reconstructed based on a regional pollen-climate transfer function. The inference of regional vegetation changes was compared to local changes in the lake's catchment. An initial small water depression occurred from 7100 to 6500 cal years BP. Afterwards, a small lake formed and deepened, probably due to thermokarst processes. Although the general trends of local and regional environmental change match, the lake catchment changes show higher variability. Furthermore, changes in the lake catchment slightly precede those in the regional vegetation. Both proxies highlight that marked environmental changes occurred in the Siberian forest-tundra ecotone over the course of the Holocene.


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A set of numerical equations is developed to estimate past sea surface temperatures (SST) from fossil Antarctic diatoms. These equations take into account both the biogeographic distribution and experimentally derived silica dissolution. The data represent a revision and expansion of a floral data base used previously and includes samples resulting from progressive opal dissolution experiments. Factor analysis of 166 samples (124 Holocene core top and 42 artificial samples) resolved four factors. Three of these factors depend on the water mass distribution (one Subantarctic and two Antarctic assemblages); factor 4 corresponds to a 'dissolution assemblage'. Inclusion of this factor in the data analysis minimizes the effect of opal dissolution on the assemblages and gives accurate estimates of SST over a wide range of biosiliceous dissolution. A transfer function (DTF 166/34/4) is derived from the distribution of these factors versus summer SST. Its standard error is +/- 1°C in the -1 to +10 °C summer temperature range. This transfer function is used to estimate SST changes in two southern ocean cores (43°S and 55°S) which cover the last climatic cycle. The time scale is derived from the changes in foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios. The reconstructed SST records present strong analogies with the air temperature record over Antarctica at the Vostok site, derived from changes in the isotopic ratio of the ice. This similarity may be used to compare the oceanic isotope stratigraphy and the Vostok time scale derived from ice flow model. The oceanic time scale, if taken at face value, would indicate that large changes in ice accumulation rates occurred between warm and cold periods.


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Various types of abrupt/millennial-scale climate variability such as Dansgaard/Oeschger and Heinrich Events characterized the last glacial period. Over the last decade, a number of studies demonstrated that such millennial-scale climate variability was not limited to the last glacial but inherent to Quaternary climate. Here we review the occurrence and origin of millennial ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene (last 3.4 Ma) with a special focus on North Atlantic Hudson Strait (HS) Heinrich(-like) Events. Besides a clear biomarker signature, we show that Heinrich Layers 5, 4, 2, and 1 in marine sediment cores from across the North Atlantic all bear the organic geochemical fingerprint of the Hudson area. Using this framework and combining previously published results, detailed investigations into the organic and inorganic chemistry of ice-rafted debris (IRD) found across the North Atlantic demonstrate that prior to MIS 16 (~ 650 ka) IRD in the North Atlantic did not originate from the Hudson area of northern Canada. The signature of this early IRD is distinctly different compared to that of HS Heinrich Layers. Rather ice-rafting events during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene predominantly emanated from the calving of the Greenland and Fennoscandian ice sheets and possibly minor contributions from local ice streams from the North American and British ice sheets. Compared to North Atlantic HS Heinrich Events, these early Pleistocene IRD-events had a limited impact on surface water characteristics in the North Atlantic. North Atlantic HS Heinrich(-like) Events first occurred during MIS 16. At the same time, the dominant frequency in silicate-rich IRD accumulation shifted from the obliquity (41-ka) to a 100-ka frequency across the North Atlantic. Iceberg survivability or a change in iceberg trajectory likely did not control this change in IRD-regime. These results lend further support for the existing hypothesis that an increase in size (thickness) of the Laurentide ice sheet controls the occurrence of North Atlantic HS Heinrich Events, favoring an internal dynamic mechanism for their occurrence.


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Clay mineral assemblages for the last 10 m.y. are described for Site 823, at 16°S in the Queensland Trough, to the northeast of Australia. Largely unaffected by diagenetic influences, these mostly express the evolution of northeastern Australian continental environments during the late Neogene: (1) beginning during the late Miocene at about 7.0 Ma is an increase of illite derived from rocky substrates at the expense of smectite from deeply weathered soils; this increase was the result of increasing aridity in the Australian interior and globally cooler temperatures, associated with increases in Antarctic glaciation; (2) concomitant and further increases of kaolinite fluxes to the Queensland Trough during the late Miocene-early Pliocene largely reflect an increase in rainfall in northeastern Australia; (3) increases in both soil- and rock-derived minerals probably intensified as a result of late Neogene uplift of the eastern highlands; (4) clay-mineral associations during the Pliocene and Pleistocene display minor variations only and probably resulted in part from differential settling and sea-level changes; (5) similar trends of clay-mineral variations occur at both ODP Site 823 and DSDP Site 588 (Lord Howe Rise). Less abundant kaolinite relative to illite at Site 588 nevertheless suggests a southward decrease of continental humidity and/or of the eastern highlands uplift; (6) influences of global climate and oceanic and atmospheric circulations on clay-mineral associations dominated during the late Miocene and were progressively replaced by influences of more regional environmental variations during the Pliocene and especially the Pleistocene.