347 resultados para Jørgensen, Torstein: Synder og pavemakt
The outer western Crimean shelf of the Black Sea is a natural laboratory to investigate effects of stable oxic versus varying hypoxic conditions on seafloor biogeochemical processes and benthic community structure. Bottom-water oxygen concentrations ranged from normoxic (175 µmol O2/L) and hypoxic (< 63 µmol O2/L) or even anoxic/sulfidic conditions within a few kilometers' distance. Variations in oxygen concentrations between 160 and 10 µmol/L even occurred within hours close to the chemocline at 134 m water depth. Total oxygen uptake, including diffusive as well as fauna-mediated oxygen consumption, decreased from 15 mmol/m**2/d on average in the oxic zone, to 7 mmol/m**2/d on average in the hypoxic zone, correlating with changes in macrobenthos composition. Benthic diffusive oxygen uptake rates, comprising respiration of microorganisms and small meiofauna, were similar in oxic and hypoxic zones (on average 4.5 mmol/m**2/d), but declined to 1.3 mmol/m**2/d in bottom waters with oxygen concentrations below 20 µmol/L. Measurements and modeling of porewater profiles indicated that reoxidation of reduced compounds played only a minor role in diffusive oxygen uptake under the different oxygen conditions, leaving the major fraction to aerobic degradation of organic carbon. Remineralization efficiency decreased from nearly 100 % in the oxic zone, to 50 % in the oxic-hypoxic zone, to 10 % in the hypoxic-anoxic zone. Overall, the faunal remineralization rate was more important, but also more influenced by fluctuating oxygen concentrations, than microbial and geochemical oxidation processes.
Twenty-one narwhals tagged in 2003 and 2004 in Admiralty Inlet showed a different summer distributional pattern than previous narwhal-tracking studies from Somerset Island, Eclipse Sound and Melville Bay. The migration of the narwhals tracked from Admiralty Inlet moved out through Lancaster Sound 15 days earlier (P <0.0001) than the narwhals summering around Eclipse Sound, whereas the Admiralty Inlet narwhals reached the mouths of Eclipse Sound 18 days later (P <0.0001) than the Eclipse Sound summering population. The winter range of the Admiralty Inlet narwhals overlapped with the winter range of narwhals from Melville Bay and Eclipse Sound in central southern Baffin Bay and Northern Davis Strait, but not with the winter range of narwhals from Somerset Island that wintered further north. Distribution size of range, and population size did not appear to be related. An example of considerable year to year variation between area of summer and winter distribution in the 2 years was believed to be related to the sample size and number of pods of whales tagged, rather than to differences in sex or age classes.
Based on combined microsensor measurements of irradiance, temperature and O2, we compared light energy budgets in photosynthetic microbial mats, with a special focus on the efficiency of light energy conservation by photosynthesis. The euphotic zones in the three studied mats differed in their phototrophic community structure, pigment concentrations and thickness. In all mats, < 1% of the absorbed light energy was conserved via photosynthesis at high incident irradiance, while the rest was dissipated as heat. Under light-limiting conditions, the photosynthetic efficiency reached a maximum, which varied among the studied mats between 4.5% and 16.2% and was significantly lower than the theoretical maximum of 27.7%. The maximum efficiency correlated linearly with the light attenuation coefficient and photopigment concentration in the euphotic zone. Higher photosynthetic efficiency was found in mats with a thinner and more densely populated euphotic zone. Microbial mats exhibit a lower photosynthetic efficiency compared with ecosystems with a more open canopy-like organization of photosynthetic elements, where light propagation is not hindered to the same extent by photosynthetically inactive components; such components contributed about 40-80% to light absorption in the investigated microbial mats, which is in a similar range as in oceanic planktonic systems.
New data on chemical and trace component compositions of acidic and low acidic swamp waters and other types of low mineralized waters are reported in the paper. Special attention is paid to dissolved organic compounds: fulvic and humic acids, bitumen, and hydrocarbons. For the first time detailed data on organic trace components (alkanes, pentacyclic terpenoids, steranes, alkylbenzenes, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, tetraarenes, etc.) in the swamp waters of the Western Siberia: are reported.
Vesicomyidae clams harbor sulfide-oxidizing endosymbionts and are typical members of cold seep communities associated with tectonic faults where active venting of fluids and gases takes place. We investigated the central biogeochemical processes that supported a vesicomyid clam colony as part of a locally restricted seep community in the Japan Trench at 5346 m water depth, one of the deepest seep settings studied to date. An integrated approach of biogeochemical and molecular ecological techniques was used combining in situ and ex situ measurements. During the cruise YK06-05 in 2006 with the RV Yokosuka to the Japan Trench, we investigated a clam colony inhabited by Abyssogena phaseoliformis (former known as Calyptogena phaseoliformis) and Isorropodon fossajaponicum (former known as Calyptogena fossajaponica). The targeted sampling and precise positioning of the in situ instruments were achieved with the manned research submersible Shinkai 6500 (JAMSTEC, Nankoku, Kochi, Japan). Sampling was first performed close to the rim of the JTC colony and then at the center. Immediately after sample recovery onboard, the sediment core was sub-sampled for ex situ rate measurements or preserved for later analyses. In sediment of the clam colony, low sulfate reduction (SR) rates (max. 128 nmol ml**-1 d**-1) were coupled to the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). They were observed over a depth range of 15 cm, caused by active transport of sulfate due to bioturbation of the vesicomyid clams. A distinct separation between the seep and the surrounding seafloor was shown by steep horizontal geochemical gradients and pronounced microbial community shifts. The sediment below the clam colony was dominated by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2c) and sulfate-reducing Desulfobulbaceae (SEEP-SRB-3, SEEP-SRB-4). Aerobic methanotrophic bacteria were not detected in the sediment and the oxidation of sulfide seemed to be carried out chemolithoautotrophically by Sulfurovum species. Thus, major redox processes were mediated by distinct subgroups of seep-related microorganisms that might have been selected by this specific abyssal seep environment. Fluid flow and microbial activity was low but sufficient to support the clam community over decades and to build up high biomasses. Hence, the clams and their microbial communities adapted successfully to a low-energy regime and may represent widespread chemosynthetic communities in the Japan Trench.