64 resultados para Icelandic wit and humor.


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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In temperate, subpolar and polar marine systems, the classical perception that bacteria are carbon limited by end of winter and respond in activity and abundance to the production of new carbon during the diatom spring bloom and post bloom. Contrary to this view, we here document an strong increase in bacterial abundance and activity (latter measured by increasing high nuclei acid (HNA) to low nuclei acid (LNA) bacteria ratio) during the winter-spring transition, where phytoplankton smaller than 10 µm dominate. Further DNA-virus were enumerated and revealed the virus to bacteria ratio (VBR) to be decreasing during winter-spring transition, indicating that the virus did not increase in number accordingly to bacteria. During repeated visits to stations in the deep Icelandic and the Norwegian Basins and the shallow Shetland Shelf (26 March to 29 April 2012), we investigated the abundance of bacteria and the succession of HNA:LNA bacteria and VBR. Water samples were collected from CTD rosette .10 L Niskin bottles and fixed in glutaraldehyde (final conc. 5%), flash frozen in liquid Nitrogen and stored at -80°C until analysis.


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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In temperate, subpolar and polar marine systems, the classical perception is that diatoms initiate the spring bloom and thereby mark the beginning of the productive season. Contrary to this view, here we document an pre-bloom of pico- and nanophytoplankton prior to the diatom bloom; a period with excess nutrients and deep convection of the water column. During repeated visits to stations in the deep Icelandic and the Norwegian Basins and the shallow Shetland Shelf (26 March to 29 April 2012), we investigated the succession and dynamics of <10 µm phytoplankton. Water samples were collected from CTD rosette 10 L Niskin bottles and fixed in glutaraldehyde (final conc. 5%), flash frozen in liquid Nitrogen and stored at -80°C until analysis.


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).


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Planktic d18O and d13C records and point count records of biogenic, volcanic, and nonvolcanic terrigenous [ice-rafted debris (IRD)] sediment components from Hole 919A in the Irminger basin, northern North Atlantic provide a comprehensive dataset from which a paleoceanographic reconstruction for the last 630 kyr has been developed. The paleoceanographic evolution of the Irminger basin during this time contains both long-term patterns and significant developmental steps. One long-term pattern observed is the persistent deposition of hematite-stained ice-rafted debris. This record suggests that the modern and late Pleistocene discharges of icebergs from northern redbed regions to the Irminger Sea lie in the low end of the range observed over the last 630 kyr. In addition, Arctic front fluctuations appear to have been the main controlling factor on the long-term accumulation patterns of IRD and planktic biogenic groups. The Hole 919A sediment record also contains a long-term association between felsic volcanic ash abundances and light d18O excursions in both interglacial and glacial stages, which suggests a causal link between deglaciations and explosive Icelandic eruptions. A significant developmental step in the paleoceanographic reconstruction based on benthic evidence was for diminished supply of Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) beginning at ~380 ka, possibly initiated by the influx of meltwater from broad-scale iceberg discharges along the east Greenland coast. There is also planktic evidence of a two-step cooling of sea surface conditions in the Irminger basin, first at ~338-309 ka and later at ~211-190 ka, after which both glacials and interglacials were colder as the Arctic front migrated southeast of Site 919. In addition to offering these findings, this reconstruction provides a longer-term geologic context for the interpretation of more recent paleoceanographic events and patterns of deposition from this region.