270 resultados para Guinea-Bissau and Casamance Creole


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Seawater 187Os/188Os ratios for the Middle Miocene were reconstructed by measuring the 187Os/188Os ratios of metalliferous carbonates from the Pacific (DSDP 598) and Atlantic (DSDP 521) oceans. Atlantic and Pacific 187Os/188Os measurements are nearly indistinguishable and are consistent with previously published Os isotope records from Pacific cores. The Atlantic data reported here provide the first direct evidence that the long-term sedimentary 187Os/188Os record reflects whole-ocean changes in the Os isotopic composition of seawater. The Pacific and the Atlantic Os measurements confirm a long-term 0.01/Myr increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios that began no later than 16 Ma. The beginning of the Os isotopic increase coincided with a decrease in the rate of increase of marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios at 16 Ma. A large increase of 1? in benthic foraminiferal delta18O values, interpreted to reflect global cooling and ice sheet growth, began approximately 1 million years later at 14.8 Ma, and the long-term shift toward lower bulk carbonate delta13C values began more than 2 Myr later around 13.6 Ma. The post-16 Ma increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios was most likely forced by weathering of radiogenic materials, either old sediments or sialic crust with a sedimentary protolith. We consider two possible Miocene-specific geologic events that can account for both this increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios and also nearly constant 87Sr/86Sr ratios: (1) the first glacial erosion of sediment-covered cratons in the Northern Hemisphere; (2) the exhumation of the Australian passive margin-New Guinea arc system. The latter event offers a mechanism, via enhanced availability of soluble Ca and Mg silicates in the arc terrane, for the maintenance of assumed low CO2 levels after 15 Ma. The temporal resolution (three samples/Myr) of the 187Os/188Os record from Site 598, for which a stable isotope stratigraphy was also constructed, is significantly higher than that of previously published records. These high resolution data suggest oscillations with amplitudes of 0.01 to 0.02 and periods of around 1 Myr. Although variations in the 187Os/188Os record of this magnitude can be easily resolved analytically, this higher frequency signal must be verified at other sites before it can be safely interpreted as global in extent. However, the short-term 187Os/188Os variations may correlate inversely with short-term benthic foraminiferal delta18O and bulk carbonate delta13C variations that reflect glacioeustatic events.


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Radiolarian cherts in the Tethyan realm of Jurassic age were recently interpreted as resulting from high biosiliceous productivity along upwelling zones in subequatorial paleolatitudes the locations of which were confirmed by revised paleomagnetic estimates. However, the widespread occurrence of cherts in the Eocene suggests that cherts may not always be reliable proxies of latitude and upwelling zones. In a new survey of the global spatio-temporal distribution of Cenozoic cherts in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sediment cores, we found that cherts occur most frequently in the Paleocene and early Eocene, with a peak in occurrences at ~50 Ma that is coincident with the time of highest bottom water temperatures of the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) when the global ocean was presumably characterized by reduced upwelling efficiency and biosiliceous productivity. Cherts occur less commonly during the subsequent Eocene global cooling trend. Primary paleoclimatic factors rather than secondary diagenetic processes seem therefore to control chert formation. This timing of peak Eocene chert occurrence, which is supported by detailed stratigraphic correlations, contradicts currently accepted models that involve an initial loading of large amounts of dissolved silica from enhanced weathering and/or volcanism in a supposedly sluggish ocean of the EECO, followed during the subsequent middle Eocene global cooling by more vigorous oceanic circulation and consequent upwelling that made this silica reservoir available for enhanced biosilicification, with the formation of chert as a result of biosilica transformation during diagenesis. Instead, we suggest that basin-basin fractionation by deep-sea circulation could have raised the concentration of EECO dissolved silica especially in the North Atlantic, where an alternative mode of silica burial involving widespread direct precipitation and/or absorption of silica by clay minerals could have been operative in order to maintain balance between silica input and output during the upwelling-deficient conditions of the EECO. Cherts may therefore not always be proxies of biosiliceous productivity associated with latitudinally focused upwelling zones.


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The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 959 was drilled in the northern border of the Côte d'Ivoire-Ghana Ridge at a water depth of 2100 m. Pleistocene total thickness does not exceed 20 m. Winnowing processes resulted in a low accumulation rate and notable stratigraphic hiatuses. During the Late Pleistocene, bottom circulation was very active and controlled laminae deposition (contourites) which increased the concentration of glauconitic infillings of foraminifera, and of volcanic glass and blue-green grains more rarely, with one or several subordinate ferromagnesian silicates. Volcanic glass generally was X-ray amorphous and schematically classified as basic to intermediate (44-60% SiO2). Opal-A or opal-CT suggested the beginning of the palagonitisation process, and previous smectitic deposits may have been eroded mechanically. The blue-green grains presented two main types of mineralogic composition: (1) neoformed K, Fe-smectite associated with zeolite (like phillipsite) and unequal amounts of quartz and anorthite; (2) feldspathic grains dominated by albite but including quartz, volcanic glass and smectites as accessory components. They were more or less associated with the volcanic glass. On the basis of their chemical composition, the genetic relationship between the blue-green grains and the volcanic glass seemed to be obvious although some heterogeneous grains seemed to be primary ignimbrite and not the result of glass weathering. The most reasonable origin of these pyroclastic ejecta would be explosive events from the Cameroon Volcanic Ridge, especially from the Sao Thome and Principe Islands and Mount Cameroon area. This is supported both by grain geochemistry and the time of volcanic activity, i.e. Pleistocene. After westward wind transport (some 1200 km) and ash fall-out, the subsequent winnowing by bottom currents controlled the concentration of the volcanic grains previously disseminated inside the hemipelagic sediment. Palagonitisation, and especially phillipsite formation, may result from a relatively rapid reaction during burial diagenesis (<1 m.y.), in deep-sea deposits at relatively low sedimentation rate. However, it cannot be excluded that the weathering had begun widely on the Cameroon Ridge before the explosive event.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 159, four sites (Sites 959-962) were drilled along a depth transect on the Côte d'Ivoire/Ghana Transform Margin. In this study, the Pliocene-Pleistocene history of carbonate and organic carbon accumulation at Hole 959C is reconstructed for the eastern equatorial Atlantic off the Ivory Coast/Ghana based on bulk carbonate, sand fraction, organic carbon, and other organic geochemical records (d13Corg, marine organic matter percentages derived from organic petrology, hydrogen index, C/N). Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentation off the Ivory Coast/Ghana was strongly affected by low mean sedimentation rates, which are attributed to persistently enhanced bottom-water velocities related to the steep topography of the transform margin. Sand fraction and bulk carbonate records reveal typical glacial/interglacial cycles, preserved, however, with low time resolution. Intermediate carbonate accumulation rates observed throughout the Pliocene-Pleistocene suggest intense winnowing and sediment redistribution superimposed by terrigenous dilution. 'Atlantic-type' sand and carbonate cycles, consistent with records from pelagic areas of the eastern equatorial Atlantic, are encountered at Hole 959C prior to about 0.9 Ma. Total organic carbon (TOC) records are frequently inversely correlated to carbonate contents, indicating mainly productivity-driven carbonate dissolution related to changes in paleoproductivity. During Stages 22-24, 20, 16, 12, 8, and 4, sand and carbonate records reveal a 'Pacific-type' pattern, showing elevated contents during glacials commonly in conjunction with enhanced TOC records. Formation of 'Pacific-type' patterns off the Ivory Coast/Ghana is attributed to drastically increased bottom-water intensities along the transform margin in accordance with results reported from the Walvis Ridge area. Short-term glacial/interglacial changes in paleoproductivity off the Ivory Coast/Ghana are to some extend recognizable during glacials prior to 1.7 Ma and interglacial Stages 21, 19, 13, 9, and 1. Enhanced coastal upwelling during interglacials is attributed to local paleoclimatic and oceanographic conditions off the Ivory Coast/Ghana. Quantitative estimates of marine organic carbon based on organic petrologic and d13Corg records reveal an offset in concentration ranging from 15% to 60%. Highest variabilities of both records are recorded since ~0.9 Ma. Discrepancies between the isotopic and microscopic records are attributed to an admixture of C4 plant debris approaching the eastern equatorial Atlantic via atmospheric dust. Terrestrial organic material likely originated from the grass-savannah-covered Sahel zone in central Africa. Estimated C4 plant concentrations and accumulation rates range from 10% to 37% and from almost zero to 0.006 g/cm**2/k.y., respectively. The strongest eolian supply to the northern Gulf of Guinea is indicated between 1.9 and 1.68 Ma and during glacial isotopic Stages 22-24, 20, 14, and 12. The presence of grass-type plant debris is further supported by organic petrologic studies, which reveal well-preserved cell tissues of vascular plants or tube-shaped, elongated terrestrial macerals showing different levels of oxidation.