655 resultados para Grevilea robusta


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Three Antarctic Ocean K/T boundary sequences from ODP Site 738C on the Kerguelen Plateau, ODP Site, 752B on Broken Ridge and ODP Site 690C on Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, have been analyzed for stratigraphic completeness and faunal turnover based on quantitative planktic foraminiferal studies. Results show that Site 738C, which has a laminated clay layer spanning the K/T boundary, is biostratigraphically complete with the earliest Tertiary Zones P0 and P1a present, but with short intrazonal hiatuses. Site 752B may be biostratigraphically complete and Site 690C has a hiatus at the K/T boundary with Zones P0 and P1a missing. Latest Cretaceous to earliest Tertiary planktic foraminiferal faunas from the Antarctic Ocean are cosmopolitan and similar to coeval faunas dominating in low, middle and northern high latitudes, although a few endemic species are present. This allows application of the current low and middle latitude zonation to Antarctic K/T boundary sequences. The most abundant endemic species is Chiloguembelina waiparaensis, which was believed to have evolved in the early Tertiary, but which apparently evolved as early as Chron 30N at Site 738C. Since this species is only rare in sediments of Site 690C in the Weddell Sea, this suggests that a watermass oceanographic barner may have existed between the Indian and Atlantic Antarctic Oceans. The cosmopolitan nature of the dominant fauna began during the last 200,000 to 300,000 years of the Cretaceous and continued at least 300,000 years into the Tertiary. This indicates a long-term environmental crisis that led to gradual elimination of specialized forms and takeover by generalists tolerant of wide ranging temperature, oxygen, salinity and nutrient conditions. A few thousand years before the K/T boundary these generalists gradually declined in abundance and species became generally dwarfed due to increased environmental stress. There is no evidence of a sudden mass killing of the Cretaceous fauna associated with a bolide impact at the K/T boundary. Instead, the already declining Cretaceous taxa gradually disappear in the early Danian and the opportunistic survivor taxa (Ch. waiparaensis and Guembelitria cretacea) increase in relative abundance coincident with the evolution of the first new Tertiary species.


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Radiolarians from two sites north of Little Bahama Bank (Sites 627 and 628) are correlated with assemblages from sites on the southeastern U.S. coastal plain and continental shelf and from DSDP Sites 391 and 534 in the Blake-Bahama Basin. Results show that deposition of biogenic silica-rich sediments occurred in this region from the late Oligocene through middle Miocene, although the record is interrupted by unconformities. Radiolarians help constrain the age of a mass-transported deposit at Site 627 that appears to be coeval with the Great Abaco Member of the Blake Ridge Formation.


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The Neogene Bolboforma zones established in the North Atlantic have been correlated with the calcareous nannoplankton stratigraphy obtained by investigation of the same samples from DSDP Sites 12-116 (44 samples), 49-408 (76 samples), 81-555 (43 samples) and 94-608 (103 samples). The absolute ages for the zonal boundaries were determined by the paleomagnetic record of Site 94-608. This correlation and the age determinations are additional useful tools to develop a precise biostratigraphy of Neogene sediments in the Northern Atlantic.


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Early Miocene to Quaternary benthic foraminifers have been quantitatively studied (>63 ?m size fraction) in a southwest Pacific traverse of DSDP sites at depths from about 1300 to 3200 m down the Lord Howe Rise (Site 590,1299 m; Site 591, 2131 m; Site 206, 3196 m). Benthic foraminiferal species smaller than 150 µm are by far dominant in the samples, averaging from 78 to 89% of the total benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the three sites examined. Although about 150 benthic foraminiferal species or taxonomic groups have been identified, only a few species dominate the assemblages. These dominant species include Epistominella exigua, E. rotunda, and Globocassidulina subglobosa, which prevail in the three sites, and Oridorsalis umbonatus, E. umbonifera, and Cassidulina carinata, which occur usually in frequencies of between 10 and 30%. Faunal changes in Neogene benthic foraminiferal assemblages are not similar in each of the three sites, but faunal successions are most similar between the two shallowest sites. The deepest site differs in composition and distribution of dominant species. There are three intervals during which the most important changes occur in benthic foraminiferal assemblages: the early middle Miocene (14 Ma; the Orbulina suturalis Zone and the Globorotalia fohsi s.l. Zone); the late Miocene (6 Ma; the Globigerina nepenthes Zone) and near the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary at about 2 Ma. A Q-mode factor analysis of the faunal data has assisted in recognizing assemblage changes during the Neogene at each of the sites. Early Miocene assemblages were dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa at Site 590 (1299 m), by G. subglobosa and Oridorsalis umbonatus at Site 591 (2131 m), and by G. subglobosa, E. exigua, and Bolivina pusilla at Site 206 (3196 m). In the early middle Miocene at Sites 590 and 591, a marked increase occurred in the frequencies of E. exigua. Epistominella exigua reached maximum abundance in the early Miocene in the deeper Site 206, and in the middle and early late Miocene in the shallower Sites 590 and 591. In the late Miocene, a spike occurred in the frequencies of E. umbonifera in Site 206, whereas the dominant species changed from E. exigua to E. rotunda at Site 590. Latest Miocene to late Pliocene assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda at Site 590, by E. exigua at Site 591, and by G. subglobosa-E. exigua (early Pliocene) and E. rotunda-E. exigua (late Pliocene) at Site 206. At the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary, E. exigua temporarily diminished in importance at Sites 591 and 206. Quaternary assemblages were dominated by E. rotunda and Cassidulina carinata at Site 590, by E. rotunda at Site 591, and by E. exigua at Site 206. These major faunal changes are all associated with known major paleoceanographic events-the middle Miocene development of the Antarctic ice sheet; the latest Miocene global cooling and increased polar glaciation; and the onset of quasiperiodic glaciation of the Northern Hemisphere. These major paleoceanographic events undoubtedly had a profound effect on the intermediate and deep water mass structure of the Tasman Sea as recorded by changes in benthic foraminiferal assemblages.


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Quantitative radiolarian assemblage analysis has been conducted on middle and upper Eocene sediments (Zones RP16 to RP18) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052 in order to establish the radiolarian magnetobiochronology and determine the nature of the faunal turnover across the middle/late Eocene boundary in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We recognize and calibrate forty-five radiolarian bioevents to the magneto- and cyclo-stratigraphy from Site 1052 to enhance the biochronologic resolution for the middle and late Eocene. Our data is compared to sites in the equatorial Pacific (Leg 199) to access the diachrony of biostratigraphic events. Eleven bioevents are good biostratigraphic markers for tropical/subtropical locations (south of 30°N). The primary markers (lowest occurrences of Cryptocarpium azyx and Calocyclas bandyca) which are tropical zonal boundary markers for Zones RP17 and RP18 provide robust biohorizons for correlation and age determination from the low to middle latitudes and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some other radiolarian bioevents are highly diachronous (<1 million years) between oceanic basins. A significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is recognized within Chron C17n.3n (37.7 Ma) where 13 radiolarian species disappear rapidly in less than 100 kyr and 4 new species originate. The radiolarian faunal turnover coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminifera. We name the turnover phase, the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover (MLET). Assemblage analysis reveals the MLET to be associated with a decrease in low-mid latitude taxa and increase in cosmopolitan taxa and radiolarian accumulation rates. The MLET might be related to increased biological productivity rather than to surface-water cooling.


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During two surveys in the North Sea, in summer 1986 and in winter 1987, larger epibenthos was collected with a 2 m beam trawl. The distributions of the species were checked for average linkage by means of the JACCARD-index cluster analysis. In summer two main clusters can be recognized. These are situated to the north and to the south of the Dogger Bank. In winter two main clusters may be recognized as well, but these clusters divide the North Sea into a western and an eastern part. We conclude, that these differences of epibenthos characteristics are correlated with seasonal changes in water body distributions.


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A generally rich radiolarian fauna ranging in age from Quaternary to early Eocene (Zone RP7) was found at five of the eight sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199. Of particular interest are the stratigraphically complete assemblages that range in age from middle Miocene (Zone RN5) to early Eocene (Zone RP7), composites of Sites 1218, 1219, and 1220. At the same sites, multisensor track (MST) data show consistent cycles in gamma ray attenuation density, color, and carbonate content that can be correlated on a submeter scale from the early Miocene to early Eocene. In addition, the magnetic reversal records from these three sites allow construction of an absolute timescale. A series of 305 radiolarian morphologic first and last occurrences and evolutionary transitions for radiolarians were determined and correlated directly with the accompanying MST and paleomagnetic data, resulting in a detailed and accurate dating of events. Since many of the bioevents are found at more than one site, it was also possible to test their reliability within the study area. Twelve new species are described: Calocycletta (Calocycletta) anekathen, Dorcadospyris anastasis, Dorcadospyris copelata, Dorcadospyris cyclacantha, Dorcadospyris ombros, Dorcadospyris scambos, Eucyrtidium mitodes, Theocyrtis careotuberosa, Theocyrtis perpumila, Theocyrtis perysinos, Theocyrtis setanios, and Thyrsocyrtis (Pentalacorys) orthotenes.