55 resultados para Entrance Ramps.


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The Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) observatory HAUSGARTEN, in the eastern Fram Strait, provides us the valuable ability to study the composition of benthic megafaunal communities through the analysis of seafloor photographs. This, in combination with extensive sampling campaigns, which have yielded a unique data set on faunal, bacterial, biogeochemical and geological properties, as well as on hydrography and sedimentation patterns, allows us to address the question of why variations in megafaunal community structure and species distribution exist within regional (60-110 km) and local (<4 km) scales. Here, we present first results from the latitudinal HAUSGARTEN gradient, consisting of three different stations (N3, HG-IV, S3) between 78°30'N and 79°45'N (2351 - 2788 m depth), obtained via the analysis of images acquired by a towed camera (OFOS - Ocean Floor Observation System) in 2011. We assess variability in megafaunal densities, species composition and diversity as well as biotic and biogenic habitat features, which may cause the patterns observed. While there were significant regional-scale differences in megafaunal composition and densities between the stations (N3 = 26.74 ± 0.63; HG-IV = 11.21 ± 0.25; S3 = 18.34 ± 0.39 individuals/m**2), significant local differences were only found at HG-IV. Regional-scale variations may be due to the significant differences in ice coverage at each station as well as the different quantities of protein available, whereas local-scale differences at HG-IV may be a result of variation in bottom topography or factors not yet identified.


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The genus Calyptogena (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) comprises highly specialized bivalves living in symbiosis with sulphur-oxidizing bacteria in reducing habitats. In this study, the genus is revised using shell and anatomical features. The work is based on type material, as well as on the extensive collection of vesicomyids obtained during twelve expeditions to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Nine Recent species are ascribed to the genus Calyptogena, four of which are new: C. pacifica Dall, 1891, C. fausta Okutani, Fujikura & Hashimoto, 1993, C. rectimargo Scarlato, 1981, C. valdiviae (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931), C. gallardoi Sellanes & Krylova, 2005, C. goffrediae n. sp., C. starobogatovi n. sp., C. makranensis n. sp. and C. costaricana n. sp. The characteristic features of Calyptogena are: shell up to 90 mm in length, elongate-elliptical or elongate; presence of escutcheon; presence of broad posterior ramus (3b) of right subumbonal cardinal tooth as well as right posterior nymphal ridge; absence of pallial sinus as a result of attachment of intersiphonal septal retractor immediately adjacent to ventral surface of posterior adductor; absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon; presence of inner demibranch only, with descending and ascending lamellae with interlamellar septa not divided into separate tubes. The most closely related taxa to Calyptogena are probably the genus Isorropodon Sturany, 1896, and the group of species represented by 'Calyptogena' phaseoliformis Métivier, Okutani & Ohta, 1986. These groups have several characters in common, namely absence of pallial sinus, presence of single inner pair of demibranchs and absence of processes on inner vulva of inhalant siphon. The worldwide distribution of the genus Calyptogena suggests that methane seeps at continental margins are the major dispersal routes and that speciation was promoted by geographical isolation. Recent species diversity and fossil records indicate that the genus originated in the Pacific Ocean. Sufficient data to discuss the distribution at species level exist only for C. pacifica, which has a remarkably narrow bathymetric range. Published studies on the physiology of C. pacifica suggest that adaptation to a specific geochemical environment has led to coexisting vesicomyid genera. The bacteria-containing gill of C. pacifica and other Calyptogena species is one of the most specialized in the family Vesicomyidae and may reflect these ecological adaptations.


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Remains of diatoms, molluscs, ostracods, foraminifera and pollen exines preserved in the sediments of Lago d'Averno, a volcanic lake in the Phlegrean Fields west of Naples, allowed us to reconstruct the changes in the ecological conditions of the lake and of the vegetation around it for the period from 800 BC to 800 AD. Lago d'Averno was at first a freshwater lake, temporarily influenced by volcanic springs. Salinity increased slowly during Greek times as a result of subsidence of the surrounding land. Saline conditions developed only after the lake was connected with the sea by a canal, when Portus Julius was built in 37 BC. The first post-Roman period of uplift ended with a short freshwater phase during the 7th century after Christ. Deciduous oakwoods around the lake was transformed into a forest of evergreen oaks in Greek times and thrived there - apparently almost uninfluenced by man - until it was felled, when the Avernus was incorporated into the new Roman harbour in 37 BC, to construct a shipyard and other military buildings there. Land-use was never more intense than during Roman times and weakest in Greek and Early Roman times, when the Avernus was considered a holy place, the entrance to the underworld.


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