48 resultados para Elektronische Medien
To reconstruct variability of the West African monsoon and associated vegetation changes on precessional and millennial time scales, we analyzed a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal spanning the past 44,000 years (44 ka). We used the stable hydrogen isotopic composition (dD) of individual terrestrial plant wax n-alkanes as a proxy for past rainfall variability. The abundance and stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C) of the same compounds were analyzed to assess changes in vegetation composition (C3/C4 plants) and density. The dD record reveals two wet periods that coincide with local maximum summer insolation from 38 to 28 ka and 15 to 4 ka and that are separated by a less wet period during minimum summer insolation. Our data indicate that rainfall intensity during the rainy season throughout both wet humid periods was similar, whereas the length of the rainy season was presumably shorter during the last glacial than during the Holocene. Additional dry intervals are identified that coincide with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials and the Younger Dryas interval, indicating that the West African monsoon over tropical northwest Africa is linked to both insolation forcing and high-latitude climate variability. The d13C record indicates that vegetation of the western Sahel was consistently dominated by C4 plants during the past 44 ka, whereas C3-type vegetation increased during the Holocene. Moreover, we observe a gradual ending of the Holocene humid period together with unchanging ratio of C3 to C4 plants, indicating that an abrupt aridification due to vegetation feedbacks is not a general characteristic of this time interval.
NW African climate shows orbital and millenial-scale variations, which are tightly connected to changes in marine productivity. We present an organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) record from a sediment core off Cape Yubi at about 27°N in the Canary Basin covering the time period from 47 to 3ka before present (BP). The dinocyst record reflects differences in upwelling intensity and seasonality as well as the influence of fluvial input. Sea-level changes play an important role for the upwelling pattern and productivity signals at the core site. Within the studied time interval, four main phases were distinguished. (1) From 45 to 24ka BP, when sea-level was mostly about 75m lower than today, high relative abundances of cysts of heterotrophic taxa point to enhanced upwelling activity, especially during Heinrich Events, while relatively low dinocyst accumulation rates indicate that filament activity at the core location was strongly reduced. (2) At sea-level lowstand during the LGM to H1, dinocyst accumulation rates suggest that local filament formation was even more inhibited. (3) From the early Holocene to about 8ka BP, extraordinary high accumulation rates of most dinocyst species, especially of Lingulodinium machaerophorum, suggest that nutrient supply via fluvial input increased and rising sea-level promoted filament formation. At the same time, the upwelling season prolongated. (4) A relative increase in cysts of photoautotrophic taxa from about 8ka BP on indicates more stratified conditions while fluvial input decreased. Our study shows that productivity records can be very sensitive to regional features. From the dinocyst data we infer that marine surface productivity off Cape Yubi during glacial times was within the scale of modern times but extremely enhanced during deglaciation.