74 resultados para Electrochemical Dissolution


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Depth fluctuations of the lysocline and calcite compensation depth (CCD) through time were investigated at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 603, Leg 93. The CCD fell during the middle Miocene at the onset of the Western Boundary Undercurrent, correlated with seismic Horizon X. Subsequently deposited units show fluctuations of the dissolution curve. Major changes in dissolution facies correspond with lithologic boundaries.


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In order to investigate the paleoceanographic record of dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean, we have studied the relationship between three indices of foraminiferal dissolution and the concentration and accumulation of CaCO3, opal, and Corg in Core WEC8803B-GC51 (1.3°N, 133.6°W; 4410 m). This core spans the past 413 kyr of deposition and moved in and out of the lysoclinal transition zone during glacial-interglacial cycles of CaCO3 production and dissolution. The record of dissolution intensity provided by foraminiferal fragmentation, the proportion of benthic foraminifera, and the foraminiferal dissolution index consistently indicates that the past corrosion of pelagic CaCO3 in the central equatorial Pacific does not vary with the observed sedimentary concentration of CaCO3. Although there is a weak low-frequency variation (~100 kyr) in dissolution intensity, it is unrelated to sedimentary CaCO3 concentration. There are many shorter-lived episodes where high CaCO3 concentration is coincident with poor foraminiferal preservation, and where, conversely, low CaCO3 concentration is coincident with superb foraminiferal preservation. Spectral analyses indicate that dissolution maxima consistently lagged glacial maxima (manifest by the SPECMAP delta18O stack) in the 100-kyr orbital band. Additionally, there is no relationship between dissolution and the accumulation of biogenic opal or Corg or between dissolution and the burial ratio of Corg/CINorg (calculated from Corg and CaCO3). Because previous studies of this core strongly suggest that surface water productivity varied closely with CaCO3 accumulation, both the mechanistic decoupling of carbonate dissolution from CaCO3 concentration (and from biogenic accumulation) and the substantial phase shift between dissolution and global glacial periodicity effectively obscure any simple link between export production, CaCO3 concentration, and dissolution of sedimentary CaCO3.


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Early diagenetic ultrastructural alterations of benthic foraminifers of the genera Elphidium and Ophthalmina from the shallow water sediments of the Kiel Bight were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Pure solution patterns were deduced from supplementary experiments.//Several carbonate destroying processes can be specified by ultrastructural patterns of the shell surfaces. Based on these patterns three zones are established, each showing different mechanisms of shell fragmentation: 1) zone of abrasion, 2) zone of disintegration, 3) zone of corrosion. This zonation depends on the water depth and is caused primarily by water agitation and by under saturation of the bottom water with respect to carbonate.


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Dissolution rates of calcareous ooze were measured for samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 506, which is in the area of the Galapagos Spreading Center. Using the free-drift method, measurements were carried out at 25 °C and atmospheric pressure. No significant difference in dissolution rates was found among the samples from three holes. However, in the present samples, the concentration of carbonate ion in seawater that is in equilibrium with calcite is 20 to 30% greater than is the case with synthetic calcite. That is, the dissolution rate of calcite under nearequilibrium conditions is greater than that of either synthetic calcite or sediments from the central Pacific (Morse, 1978). These results are consistent with field evidence indicating that the calcium carbonate compensation depth in the Galapagos region is shallower than in most other Pacific regions (Berger et al., 1976).


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Eight-month-old blocks of the coral Porites lobata colonized by natural Hawaiian euendolithic and epilithic communities were experimentally exposed to two different aqueous pCO2 treatments, 400 ppmv and 750 ppmv, for 3 months. The chlorophyte Ostreobium quekettii dominated communities at the start and at the end of the experiment (65-90%). There were no significant differences in the relative abundance of euendolithic species, nor were there any differences in bioeroded area at the surface of blocks (27%) between pCO2 treatments. The depth of penetration of filaments of O. quekettii was, however, significantly higher under 750 ppmv (1.4 mm) than under 400 ppmv (1 mm). Consequently, rates of carbonate dissolution measured under elevated pCO2 were 48% higher than under ambient pCO2 (0.46 kg CaCO3 dissolved m2/a versus 0.31 kg /m2/a). Thus, biogenic dissolution of carbonates by euendoliths in coral reefs may be a dominant mechanism of carbonate dissolution in a more acidic ocean.


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Acidification of the oceans by increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions will cause a decrease in biogenic calcification and an increase in carbonate dissolution. Previous studies have suggested that carbonate dissolution will occur in polar regions and in the deep sea where saturation state with respect to carbonate minerals (Omega) will be <1 by 2100. Recent reports demonstrate nocturnal carbonate dissolution of reefs, despite a Omega a (aragonite saturation state) value of >1. This is probably related to the dissolution of reef carbonate (Mg-calcite), which is more soluble than aragonite. However, the threshold of Omega for the dissolution of natural sediments has not been clearly determined. We designed an experimental dissolution system with conditions mimicking those of a natural coral reef, and measured the dissolution rates of aragonite in corals, and of Mg-calcite excreted by other marine organisms, under conditions of Omega a > 1, with controlled seawater pCO2. The experimental data show that dissolution of bulk carbonate sediments sampled from a coral reef occurs at Omega a values of 3.7 to 3.8. Mg-calcite derived from foraminifera and coralline algae dissolves at Omega a values between 3.0 and 3.2, and coralline aragonite starts to dissolve when Omega a = 1.0. We show that nocturnal carbonate dissolution of coral reefs occurs mainly by the dissolution of foraminiferans and coralline algae in reef sediments.


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Coral reef ecosystems develop best in high-flow environments but their fragile frameworks are also vulnerable to high wave energy. Wave-resistant algal rims, predominantly made up of the crustose coralline algae (CCA) Porolithon onkodes and P. pachydermum, are therefore critical structural elements for the survival of many shallow coral reefs. Concerns are growing about the susceptibility of CCA to ocean acidification because CCA Mg-calcite skeletons are more susceptible to dissolution under low pH conditions than coral aragonite skeletons. However, the recent discovery of dolomite (Mg0.5Ca0.5(CO3)), a stable carbonate, in P. onkodes cells necessitates a reappraisal of the impacts of ocean acidification on these CCA. Here we show, using a dissolution experiment, that dried dolomite-rich CCA have 6-10 times lower rates of dissolution than predominantly Mg-calcite CCA in both high-CO2 (~ 700 ppm) and control (~ 380 ppm) environments, respectively. We reveal this stabilizing mechanism to be a combination of reduced porosity due to dolomite infilling and selective dissolution of other carbonate minerals. Physical break-up proceeds by dissolution of Mg-calcite walls until the dolomitized cell eventually drops out intact. Dolomite-rich CCA frameworks are common in shallow coral reefs globally and our results suggest that it is likely that they will continue to provide protection and stability for coral reef frameworks as CO2 rises.


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Anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions induce ocean acidification, thereby reducing carbonate ion concentration, which may affect the ability of calcifying organisms to build shells. Pteropods, the main planktonic producers of aragonite in the worlds' oceans, may be particularly vulnerable to changes in sea water chemistry. The negative effects are expected to be most severe at high-latitudes, where natural carbonate ion concentrations are low. In this study we investigated the combined effects of ocean acidification and freshening on Limacina retroversa, the dominant pteropod in sub polar areas. Living L. retroversa, collected in Northern Norwegian Sea, were exposed to four different pH values ranging from the pre-industrial level to the forecasted end of century ocean acidification scenario. Since over the past half-century the Norwegian Sea has experienced a progressive freshening with time, each pH level was combined with a salinity gradient in two factorial, randomized experiments investigating shell degradation, swimming behavior and survival. In addition, to investigate shell degradation without any physiologic influence, one perturbation experiments using only shells of dead pteropods was performed. Lower pH reduced shell mass whereas shell dissolution increased with pCO2. Interestingly, shells of dead organisms had a higher degree of dissolution than shells of living individuals. Mortality of Limacina retroversa was strongly affected only when both pH and salinity reduced simultaneously. The combined effects of lower salinity and lower pH also affected negatively the ability of pteropods to swim upwards. Results suggest that the energy cost of maintaining ion balance and avoiding sinking (in low salinity scenario) combined with the extra energy cost necessary to counteract shell dissolution (in high pCO2 scenario), exceed the available energy budget of this organism causing the pteropods to change swimming behavior and begin to collapse. Since L. retroversa play an important role in the transport of carbonates to the deep oceans these findings have significant implications for the mechanisms influencing the inorganic carbon cycle in the sub-polar area.


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The carbonate chemistry of the surface ocean is rapidly changing with ocean acidification, a result of human activities. In the upper layers of the Southern Ocean, aragonite-a metastable form of calcium carbonate with rapid dissolution kinetics-may become undersaturated by 2050. Aragonite undersaturation is likely to affect aragonite-shelled organisms, which can dominate surface water communities in polar regions. Here we present analyses of specimens of the pteropod Limacina helicina antarctica that were extracted live from the Southern Ocean early in 2008. We sampled from the top 200 m of the water column, where aragonite saturation levels were around 1, as upwelled deep water is mixed with surface water containing anthropogenic CO2. Comparing the shell structure with samples from aragonite-supersaturated regions elsewhere under a scanning electron microscope, we found severe levels of shell dissolution in the undersaturated region alone. According to laboratory incubations of intact samples with a range of aragonite saturation levels, eight days of incubation in aragonite saturation levels of 0.94-1.12 produces equivalent levels of dissolution. As deep-water upwelling and CO2 absorption by surface waters is likely to increase as a result of human activities, we conclude that upper ocean regions where aragonite-shelled organisms are affected by dissolution are likely to expand.


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Climate change threatens both the accretion and erosion processes that sustain coral reefs. Secondary calcification, bioerosion, and reef dissolution are integral to the structural complexity and long-term persistence of coral reefs, yet these processes have received less research attention than reef accretion by corals. In this study, we use climate scenarios from RCP 8.5 to examine the combined effects of rising ocean acidity and sea surface temperature (SST) on both secondary calcification and dissolution rates of a natural coral rubble community using a flow-through aquarium system. We found that secondary reef calcification and dissolution responded differently to the combined effect of pCO2 and temperature. Calcification had a non-linear response to the combined effect of pCO2 and temperature: the highest calcification rate occurred slightly above ambient conditions and the lowest calcification rate was in the highest temperature-pCO2 condition. In contrast, dissolution increased linearly with temperature-pCO2 . The rubble community switched from net calcification to net dissolution at +271 µatm pCO2 and 0.75 °C above ambient conditions, suggesting that rubble reefs may shift from net calcification to net dissolution before the end of the century. Our results indicate that (i) dissolution may be more sensitive to climate change than calcification and (ii) that calcification and dissolution have different functional responses to climate stressors; this highlights the need to study the effects of climate stressors on both calcification and dissolution to predict future changes in coral reefs.