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Late Pliocene changes in the advection of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) derivates were reconstructed at northeast Atlantic DSDP/ODP sites 548 and 982 and compared to records of WMDW at West Mediterranean Site 978. Neodymium isotope (epsilon-Nd) values more positive than ~10.5/~ 11 reflect diluted MOW derivates that spread almost continuously into the northeast Atlantic from 3.7 to 2.55 Ma, reaching Rockall Plateau Site 982 from 3.63 to 2.75 Ma. From 3.4 to 3.3 Ma average MOW temperature and salinity increased by 2°-4 °C and ~1 psu both at proximal Site 548 and distal Site 982. The rise implies a rise in flow strength, coeval with a long-term rise in both west Mediterranean Sea surface salinity by almost 2 psu and average bottom water salinity (BWS) by ~1 psu, despite inherent uncertainties in BWS estimates. The changes were linked with major Mediterranean aridification and a drop in African monsoon humidity. In contrast to model expectations, the rise in MOW salt discharge after 3.4 Ma did not translate into improved ventilation of North Atlantic Deep Water, since it possibly was too small to significantly influence Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Right after ~2.95 Ma, with the onset of major Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, long-term average bottom water temperature (BWT) and BWS at Site 548 dropped abruptly by ~5 °C and ~1-2 psu, in contrast to more distal Site 982, where BWT and BWS continued to oscillate at estimates of ~2 °C and 1.5-2.5 psu higher than today until ~2.6 Ma. We relate the small-scale changes both to a reduced MOW flow and to enhanced dilution by warm waters of a strengthened North Atlantic Current temporarily replacing MOW derivates at Rockall Plateau.


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Ocean acidification, the drop in seawater pH associated with the ongoing enrichment of marine waters with carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning, may seriously impair marine calcifying organisms. Our present understanding of the sensitivity of marine life to ocean acidification is based primarily on short-term experiments, in which organisms are exposed to increased concentrations of CO2. However, phytoplankton species with short generation times, in particular, may be able to respond to environmental alterations through adaptive evolution. Here, we examine the ability of the world's single most important calcifying organism, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, to evolve in response to ocean acidification in two 500-generation selection experiments. Specifically, we exposed E. huxleyi populations founded by single or multiple clones to increased concentrations of CO2. Around 500 asexual generations later we assessed their fitness. Compared with populations kept at ambient CO2 partial pressure, those selected at increased partial pressure exhibited higher growth rates, in both the single- and multiclone experiment, when tested under ocean acidification conditions. Calcification was partly restored: rates were lower under increased CO2 conditions in all cultures, but were up to 50% higher in adapted compared with non-adapted cultures. We suggest that contemporary evolution could help to maintain the functionality of microbial processes at the base of marine food webs in the face of global change.


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The timing and nature of the penultimate deglaciation, also known as Termination II (T-II), is subject of controversial discussions due to the scarcity of precisely-dated palaeoclimate records. Here we present a new precisely-dated and highly-resolved multi-proxy stalagmite record covering T-II from the high alpine Schafsloch Cave in Switzerland, an area where climate is governed by the North Atlantic. The inception of stalagmite growth at 137.4 ± 1.4 kyr before present (BP) indicates the presence of drip water and cave air temperatures of above 0 °C, and is related to a climate-induced change in the thermal state (from cold-to warm-based) of the glacier above the cave. The cessation of stalagmite growth between 133.1 ± 0.7 and 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is most likely related to distinct drop in temperature associated with Heinrich stadial 11. The resumption of stalagmite growth at 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is accompanied by an abrupt increase in temperature and precipitation as indicated by distinct shifts in the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition as well as in trace element concentrations. The mid-point of T-II is around 131.8 ± 0.6 kyr BP in the Schafsloch Cave record is significantly earlier compared to the age of 129.1 ± 0.1 kyr BP in the Sanbao Cave record from China. The different ages between both records can be best explained by the competing effects of insolation and glacial boundary forcing on seasonality and snow cover extent in Eurasia.


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In this contribution, we experimentally test the effects of azimuth and tilt angle on the acoustic reflectivity of a liquid- anisotropic solid interface. For this study, we are using a large source transducer, and acquired data for samples with different tilt angles. We use Phenolic CE material, which is known to have orthorhombic symmetry. Our results show that changes of the tilt angle produce important variations on the reflectivity that are larger as the tilt increases. The most remarkable feature is the change of the critical angle with the azimuth, which shows a larger spread for larger tilts. The spectral components of the acquired waveforms also show characteristic features linked to the location of the critical angle, we particularly observed a drop in the peak frequency. These observations suggest that care must be taken about the interpretation and inversion of observed incidence and azimuth dependent seismic reflectivities and critical angles in obtaining information on a formation's anisotropy. Zip archive contains four segy files: - LAB_TI00, is not tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI30, is 30degrees tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI45, is 45 degrees tilted sample in contact with water, - LAB_TI90, is 90 degrees tilted sample in contact with water.


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Late Miocene-Recent micropaleontological and geochemical records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) indicate that increase and decrease in abundance of siliceous plankton may be controlled mainly by the input of nutrients derived from land and provided by upwelling. A high export production event - a "biogenic bloom" event - occurred in the southern SCS between 12 and 6 Ma. During this period, high ratios of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K indicate a high weathering intensity of the Asian continent, possibly due to the intensification of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which may have increased the net flux of nutrients to the ocean, both directly through terrestrial input and indirectly through upwelling activity. A drop in Ba/Ti, Al/Ti and Ca/Ti values around 6 Ma may indicate a lowering of productivity, possibly due to the large consumption of sea surface nutrients by the "biogenic bloom". Alternatively, it may indicate a shift in terrigenous input source area. At about 5.4 Ma, a decrease in weathering intensity, as indicated by a sudden decrease in the values of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K, might have led to a sudden decrease of terrestrial nutrient input to the SCS. We suggest that the biogenic bloom ended when nutrients in surface waters were exhausted, because of a decrease in supply as well as a decrease in upwelling intensity due to weakening of the EASM. As a result, radiolarians were absent in the studied area between ~6 and 3.2 Ma. At ~3.2 Ma, radiolarians began to recover, possibly because the start of Northern Hemispheric glaciation and the rapid uplift of the Tibet Plateau led to intensification of the East Asian monsoon. After the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition at 0.9 Ma, the abundance and mass accumulation rates of radiolarians increased, probably as a result of increased upwelling activity driven by the increasing intensity of the summer monsoon.


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In this study we utilize two organic geochemical proxies, the Uk'37 index and TEX86, to examine past sea surface temperatures (SST) from a site located near the Nile River Delta in the eastern Mediterranean (EM) Sea. The Uk'37 and TEX86 records generally are in agreement and indicate SST ranges of 14°C-26°C and 14°C-28°C, respectively, during the last 27 cal ka. During the Holocene, TEX86-based SST estimates are usually higher than Uk'37-based SST estimates, which is likely due to seasonal differences between the timing of the haptophyte and crenarchaeota blooms in the EM and is related to the onset of the modern flow regime of the Nile River. Both records show that SST varied on centennial to millennial timescales in response to global climate events, i.e., cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Heinrich event 1 (H1), and the Younger Dryas (YD) and warming during the Bølling-Allerød and in the early Holocene during deposition of sapropel S1. The H1 cooling was particularly severe and is marked by a drop in SST of ~4.5°C in comparison to pre-H1 SST, with temperatures >1°C cooler than during the LGM. In contrast to high-latitude and western Mediterranean records, which indicate both an abrupt onset and termination of the YD event, the transition from the YD to the Holocene was much more gradual in the EM.


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Four years of observations (1988-1991) of downward fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates at a trap site off Cape Blanc (ca. 20°N, 20°W), northwest Africa, are presented. Significant variations in flux and species composition were observed as well as a marked drop in the export of biogenic opal (and diatoms) from 1988 to 1989; fluxes remained low thereafter. We hypothesize that this diminution might be related to decreased coastal upwelling intensity and offshore spreading of the typical chlorophyll filament, and/or a lesser silicate content of upwelling waters off Cape Blanc. In addition, the more seaward positioning of the mooring may have influenced the fluxes. At all times, diatoms were the most prominent contributors to the biogenic opal flux, and diatom fluxes closely paralleled total mass flux fluctuations. Although species composition varied seasonally, no significant qualitative variations were observed from year to year. In general, the dominance of neritic diatoms, such as Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides, resting spores of Chaetoceros and Cyclotella litoralis, reflected the continuous offshore influence of coastal upwelling at the Cape Blanc trap site, with stronger intensity in spring/summer. In contrast, the occurrence of pelagic diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia bicapitata, N. interruptestriata, T. nitzschioides var. parva and Fragilariopsis doliolus), and high silicoflagellate fluxes (mainly Dictyocha messanensis) were linked to inshore transport of oceanic waters, generally in winter. With the exception of some fragile, pelagic diatoms, dominant species found in the settled material also occurred in the underlying sediments, suggesting that diatom thanatocoenosis downcore (Organisms preserved from the top to the bottom in sediment core) can be used as a reliable indicator of the intensity and persistence of the offshore spreading of coastal upwelling.


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A recently developed technique for determining past sea surface temperatures (SST), based on an analysis of the unsaturation ratio of long chain C37 methyl alkenones produced by Prymnesiophyceae phytoplankton (U37 k' ), has been applied to an upper Quaternary sediment core from the equatorial Atlantic. U37 k' temperature estimates were compared to those obtained from delta18O of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer and of planktonic foraminiferal assemblages for the last glacial cycle. The alkenone method showed 1.8°C cooling at the last glacial maximum, about 1/2 to 1/3 of the decrease shown by the isotopic method (6.3°C) and foraminiferal modern analogue technique estimates for the warm season (3.8°C). Warm season foraminiferal assemblage estimates based on transfer functions are out of phase with the other estimates, showing a 1.4°C drop at the last glacial maximum with an additional 0.9°C drop in the deglaciation. Increased alkenone abundances, total organic carbon percentage and foraminiferal accumulation rates in the last glaciation indicate an increase in productivity of as much as 4 times over present day. These changes are thought to be due to increased upwelling caused by enhanced winds during the glaciation. If U37 k' estimates are correct, as much as 50-70% (up to 4.5°C) of estimated delta18O and modern analogue temperature changes in the last glaciation may have been due to changes in thermocline depth, whereas transfer functions seem more strongly influenced by seasonality changes. This indicates these estimates may be influenced as strongly by other factors as they are by SST, which in the equatorial Atlantic was only reduced slightly in the last glaciation.


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Regulating intracellular pH (pHi) is critical for optimising the metabolic activity of corals, yet mechanisms involved in pH regulation and the buffering capacity within coral cells are not well understood. Our study investigated how the presence of symbiotic dinoflagellates affects the response of pHi to pCO2-driven seawater acidification in cells isolated from Pocillopora damicornis. Using the fluorescent dye BCECF-AM, in conjunction with confocal microscopy, we simultaneously characterised the response of pHi in host coral cells and their dinoflagellate symbionts, in symbiotic and non-symbiotic states under saturating light, with and without the photosynthetic inhibitor DCMU. Each treatment was run under control (pH 7.8) and CO2 acidified seawater conditions (decreasing pH from 7.8 - 6.8). After two hours of CO2 addition, by which time the external pH (pHe) had declined to 6.8, the dinoflagellate symbionts had increased their pHi by 0.5 pH units above control levels. In contrast, in both symbiotic and non-symbiotic host coral cells, 15 min of CO2 addition (0.2 pH unit drop in pHe) led to cytoplasmic acidosis equivalent to 0.4 pH units. Despite further seawater acidification over the duration of the experiment, the pHi of non-symbiotic coral cells did not change, though in host cells containing a symbiont cell the pHi recovered to control levels. This recovery was negated when cells were incubated with DCMU. Our results reveal that photosynthetic activity of the endosymbiont is tightly coupled with the ability of the host cell to recover from cellular acidosis after exposure to high CO2 / low pH.


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Upwelling intensity in the South China Sea has changed over glacial-interglacial cycles in response to orbital-scale changes in the East Asian Monsoon. Here, we evaluate new multi-proxy records of two sediment cores from the north-eastern South China Sea to uncover millennial-scale changes in winter monsoondriven upwelling over glacial Terminations I and II. On the basis of U/Th-based speleothem chronology, we compare these changes with sediment records of summer monsoondriven upwelling east of South Vietnam. Ocean upwelling is traced by reduced (UK'37-based) temperature and increased nutrient and productivity estimates of sea surface water (d13C on planktic foraminifera, accumulation rates of alkenones, chlorins, and total organic carbon). Accordingly, strong winter upwelling occurred north-west of Luzon (Philippines) during late Marine Isotope Stage 6.2, Heinrich (HS) and Greenland stadials (GS) HS-11, GS-26, GS-25, HS-1, and the Younger Dryas. During these stadials, summer upwelling decreased off South Vietnam and sea surface salinity reached a maximum suggesting a drop in monsoon rains, concurrent with speleothem records of aridity in China. In harmony with a stadial-to-interstadial see-saw pattern, winter upwelling off Luzon in turn was weak during interstadials, in particular those of glacial Terminations I and II, when summer upwelling culminated east of South Vietnam. Most likely, this upwelling terminated widespread deep-water stratification, coeval with the deglacial rise in atmospheric CO2. Yet, a synchronous maximum in precipitation fostered estuarine overturning circulation in the South China Sea, in particular as long as the Borneo Strait was closed when sea level dropped below -40 m.


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Oxygen isotopic studies both of benthic formanifera (Emiliani, 1954, doi:10.1126/science.119.3103.853; Savin et al., 1975, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1975)86<1499:TMP>2.0.CO;2; Shackleton and Kennett, 1975, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.29.117.1975; Savin, 1977, doi:10.1146/annurev.ea.05.050177.001535) and shallow-marine carbonates ( Dorman, 1966; Devereux, 1967; Buchart, 1978, doi:10.1038/275121a0) have provided a useful monitor of marine palaeotemperatures. The Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) has provided cores from many ocean basins to conduct detailed stable isotopic and palaeoceanographic studies of the Cenozoic and late Mesozoic. DSDP Sites 277 and 292, separated by ~60° latitude in Palaeogene times, each record an 18O enrichment in benthic foraminifera of nearly 1 per mil beginning at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Planktonic foraminiferal trends are similar to benthic trends in the high latitude southwest Pacific Ocean, but tropical planktonics show only a minor (~0.3 per mil) increase which may reflect a change in seawater composition. These results suggest a sudden cooling of Pacific deep waters and high latitude surface waters forms a useful stratigraphic marker for the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. This boundary is particularly important because of its association with several worldwide palaeo-oceanographic and biogeographic changes. These include a sudden drop in the calcite compensation depth of 1-2 km (van Andel et al., 1975; van Andel, 1975, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(75)90086-2); a decrease in planktonic microfossil diversity (Lipps, 1970, 10.2307/2406711; Kennett, 1978, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(78)90017-8; Sancetta, 1979, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90025-2); a change in planktonic biogeographic patterns (Kennett, 1978, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(78)90017-8; Sancetta, 1979, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(79)90025-2; Haq and Lohmann, 1976, doi:10.1016/0377-8398(76)90008-6); and increased erosion of deep-sea sediments over wide areas (Kennet et al., 1972; Moore et al., 1978).


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Stable isotope records for carbon and oxygen in bulk carbonates, carbon in bulk organic matter, and for total and chromium-reducible sulfur in a lacustrine sediment core from Lake Steisslingen (Southwest Germany) show several distinct and abrupt shifts during the last 15,000 years. Variations in the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates indicate two major phases in the lake history. In the pre-Holocene, the hydrological budget of the lake was apparently stable. Variations of delta18O values of authigenic carbonates were, therefore, dominantly controlled by temperature changes. A decrease in the delta18Ocarb values of about 2 per mil at the Allerød/Younger Dryas transition is interpreted as a drop in mean annual air temperatures of approximately 5°C. An abrupt temperature increase of a similar magnitude is inferred at the Younger Dryas/Preboreal boundary. Throughout most of the Holocene, the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates was influenced by marked changes in the hydrological budget of the lake. A major positive excursion in the delta13Ccarb and delta18Ocarb values at the beginning of the Atlantic and a smaller one in the Preboreal were related to evaporation effects, which indicate that dry climatic conditions must have prevailed at that time. A simultaneous increase in delta13C values of bulk organic matter at the beginning of the Atlantic suggests a high level of productivity in the lake. As a consequence, aqueous sulfate became limited as indicated by variations in the delta34S values of total and chromium-reducible sedimentary sulfur. Therefore, we conclude that the beginning of the Atlantic was characterized not only by dry but also by warm climatic conditions, which triggered a higher productivity in the lake. In the Subatlantic sediments, large variations in carbon, oxygen, and sulfur isotope ratios were observed as a result of human activities, causing considerable perturbations in the biogeochemical element cycling of Lake Steisslingen. Results obtained by the study of the continuous 15 ka record of Lake Steisslingen document clearly that isotopic proxy data from lacustrine sediments can provide useful information on environmental and climatic changes of local, regional, and in the case of the Younger Dryas event, of even hemispherical significance.


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It is predicted that surface ocean pH will reach 7.9, possibly 7.8 by the end of this century due to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere and in the surface ocean. While aragonite-rich sediments don't begin to dissolve until a threshold pH of ~ 7.8 is reached, dissolution from high-Mg calcites is evident with any drop in pH. Indeed, it is high-Mg calcite that dominates the reaction of carbonate sediments with increased CO2, which undergoes a rapid neomorphism process to a more stable, low-Mg calcite. This has major implications for the future of the high-Mg calcite producing organisms within coral reef ecosystems. In order to understand any potential buffering system offered by the dissolution of carbonate sediments under a lower oceanic pH, this process of high-Mg calcite dissolution in the reef environment must be further elucidated.