71 resultados para Conversation Analysis (CA)
Based on models and proxy data it has been proposed that salinity-driven stratification weakened in the subarctic North Pacific during the last deglaciation, which potentially contributed to the deglacial rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide. We present high-resolution subsurface temperature (TMg/Ca) and subsurface salinity-approximating (d18Oivc-sw) records across the last 20,000 years from the subarctic North Pacific and its marginal seas, derived from combined stable oxygen isotopes and Mg/Ca ratios of the planktonic foraminiferal species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). Our results indicate regionally differing changes of subsurface conditions. During the Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas cold phases our sites were subject to reduced thermal stratification, brine rejection due to sea-ice formation, and increased advection of low-salinity water from the Alaskan Stream. In contrast, the Bølling-Allerød warm phase was characterized by strengthened thermal stratification, stronger sea-ice melting, and influence of surface waters that were less diluted by the Alaskan Stream. From direct comparison with alkenone-based sea surface temperature estimates (SSTUk'37), we suggest deglacial thermocline changes that were closely related to changes in seasonal contrasts and stratification of the mixed layer. The modern upper-ocean conditions seem to have developed only since the early Holocene.
Sedimentological and geochemical (XRF) data together with information from diatom and benthic foraminiferal records of a 3.5 m long gravity core from Ameralik Fjord, southern West Greenland, is used for reconstructing late-Holocene environmental changes in this area. The changes are linked to large-scale North Atlantic ocean and climate variability. AMS 14C-dating of benthic foraminifera indicates that the sediment core records the last 4400 years and covers the termination of the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM). The late HTM (4.4 3.2 ka BP) is characterized by high accumulation rates of fine (silty) sediments related to strong meltwater discharge from the Inland Ice. The HTM benthic foraminiferal fauna demonstrates the presence of well-ventilated, saline bottom water originating from inflow of subsurface West Greenland Current water of Atlantic (Irminger Sea) origin. The hydrographic conditions were further characterized by limited sea ice probably related to a mild and relatively windy winter climate. After 3.2 ka BP lower fine-grained sedimentation rates, but a larger input from sea-ice rafted or aeolian coarse material prevailed. This can be related to colder atmospheric conditions with a decreased meltwater discharge and more widespread sea-ice cover in the fjord.
A multiproxy record including benthic foraminifera, diatoms and XRF data of a marine sediment core from a SW Greenland fjord provides a detailed reconstruction of the oceanographic and climatic variations of the region during the last 4400 cal. years. The lower part of our record represents the final termination of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. After the onset of the 'Neoglaciation' at approximately 3.2 ka cal. BP, the fjord system was subject to a number of marked hydrographical changes that were closely linked to the general climatic and oceanographic development of the Labrador Sea and the North Atlantic region. Our data show that increased advection of Atlantic water (Irminger Sea Water) from the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea was a typical feature of Northeast Atlantic cooling episodes such as the 'Little Ice Age' and the 'European Dark Ages', while the advection of Irminger Sea Water decreased significantly during warm episodes such as the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' and the 'Roman Warm Period'.Whereas the 'Mediaeval Warm Period' was characterized by relatively cool climate as suggested by low meltwater production, the preceding 'Dark Ages' display higher meltwater runoff and consequently warmer climate. When compared with European climate, these regional climate anomalies indicate persisting patterns of advection of colder, respectively warmer air masses in the study region during these periods and thus a long-term seesaw climate pattern between West Greenland and Europe.
The Australian-Indonesian monsoon has a governing influence on the agricultural practices and livelihood in the highly populated islands of Indonesia. However, little is known about the factors that have influenced past monsoon activity in southern Indonesia. Here, we present a ~6000 years high-resolution record of Australian-Indonesian summer monsoon (AISM) rainfall variations based on bulk sediment element analysis in a sediment archive retrieved offshore northwest Sumba Island (Indonesia). The record suggests lower riverine detrital supply and hence weaker AISM rainfall between 6000 yr BP and ~3000 yr BP compared to the Late Holocene. We find a distinct shift in terrigenous sediment supply at around 2800 yr BP indicating a reorganization of the AISM from a drier Mid Holocene to a wetter Late Holocene in southern Indonesia. The abrupt increase in rainfall at around 2800 yr BP coincides with a grand solar minimum. An increase in southern Indonesian rainfall in response to a solar minimum is consistent with climate model simulations that provide a possible explanation of the underlying mechanism responsible for the monsoonal shift. We conclude that variations in solar activity play a significant role in monsoonal rainfall variability at multi-decadal and longer timescales. The combined effect of orbital and solar forcing explains important details in the temporal evolution of AISM rainfall during the last 6000 years. By contrast, we find neither evidence for volcanic forcing of AISM variability nor for a control by long-term variations in the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
The processes of formation of iron-manganese nodules and crusts have been studied on an example of the Eningi-Lampi lake, Central Karelia, where the relationships between the source of the ore, sedimentary materials and areas of their accumulation prove relatively simple and apparent. Nodules and crusts are composed mostly by birnessite, amorphous hydrous ferric oxides and hydro-goethite. They occur, as a rule, on the surface of relatively coarse-grained sediments, at the ground-water interface. Considerably in a lesser extent are found the nodules in the upper part (0ó5 cm) of the red-brown flooded watery mud covering dark-green, black muds. The nucleus of nodules, or the basis of crusts of iron-manganese hydroxides are various, frequently altered, fragments of rocks, sometimes pieces of wood. Distribution of Mn and Fe in sediments and waters of the lake is considered. It is shown that the Mn/Fe ratio decreases considerably in waters, sediments and nodules of the lake while moving off a distance from the source. The main role in the process of formation of iron-manganese nodules belongs to the selective chemosorption interaction (with auto-catalytic oxidation) of component-bearing solutions with active surfaces.
Short-term spectral analysis was carried out on geochemical logging data from ODP Site 704. The FFT was used to compute the amplitude spectra of short-term overlapping segments to produce depth-period-amplitude spectrograms of the logging data. The spectrograms provided a means of evaluating the significance of the observed periodic components. The periodic components that were consistently present and prominent across a given record interval were considered to be significant. Changes in the spectrogram characteristics seem to reflect changes in either lithology, sedimentation rates, or hiatuses and may therefore provide useful information to aid in stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental studies. The dominant periodicity during the late Pleistocene and Brunhes Chron (0.97 to 0.47 Ma) was determined to be > 100,000 yr whereas the upper Matuyama Chron was dominated by the 41,000-yr periodicity. These periodicities suggest that the sedimentation patterns within the upper Matuyama Chron (0.98-1.78 Ma) were influenced by the Milankovitch obliquity cycle and those within the latest Matuyama-Brunhes Chron (<0.98 Ma) by the eccentricity cycle. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary therefore represents a major discontinuity. Periodicities observed within the lower Matuyama and the upper Gauss Chron did not correlate with any of the periodicities within the Milankovitch frequency bands.
An increase in whole ocean alkalinity during glacial periods could account, in part, for the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean. Such an increase was inevitable due to the near elimination of shelf area for the burial of coral reef alkalinity. We present evidence, based on down-core measurements of benthic foraminiferal B/Ca and Mg/Ca from a core in the Weddell Sea, that the deep ocean carbonate ion concentration, [CO3 2-], was elevated by ~25 µmol/kg during each glacial period of the last 800 kyrs. The heterogeneity of the preservation histories in the different ocean basins reflects control of the carbonate chemistry of the deep glacial ocean in the Atlantic and Pacific by the changing ventilation and chemistry of Weddell Sea waters. These waters are more corrosive than interglacial northern sourced waters, but not as undersaturated as interglacial southern sourced waters. Our inferred increase in whole ocean alkalinity can be reconciled with reconstructions of glacial saturation horizon depth and the carbonate budget, if carbonate burial rates also increased above the saturation horizon as a result of enhanced pelagic calcification. The Weddell records display low [CO3 2-] during deglaciations and peak interglacial warmth, coincident with maxima in %CaCO3 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Should the burial rate of alkalinity in the more alkaline glacial deepwaters outstrip the rate of alkalinity supply, then pelagic carbonate production by the coccolithophores, at the end of the glacial maximum could drive a decrease in ocean [CO3 2-] and act to trigger the deglacial rise in pCO2.
Bereits im Jahre 1956 wurde bei Baugrund-Aufschlußbohrungen für das zweite Kurmittelhaus in Bad Bramstedt bei einer Serie von 11 Bohrungen - ausgeführt durch die Firma Fritz Eising K. G. in Hamburg - in drei benachbart gelegenen Bohrpunkten an der südlichen Ecke des Gebäudes in einer Teufe von ca. 10 m u. T. eine offensichtlich organogene Schicht von ca. 2 m Mächtigkeit erbohrt. Eines dieser Bohrprofile hat folgenden Aufbau: -5,8 m Fein-Mittelsand, -7,7 m Mittelsand, Fein-Mittelkies, -10,0 m Mittelsand, wenig Kies, -12,0 m Gyttja, -15,0 m Mittelsand, Grobsand. Die bereits wiedergegebene Teufenangabe ist insofern recht interessant, als im Jahre 1966 bei der Brücke über die Bramau bei Hitzhusen, demnach in der Talaue der Bramau in einer Teufe von 8,55 m ebenfalls eine Gyttja erbohrt wurde. Die Tiefenlagen beider Vorkommen scheinen sich demnach relativ zu entsprechen. Das gesamte Profil bei Hitzhusen ist in einigen Punkten abweichend ausgebildet und enthält vor allem noch ein zweites Gyttja-Band in 11,25 m Teufe. Im Einzelnen wurde hier durch die Bohrfirma Paul Hammers A. G., Hamburg, diese Schichtfolge angetroffen: -1.55 m Fein-Mittelsand, Humus, -3,10 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, Steine, etwas Lehm, -4,50 m Mittel-Grobsand, -7,20 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -8,00 m Grobsand, -8,55 m Grobsand, Kies, -8,65 m Schluff-Gyttja, -9,70 m Fein-Grobsand, -10,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -10,75 m Mittel-Grobsand, -11,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Schluffstreifen, -11,40 m Schluff-Gyttja, -12,10 m Mittelsand, -12,30 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -17,85 m Geschiebemergel. Die gewonnenen Proben der Schluff-Gyttjen wurden näher untersucht. Da es sich in beiden Fällen um geringmächtige Lagen handelt (0,1 m resp. 0,15 m), und das Material durchaus als stark feinsandig bis schluffig zu bezeichnen ist (das spricht für eine wesentlich schnellere Sedimentation, als die einer reinen biogenen Gyttja), ist der Effekt einer 'Mischprobe' weitgehend ausgeschlossen. Außerdem lagen die Proben - obgleich wahrscheinlich mit einem Ventilbohrer gefördert - als relativ ungestörte Brocken mit erhaltengebliebener Feinschichtung vor. Auf den Schichtflächen waren gröbere Pflanzenreste erkennbar (in der Tabelle angegeben). Der sehr hohe mineralische Anteil läßt zunächst den Verdacht auf sekundären Pollen aufkommen. Keines der beiden pollenanalytisch ermittelten Vegetationsbilder liefert dagegen irgendeine Bestätigung hierfür.
Pollen analytical studies were carried out on two sediment cores from Outer Flensburg Fjord taken by N. Exon (1972). 1) Based on the occurrence of Fagopyrum, the lower peat horizon (ca. 40 cm below mean sea level) of the inner lagoon near Beveroe developed after 1400 AD. The dominance of Pinus indicates that its formation may have taken place as late as the end of the 17th. Century. 2) Core No. 10872 from a water depth of 26.5 m contains the pollen zones VIII through the beginning of XI (Overbeck, 1950). Although salinity maxima fall in zone IX, they are not reflected in the pollen curves which show the normal picture found in South Jütland.
Modern erosion of the Himalaya, the world's largest mountain range, transfers huge dissolved and particulate loads to the ocean. It plays an important role in the long-term global carbon cycle, mostly through enhanced organic carbon burial in the Bengal Fan. To understand the role of past Himalayan erosion, the influence of changing climate and tectonic on erosion must be determined. Here we use a 12 Myr sedimentary record from the distal Bengal Fan (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 218) to reconstruct the Mio-Pliocene history of Himalayan erosion. We use carbon stable isotopes (d13C) of bulk organic matter as paleo-environmental proxy and stratigraphic tool. Multi-isotopic - Sr, Nd and Os - data are used as proxies for the source of the sediments deposited in the Bengal Fan over time. d13C values of bulk organic matter shift dramatically towards less depleted values, revealing the widespread Late Miocene (ca. 7.4 Ma) expansion of C4 plants in the basin. Sr, Nd and Os isotopic compositions indicate a rather stable erosion pattern in the Himalaya range during the past 12 Myr. This supports the existence of a strong connection between the southern Tibetan plateau and the Bengal Fan. The tectonic evolution of the Himalaya range and Southern Tibet seems to have been unable to produce large re-organisation of the drainage system. Moreover, our data do not suggest a rapid change of the altitude of the southern Tibetan plateau during the past 12 Myr. Variations in Sr and Nd isotopic compositions around the late Miocene expansion of C4 plants are suggestive of a relative increase in the erosion of High Himalaya Crystalline rock (i.e. a simultaneous reduction of both Transhimalayan batholiths and Lesser Himalaya relative contributions). This could be related to an increase in aridity as suggested by the ecological and sedimentological changes at that time. A reversed trend in Sr and Nd isotopic compositions is observed at the Plio-Pleistocene transition that is likely related to higher precipitation and the development of glaciers in the Himalaya. These almost synchronous moderate changes in erosion pattern and climate changes during the late Miocene and at the Plio-Pleistocene transition support the notion of a dominant control of climate on Himalayan erosion during this time period. However, stable erosion regime during the Pleistocene is suggestive of a limited influence of the glacier development on Himalayan erosion.
Living Heterostegina depressa were found in the Persian Gulf on shallows and sides of islands in the Central Basin. Preliminary culture experiments furnished information on life span, salinity tolerances and population density of species. Reproduction processes (probably asexual) could be observed several times. A possible carbonate production of ca. 150 g/year/m**2 has been estimated.