121 resultados para Combined lower upper bound estimation (LUBE)


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Live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal communities (hard-shelled species only) from the Pakistan continental margin oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) have been studied in order to determine the relation between faunal composition and the oxygenation of bottom waters. During R.R.S. Charles Darwin Cruises 145 and 146 (12 March to May 28 2003), 11 multicores were taken on the continental margin off Karachi, Pakistan. Two transects were sampled, constituting a composite bathymetric profile from 136 m (above the OMZ in spring 2003) down to 1870 m water depth. Cores (surface area 25.5 cm2) were processed as follows: for stations situated above, and in the upper part of the OMZ, sediment slices were taken for the 0-0.5 and 0.5-1 cm intervals, and then in 1 cm intervals down to 10 cm. For the lower part of the OMZ, the second centimetre was also sliced in half-centimetre intervals. Each sample was stored in 10 % borax-buffered formalin for further processing. Onshore, the samples were wet sieved over 63 µm, 150 µm and 300 µm sieves and the residues were stained for one week in ethanol with Rose Bengal. After staining, the residue was washed again. The stained faunas were picked wet in three granulometric fractions (63-150 µm, 150-300 µm and >300 µm), down to 10 cm depth. To gain more insight into the population dynamics we investigated the dead (unstained) foraminifera in the 2-3 cm level for the fractions 150-300 µm and >300 µm. The fractions >300 µm and 150-300 µm show nearly the same faunal distribution and therefore the results are presented here for both fractions combined (i.e. the >150 µm fraction). Live foraminiferal densities show a clear maximum in the first half centimetre of the sediment; only few specimens are found down to 4 cm depth. The faunas exhibit a clear zonation across the Pakistan margin OMZ. Down to 500 m water depth, Uvigerina ex gr. U. semiornata and Bolivina aff. B. dilatata dominate the assemblages. These taxa are largely restricted to the upper cm of the sediment. They are adapted to the very low bottom-water oxygen values (ab. 0.1 ml/l in the OMZ core) and the extremely high input of organic carbon on the upper continental slope. The lower part of the OMZ is characterized by cosmopolitan faunas, containing also some taxa that in other areas have been described in deep infaunal microhabitats.


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We investigated surficial sediments for physico-chemical composition from numerous sites of seven study areas in the manganese nodule field of the northern Peru Basin as part of a deep-sea environmental study. Major results from this study are strong variability with respect to water depth, productivity in surface waters, locality, bottom water flow, and seafloor topography. Sediment sites are located mostly in 3900 to 4300 m water depth between the lysocline and the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Large fluctuations in carbonate content (0% to 80%) determine sediment density and compressional-wave velocity, and, by dilution, contents of opal and non-biogenic material. Mass accumulation rates of biogenic components as well as geochemical proxies (barium and phosphorus) distinguish areas of higher productivity in the northwest near equatorial upwelling and in the northeast close to coastal upwelling, from areas of lower productivity in the west and south. Comparisons between the central Peru Basin area (Discol) and western Peru Basin area (Sediperu) reveals, for the Sediperu area, a shallower CCD, more carbonate but less opal, organic carbon, and non-biogenic material in sediments at the same water depth as well as larger down-core fluctuations of organic carbon and MnO2. Bottom water flow in the abyssal hill topography causes winnowing of material from summits of seamounts and ridges, where organic carbon preservation is poor, to basins where organic carbon preservation is better. Down-core measurements in box cores indicate a three-fold division in the upper 50 cm of the sediment column. An uppermost semi-liquid top layer is dark brown, 5-15 cm thick and contains most of the ferro-manganese nodules. A 5-15 cm thick transition zone of light sediment color has increasing shear strength, lowest opal contents and compressional-wave velocities, but highest carbonate contents and sediment densities. The lowermost layer contains stiffer light gray sediments.


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From the DSDP Legs 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 27, 32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 50, and 62 the Lower Cretaceous foraminifers have been investigated for biostratigraphical, taxonomical, and palaeoecological purposes. An overview of the cored Lower Cretaceous sections of Leg 1-80 is given. In the Northern Atlantic Ocean characteristic foraminiferal faunas are missing from the Upper Tithonian to the Valanginian due to a marked regression which caused hiatuses. In areas without black shale conditions Valanginian to Barremian medium rich to poor microfaunas with Praedorothia ouachensis (Sigal) of the Praedorothia ouachensis Zone (Valanginian-Hauterivian). The Hauterivian-Aptian interval is characterized by zones of Gavelinella barrerniana, Gaudryina dividens, and Conorotalites aptiensis. During the Albian a world-wide fauna consisting of agglutinated and calcareous foraminifers of the Pseudoclavulina gaultina Zone is established in areas lacking the wide-spread black-shale conditions. The Upper Albian and the Cenomanian are represented by the Gavelinella eenomanica Zone. Some ornamented species of the nodosariids (Citharina, Lenticulina), Gavelinella, Conorotatites, Pleurostomella, Vatvulineria, and Osangularia are of some importance for the biostratigraphy of the Berriasian-Albian interval. The Berriasian to Albian zones introduced for the Tethys and the DSDP by Moullade (1984) could only be of some local importance due to the long stratigraphical range of the foraminiferal species used. In the Indian Ocean an exact stratigraphical age cannot be assigned to the few Neocomian foraminiferal faunas of a cooler sea water (Site 261). These faunas mainly contain primitive agglutinated foraminifers, because in most cases the calcareous tests are dissolved or redeposited. In the Pacific Ocean most of the Berriasian to Aptian microfaunas are of minor biostratigraphical and palaeoecological importance for reasons of poor core recoveries, contaminations or original foraminiferal poverty (black shales). Since the Albian there are somewhat higher-diverse faunas of calcareous and agglutinated foraminifers with index species of the Pseudoclavulina gaultina Zone. As a rule, the boundary Albian/Cenomanian is set by means of planktonic foraminifers because no other foraminifer has its first appearance datum during this interval, except Gavelinella cenornanica. During the Albian very uniform, world-wide foraminiferal faunas without a marked provincialism are obvious.


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Based on sedimentological and geochemical data, the Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary sequence at Ocean Drilling Program Site 661 was subdivided into four intervals: Interval I (Campanian age) is characterized by sediments deposited below the calcite compensation depth (CCD) inside a high-productivity area and well-oxygenated bottom waters, indicated by the absence of carbonate, the major occurrence of zeolites and opal-CT, and intense bioturbation. Very fine-grained siliciclastic sediments and the lack of any erosional features suggest a low-energy environment. The terrigenous fraction was probably supplied by winds from the nontropical areas in South Africa. Interval II (Maestrichtian age) is characterized by high-amplitude variations in the carbonate content indicative of a deposition above the CCD, superimposed by (climate-controlled) short-term fluctuations of the CCD. The absence of both zeolites and opal-CT imply a position of Site 661 outside high-productivity areas. The first occurrence of higher amounts of kaolinite (especially during the middle Maestrichtian) suggests the onset of a terrigenous sediment supply from tropical areas. Interval III (between uppermost Cretaceous to early Tertiary) is characterized by the absence of carbonate and zeolites, interpreted as deposition below the CCD and outside an oceanic high-productivity belt. The kaolinite-over-illite dominance suggests a terrigenous sediment supply from tropical areas. Interval IV (between early Tertiary and Miocene age) is characterized by the occurrence of black manganeserich layers, major nodules/pebbles, and erosional surfaces, indicating phases of extremely reduced sediment accumulation and bottom-current activities. In the lower part of this interval (?Eocene age), higher amounts of zeolites occur, which suggest a higher oceanic productivity caused by equatorial upwelling. The source area of the terrigenous sediment fraction at Site 661 was the tropical region of northwest Africa, as suggested by the kaolinite-over-illite dominance.


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The distribution of Li isotopes in pore waters to a depth of 1157 m below seafloor is presented for ODP Sites 918 and 919 in the Irminger Basin, offshore Greenland. Lithium isotope data are accompanied by strontium isotope ratios to decipher diagenetic reactions in the sediments which are characterized by the pervasive presence of volcanic material, as well as by very high accumulation rates in the upper section. The lowering of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio below contemporaneous seawater values indicates several zones of volcanic material alteration. The Li isotope profiles are complex suggesting a variety of exchange reactions with the solid phases. These include cation exchange with NH4+ and mobilization from sediments at depth, in addition to the alteration of volcanic matter. Lithium isotopes are, therefore, a sensitive indicator of sediment-water interaction. d6Li values of pore waters at these two sites vary between -42 and -25?. At shallow depths (<100 mbsf), rapid decreases in the Li concentration, accompanied by a shift to heavier isotopic compositions, indicate uptake of Li into alteration products. A positive anomaly of d6Li observed at both sites is coincident with the NH4+ maximum produced by organic matter decomposition and may be related to ion exchange of Li from the sediments by NH4+. In the lower sediment column at Site 918, dissolved Li increases with depth and is characterized by enrichment of 6Li. The Li isotopic compositions of both the waters and the solid phase suggest that the enrichment of Li in deep interstitial waters is a result of release from pelagic sediments. The significance of sediment diagenesis and adsorption as sinks of oceanic Li is evaluated. The maximum diffusive flux into the sediment due to volcanic matter alteration can be no more than 5% of the combined inputs from rivers and submarine hydrothermal solutions. Adsorption on to sediments can only account for 5-10% of the total inputs from rivers and submarine hot springs.


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A new planktic foraminiferal zonal scheme is presented for subdivision of Upper Cretaceous pelagic carbonate sequences in the circum-Antarctic region. Definition of the zones and subzones is based study of foraminifera from 13 deep-sea sections that were poleward of 50 °S paleolatitude and within the Austral Biogeographic Realm during Late Cretaceous time. The proposed biostratigraphic scheme includes seven Upper Cretaceous zones, with an average stratigraphic resolution of 4.4 m.y., and six subzones, which are all within the Maastrichtian Stage, with an average stratigraphic resolution of 1.4 m.y. The considerably higher resolution in the Maastrichtian Stage is a result of good foraminiferal preservation, availability of high quality magnetostratigraphic sections, and complete composite stratigraphic recovery in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sectors of the Antarctic Ocean. Diminished resolution in the pre-Maastrichtian sediments of southern high latitude sections results from: (1) incomplete recovery of the middle Campanian, lower Santonian and most of the Cenomanian-lower Coniacian intervals, (2) presence of local and regional hiatuses, (3) paleobathymetric shallowing with increasing age at some sites, resulting in impoverished older planktic assemblages, and (4) poorer preservation with increasing burial depth. Cross-latitude correlation of the Campanian and older austral sequences may be improved with future drilling by recovery of sections that span existing stratigraphic gaps. Correlation of high latitude bioevents with chemostratigraphic events and their intercalibration with the magnetostratigraphy and the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale are needed for better chronostratigraphic resolution in existing high latitude sequences.


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Uranium series nuclide concentrations have been measured on sediments from five box cores from an equatorial Pacific transect. 230Thexcess activities show discontinuities at the Holocene-glacial boundary as dated by 14C. The glacial sedimentation rates determined by 230Th and 14C are 2.5-3.0 cm/kyr. The Holocene rates from 230Th are much lower than those dated by 14C (1.9-2.3 cm/kyr) because of carbonate dissolution. 230Th sedimentation fluxes exceed water column supply by factors of 1.2-1.8 in the Holocene and 1.8-3.0 in the glacial sections. A number of models have been applied to calculate carbonate dissolution rates. The results show that carbonate dissolution rates in the Holocene (in g/cm**2 kyr) equal 1.5 * 10**-3 exp (1.4D) where D is water depth in kilometers. A point-by- point estimation of sediment fluxes through time show that clay accumulation rates in the area have been near constant at 0.1-0.2 g/cm**2 kyr over the past 20 kyr whereas carbonate accumulation rates have decreased dramatically from 0.6-1.0 g/cm**2 kyr in the glacial sections of the cores to 0.2-0.6 g/cm**2 kyr in the Holocene. The errors caused by the uncertainties in the age of the termination of the last glacial period have been investigated and results show that a range of 11-14 kyr leads to an error upper limit of about 30% in the estimation of CaCO3 dissolution rates. The response time of CaCO3 and 230Thex concentrations in the mixed layer of sediments due to an impulse of change in CaCO3 dissolution rate has also been discussed, showing that the observed changes in carbonate dissolution may be explained in terms of a single or a continuous change, depending upon the thickness of the mixed layer.


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Oceanic basalts and other related igneous rocks are considered excellent recorders of the Earth's paleomagnetic field. Consequently, basalt core paleomagnetic data are valuable for the constraints they provide on plate tectonic motions, especially for oceanic plates such as the Pacific. Unfortunately, few Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) boreholes have been cored very deeply into the ocean crust. The result is that there are only a few sites at which a large enough number of basalt flows have been cored to properly average secular variation (e.g., Kono, 1980, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.55.135.1980; Cox and Gordon, 1984, doi:10.1029/RG022i001p00047). Furthermore, there are a number of sites where basaltic core samples were retrieved but the cores were not measured. Often this occurs because leg scientists had more important sections to work on, or the section was ignored because it was too short to record enough time to average secular variation and obtain a reliable paleolatitude. Even though it may not be possible to determine a precise paleolatitude from such short sections, measurements from a small number of flows are important because they can be combined with other coeval paleomagnetic data from the same plate to calculate a paleomagnetic pole (Gordon and Cox, 1980, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02642.x; Cox and Gordon, 1984, doi:10.1029/RG022i001p00047). For this reason, I obtained samples for paleomagnetic measurements from eight Pacific sites (169, 170, 171, 581, 597, 800, 803, and 865), most of which have not been previously measured for paleomagnetism.


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Chert, Porcellanite, and other silicified rocks formed in response to high heat flow in the lower 50 meters of 275 meters of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504, Costa Rica Rift. Chert and Porcellanite partly or completely replaced upper Miocene chalk and limestone. Silicified rock occurs as nodules, laminae, stringers, and casts of burrows, and consists of quartz and opal-CT in varying amounts, associated with secondary calcite. The secondary silica was derived from dissolution of opal-A (biogenic silica), mostly diatom frustules and radiolarian tests. Temperature data obtained at the site indicate that transformation of opal-A to opal-CT began at about 50°C, and transformation from opal-CT to quartz at about 55°C. Quartz is most abundant close to basement basalts. These silica transformations occurred over the past 1 m.y., and took place so rapidly that there was incomplete ordering of opal-CT before transformation to quartz; opal-CT formed initially with an uncommonly wide d spacing. Quartz shows poor crystallinity. Chemical data show that the extensively silicified rocks consist of over 96% SiO2; in these rocks, minor and trace elements decreased greatly, except for boron, which increased. Low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents in all studied rocks preclude the presence of significant volcanic or terrigenous detritus. Mn content increases with depth, perhaps reflecting contributions from basalts or hydrothermal solutions. Comparisons with cherts from oceanic plateaus in the central Pacific point to a more purely biogenic host sediment for the Costa Rica Rift cherts, more rapid precipitation of quartz, and formation nearer a spreading center. Despite being closer to continental sources of ash and terrigenous detritus, Costa Rica Rift cherts have lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Mn concentrations.


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The scavenging of 231Pa and 230Th was investigated in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean by combining results from sediment trap and in situ filtration studies. We present the first high-resolution profile of dissolved 230Th and 231Pa in surface waters across the ACC, showing a dramatic southward increase of both radionuclides around the southern ACC Front at 533S. High dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratios combined with low 230Th/231Pa fractionation factors (F) in these surface waters result in extremely high 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios of material collected in the shallow traps. Particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 ratios in a shallow trap near Bouvet Island increase continuously during the productive period in austral summer, and drop back in the low flux period. This behavior, following the Rayleigh fractionation principle, is interpreted to be due to an increase in the dissolved 231Pa/230Th ratio in the euphotic zone resulting from preferential scavenging of 230Th relative to 231Pa, even in opal-dominated regions. In the post-bloom stage, the depleted radionuclide concentrations are replenished by upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water. The high particulate 231Pa94/230Th94 signal is weakened during downward transport of the bloom particles in the water column by incorporation of deep suspended particles, which have a lower 231Pa94/230Th94 ratio. It is shown that under the special hydrographic conditions in the Southern Ocean scavenging from the upper water column significantly influences the budgets of 230Th and 231Pa in the sediment. Nevertheless, the budgets are still made up primarily by scavenging from the large standing stock of deep suspended particles.


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The biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of lower Oligocene to Pleistocene diatoms is documented from Holes 747A, 747B, 748B, 749B, and 751A drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southeast Indian Ocean. The occurrence of middle and upper Eocene diatoms is also documented, but these are rare and occur in discrete intervals. The recovery of several Oligocene to Pleistocene sections with minimal coring gaps, relatively good magnetostratigraphic signatures, and mixed assemblages of both calcareous and siliceous microfossils makes the above four Leg 120 sites important biostratigraphic reference sections for the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continent. A high-resolution diatom zonation divides the last 36 m.y. into 45 zones and subzones. This zonation is built upon an existing biostratigraphic framework developed over the past 20 yr of Southern Ocean/Antarctic deep-sea coring and drilling. After the recent advances from diatom biostratigraphic studies on sediments from Legs 113, 114, 119, and 120, a zonal framework for the Southern Ocean is beginning to stabilize. The potential age resolution afforded by the high-diversity diatom assemblages in this region ranks among the highest of all fossil groups. In addition to the 46 datum levels that define the diatom zones and subzones, the approximate stratigraphic level, age, and magnetic anomaly correlative of more than 150 other diatom datums are determined or estimated. These total 73 datum levels for the Pliocene-Pleistocene, 67 for the Miocene, and 45 for the Oligocene. Greater stratigraphic resolution is possible as the less common and poorly documented species become better known. This high-resolution diatom stratigraphy, combined with good to moderately good magnetostratigraphic control, led to the recognition of more than 10 intervals where hiatuses dissect the Oligocene-Pleistocene section on the Kerguelen Plateau. We propose 12 new diatom taxa and 6 new combination


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Sites 1147 (18°50.11'N, 116°33.28'E; water depth = 3246 m) and 1148 (18°50.17'N, 116°33.94'E; water depth = 3294 m) are located on the lowermost continental slope off southern China near the continent/ocean crust boundary of the South China Sea Basin. Site 1147 is located upslope ~0.45 nmi west of Site 1148. Three advanced piston corer holes at Site 1147 and two extended core barrel holes at Site 1148 were cored and combined into a composite (spliced) stratigraphic section, which provided a relatively continuous profile for the lower Oligocene to Holocene (Wang, Prell, Blum, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.184.2000; Jian, et al., 2001, doi:10.1007/BF02907088) for studying stratigraphy and paleoceanography. A total of 1047 planktonic foraminifers stable isotope measurements were performed on 975 samples covering the upper 409.58 meters composite depth (mcd) at ~42-cm intervals (Tables T1, T2), and a total of 1864 benthic foraminifers measurements were performed on 1650 samples in the upper 837.11 mcd at ~51-cm intervals (Tables T3, T4). We significantly improved the time resolution of the benthic stable isotope record in the upper 476.68 mcd by reducing the average sample spacing to ~29 cm. This translates into an average sampling resolution of ~16 k.y. for the Miocene sequence and ~8 k.y. for the Pliocene-Holocene interval, assuming a change in sedimentation rates from ~1.8 to ~3.5 cm/k.y., as suggested by shipboard stratigraphy. These data sets provide the basis for upcoming studies to establish an oxygen isotope stratigraphy and examine the Neogene evolution of deep and surface water signatures (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) in the South China Sea.


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ODP Leg 119 drilled 11 sites on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) and Prydz Bay (East Antarctica). Upper Pliocene through Quaternary sediments were recovered at Site 736 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils occurred in only a few samples. Over 700 m of middle Eocene through Quaternary sediments was cored at Site 737 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau, and calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the middle Eocene through the middle Miocene sediments. Nearly 500 m of sediments ranging from the lower Turanian to the Quaternary was recovered at Site 738 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils are abundant from the Miocene downward. Calcareous nannofossils are also abundant in the upper Eocene through Miocene section from Site 744 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau. Except for Core 119-746A-13H, the Neogene sequences drilled at deep-water Sites 745 and 746 off the southern Kerguelen Plateau are devoid of calcareous nannofossils. Occurrences of calcareous nannofossils were generally rare and sporadic at Sites 739 and 742 in Prydz Bay and suggest that the diamictite sequences recovered is as old as middle Eocene-early Oligocene age. Other sites drilled in Prydz Bay (Sites 740, 741, and 743) did not yield calcareous nannofossils. Species diversity of calcareous nannofossils was low (about a dozen) in the southern Indian Ocean in the Late Cretaceous. High-latitude nanno floral characteristics are apparent after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary extinctions. Cold climatic conditions limited Oligocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages to fewer than a dozen species, and extinctions of species generally were not compensated by originations of new species. Only a few species of calcareous nannofossils were found in the Miocene sequences, in which Coccolithuspelagicus and one or two species of Reticulofenestra exhibit extreme (0%-100%) fluctuations in assemblage dominance, and these fluctuations may reflect rapid fluctuations in the surface-water temperatures. Further deterioration of climate in the late Neogene essentially excluded calcareous nannoplankton from the Southern Ocean. Significantly warmer water conditions during part of the early-middle Pleistocene were inferred by a few lower-middle Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil species found on the Kerguelen Plateau. The calcareous nannofossil zonation of Roth (1978 doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.44.134.1978) can be applied to the Upper Cretaceous section recovered at Site 738, and the zonation of Okada and Bukry (1980 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(80)90016-X) can be applied without much difficulty to the Paleocene to middle Eocene sequences from the Kerguelen Plateau. However, some conventional upper Paleogene markers are not useful for southern high latitudes, whereas a few nonconventional species events are useful for subdividing the upper Paleogene sequences. The latter species events include the first occurrence (FO) of Reticulofenestra reticulata, the FO and last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra oamaruensis, the LO of Isthmolithus recurvus, and the LO of Chiasmolithus altus. As the Neogene sequences from the southern Indian Ocean contain only a few long-ranging, cold-water species, or are devoid of coccoliths, calcareous nannofossil zonations remain virtually unworkable for the Neogene in the high-latitude southern Indian Ocean as in other sectors of the Southern Ocean.


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The AND-1B drill core recovered a 13.57 million year Miocene through Pleistocene record from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf in Antarctica (77.9°S, 167.1°E). Varying sedimentary facies in the 1285 m core indicate glacial-interglacial cyclicity with the proximity of ice at the site ranging from grounding of ice in 917 m of water to ice free marine conditions. Broader interpretation of climatic conditions of the wider Ross Sea Embayment is deduced from provenance studies. Here we present an analysis of the iron oxide assemblages in the AND-1B core and interpret their variability with respect to wider paleoclimatic conditions. The core is naturally divided into an upper and lower succession by an expanded 170 m thick volcanic interval between 590 and 760 m. Above 590 m the Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles are diatom rich and below 760 m late Miocene glacial cycles are terrigenous. Electron microscopy and rock magnetic parameters confirm the subdivision with biogenic silica diluting the terrigenous input (fine pseudo-single domain and stable single domain titanomagnetite from the McMurdo Volcanic Group with a variety of textures and compositions) above 590 m. Below 760 m, the Miocene section consists of coarse-grained ilmenite and multidomain magnetite derived from Transantarctic Mountain lithologies. This may reflect ice flow patterns and the absence of McMurdo Volcanic Group volcanic centers or indicate that volcanic centers had not yet grown to a significant size. The combined rock magnetic and electron microscopy signatures of magnetic minerals serve as provenance tracers in both ice proximal and distal sedimentary units, aiding in the study of ice sheet extent and dynamics, and the identification of ice rafted debris sources and dispersal patterns in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica.


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Quantity, type, and maturity of the organic matter of middle Miocene to Quaternary sediments from the eastern North Pacific (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 63) were determined. Hydrocarbons and fatty acids in lipid extracts were analyzed by capillary column gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Kerogens were investigated by Rock-Eval pyrolysis and microscopy, and vitrinite reflectance values were determined. At Site 467, in the San Miguel Gap of the outer California Continental Borderland, organic carbon contents range from 1.46% to 5.40%. Normalized to organic carbon, total extracts increase from about 10 to 36 mg/g Corg with depth. The organic matter is a mixture of both marine and terrestrial origin, with the marine organic matter representing a high proportion in some of the samples. Steroid hydrocarbons - sterenes and steradienes in the upper part of the section and steranes in the deepest sample - are the most abundant compounds in the nonaromatic hydrocarbon fractions. Perylene, alkylated thiophenes, and aromatic steroid hydrocarbons dominate in the aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of the shallower samples; increasing maturation is indicated by a more petroleumlike aromatic hydrocarbon distribution. Microscopy revealed a high amount of liptinitic organic matter and confirmed the maturation trend as observed from analysis of the extracts. The vitrinite reflectance may be extrapolated to a bottom-hole value of nearly 0.5% Ro. The liquid hydrocarbon potential of the sediments at higher maturity levels is rated to be good to excellent. At Site 471, off Baja California, organic carbon values are between 0.70% and 1.12%. Extract values increase with depth, as at Site 467. The investigation of the soluble and insoluble organic matter, despite some compositional similarities, consistently revealed a more terrigenous influx compared with Site 467. Thus the potential for liquid hydrocarbon generation is lower, the organic matter being more gas-prone. The deepest sample analyzed indicates the onset of hydrocarbon generation. At this site, frequent sand intercalations offer pathways for migration and possibly reservoir formation.